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Laboratory Exercise #15


The endocrine system is a unique system because its constituent organs are not confined in a
specific area in the body but are instead scattered in different sites in the body.
The endocrine glands secrete hormones that influence specific tissues and control their
physiologic activities. The endocrine system, thru the actions of various hormones integrate numerous
metabolic processes essential for life.

1. To study the different endocrine glands.
2. To know the functions of the different endocrine glands.


A. Hypophysis Cerebri or Pituitary Gland
Refer to the lecture handout for the description of the hypophysis cerebri. Examine a
section of the hypophysis cerebri and identify the pars anterior, pars intermedia, pars tubernalis and
pars nervosa. Identify also the residual lumen and the infundibular recess as well as the infundibular
stalk. Note the largest lobe and the smallest lobe. Observe the types of cells found in the pars anterior.
Identify these cells. Identify also the type of tissue found in the pars nervosa.
Study the hypophysis cerebri under the scanner showing the relationship of the various
lobes. Show also a section of the various lobes under HPO showing the cell types in pars distalis (pars
anterior) and the arrangement of the cells in the other lobes. Label the structures.

a. Section of the hypophysis cerebri (4x)

b. Section of the hypophysis cerebri (10x)

b. Section of the pars distalis (40x)


c. Section of the pars nervosa (40x)

d. Section of the pars intermedia (40x)


B. Thyroid Gland
Refer to the lecture handouts for the description of the thyroid gland. Examine a section
of the thyroid gland and identify the thyroid follicle line by follicular cells and parafollicular cells.
Identify also the colloid and the blood capillaries associated with the follicles.
Show the thyroid gland under LPO and HPO and label the parts mentioned above. Under
the HPO, identify the follicular and parafollicular cells. Label the structures.

a. Section of the thyroid gland (10x)

b. Section of thyroid follicle (40x)

C. Parathyroid Gland
Refer to the description of the parathyroid gland in the lecture handouts. Examine a
section of the parathyroid gland under LPO and HPO and identify the capsule, cords, clusters or
strands of cells as well as the numerous capillaries in close association with the parenchyma. Identify
the chief cells and oxyphil cells (if present).
Show a section of the parathyroid gland under LPO and label the structures.
a. Section of the parathyroid gland (10x)

D. Adrenal Gland
Refer to the lecture handouts for the description of the adrenal gland. Examine a section
of the adrenal gland in the horse, ruminant or pig. Take note of the appearance of the zona
glomerulosa or zona arcuata. Also identify the other zones based on their histological characteristics.
Examine also the adrenal medulla and take note of its structure.
Show a section of the adrenal gland under LPO showing the structures mentioned above
including the capsule of the gland. Label parts of the gland.

a. Sections of the adrenal gland (10x and 40x)

E. Endocrine pancreas
Refer to the lecture handouts for the description of the endocrine pancreas. Examine a
section of the islets of Langerhans under HPO or oil immersion and try to identify the different types
of cells present in the islets.
Show a section of the endocrine pancreas (islets of Langerhans) under oil immersion
objective and label the parts.

a. Section of the islets of Langerhans (4x)

b. Section of the islets of Langerhans (40x)


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