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Family Profile
Source of Information: Juanito Reyes
Classification of the Family
A. According to Structure
○ Extended Family
B. According to Naming system
○ Patronymic
C. According to Residence
○ Matrilocal
D. According to Family set-up
○ Democratic
E. Family life cycle
○ Family with launching children

Members of Relationship to Age Educational Present Religion Income

the Family Informant Attainment work

Juanito Informant 58 High School ----- Catholic -----


Daisy Reyes Wife 50 High School ----- Catholic -----

Maria Daughter 21 High School ----- Catholic -----


Maria Louisa Daughter 20 High School Warehouse Catholic -----

Reyes worker

Rowell Son 30 High School Beautician Catholic Php 2000


John Cedric Grandson 4 Daycare ----- Catholic -----


John son-in-law 31 High School Lazada Catholic Php 1000

Stewart delivery rider
C. Illnesses within the Family

Present Name Management Facility Reasons for Self

Illnesses where not medication
he/she consulting used

Completed Juanito Stroke Virgen de Cellulitis

Stroke; Reyes ● Trimetazidine Manaoag ● Vick’s
Diabetes; ● Citicoline Medical Clinic VapoRub
Hypertension ● Vitamin B ● Efficascen
complex t oil
● Losartan
● Amlodipine
● Metformin

Diabetes, Daisy Reyes Hypertension Health

Hypertension ● Losartan center
, asthma ● Amlodipine
● Metformin

Asthma, Maria Health

Currently Yolanda center
Pregnant Reyes

Asthma Maria Louisa


Asthma; John Cedric

Cough and Medina

Illness Trajectory
The family is currently on the 4th stage of illness trajectory or the phase of adjustment to
outcomes since sir Juanito, the index patient, already suffered disability secondary to
cerebrovascular disease. The disability enabled sir nito, the main provider, to return to his work,
preventing him to provide for his family. This significant loss of income led to crisis in the family,
specifically altering the family roles and dynamics.

D. Family Assessment Tools


2. Family APGAR
Almost always Some of the Hardly ever
2pts time 0pt

Adaptation Ako’y nasisiyahan dahil

nakakaasa ako ng tulong sa
aking pamilya sa oras ng

Partnership Ako’y nasisiyahan sa paraang

nakikipagtalakayan sa akin ang
aking pamilya tungkol sa aking
mga suliranin

Growth Ako’y nasisiyahan na ang aking

pamilya ay tinatanggap at
sinusuportahan ang aking mga
nais gawin patungo sa mga
bagong landas para sa aking
Affection Ako’y nasisiyahan sa paraang
ipinadadama ng aking pamilya
ang kanilang pagmamahal at
nauunawaan ang aking
damdamin katulad ng galit,
lungkot at pag-ibig

Resolve Ako’y nasisiyahan na ang aking

pamilya at ako ay nagkakaroon
ng panahon para sa isa’t isa

Total 4

Score Interpretation

0-3 Severely dysfunctional

4-7 Moderately dysfunctional

8-10 Highly functional


Adaptation Mr. Juanito is being taken care of by his wife and children despite arguments.

Partnership Mr. Juanito and his family sometimes share expenses for his medications, food and
other needs of the family. His wife and children take turns to accompany him outside.

Growth Mr. Juanito’s family usually follows his decisions, especially when it comes to his
treatment. When he decided not to be confined, his family just took it as it is.

Affection Mr. Juanito and his wife, Mrs. Daisy, usually quarrel about daily living activities.
However, Mrs. Daisy still accompanies and takes care of him.

Resolve Since Mr. Juanito sleeps and stays in his papag, while his children stays in their
house, the family has lost the possibility of bonding together.

3. Family MAP
The members of the Reyes family have a good relationship with each other, and just like
other Filipinos, they place great value on their family. Overall, the members of the family have
their own roles to play. Mr. Nito’s wife is in charge of taking care of him, while the eldest
daughter is assigned to do all the household chores. The youngest daughter looks out for Mr.
Nito, as well. Mr. Nito’s son and son-in-law help shoulder the family’s expenses. Unlike before,
Mr. Nito and his wife fight constantly as of late. There are times when Mr. Nito gets cranky and
easily irritable due to his condition. However, despite all his bad moods, his wife and children
still continue to take care of him and attend to his needs. His eldest child, Rowell, even if not
living in the same household with them, still manages to constantly give financial support every
month. Their love for each other remains intact in spite of all the problems and challenges they


Resources Pathology

Social Social interaction is evident among Mr. Juanito’s Even if social interaction is evident
family members. He is currently being taken among his family members, he and
care of and assisted by his wife, while some of his wife often fight over little things
his co-driver friends also help him. since his stroke.
Sometimes their neighbors speak ill
about them.

Culture The family, like other Filipino families, values Since Mr. Juanito had stroke, the
close family ties, and celebrates events such as family no longer able to enjoy fiestas
birthdays and fiestas. and birthdays.

Religion Their family is Roman Catholic. They do not attend mass and do not
Even so, he currently participate in Christian participate in any church activities.
practices, where he met new friends.

Economic Mr. Juanito formerly worked as a taxi driver and Unfortunately, he had to quit his job
was the main provider of his family. He earned due to his condition. Considering
enough money to support their needs. that his family depends on him,
Moreover, his first two children help covering financial problems arises since his
their expenses. stroke attacked. His current situation
makes it more difficult for them to
budget their money.

Education All of the members of his family only finished Since they just finished high school,
high school. this somehow limits their capability
to comprehend material information
about Mr. Juanito’s condition. For
example, they use Vick’s Vaporub
and efficascent oil for his cellulitis.
Moreover, for quite some time, he
and his wife were noncompliant with
their medications, not knowing how
important it is to take those.

Medical The barangay health center is very accessible to Even though the health center is
their area. accessible to them, they do not
regularly go there for check-up.
Medications are limited as they still
need to buy their maintenance
drugs. Currently, there is no
barangay health worker on duty at
the health center.

E. Social Determinants of Health and Multifactorial Issues that can affect the health of the family
The figure above shows the web-of-causes as to why the patient developed the disease.
Based on the patient’s history Mr. Juanito had several risk factors for the development of stroke,
he is a known hypertensive, a diabetic, a smoker, has no forms of exercise and consumes
unhealthy diet. The presence of these contributing factors may be secondary to the patient’s
poor health seeking behavior and misconceptions, the patient was non-compliant to medications
and is reluctant of healthcare due to a previous negative experience, wherein his father died
after being brought to the hospital. The reluctance to healthcare will then devoid the patient of
the opportunity to understand his disease and acceptance of treatment, which could result in a
vicious cycle of risk development and disease recurrence.

F. Summary and Insights

Our criterion for choosing our family is that they should have at least one member
suffering from a chronic illness. The Reyes family was just referred to us by the tanod in
Manggahan, who said that they have a stroke patient among them. With that, we decided to
choose the Reyeses as our family. The first time we interviewed Mr. Juanito, the stroke patient,
we learned that he also has hypertension and diabetes, for which he is non-compliant in taking
medication for. His wife, Mrs. Daisy, also has diabetes and hypertension, and is likewise non-
compliant to treatment.
As we got to know them, we learned about their mistaken perceptions and
misconceptions about health care. We were able to perceive the different factors that influence
their health. With that, our desire to help them through education and counselling got stronger.
We just hope that through our few family visits, we somehow got to enlighten their minds as to
how important it is to comply with and follow treatment. Mr. Juanito, who was very cooperative
and patient with us the entire time we interviewed him, showed us how he wanted to get better,
how strong his will is to comply with management so that he could get back on his feet again
just like old times.
We learned during our time with them, that when even a single member of a family is
suffering from a disease, the rest of the members will be affected. Even then, we observed that
Mr. Juanito’s family will do everything in order to support his needs, may they be physical or
emotional. Despite their financial burden, they are still able to provide for what the family needs.

G. Feedback
Mr. Nito: “Maraming salamat sa inyo. Sa ginagawa niyo, natututo kayo, pero hindi lang naman
kayo, kasi ako (kami), natututo rin sa inyo. Sana marami pa kayong matulungan, at sana
maging doktor talaga kayo.”

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