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Lets Get Trendy Assignment

By - Tanish
Determine a homepage that looks vibrant and attractive as it is the first impression
of the company or site. Use a modem design and have a couple of pictures, use a
big heading and a theme of color throughout the website.
The color of the website plays a
big role on the impression of the
website. For example by using
a warmer color you create a
warmer tone a more comforting
one, While if you use a cool
background you create a cool
tone. Use appropriate color
scheme to create mood for the
Images play a big role in a website, by enhancing image quality it grabs the
audience's eyes to allow for them to visualize the toys that Mr.Cooksey is selling.
Also using a business logo allows for the audience to recognize the store or brand.
If visually appealing images are provided it can draw the audience more to the
product effectively wanting them to buy it.

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