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UNIT 7: Vocabulary Check


Name: ________________________
Class: ________________________

Relationships with family and friends 7 I’m lucky – I never ___________ arguments with
1 Match the beginning of a sentence from my friends.
Column A with an ending from Column B to
make correct definitions. 8 My sister and I really ___________ each other’s
Column A Column B
0 My parents A the son of my
are E dad’s second
wife. 3 Choose the correct options to complete the
1 My great- sentences.
grandmother B my dad’s mum’s
is ___ mum. 0 Do you go / take out a lot at the weekends?
2 My C shares one 1 I fell / got out with my sister yesterday – we had a
neighbours parent with me. big fight!
are ___ 2 Who do you hang out / about with after school?
D my mum’s dad.
3 My cousins 3 We have to put up / away with a lot of traffic noise
E my mum and
are ___ in our house.
4 My aunt is ___ 4 I don’t go / get on very well with some people in
F my mum’s sister.
5 My my football team.
G the people who
grandfather is ___ 5 My mum has to deal about / with lots of difficult
live next door.
6 My step- situations in her job.
H my dad’s
brother is ___ /5
7 My half-sister ___ children.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the verbs from the box.

spend get have enjoy share have

come see get

0 I spend my free time with my dog, Tizz.

1 My sister and I ___________ a lot of the same
interests, like art.
2 My brother’s rock music can ___________ on my
nerves sometimes!
3 It takes me a while to ___________ to know
4 Tom and his friend Mark ___________ from very
different backgrounds.
5 Sarah and her friend Jackie are always busy, so
they don’t ___________ each other often enough.
6 My older brothers both ___________ the same
sense of humour.

© 2017 Pearson PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

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