24 Niro

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● La reina dentro del taxi de Niro le dice que quiere

cosas, “i want some tea, i want your taxi, i want to
drive your car, i wanna drive your car (informal)”.

● El atropella al gato “he runs over the cat” y se baja

a recogerlo “pick up the cat”, lo lleva al veterinario
allí ve a la Reina. “Queen Elizabeth” comiendo una
cocada y luego le quita las llaves para guardarlas
en su escote. (Phonetics)

Nota: Después de una consonante que lleve “t” se omite al hablar:

Listen = Lisen
Twenty = Tweny
Thrirty = Thiry
Often = Ofen
WANT TO Pronunciación WANNA
DESIRES (WANT) (Grammar)

On Fastbraintv: Que no digas I WANT???


To express “desires” use the verb WANT.

1. My sister wants a new house.

2. I want some bread.
3. My wife wants a baby girl.
4. He wants a red car.
5. They want a new teacher.


1. We don't want a new car.

2. Bill doesn't want another test.
3. I don't want any help.
4. She didn't want that gift.
5. We don't want an old house.


To talk about activities you would like to do, use the verb WANT TO.

1. I want to go to the concert.

2. Jenny wants to listen to music.
3. I want to eat a hot dog.
4. Mary wants to swim at a hotel pool.


1. Mike doesn't want to work now.

2. I don't want to go to bed.
3. Helen doesn't want to dance.
4. Mel doesn't want to clean the house.

100 Most Common English Verbs

Clave Key /ki/ - /ˈkiː/ Sonido de la “c” del español cuando

Falda Skirt /skɝt/ - /ˈskɜːrt/ precede a la “a”, “o” y “u”.
Escoge Pick /pɪk/ - /ˈpɪk/ También, sonido de “qu” antes de “e” e
3 /k/ Gato Cat /ˈkæt/ - /ˈkæt/ “i”.
volver Back /ˈbæk/ - /ˈbæk/
Rodilla Knee /ni/ - /ˈniː/ Y es muda en el grupo inicial “kn”.
Conocer /Saber Know /noʊ/ - /ˈnəʊ/

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