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BRANCH OF PHILOSOPHY - studies the world or universe including ots

origin, dynamics, and characteristics, as well as

1ST BRANCH the laws that govern its order
- foundation of Philosophy Psychology/ Anthropology
- meta (beyond/after) physika (physical/nature) Psyche (mind/soul) logos (study)
- study of things beyond the physical; concepts - study of the nature and dynamics of the
or things that cannot be experienced human person as a whole with emphasis on the
way the person's mind functions and the way
she behaves
Divide into two namely;

Natural Theology or Theodicy

General Metaphysics
theos (God)
- also referred to Ontology
- study of God
- justification of the goodness of God in the face
- onto ( being or that which is) logos (knowledge of the existence of evil
or study)

- studies beings in their ultimate causes, reasons

and principles through the aid of reason alone

Basic Questions in Ontology


- What is being? episteme (knowledge) logos (study)

- Why do things exist, rather that not exist at - study of the nature and scope of knowledge
all? and justified belief

- What is the meaning and nature of reality?

- What is the underlying principle of all that Basic Questions in Epistemology

exists? - What is knowledge
- Is there nothing? -What do we know
Special Metaphysics - How is knowledge acquired?
Specific sub branches: -What are the structures and limits of
Cosmology knowledge?

kosmos (world) logos (study) - What makes justified beliefs justified?

3rd BRANCH Basic Questions in Ethics

Logic - What is a right conduct as that which causes

the realization of the greatest good?
logos = science of correct thinking
- How do we determine a right conduct?
- study of the principles and criteria of a valid
argument - What is a good life and cab we attain it?

- distinguish sound or good reasoning from - What is the difference between human act
unsound or bad reasoning and actions that are based on instinct?

- What do people think is right?

Basic Questions in Logic

- What is correct reasoning

- What distinguishes a good argument from bad


- How can we a fallacy in argument?

- What are the criteria in determining the

validity of an argument?

- What are the types of logic?


ethos = custom or habit

- morality of human actions

- how human persons ought to act, and the

search for a definition of right conduct, and
good life

Ethics is not the same as Morality (JJ)

- because ethics denotes the theory of right

action and the greater good

- while morality indicate practice that id the

rightness and wrongness of a human action.

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