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Intro to Music Theory and Musicianship

Comprov #2 - Performed in class on Oct 12 and 14

Comprov #2 Prompt:

1) Create a simple looping chord progression (at least 3 different chords)

2) Choose a pitch collection (scale) which fits with your chord progression

3) Using your pitch collection, plan and execute a 2-minute long (or so)
improvisation on your instrument of choice.

Other Information:

Your chord progression can either be recorded and played-back as a backing track, or can
be performed live (Prof. Pearson can play piano, or you can ask classmates to perform
with you if you want to compose something more elaborate.)

You will not be able to read off of any music for your improvisation, but you can have a
reference sheet with your pitch collection or other formal information.

Improvising doesn’t mean that you don’t give it any thought ahead of time — quite the
opposite! Practice this, prepare motives or ornaments you want to incorporate, plan
dynamic/rhythmic/formal/harmonic contrasts. The more structure you build in ahead
of time the easier it will be to improvise.

Keep it simple! It doesn’t have to be super fast or complex - I just want you to be
genuinely improvising.

Grading Criteria:
Notice that ‘making mistakes while improvising’ is not part of what I’m considering!

95+ Not just checking the boxes of the assignment but exceptionally creative,
risk taking, aesthetically interesting, intentional creative choices, above and beyond, etc.

88 - 95 Engages with the comprovisation prompt in a creative way, executes well,

clear display of preparation.

80 - 88 Mostly checks the boxes, but a lack of preparation or intention

65 - 80 Missing components of the assignment, lack of preparation

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