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Alumni Committee

Event Descriptions for Vaudeville

1. Adverto - Dramatics

First Day - The participating team has to prepare and present an advertisement of the product/brand within
the prescribed time limit (2+1 minutes – including setup and clearance time). It should convey the benefits of
the product to the common masses. For example: Diet Coke can be the product, and an advertisement should
be presented on the same.

Second Day - The participating team has to prepare and present an advertisement of the chosen product/brand
within the prescribed time limit (2+1 minutes – including setup and clearance time). It should be a negative
version of the message conveyed on the first day. For example: Diet Joke can be the new name of the product,
and an advertisement should be presented that counters the message presented on the first day.

Production Materials to be provided by the college: Projector-Screen, chairs, tables, and microphones. Any
other prop required is to be brought by the participating team, but the organisers hold the discretion of
allowing it on stage.


 The brands to be advertised can be either chosen from the list provided by the organisers 7 days prior
to the event, or the same can be chosen by the participants (to be informed to the organisers well in
advance, so that the same company is not included in their list). No tobacco or alcohol brands can be
 The language should be English or Hindi or Bilingual.
 Obscenity of any kind is not allowed and will lead to immediate disqualification.
 Participants can choose to represent the competitors of the product/brand chosen on the first day, to
initiate the easy delivery of the message on the second day.
 No pre-recorded music shall be allowed. Digital flyers or posters can be used to convey the message
 A penalty shall be imposed for violating the prescribed time limit.
 Usage of props is allowed. These are to be brought by the teams themselves. The organisers hold the
discretion of allowing it on stage.
 Teams are requested to submit the props list prior to the competition. The organisers shall not bear
any responsibility in case of loss or damage of prop materials.
 The advertisement should be related to the generic product or brand only. Advertisements related to
any person/political party will lead to immediate disqualification.
 Time limit should be adhered to.
 The decision of the judges shall be final or binding.
 Only one team (consisting of no more than 4 members) per college is allowed.

Judging Criteria:

 How effectively the team is able to present both the positive and negative side of their product.
 Advertisement flow (40%), Delivery of the message (40%), Acting (20%).

2. Parliamentary Debate – Speaking Art

Alumni Committee
Each team will be representing a group of two politicians from different countries, whose portfolio will
be sent to the participants 3 days prior to the event. Issues shall be raised in the house by the speaker
and will be a global issue. And each member will have to defend it or speak against it, keeping in mind
that he/she is representing someone or the other. In accordance with the portfolio, for the prescribed
time limit. After the speech of each member, the other members shall be given a chance of rebuttal,
for 1 minute each.

 The speeches will be given in English, with vernacular words used as sparingly as possible, and
only if English words for the same are not available. Permissible level of Vernacular language
usage will be left to the discretion of the judges.
 The portfolio of each participants shall be informed in advance.
 The issues to be raised shall be informed to the college reps, 2 days prior to the event.
 In any case the decision of the speaker shall be final.
 Each team will be given 3+1 minutes to the speak, after which they will be given 2+0.5 minutes
for rebuttal. Please note that the different speaking opportunities are to be used by different
 A warning bell shall be rung at the 3rd and 2nd minute for all the speeches.
 Use of non-parliamentary language is prohibited. Cross questioning is not allowed. The
rebuttal round will be there for the same.
 The participants will not be allowed to read out from any material, but will be allowed to carry
chits for reference.
 Exceeding or finishing very early to the time limit given and personal attacks on the speakers
will lead to penalization as per the discretion of the judges.

Judging Criteria:
 Content (40%), Delivery (40%) and rebuttal (20%). If no rebuttal questions are asked by the
participants, the speakers shall be awarded full marks.
 The decision of the judges is final.
 The organizing team reserves the right to change or modify any of the rules.

Event Requirements:

 Projector screens preferable, if not a white board is a must (with different colour markers).
 Stationary on all days for all the judges and the participants.
 Since there are no major expenses are to be made, the budget required is only related to the
stationaries and medals/gifts of the winning teams.
 2 judges per event would be needed, on both the days.


 Event 2: Hall 10. Any other hall with a good projector and space to enact the prepared
advertisement would do.
 Event 3: Hall 8

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