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Guide Questions:
1. What are the characteristics of a sovereign state? Can you consider the Philippines a sovereign
- Permanence is the chef characteristics of sovereignty. Sway endures up to an autonomous state keeps going. The demise of the
ruler, the defeat of the public authority and the dependence of force doesn’t prompt the annihilation of sway.

2. How does the international law affect the laws of the sovereign state?
- International law is supra – public law. In contrast to the homegrown laws of the state (country) where the law is implemented on
people by police and choice made in homegrown courts; there is no crisis 911 for a state to consider when another state is acting
gravely, and in case there were, the place where there is prison to sentence detainment.

3. Explain how the transnational actors influence global governance.

- The emergence of transnational environmental actors is one important element of the boarder trans nationalization of world politics in
the postwar period. The snare of financial associations across borders, supported by mechanical changes in interchanges and
transport, both the interest in and the chance of legislative issues past the state.

4. Does a sovereign state have to adhere to the international law?

- Yes, in result of such turns of events, sway stopped to be considered as inseparable from unlimited force. States have acknowledged
an extensive assemblage of law restricting their sovereign right to go about however they see fit.

5. Can a sovereign state ignore issues that are outside its boundaries? Why or why not?
- Yes, it frequently portrays an individual who has preeminent force or authority, like a ruler or sovereign. Countries and states are
likewise in some cases depicted as “sovereign”. This implies that they have control over themselves; their administration is influenced
quite a bit by control, as opposed to heavily influenced by an external position.

B. SMALL GROUP ACTIVITY. Research on the functions and roles of the United Nations in relation to global
governance. As much as possible, cite concrete examples in which the UN has performed its functions in a
global scale.
1. The socioeconomic challenge: we must ensure that our planet is habitable, even comfortable, for billions of
people even, as powerful demographic shifts transform the global economy.
2. The diplomatic challenge: state must strike the right balance between self-determination and stability.
Conflicts where states fight for territories are vanishing; most armed violence now arises from populations
claiming the same territories and/or new regimes coming into power. Therefore, the world must be governed as
a whole. The UN is the necessary mediator for this global management.
3. Balancing world powers. Global governance must make allowances for these imbalances and even organize
its dynamics around these realities.
4. Garnering regional support. Regional actors know the issues on the ground and can set up adapted
configurations. Peace must be a two-way process: top-down, bottom-up.
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Choose any of the #GlobalIssues below. Express your viewpoints regarding the topic you
have chosen and write a position paper. Make sure to make a clear thesis statement in your
introduction. The body of the paper must clearly present the background information, the
discussion of the claims and the counterclaims. The conclusion of your paper must provide
suggested solutions or courses of actions to the topic.

#Endpoverty, #warondrugs, #stopterrorism, #graftandcorruption, #violenceagainstwomen,

#Humantrafficking, #territorialdisputes.

Poverty is about not having enough money to meet the basic need of a human being. In Philippines,
poverty is one of the main problems because most of the people live in Philippines doesn’t have money, no
permanent jobs, lack of educations. Solving this problem is really hard and difficult because most of the
politicians planning and making projects to help those people is never happens. Ending the poverty in the
Philippines really helps to become our country nice and have a better future.

There are many reasons why poverty exists and linger in the Philippines such as overpopulation, Low
internal revenue collection, Poor health, Lack of love for God, Most Filipino’s don’t have entrepreneurial minds,
Corruption committed by political leaders, High expenditure through the pork barrel by political leaders. They
are poverty because that. Why are still poor? Because they are always seeking assistance of the government
and they are not seeking of source of money on their own, they don’t have money because they don’t have
jobs and lack of education, to defeat neediness, we should initially characterize and get what it is. Destitution
has numerous definitions relying upon the perspectives on the person who is characterizing it.

In conclusion we must know how to end the poverty we need to find solution and every circumstances
not only seeking for assistance in the government and we must vote wisely so we can avoid any corruption
here in our country.

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