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Glossary of Dzogchen concepts 2

Post Fri Feb 01, 2019 6:53 pm
Tashi delek,
Jacob Winkler, is a German Translator who lives in Bonn / Germany
and studies there at the University.
He functions sometimes as the translator of the Bön Yongdzin
This Glossary of Dzogchen terms is in addition to:
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3133 times.
By: Jacob Winkler

a she ~ a shad ~ letter A used in the form of flaming red

triangle in tummo Ati ~ a ti ~ Atiyoga bardo ~ bar do ~
intermediate state Bön ~ bon ~ ancient Tibetan religion Bönpo ~
bön po ~ Bönpo practitioner bum ~ 'bum ~ 100.000, a 100.000 times
chadrub yeshe ~ bya grub ye shes ~ all-accomplishing
wisdom/awareness chag ~ chags ~ desire, attachment chag dang ~
chags sdang ~ desire-attachment and anger-rejection chaggya
chenpo ~ phyag rgya chen po ~ 'great symbol', Mahamudra
chaggya chenpoi rigdzin ~ phyag rgya chen po'i rig 'dzin ~
mahamudra vidyadhara, vidyadhara level of the total symbol, 3rd
level of the four rigdzins
chal drol chenpo ~ phyal grol chen po ~ chal: all pervading,
drol: liberation, chenpo: total; total liberation that pervades
champa ~ byams pa ~ loving kindness, Skt: maitri chang ~ byang ~
purify, purified chang ~ chang ~ Tibetan beer
changchog ~ byang chog ~ 'purification rite', practice for
purification and transference, when a person has died changchub ~
byang chub ~ bodhi, enlightenment, purified and perfected
changchub sem ~ byang chub sems ~ bodhichitta, 1. totally
perfected state, chang: purify, in Dzogchen already purified;
chub: perfected since the beginning;; meaning the same as
Dzogchen, the totally perfected state, condition of mind; 2.
bodhichitta in Sutra: a mind set on enlightenment
changchub sempa ~ byang chub sems dpa' ~ bodhisattva chatsol
dralwa ~ bya rtsol bral ba ~ without effort
chawai gyü ~ bya ba'i rgyud ~ tantra of action, Skt. kriyatantra
che trul longku ~ phyed sprul longs sku ~ "half nirmanakaya half
sambhogakaya", Vajradhara who possesses the manifestation of
nirmanakaya, but whose real condition is sambhogakaya
chen ~ chen ~ great, total

cher drol ~ gcer grol ~ self-liberation through bare attention,
liberation through bare attention, low capacity way to apply
self-liberation s.a. cher drol & rang drol
chi nye khyenpa ~ ji snyed mkhyen pa ~ wisdom of quantity chig
char ~ cig car ~ non-gradual path, simultaneously chig charwa ~
cig car ba ~ 'immediate' type of practitioner chigpa ~ gcig pa ~
same, one single thing
chigpu ~ gcig pu ~ unique, unique taste, 1 of the 4 tamtsig
chikhai bardo ~ 'chi kha'i bar do ~ bardo of the moment of death
chingwa ~ bying ba ~ drowsiness, sleepiness chitar khyenpa ~ ji
ltar mkhyen pa ~ wisdom of quality chiti ~ spyi ti ~ a Dzogchen
subdivision (ati, chiti, yangti)
chizhinwa ~ ji bzhin ba / pa ~ what is, as it is, suchness, the
authentic condition, state of being just as it is, natural
chö ~ chos ~ dharma, existence, phenomena; teaching, knowledge of
existence chö kyong ~ chos skyong ~ dharma guardian, Skt.
dharmapala chö ~ chod ~ be separated, comes apart (as in Tregchö)
chöd ~ gcod ~ cut, practice of Chöd, 'cutting off' chödag ~ chos
bdag ~ master of teaching chödpa ~ gcod pa ~ Chöd practitioner
chöpa ~ spyod pa ~ attitude, conduct, way of behaving,
application, how one must apply, behavior, the behavior for
integrating with the practice and the view
chöpai gyü ~ spyod pa'i rgyud ~ caryatantra, tantra of behavior
chog jin ~ mchog sbyin ~ supreme offering
chog jin gyi chaggya ~ mchog sbyin gyi phyag rgya ~ supreme gift
of salvation mudra, the mudra of supreme generosity

chog lhung dralwa ~ phyogs lhung bral ba ~ without falling into

limitations chogjin ~ mchog sbyin ~ supreme gift of salvation
mudra, supreme offering mudra chögyal ~ chos rgyal ~ 'dharma
king', temporal and spiritual ruler (skt: dharmaraja)
chogzhag ~ cog bzhag ~ Dzogchen-practice of 'leave it just as it
is', 'leaving it without correcting it', remaining as it is,
4 aspects of practice of contemplation in Upadesha
chogzhag nampa zhi ~ cog bzhag rnam pa bzhi ~ four chogzhag, 4
aspects of practice of contemplation s.a.
nangwa chogzhag
chöku ~ chos sku ~ dharmakaya, dimension of the absolute
chölug ~ chos lugs ~ way of dharma, religion, a organized system
of doctrine chönjung ~ chos 'byung ~ triangle, two triangles
crossed, 'star of David', Skt. trikona
Chonangpa ~ jo nang pa ~ 1. name of a Buddhist School in Tibet;
2. Another name for Taranatha Kunga Nyingpo (1575- 1635), the
most eminent master of the Chonang tradition.
chönyi ~ chos nyid ~ dharmata, ultimate nature, nature of
phenomena of existence chönyi bardo ~ chos nyid bar do ~ bardo of
ultimate nature, bardo of dharmata chönyi ngönsum kyi nangwa ~
chos nyid mngon sum kyi snang ba ~ 1. vision of the direct
perception of reality chönyi sepai nangwa ~ chos nyid zad pa'i
snang ba ~ 4. vision of the consummation or exhausting of reality

chörten ~ mchod rten ~ stupa, represents the mind of the Buddhas
chöse ~ chos zad ~ see: chönyi sepai nangwa
chöying ~ chos dbyings ~ ultimate dimension of phenomena,
fundamental nature of existence, true condition of phenomena,
dimension of existence, dimension of emptiness of primordial
being, dharmadhatu
chöying yeshe ~ chos dbyings ye shes ~ "wisdom of dharmadhatu",
awareness of the true condition of phenomena, one of the 5
chub ~ chub ~ perfected, obtain knowledge
chülen ~ bcud len ~ rasayana, taking in the essence of elements,
one of the 4 practices for overcoming attachment condition
da ~ brda ~ sign, symbol, indication
da yig ~ brda yig ~ symbolic letters, symbol for communication
da zhi ~ brda bzhi ~ 4 signs of Longde practice
1. clarity - sal (gsal ba'i brda),
2. beyond thought - mitogpa (mi rtog pa'i brda),
3. sensation of pleasure - dewa (bde ba'i brda),
4. inseparability - yerme (dbyer med kyi brda)
dadar ~ mda' dar ~ a long-life arrow having ribbons of different
colours fastened to it
dang ~ gdangs ~ dharmakaya aspect of energy, continuous energy of
emptiness, a type of energy that is characteristic of the
primordial state, one of the 3 modes of energy in DC, radiance
dang ~ sdang ~ aversion, hatred
de drö ~ bde drod ~ sensation of pleasure and heat de gye ~ sde
brgyad ~ "Eight Classes" of the Universe, s.a. 8 classes de nyam
~ bde nyams ~ experience of pleasure, = dewai nyam dechen ~ bde
chen ~ mahasukha, total bliss
den nyi sung jug ~ bden gnyis zung 'jug ~ union of the 2 truths
(absolute and relative)
deng drol thogtu cha ~ gdeng grol thog tu 'cha' ~ gain confidence
in self-liberation, having confidence in the liberation, continue
in the state of contemplation, 3rd of Garab Dorje's testament
desheg kagye ~ bde gshegs bka' brgyad ~ eight great sugatas
(buddhas), 'Eight Sadhana Teachings'
desheg nyingpo ~ bde gshegs snying po ~ sugatagarbha, buddha-
nature, sugata-essence, [essence of enlightenment
present in all sentient beings]
detong ~ bde stong ~ experience related to sensation of pleasure,
one of the three types of experience; de (wa): sensation, a
feeling of pleasure; tong: empty
dewa ~ bde ba ~ pleasure, experience of pleasure, pleasurable
experience dewa chenpo ~ bde ba chen po ~ sensation of total
bliss, mahasukha dewai nyam ~ bde ba'i nyams ~ pleasurable
sensation, experience of pleasure dezhin shegpa ~ bde bzhin
gshegs pa ~ tathagata, buddha
digdzub (chaggya) ~ sdigs mdzub (phyag rgya) ~ mudra of the
'threatening pointer' dö ~ mdos ~ ritual for appeasing mundane
spirits döchag ~ 'dod chags ~ attraction, attachment, passion
döma ~ gdod ma ~ primordial

dömai naljor ~ gdod ma'i rnal 'byor ~ primordial yoga, Atiyoga

dogpa ~ zlog pa ~ 'sending back provocations' dorje ~ rdo rje ~
vajra, indestructible real condition dorje chang ~ rdo rje 'chang
~ bearer of vajra, Vajradhara dorjei depa ~ rdo rje'i bzlas pa ~
vajra recitation dorjei ku ~ rdo rje'i sku ~ vajrakaya, dimension
of vajra dorjei lu ~ rdo rje'i glu ~ Song of the Vajra dorjei
tsig ~ rdo rje'i tshig ~ vajra words dra ~ sgra ~ sound (that is
the base of energy) dra jong ~ sgra sbyong ~ training with sound
dra rigpa ~ sgra rig pa ~ knowledge of the words, grammar and
syntax, language drebu ~ 'bras bu ~ fruit, result, fruition,
consequence drebu nyi ~ 'bras bu gnyis ~ two kinds of fruit
dribpa ~ sgrib pa ~ obstacles, darken, veil, hindrance,
impediment, obscuration, state of being obscured
Drigung Kagyü ~ ‘Bri gung bka’ brgyud ~ a sub school of the Kagyü
founded by Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon (1143-1217)
drol ~ grol ~ liberation, achieving the state of liberation
drolwa ~ sgrol ba ~
1) liberation, to liberate, to save;
2) a wrathful practices in order to benefit sentient beings by
forced liberation / elimination, one of two secret Mahayoga
practices, s.a. jorwa
drubde ~ sgrub sde ~ sadhana section of meditative realisation of
Mahayoga, meditation college drug ~ 'brug ~ dragon
drugpa ~ 'brug pa ~ school of Tibetan Buddhism
Drugpa Kagyü ~ 'brug pa bka' rgyud ~ school of Tibetan Buddhism
dug ngal ~ sdug bsngal ~ suffering, frustration, misery,
unsatisfactoriness dung ~ gdung ~ bone relics of the cremated
duwai ngöpo zhi ~ bsdu ba’i dngos po bzhi ~ 4 ways to attract
sentient beings dzepa ~ 'dzad pa ~ to be consumed, exhausted
dzinpa ~ 'dzin pa ~ subject dzog ~ rdzogs ~ perfected, completed
Dzogchen ~ rdzogs chen ~ Dzog: perfected, all our qualifications
etc.; chen: totally; usually 'Great Perfection', but actually
'Total Perfection', our own state, the reality of our true
condition, (our own) totally self perfected state
dzogchenpa ~ rdzogs chen pa ~ a realized Dzogchen practitioner
Dzogpa Chenpo ~ rdzogs pa chen po ~ see: Dzogchen dzogrim ~
rdzogs rim ~ perfectioning stage, method of perfecting,
completion phase EVAM ~ e wam ~ symbolizes method and prajña,
thab (thabs) and sherab (shes rab) gakyil ~ dga' 'khyil ~
triskelion gar ~ sgar ~ camp, encampment, settlement
gawa zhi ~ dga' ba bzhi ~ 4 joys, means tied to sensation, see: 4
gawas geg ~ bgegs ~ interruptions, (cause of) obstacles
gegtre ~ bgegs bskrad ~ dispel the obstructers / obstructing
forces; banishing hindrances
gekö ~ dge bskos ~ monastic disciplinarian, dharma center
Gelug (pa) ~ dge lugs (pa) ~ one of the 4 main schools of Tibetan
Buddhism, founded by Tsongkhapa
geshe, gewai shenyen ~ dge bshes, dge ba'i bshes gnyen ~
'virtuous friend', kalyanamitra, a scholar [academic title],
holder of a high academic degree in Buddhist philosophy.
1) A spiritual teacher according to the Mahayana teachings.
2) a learned teacher according to the Kadam, Gelug traditions
go sum ~ sgo gsum ~ three doors,
3 gates: body, voice and mind göpa ~ rgod pa ~ agitation

gom, gompa ~ sgom, sgom pa ~ meditation, application, way of
practizing, practice gomchen ~ sgom chen ~ 'great meditator'
gomme ~ sgom med ~ beyond meditation, last of the 4 yogas of
Mahamudra gomrim ~ sgom rim ~ meditation based on the gradual
gongpa ~ dgongs pa ~ primordial state, state of knowledge,
essential principle,
gongter ~ dgongs gter ~ treasure of the state of knowledge, mind-
treasure, terma rediscovered within one's consciousness
gönpa ~ dgon pa ~ monastery, vihara, solitary place

gyache chog lhung dralwa ~ rgya chad phyogs lhung bral ba ~ not
falling into any concepts of limitations gyaling ~ rgya gling ~
gyalpo ~ rgyal po ~
1. king;
2. class of evil spirits gyalwa gonggyü ~ rgyal ba dgongs brgyud
~ "mind direct transmission of the Buddhas" Gyalwa Gyatso ~ rgyal
ba rgya mtsho ~ form of Avalokiteshvara belonging to higher
tantra gyar ma chepa ~ rgyar ma chad pa ~ not falling into
gyatso chogzhag ~ rgya mtsho cog bzhag ~ 'leaving it without
correcting it, like the ocean gyen ~ rgyan ~ ornament
gyü ~ rgyud ~ tantra, string, tantric treatise, continuity,
continuum, consciousness, mind stream
gyüde ~ rgyud sde ~
1) tantra, the tantras
2) tantra section, tantra class; of mahayoga, the tantra section
(the 18 tantras of the mahayoga)
gyülü ~ sgyus lus ~ illusory body
gyuwa ~ 'gyu ba ~ movement (of thought), the movement aspect of
our condition
hedewa ~ had de ba ~ state free of mental activity, startled,
shocked surprise without concepts jalü ~ 'ja' lus ~ rainbow body
jalü phowa chenpo ~ 'ja' lus 'pho ba chen po ~ 'great transfer of
the rainbow body, accomplishment of the rainbow body while still
alive, ultimate realization of Dzogchen practice
je ~ rje ~ lord, superior
jenang ~ rjes gnang ~ autorisation, permission, initiation
jethob ~ rjes thob ~ je: after, the period of time after; thob:
obtaining something; (phase of) post-meditation, acting in
ordinary life after meditation
jetsunma ~ rje btsun ma ~ "noble lady", reverend lady, nun
(hon.), a name of Tara jig ~ 'jigs ~ fear, danger, terrifying
jigten chögye ~ 'jig rten chos brgyad ~ eight worldly interests /
dharmas / concerns: attachment to gain, pleasure, praise and
fame, and aversion to loss, pain, blame and bad reputation
jigten khandro ~ 'jig rten mkha' 'gro ~ worldly dakini, Skt:
lokadakini jigten thegpa ~ ‘jig rten theg pa ~ the mundane
jigtenle depei khandro ~ 'jig rten las 'das pa'i mkha' 'gro ~
non-worldly dakini
jorwa ~ sbyor ba ~
1. to prepare, to mix; to apply;
2.union practice, sexual union, one of two secret Mahayoga
practices, s.a drolwa
jugpa ~ 'jug pa ~ enter, entering into action, application
jung ne dro sum ~ 'byung gnas 'gro gsum ~ 'arising, staying,
going: three', investigating thought, where thought arises, where
it remains and where it disappears
jungwa ~ 'byung ba ~
1) elements, elemental forces
2) come forth, become, etc. ka ~ bka' ~ word, pronouncement kadag
~ ka dag ~ pure from the beginning, syn. shunyata Kadampa ~ bka'
gdams pa ~ school of Tibetan Buddhism
kagye ~ bka' brgyad ~ cycle of 8 deities
Kagyü (pa) ~ bka' brgyud (pa) ~ one of the four main schools of
Tibetan Buddhism kama ~ bka' ma ~ oral transmission, teachings
transmitted without interruption kangling ~ rkang gling ~ thigh
bone trumpet kangzag ~ gang zag ~ individual, person, Skt.
kangsag nyengyü ~ gang zag snyan brgyud ~ hearing transmission
between people, oral transmission to various persons
kar ~ dkar ~ white
kargye ~ dkar 'gyed ~ white offering in Chöd
Karma Kagyü ~ kar ma bka' brgyud ~ one of the Kagyü-schools
kechig ~ skad gcig ~ instant, a very short moment of time, a
sixtieth of a snap of a finger kha ~ mkha' ~ sky, space, heaven,
external space
kham ~ khams ~ element, realm, individual constitution, Skt.
dhatu khandro ~ mkha' 'gro ~ dakini
khandröi kache ~ mkha' 'gro'i bka' chad ~ punishment of the

khandröi sungdog ~ mkha' 'gro'i bsrungs bzlog ~ a rite for

averting the summon of a master by the dakinis (death),
respectively prolonging the life by a ransom to the dakinis
khatag ~ kha btags ~ ceremonial scarf khatvanga ~ kha twam ga ~
trident, khatvanga khor de ~ 'khor 'das ~ samsara and nirvana
khorde rangdrol ~ 'khor 'das rang grol ~ khor: samsara, de:
nirvana, rangdrol: self-liberation, 'samsara, nirvana and the
concepts that define them are self-liberated and perfected in our
true nature.'
khorde rushen ~ 'khor 'das ru shan ~ practice of separating
samsara and nirvana (distinguishing between mind & the nature of
khorde yerme ~ 'khor 'das dbyer med ~ "the indivisibility of
samsara and nirvana", the main view in the Sakya School
khorlo ~ ‘khor lo ~ wheel, cycle, chakra, circle, round of life,
state of existence, circular magic diagram khorwa ~ ‘khor ba ~1.
samsara, cyclical existence, transmigration, cycle, wheel, world,
2. walk around, turn circumambulate,
khoryugma ~ khor yug ma ~ meditation that arises effortlessly,
automatically, 'which governs all' khoryugtu ~ khor yug tu ~ at
all times khuchug ~ khu byug ~ cuckoo khyung ~ khyung ~ Garuda or
Namkha Ding
kompai nyam ~ goms pa'i nyams ~ experience of familiarization
kon chog ~ dkon mchog ~ "greatest rarity", deity, anything very
excellent or best of its kind, Skt. ratna ku nye ~ bsku mnye ~
massage according to Tibetan medicine
ku sum ~ sku gsum ~ 3 kayas or dimensions:
kundü yizhin norbu ~ kun 'dus yid bzhin nor bu ~ kundü: all is
unified, union of guru, devas and dakinis, yidzhin norbu: wish-
fulfilling jewel practice-form of guruyoga, in which all gurus,
yidams etc. are unified in the manifestation of the master
kundzob (denpa) ~ kun rdzob (bden pa) ~ relative or provisional
kunkhyen ~ kun mkhyen ~ omniscience, omniscient
Kuntuzangpo thug kyi tenpa ~ Kun tu bzang po thugs kyi bstan pa ~
teachings of the mind of Samantabhadra kunzhi ~ kun gzhi ~ kun:
all, everything; zhi: base; 'the base of all', inherent condition
or base of both samsara and nirvana, 'primordial base'. In
yogachara kunzhi is the base, because that is where our
potentiality of karma is stored, where ones karmic traces are
kyab ~ skyabs ~ refuge, protection, defence, help, assistance
kyangma ~ rkyang ma ~ Skt. lalana, solar channel, one of the
three chief nadis in the body, male left, female right side
kyerim ~ bskyed rim ~ development stage, method of developing
kyeme ~ skye med ~ "unborn" (syn. emptiness), unoriginated, non-
arising, uncreated, not produced, beyond birth kyeshii bardo ~
skye shi’i bar do ~ bardo between birth and death kyilkhor ~
dkyil 'khor ~ 'center and surrounding', mandala
la ~ bla ~ life-force, life energy, vital principle, energy;
ChNN: "often translated as soul, but its real meaning is
protection power."
labpa ~ bslab pa ~ training
ladawa ~ la zla ba ~ to pass beyond, going beyond lam ~ lam ~
path, way lama ~ bla ma ~ guru, teacher, master le ~ las ~
1) karma, deed, action,
2) from le nang ~ las snang ~ karmic vision
lenchag ~ lan chags ~ retribution (answer indebtedness), karmic
debts due to past actions, karmic payment lha ~ lha ~
1) deity,
2) whole class of gods, specific class of deity which dominates
higher celestial space, one of the eight classes "gods", Skt.
lhadre ~ lha 'dre ~ lha: deva (Skt.), something positive, dre:
evil spirit, lhadre: good and bad, goodness and evil, dualistic
lhagthong ~ lhag mthong ~ lhag: something more, thong: to see;
insight, actually real or experiential knowledge and
understanding of the movement aspect of our condition, vipashyana
(Pali vipassana)
lhangtse ~ lhangs tshad ~ trials for Chöd practitioners, visions
induced by Chöd lhöpa ~ lhod pa ~ relaxed
lhugpa ~ lhug pa ~ relaxing in instant presence which is real
lhundrub ~ lhun grub ~ self-perfected state, spontaneously
present, infinite qualifications, infinite potentiality of
f f f
manifestations, primordial potentiality, the final state of the
four Contemplations of the Dzogchen Semde
lhundrub rigdzin ~ lhun grub rig 'dzin ~ knowledge-holders of
self-perfection, 4th level of the four rigdzins lo ~ blo ~
intelligence, mind, rational mind function
logpai kundzob ~ log pa'i kun rdzob ~ erroneous or incorrect
relative condition lojong ~ blo sbyong ~ mind training long ~
klong ~ space, primordial space long chen ~ klong chen ~ total
space, the universe long chö ~ longs spyod ~ joy, enjoyment, Skt.
sambhoga longde ~ klong sde ~ series of (primordial) space
longku ~ longs sku ~ sambhogakaya, dimension of manifestation of
energy of light, manifestation of energy level, dimension of the
richness of qualities
lü dultren teng ~ lus rdul phran dengs ~ lü: physical body;
dultren: atom, very tiny atom; teng: entering the atom; the body
slowly disappearing into emptiness, when applying the practice of
integration in a state of emptiness, or a tantric practice, and
gaining realization in that; not rainbow body
lü jin ~ lus sbyin ~ giving, sacrificing of once body, offering
(jin) of the physical body (lü) like in Chöd lü ~ glud ~ name of
a rite for ransoming
lung ~ lung ~ agama, summaries or collections of quotes from
Dzogchen tantras, some chapters of the main points of tantras,
essentials of tantras, transmission of sound
lung ~ rlung ~ wind, air-element, one of the three humors, Skt.
vayu lung jong ~ rlung sbyong ~ training or purifying the air
element or breathing
lunggi chö ~ lung gi chos ~ dharma as tradition, what has been
told, breathing exercise. 1 of 2 aspects of the teaching
describing the dharma handed down as tradition in opposition to
the aspect which is realised s.a. togpai chö
lungta ~ rlung rta ~ "wind horse", (represents all aspects of
vitality), horse of fortune inscribed on flags, luck machöpa ~ ma
bcos pa ~ uncorrected, not correcting, unmodified magag ~ ma
'gags ~ uninterrupted, unobstructed, unstopped
mar yig ~ smar yig ~ the mar script of Shang Shung, which is of
the same origin and source as ume script (dbu med) margye ~ dmar
'gye ~ red offering in Chöd
marigpa ~ ma rig pa ~ ignorance (of our state), not recognizing
rigpa, not having knowledge of the primordial state
Marme Mönlam ~ mar me smon lam ~ practice of Invocation of the
Lamp melong ~ me long ~ mirror
melong yeshe ~ me long ye shes ~ mirror like wisdom, mirror-like
primal awareness men ~ sman ~ medicine
mendrub ~ sman grub ~ medicine empowered by practice, amrita
menngag ~ man ngag ~ secret instructions, Upadesha menngagde ~
man ngag sde ~ series of secret instructions, upadeshavarga menpa
chenpo ~ sman pa chen po ~ 'great doctor' epithet for the Buddha
mi nyi ~ mi gnyis ~ non-dual, non-duality
mi yowa ~ mi g.yo ba ~ unchangeable state, undisturbed state, not
moving, the discovery that movement is part of one's real nature,
one of four contemplations of Semde
milam ~ mi lam ~ dream milam bardo ~ mi lam (gyi) bar do ~ bardo
of dreaming milam trugpa ~ mi lam dkrug pa ~ disordering the
dream min ~ smin ~ ripening
mitog samten ~ mi rtog bsam gtan ~ contemplation beyond thought
mitogpa ~ mi rtog pa ~ absence of thought, non disturbed by
thought, without thinking, beyond thought mitogpai nyam ~ mi rtog
pa'i nyams ~ experience of absence of thought, non disturbed by
thought, without thought mo ~ mo ~ divination

mönlam ~ smon lam ~ invocation, aspiration, prayer, pranidhana,

prayer, vow, good wishes, aspiration prayer mönpa ~ smon pa ~
intention, aspiration müntsam ~ mun mtsham ~ dark retreat naggye
~ nag 'gyed ~ black offering in Chöd nal ~ rnal ~ original,
natural condition
naljor ~ rnal 'byor ~ yoga, nal: original or authentic, never
changing or modified, the original condition; jor: having this
knowledge or understanding; yoga, in its real meaning of
discovering our real condition, possessing the authentic
naljor gyü ~ rnal 'byor rgyud ~ yogatantra
naljor nampa zhi ~ rnal 'byor rnam pa bzhi ~ 4 Yogas of Mahamudra
according to Gampopa (phyag chen gyi rnal 'byor bzhi): single-
pointed concentration: tsechig (rtse gcig),
beyond concepts: tröral (spros bral),
one taste: rochig (ro gcig),
beyond meditation: gomme (sgom med)
naljorpa / ma ~ rnal 'byor pa / ma ~ yogin, yogini
nalma ~ rnal ma ~ natural state, fundamental state, being in your
own true nature nalwab ~ rnal dbab ~ settle into the natural
state, resting in naturalness
namkha ~ nam mkha ~ space, sky, space element, spaciousness,
thread cross which harmonizes the energy of the five elements
namkha arte ~ nam mkha' ar gtad ~ practice of sky gazing,
integration into space, the integrating of one's state with the
sky, sky gazing
namkha chülen ~ nam kha' bcud len ~ chülen of space
namkha ding ~ nam mkha' lding ~ "soaring in the sky", Skt.
Garuda, (a class of beings included in the animal realm) syn.
nammin rigdzin ~ rnam smin rig 'dzin ~ knowledge-holders of
complete maturation, vidyadhara level of complete ripening, 1st
level of the 4 rigdzins
namshe, nampar shepa ~ rnam shes, rnam par shes pa ~
consciousness namtog ~ rnam rtog ~ ordinary thought, concepts
nang gyü de sum ~ nang rgyud sde gsum ~ three classes of inner
tantras, Maha-, Anu- and Atiyoga nang nyam ~ snang snyams ~
experiences relating to vision
nang si ~ snang srid ~ all that appears and exists nang tong ~
snang stong ~ vision and emptiness nang tong sung jug ~ snang
stong zung 'jug ~ union of vision and emptiness nang zhi ~ snang
bzhi ~ 4 vision as explained in thögal, s.a. nangwa shi nang,
nangwa ~ snang, snang ba ~ vision, perception, appearance nangwa
chogzhag ~ snang ba cog bzhag ~ chogzhag of vision
nangwa zhi ~ snang ba bzhi ~ four visions according to the
Dzogchen Thögal
Narag Tongtrug ~ na rag dong sprugs ~ "reversing the three lower
states" Anuyoga practice natsog ~ sna tshogs ~ diversity,
manifoldness, variety of phenomena natsog khandro ~ sna tshogs
mkha' 'gro ~ various kinds of dakinis
ne ~ gnas ~
1) place, situation,
2) sacred lands, holy place
3) abiding, come to rest, be at peace with (indicates some
temporary stableness)
ne gyu ~ gnas 'gyu ~ calm state and movement
ne gyu rig (sum) ~ gnas 'gyu rig (gsum) ~ calm state, movement
and presence ne ~ nad ~ illness
nepa ~ gnas pa ~ the calm state nepai ting nge dzin ~ gnas pa’i
ting nge 'dzin ~ contemplation of the calm state neten ~ gnas
brtan ~ the "elder", elder monk, sthavira of the Shravaka School
ngagkong ~ sngags skong ~ consummate guardian mantra, Naggo^n
ngang gom ~ ngang sgom ~ meditation on the essential nature
ngejung ~ nges 'byung ~ renunciation (in Sutra) ngo ~ ngo ~ one's
own condition, 'face'
ngo rang togtu tre ~ ngo rang thog tu 'phrad (sprod) ~ direct
introduction, directly discover your state ngo trö ~ ngo sprod ~
'showing the face', introduction (to nature of mind),
ngödrub ~ dngos grub ~ siddhi, realization, attainments,
accomplishment, spiritual power [choggi ngödrub ~ mchog gi dngos
grub highest attainment, thünmong ngödrub ~ thun mong dngos grub
~ ordinary attainments]
ngöndro ~ sngon 'gro ~ preliminary practices

ngönjang nga ~ mngon byang lnga ~ 5 actualisations of yogatantra,

5 factors of realisation which is a method of kyerim (lotus moon
seat, seed syllables, symbolic attributes, mandala, primordial
wisdom deity),
ngönsum ~ mngon sum ~ direct perception, real and concrete
contact with, discovery through one's senses Ngorpa ~ Ngor pa ~
Ngor tradition, a lineage of the Sakyapa School
ngoten ~ bsngo rten ~ offering to act as support for a dedication
of merit (usually on someone's behalf e.g. for a deceased)
ngowo ~ ngo bo ~ essence, nature, essence or emptiness aspect of
primordial base
ngowo nyiku ~ ngo bo nyid (kyi) sku ~ dimension of the union of
the three dimensions ('bodies', kaya), svabhavikakaya
ngözhi ~ dngos gzhi ~ main part of teaching
nya ngen lede ~ mya ngan las 'das ~ nirvana, literally meaning
'gone beyond misery ', short: de ('das) nyam ~ mnyam ~ sameness,
nyam ~ nyams ~ meditation experience, experience as a result of
practice, s.a. de-, sal-, mitogpa-nyam nyam gong phel gyi nangwa
~ nyams gong 'phel gyi snang ba ~ 2nd vision of the developing of
experiences nyam je nyime ~ mnyam rjes gnyis med ~ non-duality of
nyamzhag and jethob, of meditation and post-meditation, also
total contemplation
nyam nang ~ nyams snang ~ vision of experience nyam nang gong
phel ~ nyams snang gong 'phel ~ see: nyam gong phel gyi nangwa
nyamnyi ~ mnyam nyid ~ equality, equanimity, non-dual state, one
of four contemplations
nyamzhag ~ mnyam bzhag ~
1. nyam: equanimity, zhag: to leave it in the state as it is,
referring to the fact that we are

learning to relax into our own condition within the specific
method of practice; contemplation, nonconceptual meditation
recognition of the state of calm & movement,
2. kind of mudra or meditation posture
nye gyü ~ nye brgyud ~ direct / short lineage; short
transmission; close lineage, e.g. terma
nyengyü ~ snyan rgyud ~ oral transmission, 'only a few words'
oral teachings; in Bönpo: teachings received from visions, what
is called 'pure visions' in other traditions
nyi ~ gnyis ~ two
nyi ~ nyid ~ self, -ness, state, the very, itself, the state of
nyime ~ gnyis med ~ non-dual, not two nying ~ snying ~ heart,
center, nucleus
Nyingma (pa) ~ rnying ma (pa) ~ ancient tradition, one of the 4
main schools of Tibetan Buddhism
nyingthig ~ snying thig ~ innermost essence, [refers to the
Innermost Unexcelled Cycle of Heart Essence (yang gsang
bla na med pa'i snying thig gi skor), the fourth of the four
divisions of the Upadesha according to the arrangement of Shri
Singha. All lineages of the Innermost Essence passed through Shri
Singha and continued in Tibet through his disciples,
Padmasambhava and Vimalamitra. The Nyingthig teachings have
appeared through various lines of transmission; for instance,
each major tertön reveals an independent cycle of Dzogchen
nyongdrol ~ myong grol ~ tasting creates a cause for liberation,
liberation through tasting (e.g. of empowered medicine)
nyönmong ~ nyon smong ~ passions, delusions, negative emotions,
klesha ösal ~ 'od gsal ~ clear light, luminosity
pagchag ~ bag chags ~ karmic potentiality or traces, ingrained
predispositions, latent inclinations, vasana pal ~ dpal ~
glorious, Skt. shri
pamo ~ dpa' mo ~ "heroine", synonym dakini, Skt. virini pang ~
spang ~ abandoned, gone beyond
pang lang tenpe lama ~ spang blang bstan pa'i bla ma ~ a teacher
who shows, which is to be accepted and which is to be abandoned
parlung ~ bar rlung ~ kind of kumbhaka breathing
pawo ~ dpa' bo ~ hero, synonym for daka, male counterpart of
dakini, Skt. vira peken ~ bad kan ~ phlegm, one of the 3 humors,
Skt. kapha
phagma ~ 'phags ma ~ noble one, lady, Skt. arya phagpa ~ ‘phags
pa ~ superior, noble one, Skt. arya

pharoltu chinpa ~ pha rol tu phyin pa ~ transcending perfection,

paramita phowa ~ 'pho ba ~ practice for the moment of death,
directing the way one's consciousness emerges phowa chenpo ~ 'pho
ba chen po ~ great/total transference, rainbow body without even
manifesting death phowa chenpoi dorje ku ~ 'pho ba chen po'i rdo
rje sku ~ indestructible body of great transference phungpo ~
phung po ~ aggregate (refers to the five aggregates), s.a. 5
skhandas phünsum tsog nga ~ phun sum tshogs lnga ~ five
perfections phurba ~ phur ba ~
1) kilaya, Vajrakilaya (Dorje Phurba),
2) sacred dagger used in tantric rituals, kila.
pum wang ~ bum dbang ~ vase initiation rakta ~ rak ta ~ blood,
Skt. rakta
rang drol ~ rang drol ~ self liberation, dissolve into oneself,
naturally free, naturally freed, high capacity way to apply self-
liberation SA cher drol & rang drol
rang gyüpa ~ rang rgyud pa ~ Svatantrika school of Madhyamaka
rang sar drol ~ rang sar grol ~ self-liberated
rang tong ~ rang stong ~ intrinsic emptiness, emptiness of
itself, an aspect of the Madhyamaka School in Tibet focusing on
emptiness devoid of inherent existence. Compare with zhen tong
rangjung ~ rang byung ~ self-originated
rangjung yeshe ~ rang byung ye shes ~ self-originated
wisdom/awareness rangrig ~ rang rig ~ natural instantaneous
presence rangzhin ~ rang bzhin ~ nature
rangzhin ösal ~ rang bzhin 'od gsal ~ natural clear light,
practice of natural light
re dog dang dralwa ~ re dogs dang bral ba ~ beyond hope and fear,
re: hope, dog: fear, dang dralwa: beyond regdrol ~ reg grol ~
contact with physical body creates a cause for liberation repa ~
ras pa ~ yogin practioner; lit: one wearing cotton, like Milarepa
rig ~ rig ~
1. instant presence (see: rigpa);
2. generally intelligence rig drug ~ rigs drug ~ six classes of
beings or 6 lokas
rig gya rig chig ~ rigs brgya rigs gcig ~ "one single family
(represents) one hundred families", an empowerment which is
considered the union of all empowerments
rig tong ~ rig stong ~ instant presence and emptiness rigdzin ~
rig 'dzin ~ holder of knowledge, holder of non-dual presence,
vidyadhara, realized being rigdzin dagyü ~ rig ´dzin brda brgyud
~ symbolic or indication transmission of knowledge-holders
rigdzin zhi ~ rig 'dzin bzhi ~ four Vidyadhara levels which
result from mahayoga practice: complete ripening, long life,
mahamudra, self-perfection: namsmin rigdzin, tsewang rigdzin,
chagchen rigdzin, lhundrub rigdzin
rigpa ~ rig pa ~
1. being in the state of instant presence, state of pure
instantaneous presence, non-dual presence, knowledge or
understanding of our natural state, knowledge of the potentiality
of our state;
2. in Sutra instead: (ordinary) intelligence
rigpa chogzhag ~ rig pa cog bzhag ~ chogzhag of the state of
instantaneous presence
rigpa tsepheb kyi nangwa ~ rig pa tshad phebs kyi snang ba ~
3. vision of the increasing of the full measure of rigpa,
perfection of one's intrinsic presence
rigpai tsal wang ~ rig pa'i rtsal dbang ~ empowerment of the
energy of rigpa, fundamental method of introduction
given by the master by means of which the student is enabled to
enter into knowledge of his / her own primordial state through
empowerment of his / her own energy, introducing state of rigpa
by the energy of tsal
rime ~ ris med ~ respect for all traditions, non-sectarian,
eclectic, without judgements, non-biased rimepa ~ ris med pa ~
someone with a non-biased attitude, belonging to the rimed
movement rimgyipa ~ rim gyis pa ~ gradual, lower level of higher
ring gyü ~ ring brgyud ~ 'long lineage', temporal historical
transmission, e.g. kama ringsel ~ ring bsrel ~ relics in form of
tiny pills
riwo chogzhag ~ ri bo cog bzhag ~ chogzhag like a mountain
ro chig ~ ro gcig ~ one taste, unique taste, Skt. ekarasa, third
of the 4 yogas of Mahamudra ro nyam ~ ro mnyam ~ 'same flavour'
rolpa ~ rol pa ~ (sambhogakaya-) aspect of energy, a kind of
energy of the individual that manifests (only) within our
dimension, that which manifests through infinite potentiality,
one of the three modes of energy in Dzogchen
roma ~ ro ma ~ Skt. rasana, lunar channel male right, female left

rulog ~ ru log ~ turning back, reversing direction, reversing

direction, going back to the origin, to the state of zhi
(base), process of reversing solid matter into radiant energy
rushen ~ ru shan ~ practice of separating samsara and nirvana sa
chigpa ~ sa gcig pa ~ single state, one bhumi
sa lam ~ sa lam ~ level of realization, lam: path (referring to
the 5 paths) sa: bhumi (referring to the 10 bhumis) sa ter ~ sa
gter ~ treasure of the earth, terma of objects
sag jang ~ bsags sbyang ~ sag: accumulating merit, jang:
purifying negative karma Sakya (pa) ~ sa skya (pa) ~ one of the
four traditions of Tibetan Buddhism salnyam ~ gsal nyams ~
experience of clarity salwa ~ gsal ba ~ clarity
samatog ~ za ma tog ~ container for keeping objects of practice
samten ~ bsam gtan ~ Skt. dhyana, samadhi, meditative absorption,
concentration (sam: to think, ten: to stabalise) samten chenpo ~
bsam gtan chen po ~ samten: samadhi, chenpo: great, total samten
chenpo: contemplation, not ordinary samadhi
sang ngag ~ gsang sngags ~ 'secret mantra', secret mantrayana
sangchö ~ bsang mchod ~ practice of cleansing-offering, sà^nqod
sangthal ~ zang thal ~ unobstructed, unimpeded, transparent,
directly penetrating, beyond limitation sangwa ~ gsang ba ~
secret, hidden
sangye ~ sangs rgyas ~ Buddha, awakened one, enlightenment
Sarma ~ gsar ma ~ new, modern tradition, collective name for the
schools founded after the 10th century sem ~ sems ~
1. (ordinary) mind,
2. sometimes short for changchub sem, enlightened mind,
bodhichitta Sembön ~ sems bon ~ Bön of the nature of mind
semde ~ sems sde ~ de: series of teachings, sem: short for
changchub sem, (chang: purified, chub: perfected, sem: mind) pure
mind, pure condition; series of teachings of pure mind or pure
semdzin ~ sems 'dzin ~ practices of Dzogchen teaching semnyi ~
sems nyid ~ nature of mind
semtri ~ sems khrid ~ teaching on the nature of mind seng, senge
~ seng, seng ge ~ lion
serkyem ~ gser skyems ~ 'golden beverage', liquid offering to
shardrol ~ shar grol ~ liberation as soon as it arises, self-
liberated as it arises, frees whatever arises, medium capacity
way to apply self-liberation s.a. cher drol & rang drol
shasa khandro ~ sha za mkha' 'gro ~ meet eating dakini she ~ shes
~ knowledge she nyam ~ shes snyams ~ experiences relating to mind
she gyü ~ bshad rgyud ~ explanatory transmission shedang ~ zhe
sdangs ~ aversion, hatred, anger shedra ~ bshad grwa ~ scriptural
college, study center
shejai dribpa ~ shes bya’i sgrib pa ~ obstacles related to
knowledge, conceptual obstacles shenje ~ shan 'byed ~
differentiation, to separate, distinguish between shenpa ~ zhen
pa ~ attachment shepa ~ shes pa ~ consciousness, cognition shepa
~ shes pa ~
1. cognition, awareness, consciousness, wisdom, intelligence,
learning, knowledge, mind, science
2. cognise, to recognise, perceive, understand
sherab ~ shes rab ~ prajña, (absolute, sublime) wisdom,
intelligence, (transcendent, analytical) knowledge,
discriminating awareness, wisdom that discriminates, insight
shezhin ~ shes bzhin ~ self awareness, awareness of one's own
shi lhag sung jug ~ zhi lhag zung 'jug ~ union of shine &
lhagtong, shamatha & vipashyana, union of emptiness and wisdom
Shije ~ Zhi byed ~ 'pacifier (of suffering)' main teaching of Pha
Tampa, Machig Labdrön's main master, one of the 8 practice
lineages of Tibetan Buddhism
shine ~ zhi gnas ~ shamatha, calm state, calming down, tranquil
shitro ~ zhi khro ~ (Xitro), practice of peaceful and wrathful
manifestations, practice for helping those who have died,
involves the visualisation of the hundred peaceful and wrathful
shiwa ~ zhi ba ~ peace, peaceful
shogser ~ shog ser ~ basic scrolls, rolls of yellow paper,
teachings written down on yellow parchment and concealed as terma

si ~ srid ~ existence
sipa ~ srid pa ~ existence of all phenomena sipai bardo ~ srid
pa'i bar do ~ bardo of becoming
sipar ru log ~ srid par ru log ~ reverse into origin, reversal,
process of reversing solid matter into radiant energy sönam ~
bsod nams ~ merit
sog ~ srog ~ life force, one of the 3 aspects of the life
sosor togpai yeshe ~ so sor rtogs pa'i yeshe ~ discriminating
wisdom/awareness (sor rtogs ye shes) sung jug ~ zung 'jug ~ union
sungkhor ~ srung 'khor ~ talisman, consecrated disk of threads,
protection circle, protection yantra, boundary of protection
sur ~ gsur ~ burnt offerings, smoke produced by burning flour
mixed with pure food and sacred substances tag ~ stag ~ tiger
tagdrol ~ btag / btags grol ~ wearing creates a cause for
liberation, something to wear on the body of a dead or dying or
living person which will place a positive cause for going onto
the path in his / her future life, liberation through touch
tagnang ~ dag snang ~ pure vision, (transmission of teaching
through) pure visions

tagpa rabjam ~ dag pa rab 'byams ~ infinite pure vision, pure
vision or dimension without karmic traces, tamdze ~ dam rdzas ~
sacred substance, samaya substance, empowered medicine
tampa sum ~ dam pa gsum ~ three sacred principles: 1) refuge and
bodhichitta, 2) contemplation beyond concepts, 3) dedication of
tamtsig ~ dam tshig ~ samaya, spiritual commitment, promise
tamtsig zhi ~ dam tshig bzhi ~ four commitments,
1. nothingness, non-existent (mepa: med pa),
2. presence, omnipresence (chalpa: phyal pa),
3. self-perfected (lhundrub: lhun grub),
4. unique center of universe, singleness (chigpu: gcig pu)
tamtsigpa ~ dam tshig pa ~ "holder of the commitment" Skt:
tawa ~ lta ba ~ view, point of view, intuitive understanding of
one's primordial state, way of seeing te zhin nyi ~ de bzhin nyid
~ "as it really is" tekhonanyi ~ de kho na nyid ~ real condition
as it is tenpai nyam ~ brtan pa’i nyams ~ experience of stability
tepa ~ dad pa ~ faith, desire, participation
terma ~ gter ma ~ rediscovered teachings, treasure, treasure
teachings tertön ~ gter ston ~ revealer of terma thab ~ thabs ~
method, skilful means, upaya
thag chig thogtu che ~ thag gcig thog tu bcad ~ not remaining in
doubt, 2nd statement of Garab Dorje thal gyurpa ~ thal 'gyur pa ~
Prasangika-school of Madhyamaka thalwa ~ thal ba ~ 'beyond',
solar system-like dimension
thalwa chusum ~ thal ba bcu gsum ~ 13 solar system-like
thamalgyi shepa ~ tha mal gyi shes pa ~ 'ordinary consciousness',
everyday mind not modified or changed thangka ~ thang ka ~
Tibetan scroll painting
thar chinpai nyam ~ mthar phyin pa’i nyams ~ experience of
ultimate accomplishment thar lam ~ thar lam ~ path of liberation
thar lam de sum ~ thar lam sde gsum ~ 3 systems of the path of
liberation, three paths of liberation thegpa ~ theg pa ~ vehicle,
support, yana
thegpa chenpo ~ theg pa chen po ~ great vehicle, Mahayana thig ~
thigs ~ drop
thigle ~ thig le ~ sphere, representing our potentiality; a
sphere without angles, which means something beyond all
limitations, sphere of light, bindu
thigle chenpo ~ thig le chen po ~ total thigle, complete sphere
thobpai nyam ~ thob pa’i nyams ~ experience of attainment thögal
~ thod rgal ~ practice particular to the Dzogchen teaching thögal
gyi nangwa zhi ~ thod rgal gyi snang ba bzhi ~ 4 stages of vision
in thögal thörol ~ thos grol ~ listening creates a cause for
liberation, liberation through hearing thongdrol ~ mthong grol ~
seeing creates a cause for

liberation, 'liberation through seeing', something that becomes a

positive cause for the persons who see them
thug ~ thugs ~ state of the mind
thug kyi trulku ~ thugs kyi sprul sku ~ mind-incarnation
thugdam ~ thugs dam ~ state of meditation, practizing like this
one dies in the meditation position remaining in it for three
days after death, or sometimes even more until the body shows
signs that the position is loosening up, which means that the
consciousness has emerged
thugje ~ thugs rje ~ in Dzogchen: manifestation of the energy,
the energy aspect of the base potentiality; in general:
compassion, potentiality
thugje magagpa ~ thugs rje ma 'gags pa ~ energy of primordial
state manifesting without interruption thun ~ thun ~ fixed length
of time, session phase of practice thun dring ~ thun 'bring ~
(tundrin) medium length practice session thun dü ~ thun bsdus ~
(tundus) short practice, short length practice session thun gye ~
thun rgyas ~ (tungyas) extensive practice, extensive length
practice session thun tsog ~ thun tshog ~ (tuncog) ≈ ganapuja
ting nge dzin ~ ting nge 'dzin ~ contemplation, samadhi
ting sal ~ gting gsal ~ ting means "profound" and profundity is
the real condition, "sal" means "luminosity", "clarity" tingdzin
chenpo ~ ting 'dzin chen po ~ total contemplation, permanent
condition of total presence
tingdzin khorjug chenpo ~ ting 'dzin khor yug chen po ~ tingdzin:
contemplation, koryug chenpo: totally integrated in all
circumstances, the all pervasive state of contemplation, total
tingdzin nampa zhi ~ ting 'dzin rnam pa bzhi ~ 4 contemplations
togden ~ rtogs ldan ~ 'one who gained understanding', more or
less the same as naljorpa, yogin togpa ~ rtog pa ~ to think
togpa nampa zhi ~ rtogs pa rnam pa bzhi ~ "four understandings",
the three characteristics (mtshan nyid gsum) and the four
approaches and attainments (bsnyen sgrub yan lag bzhi) are taken
from the eleventh and 12th chapters of Guhyagarbha-tantra
togpai chö ~ rtogs pa'i chos ~ dharma as practice, what has been
experience or realised, experiential teaching, s.a. lunggi chö
tön ~ don ~ meaning, benefit, true meaning, purpose tön dam ~ don
dam ~ absolute or ultimate meaning
tön nyi ~ don gnyis ~ "two aims", "two motivations, making
offerings to enlightened beings and purifying all of samsara
tön wang ~ don dbang ~ essential empowerment/ initiation tong
nyam ~ stong nyams ~ experience of void tongpa ~ stong pa ~
empty, open, shunya
tongpa nyi ~ stong pa nyid ~ emptiness, openness, shunyata
tongra ~ stong ra ~ tong: emptiness, ra: dimension; principle of
Yantra Yoga, remaining present in the knowledge of emptiness,
which is our dimension, instead of transforming ourselves into a
torma ~ gtor ma ~ balingta, torma-offering
trang dön ~ drang don ~ conventional or provisional meaning
trashi ~ bkra shis ~ good fortune, auspiciousness, best of luck,
good fortune, benediction, auspicious, goodness, prosperity, Skt.
tregchö ~ khregs chod ~ treg: binding something, chö: something
being cut, loose, free, something breaking automatically; method
of practice of the Dzogchen Upadesha, being totally relaxed in
the knowledge and understanding of our real nature, after having
been introduced; relaxing totally body, speech, mind and all
tensions into the state of contemplation; total relaxation
tregpa ~ khregs pa ~ bundle of sticks tied with a rope
tren ~ dran ~ remembering
trengrol ~ dran grol ~ liberation through remembering, e.g. the
sound and meaning of the Song of Vajra trenpa ~ dran pa ~
presence (of mind), mindfulness, remembrance trenrig ~ dran rig ~
recognition, state of recognition (of rigpa)
trenshe ~ dran shes ~ mindful awareness, presence of awareness,
mindfulness trigrol ~ dri grol ~ liberation through scent trigug
~ gri gug ~ the curved knife trilbu ~ gril bu ~ bell, Skt. ghanta

trinle ~ phrin las ~ enlightened, beneficial activities

tripa ~ mkhris pa ~ bile, one of the 3 humors in Tibetan
medicine, Skt. pitta
trödral ~ spros bral ~ beyond concepts, beyond judgement, second
of the 4 yogas of Mahamudra
trolwa trugden ~ grol ba drug ldan ~
1. six liberations (six syllables),
2. trolwa: liberation, trug: six, den: to have, to have the
possibility of the six liberations (referring to the 6 senses)
trondu ~ 'phro 'du ~ trowa & duwa (practice of) sending and
uniting , expanding and reabsorbing
trong jug ~ grong 'jug ~ transference [of consciousness into
another] body (phowa trong jug ~ 'pho ba grong 'jug) tru ~ khru ~
cubit, distance from elbow to tips of fingers
trubtha ~ grub mtha' ~ philosophical systems, lit. 'limits of
affirmation' trubthob ~ grub thob ~ siddha, master of spiritual
accomplishment; accomplished master trulkhor ~ 'phrul 'khor (also
'khrul 'khor) ~ yantra, movement (of the body), yantra yoga
trulku ~ sprul sku ~ nirmanakaya, incarnation, one who wants to,
and can be born freely as he wishes trulpa ~ 'khrul pa ~ illusion
tsa tsa ~ tsha tsha ~ small clay icon of deities, stupas etc.
tsal ~ rtsal ~ manifestation of the energy aspect of the base
related to the nirmanakaya condition, one of the 3 modes of
energy in Dzogchen
tsalung ~ rtsa rlung ~ practice of breathing and visualisation of
the channels, chakras and prana tsampa ~ tsam pa ~ roasted barley
flour, staple diet of Tibetans Tsarpa ~ Tshar pa ~ a division of
Sakya school
tsawa sum ~ rtsa ba gsum ~ "three roots": guru, deva, dakini;
Tibetan: lama, yidam khandro tsawai lama ~ rtsa ba'i bla ma ~
root teacher
tse ~ tshe ~ potentiality of life span, one of the three aspects
of the life principle, time, life, life-force, long life,
tsechig ~ rtse gcig ~ one-pointedness, one-pointed concentration
(in Abhidharma and sutras), unitary experience (in tantras), the
state of being focused, single minded, Skt. ekagrata, first of
the 4 yogas of Mahamudra, s.a. 4 yogas
Tsedrub Gongdü ~ tshe sgrub dgongs 'dus ~ Long Life Practice of
Universal Union tsewa ~ brtse ba ~ love, goodness, compassion
tsewang rigdzin ~ tshe dbang rig 'dzin ~ attainment of control
over life, knowledge-holders with power over life, 2nd level of
the four rigdzins
tsig ~ tshig ~ word, term
tsig sum ne deg ~ tshig gsum gnad brdegs ~ 'The 3 Statements that
Strike the Essence', three words hitting the main point, 3
testaments of Garab Dorje
tsog ~ tshogs ~ ganapuja, accumulation, assembly
tsog sag yenlag dünpa ~ tshogs bsag yan lag bdun pa ~ seven ways
of accumulating merits (Sutra)
tsog trug rangdrol ~ tshogs drug rang grol ~ tsog trug: six
senses, rangdrol: self-liberation, self-liberation of the six
tsogdrug rangrol ~ tshogs drug rang grol ~ the six self-
tsöldral ~ rtsol bral ~ to transcend effort, effortlessness,
beyond effort, unforced, tsölme ~ rtsol med ~ without effort
tsölwa ~ rtsol ba ~ effort, endeavour
tsombu ~ tshom bu ~ focal points, bundle, heaps, group, mandala-
clusters of deities or thigles
Tsombu Sodün ~ tshom bu so bdun ~ tsombu: heaping something,
heap, sodun: thirty-seven, mandala offering of thirty seven heaps
tsordrol ~ tshor grol ~ liberation through smell
tsulshing ~ tshul shing ~ meditation stick (for Longde practices)
tsultrim ~ tshul khrims ~ morality, ethics, ethical conduct,
discipline; 'trim': law, rule; 'tsul': situation, being aware of
the circumstances, Skt: shila
tummo ~ gtum mo ~ practice of inner heat turtrö ~ dur khrod ~
cemetery, charnel ground, a place for the disposal of the dead
uma ~ dbu ma ~ 1. Madhyamaka school, 2. middle, 3. central
channel, Skt. avadhuti uma chenpo ~ dbu ma chen po ~ "Great
Middle Way" great Madhyamaka, Skt. mahamadyamaka umapa ~ dbu ma
pa ~ madhyamika, a person following to the Madhyamaka school ume
~ dbu med ~ "unheaded letters, writing", cursive script, headless
current hand writing
wang ~ dbang ~ 1. empowerment, initiation, abhisheka;
2. power, potentiality
wang chu ~ dbang bcu ~ ten points of energy
wangchen ~ dbang chen ~ great empowerment, great initiation
wangpo ~ dbang po ~ controlling powers, capacity, sense
(faculties, power, organs), powerful, ruler, lord,
wangpo ngönsum ~ dbang po mngön sum ~ direct perception with our
wangpo thog che kyi dü ~ dbang po thogs bcas kyi bdud ~ the demon
that blocks the senses yab yum ~ yab yum ~ 'father mother',
manifestations presented in union form of divinities in Tantrism
yangdag kundzob ~ yang dag kun rdzob ~ pure, correct relative
truth yangdaggi tawa ~ yang dag gi lta ba ~ correct point of view
yangter ~ yang ter ~ rehidden and rediscovered terma yangti ~
yang ti (tig) ~ essential method in Dzogchen
ye sangye ~ ye sangs rgyas ~ (being in) the perfected,
enlightened state from the beginning yedrol ~ ye grol ~
primordial liberation yengwa ~ g.yeng ba ~ distraction yerme ~
dbyer med ~ inseparable yeshe ~ ye shes ~ primordial wisdom,
primordial awareness, wisdom yeshe khandro ~ ye shes mkha' 'gro ~
"wisdom dakini", enlightened person in pure form of female body,
Skt. jñanadakini
yezhi ~ ye gzhi ~ primordial base
yezhi nyingpo changchub kyi sem ~ ye gzhi snying po byang chub
kyi sems ~ essence of the primordial bodhichitta yidam ~ yi dam ~
yidam, 'sacred mind', divinity, meditation deity
ying ~ dbyings ~ dimension, ultimate sphere, space, continuum,
realm, pure space, field of reality, sphere, expanse, secret
space, dimension of emptiness, basic space, Skt: dhatu
ying rig dre ~ dbyings rig 'dres ~ integration of space and
instant presence ying rig yerme ~ dbyings rig dbyer med ~
inseparability of space and awareness yowa ~ g.yo ba ~ movement
yowai nyam ~ g.yo ba'i nyams ~ experience of movement yul ~ yul ~
object yum ~ yum ~ mother, consort
zernga ~ gzer lnga ~ Dzogchen practice, 'five nails', 'five
principle points' zhagpa ~ bzhag pa ~ to remain
zhen tong ~ gzhan stong ~ an aspect of the Madhyamaka School in
Tibet focusing on emptiness indivisible from luminosity,
asserting that the kayas and wisdoms of buddhahood are naturally
present within the sugata essence, lack of otherness, empty of
other, theory entertained by the Chonangpa School, compare with
rang tong
zhengpa ~ gzhengs pa ~ to arise, to awaken, to appear zhi ~ gzhi
~ ground, the base
zhi chig ~ gzhi gcig ~ zhi: base, chig: one; the same base (of
all of the universe, samsara and nirvana) zhir zheng ~ gzhir
gzhengs ~ to appear in original condition zi ~ gzi ~ Tibetan
precious stone
zungwa dzinpa ~ bzung ba 'dzin pa ~"grasper & grasped", the
dualistic concept of subject and object
The best meditation is no meditation
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