RGV Company Non-Profit

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RGV Company Non-Profit

Anna Romo

South Texas College

Dr. Sandra Trevino

Management Theory II

July 20, 2022


RGV Company Non-Profit

In today’s modern culture, it is unusual to see children engaged in activities such as

playing in the park or participating in sports. With the rapid advancement of technology, many

children would rather spend their free time indoors playing video games and watching videos on

mobile devices or personal computers. The lack of financial resources prevents most parents

from being able to provide their children with the opportunity to participate in any outdoor sport.

Due to the lack of time, some or most parents find it easier to give their child an electronic

device. For instance, they are spending time outside after COVID-19 has taught me that it is

easier to spend some time outside than to waste a child’s mind on an electronic device.

However, it is more expensive to enroll children and teenagers in extracurricular

activities either outside of school or at home; the majority of parents now let their children use

technology while they are at home alone (Bernardo Nicoletti, 2012). Parents believe they do not

need to be concerned about their children at home because technology can keep them occupied

and entertained. RGV Company will be a non-profit organization that aims to reduce the

prevalence of obesity by organizing various extracurricular activities and sporting events for

children belonging to low-income families

However, parents are misinformed regarding their child’s health when it comes to

embracing or encouraging these types of habits. Children who do not get enough exercise,

particularly outside, are more likely to put on weight and, in most cases, become obese (Tapping

& Media, 2010). This issue can result in health problems for the individual, such as diabetes and

bullying at school due to their physical appearance. It is not the children's fault that their parents

cannot pay for them to participate in extracurricular activities; this issue is a financial hardship

for the family. Children should not be denied the opportunity to participate in the games or

activities that they have always enjoyed doing since childhood (Singh & Sachdev, 2020).

Children need a release for their built-up energy by participating in activities outside,

such as football, soccer, baseball, karate, swimming, and gymnastics. Any child can avoid

becoming overweight by participating in these physical activities and engaging in a healthy

nutritional plan.

An RGV Company non-profit organization will be established to aid low-income families in

enrolling their children in outdoor sports and other forms of physical activity (Fertig et al., 2021).

This event will be done to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity. Some

organizations try to persuade parents to sign their children up for sports by offering free tryouts

for one week. However, the families are responsible for the cost of continuing the program if the

child makes the team. The marketing approaches these types of organizations to take hurt, low-

income families. Organizations of this kind accept only financial support from parents. Nonprofit

companies are unsuccessful due to a lack of capacity and knowledge to carry out management

functions. They can strategize but need the leadership skills required for an organization to

advance. We gather a wide range of information into a more efficient means of moving forward

and achieving our goals to ensure that we do not experience the same level of failure as other

organizations (Buer, et al., 2021).

RGV nonprofit company will develop a strategy that is instrumental to our achievements

in accomplishing our goals and vision. The first step in the plan of action was to locate the ideal

candidate capable of taking the helm of the organization and possessing the necessary leadership

skills. It isn’t peculiar for a business to be successful if it does not have strong leadership.

(Fertig, et al, 2021).


The intelligence quotient, also known as IQ, is a metric that determines how much

information a person has access to; the higher a leader's IQ, the greater the likelihood that their

organization will be successful. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is the capacity to recognize and

accurately assess one's feelings and constructively channel those feelings. A high IQ improves

one's chances of being a success, but a leader withal intelligence will be successful in all aspects

of their role The employee will be more committed to their job. After we had recruited leaders to

run the company, we moved on to the next step of setting objectives and goals for the

organization. A strategic plan must be developed to achieve the company’s vision for the RGV

Company to complete its purpose. “More than a third of children and adolescents in the United

States are overweight or obese, making it a predominant nutritional disorder in the pediatric

population in the U.S. Childhood obesity is associated with increased risk for diabetes mellitus,

type 2 (DM2).” (Church, 2018).

Furthermore, utilized the Balanced Scorecard. More effective communication of the

strategic plan with associates can be achieved with the assistance of the balanced scorecard

protocol. It makes it easier to monitor how well the staff is carrying out the activities and goals

that have been set. Another management function that has been used to contribute to the

continued success of the organizations in question is lean control. Implementing the balanced

scorecard method may result in unintended consequences such as increased expenses and time

demands. It takes time and money to properly structure the balanced scorecard with the goals and

objectives of the organization. The organization has good management leadership, a strategy

plan, a scorecard, and a scorecard lean control function. The organization's mission is to spread

the word throughout the Rio Grande Valley about the organization's responsibility to provide

parents with information about the potentially harmful effects technology can have on our

children (Fertig, et al 2021). Children may be at a greater risk of becoming obese with each hour

they spend playing video games or watching television. The organization's goals are crystal

clear: we will work to reduce the prevalence of obesity by organizing various extracurricular

activities and sporting events.

Lean control is a nonfinancial control system used to improve product and service

quality while reducing waste. Lean control can help to improve the quality of services provided

to children and their parents involved in the organization. They implement the action plan by

providing strong leadership, creating a strategic plan, utilizing the balanced scorecard, and

implementing lean practices. Management's control functions can be practical when carried out

properly; however, as with any other type of enterprise, organizational changes can have

unfavorable consequences. There are times when leaders and managers try to incorporate new

ideas into performance when achieving goals. “Lean production aims to design and produce

things with a difference from mass and craft forms of production by the objectives and technique

and to enhance the performance of the production system to meet unique customer requirements”

(Ikput, 2020).

Employees become accustomed to their routines, so disrupting them and forcing them to

adapt to change can be stressful. Employees may be dissatisfied with new ideas. Consequently,

when hiring management, those individuals must have excellent common skills to explain to

associates how the new ideas will help them and the organization improve their performance and

motivate them to work harder.

RGV company organizations will not charge low-income families. To help reduce costs,

our objective is to recruit parents to distribute flyers across the RGV and use social media posts

to assist in collecting donations for the necessary equipment. The parents will receive instruction

to carry out the various activities planned for the children at the organization. In order to provide

information about how successfully the organization's strategy has been implemented, we will

present the findings of an analysis conducted over three years. To determine whether or not we

successfully achieve our objectives, we will demonstrate the steps we have taken and the

outcomes of our fight against obesity (Tapping & Media, 2010). The flyer disruption will help

promote our new company, and I am confident that parents will band together to be a part of the

change that will encourage their children to be active.

Registered Children

Girls 2019 Together 2020 Boys 2021

Chart 1: The chart above shows the number of kids registered in the last three years. As
it shows, the blue column is the number of Girls registered, the orange is the number of students
registered in total, and the grey is the number of Boys registered; they have been working hard
to keep increasing the number of children registered.

Children decline on obesity






Girls Boys

year amount
Chart 2 Demonstrates how there has been a recent decline in the percentage of obese
children living in the RGV. In just three years, our organization has assisted in bringing the
percentage of obese people down from 60 percent to 30 percent, and we are continuing to work
toward bringing it down even further.
Doctor's Hospital Renaissance is a local hospital in the RGV, and I believe it has

surveyed the region. However, obesity rates are so high in the RGV that I want to see a change in

the community from which I come. Most importantly, with the committee's help, there will be a

change, and we will see more children playing outside than ever before. This three-year survey

will yield excellent results (Tapping & Media, 2010).

RGV non-profit Company will significantly reduce the number of children affected by

obesity and adolescent diabetes. With our stellar business plan and leadership tactics, we are

confident that we will bring meaningful change to the community and low-income families and,

most importantly, curb the existing lethargic culture. Our plan is to incorporate our current

resources and skilled partners, including a Registered Nurse, US Army Veteran, and a

Respiratory Care Practitioner. Together we will not only mold the structure of our program but

bring valuable educational opportunities to the community on prevention and awareness.

As the leader of the organization, it brings me great satisfaction to have the ability to

provide life-changing opportunities for families who are financially burdened to become more

active in the fight against obesity. My upbringing in a family with limited resources has instilled

in me a desire to help those in desperate need of assistance. Nothing is more fulfilling than

assisting parents who want the best for their children.

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