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Abstraction Time Frame: 30 minutes


Directions: Make a diagram that shows the model of communication from

Sender to Receiver. (Draw on paper or type on your computer)

Date Developed:
Technical Bulacan Polytechnic August 2020
Page 27
Vocational College
ORAL Developed by:
COMMUNICATION Document No. 11-
Hazel Joyce M. Curay.,
IN CONTEXT OCC Revision # 01
LPT and Jiss Mark A.
Santos, LPT

Category 20-18 pts 17-15 pts 14-10 pts 9-7 pts 6-0
Clarity Perfectly Mostly clear. Somewhat Not clear. Unintelligible.
How clear Clear. No You may have clear. Difficult to I cannot tell
your difficulty one or two If I take a few interpret at what you are
image is understanding areas that are extra moments all. trying to do and
and how your concepts not clear or I Mostly cannot read
easily I and can tell at maybe were can interpret guessing your diagram
can a glance what difficult to your image, but at your idea.
interpret is happening. interpret. there is some Even with
it. guess work. prior
Requires prior knowledge, it
knowledge. is

Used Exactly. Very Close. Sort of. Hardly. Not at all.

Class Key You used the I can easily see You used a key It looks as Yours is
How key exactly as the concept or two though you completely
closely described and resemblance, from the key, went your own different from
you used have fit the but maybe you but then direction. I the key, leading
the key standard left out a key diverged to can to difficulty
we perfectly. point or two. your only see at interpreting
designed own method. best your diagram.
in class as one key
the concept and
standard. the
rest is

Neat How Perfect. Very Neat. Kind of neat. Not very. Not at all.
orderly You stayed You kept You have some This is an A random
your very neat and everything order to your image assortment of
diagram orderly. fairly image but it is of ordered images is
is. orderly, but a chaos. I’m thrown on the
there are some little chaotic to struggling to page.
small errors. look at. see any flow.

Timely Perfect. You Needs work. Problem. You Extreme Wrong. You had
Did you were done before You had most had some done error. You little or nothing
finish on you got to school of it complete, on the day of, had only to turn in. What
time? today. but you were but were partially you did have
working on it finishing right complete and was done today
during school up until the were having to at school.
hours the day class period. work on it in
of. the class
period in
order to turn
it in.

Date Developed:
Technical Bulacan Polytechnic August 2020
Page 28
Vocational College
ORAL Developed by:
COMMUNICATION Document No. 11-
Hazel Joyce M. Curay.,
IN CONTEXT OCC Revision # 01
LPT and Jiss Mark A.
Santos, LPT

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