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Learning activity 1 Evidence: A world of images

In this evidence, you have to create at least seven mnemonic cards that will
help you remember the meaning of seven idioms in English. You should include
a drawing representing the idiom, two examples, and the corresponding
translation into Colombian Spanish (if possible).


Esta foto de Autor desconocido

Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo está bajo licencia CC BY-SA-NC
Idiom: licencia CC BY-NC-ND

Dirt that does not kill makes you fat

1. When you´re eating and a sandwich falls on the ground, you
pick it up and eat it so you don´t waste it.
 When you´re eating some of
doubtful quality, but you´re
2. When you´re enjoying a very tasty meal but with a lot of
gonna eat anyway.
cholesterol or that affects your health and people say stop it and
you think not to miss the opportunity.
  It´s okay. Nothing´s gonna
In Colombian spanish:
  Everything that is tasty or
Lo que no mata engorda.
provocative is bad for health.

  What doesn´t kill strengthens.

Esta foto de Autor
Idiom: desconocido está bajo
licencia CC BY-SA-NC

I´m not naming names Examples:

Definitions: 1. When gossip affects a person´s reputation and there is no

security of the event told.
 When you tell a gossip, you don´t
2. Count an event without revealing the names of the author
give the name of the source.
or the protagonist to save his privacy.
  Secrets should not be disclosed
In Colombian spanish:
and above all give names.
Le cuento el milagro pero no el santo.
  No evidence of unconfirmed
rumours that affect someone.


God gives bread to those who have no teeth

1. An act of goodwill but it is useless, which is useless, like
giving a comb to a bald man.
 It is used irony to say who cannot
take advantage of the wealth or
2. It´s like fate gives opportunities or privileges to people
benefits it receives.
who won´t take advantage of them.
  When a person doesn´t deserve
In Colombian spanish:
something he´s given because he
doesn´t take advantage of it.
Dios le da pan a quien no tiene dientes.
  It´s when someone can´t or won´t
take a chance.

Never look a gift horse in the mouth. Examples:

Definitions: 1. When you receive from another person and the

valuation or criticism of what you received by
principles, values, gratitude to the opposite is void.
 When receiving a gift you must have an
attitude of joy satisfaction and gratitude.
2. It doesn´t matter if the gift is nice or ugly the
important thing is the gesture and we must be grateful
 When a gift is received, no defects
for it.
should be sought or criticized and the gift
should be received with good pleasure.
In Colombian spanish:
 This expression is also used in equine A caballo regalado no se le mira colmillo.
terms when experts review the teeth of
horses to assess their age and health.

Esta foto e Autor desconocido está Esta foto de Autor desconocido

Idiom: bajo licencia CC BY-NC-ND está bajo licencia CC BY-NC-ND

A God begging and with the hammer giving.

1. Phrase that alludes to someone who while acting
correctly in turn does other reproachable or
 An expression invoking the importance
embarrassing things.
of working and striving to achieve what is
2. The effort to not entrust your own wishes, waiting for
a miracle without working to obtain it.
 Faith in your beliefs is important, but
nothing will happen without an effort by
In Colombian spanish:
A Dios rogando y con el mazo dando.
 In other words, grace, luck or fortune
can do nothing if human will does not do
its part.
Esta foto de Autor desconocido está
Idiom: bajo licencia CC BY-NC-ND

Desperate diseases must have desperate

cures. Examples:

Definitions: 1. What difficulties must be faced with courage and optimism

and launch bold or nothing conventional solutions.
 In the face of a serious problem,
there is no fear of radical solutions 2. When you´re faced with a problem that exceeds you resort
to solve it. to things you´d never do.

 To grave problems, major In Colombian spanish:

A grandes males grandes remedios.
 Sometimes you don´t have to
give a long time to the problems
but to face them with great efforts.


. To foolish words, deaf ears.

1. It alludes to the indifference to the foolishness of others
 It means indifference to the when they criticize us in a destructive way.
insanity of others.
2. This phrase advises us not to pay attention or to bother us
 Do not pay attention or bother to for comments that are not seeking our good.
comments from others and
impertinent who seek to In Colombian spanish:
underestimate us.
A palabras necias oídos sordos.
 Injuring or out of place remarks
that do not seek our good and
worthy of consideration.

Note: you have to create the examples and definitions. Do not plagiarize.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform
as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make

the file is attached.

3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).

4. ClickEnviar.

Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning

guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to
develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación

Aplica estrategias de estudio, haciendo uso del vocabulario y gramática


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