Website Design-2 Explain The Architecture of The Web Page Contents

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Website Design-2 Explain the architecture of the web page contents.

The basic web architecture is two-tiered and characterized by a web client that displays information content and a web server that transfers information to the client. This architecture depends on three key standards: HTML for encoding document content, URLs for naming remote information objects in a global namespace, and HTTP for staging the transfer. The common representation language for hypertext documents on the Web. HTML had a first public release as HTML 0.0 in 1990, was Internet draft HTML 1.0 in 1993, and HTML 2.0 in 1994. The September 22 1995 draft of the HTML 2.0 specification has been approved as a standard by the IETF Application Area HTML Working Group. HTML 3.0 and Netscape HTML are competing next generations of HTML 2.0. Proposed features in HTML 3.0 include: forms, style sheets, mathematical markup, and text flow around figures. HTML is an application of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML ISO-8879), an international standard approved in 1986, which specifies a formal meta-language for defining document markup systems.

An IETF addressing protocol for objects in the WWW ("if its out there, we can point at it"). There are two types of URIs, Universal Resource Names (URN) and the Universal Resource Locators (URL). URLs are location dependent and contain four distinct parts: the protocol type, the machine name, the directory path and the file name. There are several kinds of URLs: file URLs, FTP URLs, Gopher URLs, News URLs, and HTTP URLs. URLs may be relative to a directory or offsets into a document.

An application-level network protocol for the WWW. Tim Berners-Lee, father of the Web, describes it as a "generic stateless object-oriented protocol." Stateless means neither the client nor the server store information about the state of the other side of an ongoing connection. Statelessness is a scalability property but is not necessarily efficient since HTTP sets up a new connection for each request, which is not desirable for situations requiring sessions or transactions. In HTTP, commands (request methods) can be associated with particular types of network objects (files, documents, network services). Commands are provided for Establishing a TCP/IP connection to a WWW server, Sending a request to the server (containing a method to be applied to a specific network object identified by the objects identifier, and the HTTP protocol version, followed by information encoded in a header style) Returning a response from the server to the client (consisting of three parts: a status line, a response header, and response data), and Closing the connection.

2.What are the requirements for internet connections?

Since Internet is a composite network of more than thousands of discrete networks, each having its own rules and procedures, there could be many different ways by which you can connect to the Internet. To use the Internet you need three things: 1. A Computer 2. Client programs to run on your computer (one client for each type of service you want to use). 3. A way to connect your computer to the Net so your

clients can service your request. To start with, we need to go over the different types of Internet connections. There are essentially three different types of connections for accessing the services and resources of the Internet: Dialup Connections ISDN, ADSL, and Leased Line Connections Satellite Connections To access the Internet via a phone line, the concept is: Connect your computer to the telephone system using either a regular phone line (with a modem) or an ISDN line (which requires special equipment). To start work, you run a communication program to dial the phone and establish a connection with a remote Internet host. Once the connection is established, you log in to the server by typing your user name and password. At this point, there are three possible types of dial-up connections:An alternative to a regular phone line is ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) a type of telephone service. ISDN and ADSL allow the user to connect to another computer at a speed which is much faster than even the fastest modem because it is digital.

Thus, if you are using a phone line connect your computer to the Internet, you are better off with an ISDN or ADSL (not all phone companies offer them) connection because it is digital and it is a lot faster. These services can be run as fast as 128 kbps.If you have a shell account type of access, what you all need is to become a terminal on the computer of your ISP, thus the minimum possible PC configuration with a VT-1 00 or equivalent type of terminal emulation software can server your purpose well. In fact you may have a simple dumb terminal to access such an account. The terminal emulation software on PC is also widely available such as PROCOMM, etc. Please choose emulation software which has KERMIT and ZMODEM file download capability. A modem with error correction capabilities 9.6 kbps or better, and telephone line with capability to dial service provider Local/STD are also required.It is the power of software

available for TCP/IP account which has made Internet so popular these days. It is highly desirable that you have a GUI operating system such as Windows on your desktop, if you are a TCP/IP account holder. Typically, you would require a TCP/IP connection establishing software and a Web-Browser to access this type of account.

A modem which best suits your pocket and is fastest to its class is the right choice. Typically a 28.8 kbps modem is found to perform best with Indian ISPsSuch software is now bundled with new operating systems such as which are also called TCP/IP sockets. If you do not have it along with your OS you can have third party socket software such as Trumpet Winsock. It is important to run this software to get connected to your ISP before you can do the browsing part.Web browsers are the Client software (your machine is a client to ISPs server) which has various graphics capabilities to access the information from the Internet. Modem Web Browsers are capable of browsing WWW, Gopher sites, FTP sites and also provide facilities for e-mail. Initially NCSAs web browser Mosaic hit the market which actually made the browsing popular. Now web browsers from Netscape and from Microsoft are the users choice. You can get hold of any such browser and start browsing the Net.

3.Explain <frameset> tag and its attributes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// For full Version visit

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