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Aarakocran : Aarakocran are bipedal birdmen, with hands incorporated into

their wings. Aarakocran are a little taller than humans, but much lighter
due to their bone structure. They are adept flyers with superior vision.
Centaur : Centaurs are large creatures with the body of a horse and the
upper torso, head, and arms of a human. Their class choices are limited, but
they excel at forestry, and make excellent rangers and druids.
Drow : These dark skinned cousins of the elves hate the sunlight, and
are quick, but frail. Due to their weakness to sunlight, Drow adventurers
prefer to remain underground, although those who venture to the surface use
their darkness globes to dampen the light. This race is more challenging to
play, and starts in a more difficult start area, Magthere Wa'q.
Duergar : A grumpier balder dwarf, these creatures have numerous dark
underground abilities. Duergar are slow to level and starts in a more
difficult start area, Magthere Wa'q.
Dwarf : Dwarves are shorter than humans, but much stockier, and enjoy
sporting beards (including the women).
Elf : Elves are slightly shorter and more slender than humans, but
are quick and agile.
Githyanki : Githyanki are planar travelers from an ancient race whom have
taken residence in the Astral Plane. They are tall and gaunt, but also quite
powerful. They use their knowledge of the planes to take brief jaunts around
obstacles, appearing to teleport into well protected areas. This race starts
in a more difficult start area, Magthere Wa'q.
Gnoll : Gnolls are viscous anthropomorphic hyena-men. They stand 6
feet to 7 and a half feet tall, are lean and very viscous. Gnolls enjoy
displays of cruelty and mercilessness, often pulling limbs from their living
prey. They hunt creatures of all sorts, but particularly enjoy hunting
intelligent species.
Gnome : Gnomes are curious and quick-witted folk, resembling small
Goblin : Goblins are small twisted creatures, quick on their feet, and
natural tinkerers with all manner of wicked traps and devices Their class
choices are limited, but they excel at thieving, and make great miners and
delvers. Due to their short life expectancy, Goblin adventurers receive a
bonus to experience.
Half Elf : Half Elves are a mixture of humans and elves, possessing human
drive and elven grace.
Halfling : Halflings are a very short fur-footed folk, noted for their
quick hands and round, full stomachs.
Human : Just like you and me! Humans are versatile and successful
Lizard Man : These large, bidedal humanoids stand about a head taller than
humans. They have a thick three to six foot tail which they use for improved
swimming and to protect themselves. Lizard men prefer temperate to tropical
environments and can hold their breath underwater for extended periods.
Merfolk : Merfolk are half-fish, half-humanoid dwellers of the sea. They
can breathe air and water, enabling trade with surface dwellers. Merfolk are
the dominant underwater race.
Mindflayer : Mindflayers, or Illithid, are alien humanoids with a smooth,
leathery face with four tentacles surrounding and protecting their mouths.
They are taller than humans, but lighter and more frail due to millennia of
reliance upon mind-controlled slave labor to do their manual work.
Mindflayers require a very special diet of brains that they mindsuck from
charmed victims. This race starts in a more difficult start area, Magthere
Ogre : Ogres are the less enlightened kin to the giants, possessing
great strength and ferociousness at the expense of their intellect and
dexterity . As they are naturals at ripping things apart, they make
excellent butchers. Their class choices are limited, but any kind of Fighter
or Barbarian would suit an ogre very well.
Orc : Orcs are powerful, brutish porcine humanoids that take great
joy in the agony of others. Their society is dictated by the strongest,
most-vicious alphas of the tribe, who often band together to create great
war-parties to destroy other species? civilization.
Pixie : Pixies are playful fairy-kin, standing roughly two feet tall.
These pranksters rarely venture into society, but sometimes enjoy pranking
villagers near their woodland habitats. Pixies have transparent butterfly
wings and the innate ability to remain invisible as long as they wish.
Pixies are vegetarians and eating meat can make them violently ill.
Svirfneblin: Svirfneblin, or Deep Gnomes, are earthy-toned gnomes that live
deep below the surface. They prefer to isolate themselves from other
underground societies, which are often cruel and conniving by deep gnome
standards. This race starts in a more difficult start area, Magthere Wa'q.
Tiefling: Tieflings are mortal beings who have a trace of demon heritage,
granting them distinguished features including hornes, wings and a tail.
Tiefling are universally distrusted due to their ancestry and tendency to
fall upon the wicked ways of demons.

A nice tunic, a pair of shoes, a pair of pants, a knitted weapon belt

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