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BSN 2Y2-2A TLWD 111

1. What are the characteristics of a sovereign state? Can you consider the
Philippines a sovereign state?

Some of the characteristics of a sovereign state are the following: a

sovereign state has its own space or territory and is internationally recognized
boundaries; there is also a government, population, and also the right and
capacity to make treaties and other agreements with other states. We can
consider Philippines as a sovereign state because it can govern its own, it has
boundaries and territories recognized by other state.
2. How does the international law affect the laws of the sovereign state?
International laws are the laws signed by different sovereign states
especially those who are member of the United Nations. This organization was
made after the world war. International law is a system of treaties and
agreements between nations that governs how nations interact with other
nations, citizens of other nations, businesses, etc. Best example for this is the
Climate Change Treaty or the Paris Agreement. This international law should be
followed by countries who signed the treaty. This only means that the international
law may affect the sovereign states' law. Philippines had signed this treaty
controlling much air emission, technology, and other forms of pollution in order to
fight climate change.
3. Explain how the transnational actors influence global governance.

Transnational actors are any nongovernmental actors such as multi-

national corporation or a global religious humanitarian organization.
Transnational actors are indeed having a big factor in global governance. Funds
coming from these organizations may affect the system of government in
countries where they are offering some humanitarian activities. By funding the
needs of countries for example in fighting polio, the money that is being funded
to these countries may affect the elections by giving favor to some political icons.
This also makes them get the favor or shall we say make things easier than the
usual ones.
4. Does a sovereign state have to adhere to international law?

Technically, sovereign states are following international laws. But there are
a lot of laws that is being violated by powerful countries especially in human rights
matter. China, for example is part of the UN. United nations have its jurisdiction to
its member countries. This only means that member countries shall adhere to the
rules, treaties, and agreements made and ratified by each member. China for
example, is violating one of the ruling of UNCLOS in last 5 years until now. The

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Philippines has its exclusive rights within 200 nautical miles in the West part of its
territory. Even if the UNCLOS or the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea had decided that the territories claimed by China is in the EEZ of the
Philippines but China is not recognizing the decision made by the UNCLOS.
5. Can sovereign state ignore issues that are outside its boundaries? why or why
A sovereign state can ignore issues that are outside of its boundaries
because sovereign state has its own jurisdiction or it can govern its own. Only if
the United Nations ask for help for example in humanitarian projects, they can
lend their hand.

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