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Multimedia Systems-2 Briefly explain elements of multimedia.

Multimedia is comprised of several elements including text, graphics, sound, video, and animation. Following are brief explanations of each multimedia element and how they can be used: Text is perhaps the most fundamental element of any multimedia project. Text-based information can also be gathered from resource CDs and the Internet. Applications such as Photoshop can be used to add visual effects to text to create a more appealing presentation.Graphics can be incorporated into a multimedia project in the form of photographs or designs. Graphic images can be imported from a variety of resources such as the Internet, a digital camera, a scanner, or resource CDs such as Art Mania 12,000. Original graphic designs can be created with applications such as HyperStudio, MovieWorks, and Photoshop LE.

Audio, or sound, is a multimedia tool that is frequently used for the purpose of e-Learning courses and training. In general terms, sound can be described as the vibrations that travel through air and can be heard by humans. Sound requires the use of different software to allow for the programming of this medium and when using sound in multimedia there are many options of technologies that can be utilised to edit the sound file including Real Audio, QuickTime and Flash. Real Audio is obviously used in the editing/programming of sound files, however it was specifically developed as a streaming media format which means that sound can be played even as it is being downloaded. Moving images or video can be incorporated into a multimedia project as QuickTime movies. QuickTime Pro, HyperStudio, and MovieWorks can be used with a camcorder or VCR to create and edit QuickTime movies. These programs can also import movies from the Internet and from resource CDs such as The Archives of History.

Movies that can depict a 360-degree panorama or a movable object can also be incorporated into a multimedia project. These virtual reality movies, often referred to as QuickTime VR movies, can be created with QuickTime VR Authoring Studio for playback and be incorporated into programs such as HyperStudio, MovieWorks, and QuickTime ProGraphics that contain movement are often referred to as animation. Animation files can be downloaded from the Internet in the form of animated GIF files and viewed with QuickTime Pro, HyperStudio, and MovieWorks. HyperStudio and MovieWorks can also be used to create and edit both frame and path animation.

2.How do you define the drawing? Drawing as always been the essence of most art forms. Since the beginnings of mankind it has always been the closest form to nature. It is another form of language to express nature, creativity, (creativity which comes from nature and what we see) and mankind. Drawing is the act of creating a representation of any subject by the use of lines and/or value. Most people associate drawing with pencils or charcoal, but a drawing can be made with any instrument that makes a mark. When some mediums are used to create a piece of art, the result is always considered a "drawing". Charcoal and graphite pencil are examples of these. Other mediums can be drawn "with" but the resulting artwork may or may not be considered a drawing. For example, art created with a computer can be either drawn or painted. Drawing is considered to be the foundation of all other visual art forms. Drawing students learn how to observe line, form, texture, and value and then reproduce them realistically. Once these basic skills are mastered, they can be utilized in any other visual art medium.

While imaginative or fantasy drawing is creative, realistic drawing is the best way to learn basic art skills and even very young students can learn to draw in a realistic way if they are taught how. Most children and most adults too, feel a profound sense of accomplishment when they draw any subject accurately. The skill required to draw realistically makes drawing from the imagination even more rewarding, too. Its easier to draw the dragon you see in your mind if you know how to draw scales and flames! 3.What is colour? Colour is the by-product of the spectrum of light, as it is reflected or absorbed, as received by the human eye and processed by the human brain. Its also a great design element! The world is full of light. Visible light is made of seven wavelength groups. These are the colours you see in a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet the Mr. ROY G. BIV you might have been introduced to in elementary school science. The reddish colours are the long wavelen

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