Customer Service Assignment

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Customer Service Guide Assignment



Major Language – The people of Japan often speak Kiego, which is considered to be
“Respectful”. The often-used statement is Irasshasimase, which means Welcome. This
statement does not require a response from the customer.
Time zone – Japan’s time zone is GMT+9
Attitudes toward time and appointments – being early or on time in Japan shows
respect and therefore any event of being late requires forewarning and an apology.
Appropriate Formalities and dressing for business meetings – In Japan males are
supposed to keep their hands by their sides as women are not supposed to put their hands
below their stomach. This is to dress formally and dark colors are the best preference.
Beliefs about personal space and nonverbal behavior – In Japan it is considered rude
to slouch or sit with our legs crossed. To show that one is paying attention they nod.

Currency – Japanese Yen

Thailand –
Major Language Spoken- Thai also called Siamese is the standard spoken language in
Thailand. Also many people that live in Thailand also speak English, but it is mostly in
tourist areas.
Time Zones- Indochina Time is GMT +7
Attitudes toward time and appointments – Deadlines in Thailand are not really used,
but being early or on time is a form of respect. When it comes to time and appointments
they are laid back on.
Appropriate Formalities and dressing for business related events – Meetings in
Thailand are written as an Invitation that is followed up by a phone call. During a
meeting you must be punctual and formal. You are supposed to wear a suit. To show
respect raise the wai or pray higher to your chin.
Beliefs about personal space and nonverbal behavior – In Thailand people are at
arm’s length if it’s a friend or acquaintance it can be closer. Thai people don’t use their
hands gestures to prove a point.
Currency – The Thai Baht (THB)

The Major Language Spoken – Indonesian
Time Zone – Indonesia follows WITA
Attitudes towards time and appointment- Indonesians care a lot of time and
punctuality they believe that “time is money and time is time” Also being late is
considered disrespectful, although be ready to be late and be patient when it comes to
standing in lines.
Formality appropriate for business meetings and related events – A handshake is the
most common greeting. In Indonesia formal greetings are the most respectful. When
being introduced to people it is typical that the eldest person will greet you first.
Formal business attire – When it comes to Formal Business meeting attire, for women
they are encouraged to wear a suit for a long skirt, for men a formal t shirt or a suit.
Beliefs about personal space and nonverbal behavior – Indonesia is over populated so
people generally tend to have little personal space, and people should try to be as
respectful as possible
Currency Of the Country – Indonesian Rupiah


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