Shivam Singh History Civics Paper Unit II

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Nane-ShiNam ingh

Class: pv:R_no-
1Sibini HichrulCvics o1.22 1

o e 10uring Civi disdoidience Movementovetomeni imprsed

Hactial Law in Solapur

9 hZad DastaBhai Hotuo

2La SEna senergl Awari
|3 Azod Radio'- Htuna hsqf Al
AzodHnd overnment5ebhash Chandra Bose

3Azad Radio- Hrunq Hsa Ali
orredh palr or
Hzad Radio Suahash Chandra BoselAdolf Hitler.
Lnderarnd Novenen
auprakashChhatubairuna Asat Yusut NeherDr Ram.manoha
NaraanAaranik Al Lshia
Sacriice o Boou Genu
5 Mumcal,here e aaitution against_foreign|
goeds Ihe yehicles rans portinaotign gcods
Bab genu said, a nil wor kerrom Mumbal os in
onT i n nis movêmeni. A_ruc.k _carryin
r Eianastds, aquord b he police, Came in
jront og Babu enu
Tshoph uckhe led down on he
Ioad.Police hreatend hi aut he did not moe
mhls platP
w ingluhe s Crushed underhe ruck.Ba by

Genuo ne nortydm
Tes r i . f ins.piraton

9 d tandhii bt us unto dah n rnda

The Lomuna dedared b Britsn frin
Ministr am yMac Denald husSepara
elecroes r Dalits
his aivison h TyLn htbasis
COS LOS Dot au£ pred byandhi
ilerejore,toproET againsthisaard
rand hijbegon jastuno deahin Yeruodo

he opianin oSubas andraase

TuMeadantuae Enalano engacedin in
Seond world W a r opposed D he
Senlor eubers Ccoress.

2Suehash Gandra Bose who was an imgortont

eader serash ardta s Tndian
Nationa (pngress wos a veru open-nminded
and aery inelien ptrhan.e Tadia woul
have ao independenLe durinaSetond w e l d
his opinlon would be atuepred._
So,1 ike SsbhashChandra Bose personalit

Name Shivam Singh

Suhjecht HistatyGuic 12 o 22 3)

Ansuer the follasing in Details.Chny1)

ilj Salt is animportant inqredient_in thefood o
Comnon eople
Hence, iasas onjust imposetox on 6e
Qn ike salt: There jore,-
essenhal Commodity
tandhijiStared salB Satyoqraha
Calt Sotyagraha wasSymbalic.
iy The extnsiveobiective ws o break
the oppresiye and unjust las the Brish
aolerrynent thr ough peae and Satyagraha
NBecause e demands o gandhiji were
rejecttd he toVernnenthe decided to
launth Satyagcgha a overhdia by breaking
Sat hd


PAhesenior most jvdge o Supreme ourtis

ppointd bhe
sk Pesident.
Tudiiary in Thdia Isan inkgrakd Sstem
7| True
ReascnTndia has an intarated judiclary cans
thet me higher Courts have Supt Prme authorit
oNe all oinerCourtS in he Counry. The supreme
Court s he Supremeof g] cour's andhe
deüsiono all Cours are dependent on each ohe
o22, h

lgm AjCimina law

serlous Crimeare dealt under rinina a
Crimes like Imurder, Heyt, dourrobberyre tont
under Criming lqw.
T this CAsesthe irs sep IS iea
irst indorrmation Report (FIR in palice, Ond hen
ile apeition in the Court.
Chorgesare pcoyed here are roVispn
SeVere Punishmen

i Judlcia actviism:
Judiial Qchutsmore udici_rulin hat_ore ased
on Opienion raherhan on ewsina low
hthe lastjel deads, Lourts havebetume
inureaSingly achNe.
The Lont seeks to ulihe constHtuhianal qpals
ustice and e equaliy
lega protechion to marganilized sechi
in society ke womenti bal,swnrkerformets Qnd

Law and ndion iodiciaru Constihution
Rights o
Common people
Nasae:-Shivam Shagh
Class-gh Dv:AIRaloo,38 o 225
Subuech Éralisk. HishrGN

4he tions Supreme Coort are as Jollous

has the to seltle dispules
between Centte
Cente and he stales ahd Sta tes r
omong states
masy also qive orders b relevont auhoihes
protecion of he undamentel rights o
ia To Teview decr ees Ond otders oflouer Cours
Qnd aso revi e its Own
N)Thepresidentf asks Jor he advice of he
Court to under stnd he lega Qspecrs
in matter o eoblic importance.

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