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It is noon, Another day of scouting for food. The 22 year old Chinese man is with a Malay man to look for food. Both men are just walking side by side in the forest. The Chinese man is wearing a pair of gauntlets while the Malay man has his bow and arrows to help hunt for far distant prey. Hey, Russel. Any sight of good meat running around? We'll be iucky to catch afew, Faiz. But right now, Ihave not seen a ---- Wait. Nope. I don’t think: T've seen arabbit or any animal that moves for the past hour. Russel spots something in front Both remain within hidden sight from the of them. Faiz gets his bow and zombie. But it can smell their presence. arrow ready. It tums out to be a zombie in front of them munching on a dead human body. The sound of heavy munching echo in the air. Faiz takes a deep breath and wait for it to stand and turn. TASTE THIS!!! (ims his arrow) As fast as Faiz could be, he starts to really aim and fires an arrow at the zombie’s head withi ond, Fortunately, there are no other zombies nearby. Faiz quickly ap si s his arrow out of ‘You are really good with \ did arrows. Are you well with sure you don't want to upgrade your weapon? Tfeel satisfied with what Ihave. But I will ‘What was that sound?! Both men hear another loud sound. It sounds as if someone is bashing something hard, They walk with caution to the source of the sound, To their surprise, they see nothing except dead animals on the ground. Isit really safe to take them to base? Maybe it belongs to someone else I don’t know. ‘Noone else should be around this area. NAY Ny hh ‘What the heck?! There’s a lot of food resource. Whoever did this must have been a great help to us, Unfortunately Faiz tum a second too late. A zombie had sneak from behind and chomps on But the sound? Faiz’s neck. ‘What was it?. (saw a zombie) or azenbic) Faiz screams in pain and struggles to push the zombie out of his way. Blood splatter all over the wounded area, echo in the forest while Ri | too stunned to do anything. about to do meone throw the zombie’s head. CHAK! The zombie stop attacking but Faiz has stumped down to the ground. i OMG! Russel! Good thing I followed y earlier... (gasp) Erra sees Faiz’ dead body and falls on her knees in fear. She cannot believe that one of her friends is dead. Russel quickly helps her up and gives her a piggyback ride to head back to the base which they lived in. Along the way of heading back, Russel pick up a few dead animals to bring back for dinner. Meanwhile, two people are watching from the woods nearby and start to walk out from their hiding spot. The girl picks up the ring — like weapon. ‘Was that Russel? ‘We need to know where he is going. Let's follow them, Dell. Ibet he is staying at a camp nearby. Isit him? But he is not with ‘Nancy or my brother. ‘We definitely need answers from him, Night time has come. A group of men and women are waiting within their fortress. One of the leaders is watching over the gate for signs of their groups coming back Dad... I’m Patience, Aiman. We hungry, just need to wait for When do we Faiz and Russel to get to eat? come back. I thought she ‘No. I never went out with said anything Upiey to get about going some wood. out from here Has anyone seen Erra? I Calm down, everyone! I just need everyone to -- Some start to wonder if Erra did follow the guys. The leader clap his hands together three times to quiet down the group Before the leader could continue his sentence, the one who is on lookout spotted Russel giving Erra a piggyback ride and some food in his hands As he walks into the fortress, everyone realize that Faiz is not with them. The leader motions for two of the women to take the dead animals and start to cook for the group. ‘What happened to Faiz? Why is Ena with you? Emma is asleep on Russel’s back. One of the guys help to get Erra off his back and carry her to her room. The leader motions for Russel to follow him along with two of his trusted assistants. They walk to a hall where it is the supply room. The leader looks at Russel suspiciously up and down. Babe....I don’t trust him one bit. Why he should explain to you now? You need to ask Erra as to why she followed us. We didn’t know until the With respect, Haidar... Faiz was attacked by a zombie earlier, incident occurred. I don’t want trouble since I am thankful for your group to take me in Bullshit! We will found out from Erra soon, Ever since we took you in, there has been incidents. Del, that’s enough. He did help us a lot of times too. Haidar! Have you forgotten how my wife was killed by his carelessness?! Hey! That was a while back! It was an accident... I Del immediately storms out of the supplies room. He didn’t want to hear another word from Russel. Haidar sighs and just motion for his girlfriend to go out while he deals with Russel. Alone. The woman walks out too Sorry if Del But tell me, what was being happened during your hard on you search from beginning too much. to the end. ‘You do understand that coincidentally certain accidents happened. when you are around. Russel starts to talk from their scouting to their findings of the dead animals down to Erra’s sudden appearance, Haidar seems to listen to him and somehow is interested with the location of the dead animals. =) Haidar is thinking deeply about it. After Russel is done explaining. Haidar looks at him in the eye and knows that Russel is telling the truth, I believe you. But for the sake of others, you are to go to your room and wait there. I°ll send someone to give your portion of tonight’s meal. Russel leaves the supplies room as Haidar keep thinking about the events that occurred. Haidar then thought of the group’s That’s fine current morale. It doesn’t seem with me, I'll good as some are not satisfied with head back to Russel’s existence. He walks off to my room. find Del and discuss things with him. Russel manage to walk into his room and find that the lights are still working thanks to the generator that’s not damaged. He sits down on a wooden chair nearby and stares out from the window, looking at the full moon, It has been 3 months since he joined Haidar’s group but so far he made more enemies than friends, He looks over at the two empty beds. One of it is Faiz’s bed and _ his belongings. Both of them were roommates and Faiz is the only male friend he can ever trust. Russel notices something peeking out from Faiz’s pillow and it looks like a note. He decides to take it out. ps Dang it, Faiz... If only I had known earlier, this wouldn’t have happened... Why doesit looked like it was meant for me? T'm curious a Passel... Lf you do see this uote, that means. T am dead in so many ways. But what I am « writing here'is confidential between you and me. pe ee We all knew your name since you had a tag on your neck. You didn’t carry anything with you and Haidar thought it will be a good idea to 6 not bring up anything that could recall your memory. He threw your tag away. Two days ago, I came across two people who | are looking for you. Sounds crucial buat | hopefully these ‘names will remind you. Schervonne and Dellandery. They were asking About you. T guess you need to find them to — know more but get outof here fast. as a ry Haidar is dangerous and his friend Del had Planned to kill you tonight. Lzzati will help you since if everyone sees that I am not here, * Lzzati willbe the first to help you. Russel quickly hides the note in his pocket and just decides to tidy up first before opening the door. When he opens the door after the third knock, it is Ana who walks in with his meal on the tray. But he sees her gaze is a bit suspicious. He did remember an incident where her husband died but she never spoken since until now, Schervonne... Dellandery... Sounds familiar but I cannot recall anything... Your food is ready, Seriously... My husband would have taken care of others first... Don’t mind me. I am still upset but that doesn’tmean I have to be cruel towards you... Russel sense something amiss in her tone of voice. She sound very pissed off but in a calm manner. Her gaze look as if she is ready to kill He is about to eat but finds her waiting nearby is very disturbing. Is there something I A knife is seen flying towards him. He punches it with his right gauntlet arm, sending it flying to the floor. ‘YOU SHOULD’VE DIED INSTEAD OF MY HUSBAND! I’M KILLING YOU NOW! Del and Haidar will be pleased that I am able to Kill you right here and I°ll just say it’s an accident... Ana is about to go and grab another knife but she got stabbed from behind. She struggled to stand but the F person who is stabbing her > alge them... But we need a solid plan. If we are going there, we need to be prepared. Then let's go! What are we waiting for? Russel just stare blankly at the floor. He sinks to the floor on his knees and sobs while Schervonne and Dellandery kneel beside him on both sides, silently joining him in his grief. ‘We should go. It takes a long while for Russel to I know where absorb the news but he is aware of Nancy is along the situation that’s more important. [J with Hilary. He wipes off the tears and stand Let’s get out of up. here. Meanwhile at Haidar’s supplies room, Haidar is thinking about where to find Russel. That's when Upiey shows up along with Del behind her. She looks like a crazed woman who just decide to do something crazy. Are you crazy? Why would you want to hunt for him alone?! I demand to have his head. My sister is Killed thanks to him! Haid Send me to find Russel! T'll hunt him down! He could be dangerous as far as 1 am aware. Haidar... It’s time we should just hunt him But little did they know that Ema is listening from a hidden spot within the supplies room, She cannot believe her ears. But after what she saw last night, Erra is determined to find Russel Finally I get to kill my sister’s murderer! Get our best men and women. We shall hunt him down! But he will die a slow and painful Thope Russel is safe somewhere. Ineed to find and warn him quickly! It is night time. Russel, Dellandery and Schervonne are walking through the woods since they left in the afternoon When night falls, Russel sees that the cabin in the woods still has some light, he is delighted. He did recall vaguely that Nancy and Hilary did run to this place. He did recall that there were two others but he cannot remember exactly who. Schervonne notices three figures within the cabin via the light. Lama bit anxious but at least we know now where they are. Tam worried too but I guess I have nothing to worry about... ‘As they approach the cabin closer, Dellandery accidentally walks ower a thick string which sounded cow bells nearby. A dark skinned man comes out from the cabin with a shotgun in his hand. Knowing Hilary, the four of them should be safe Ah... ‘Who’s out here?! Schervonne? (looks at the Dellandery? three of them) How..... It’s Oh gosh... good to see you, Russel. But come inside quick, Nancy starts to cry in tears of joy to see Russel alive and her best friend, Anson... Who is Schervonne. ---- Oh thank goodness... But when she sees RUSSEL! Dellandery. she —_ gets speechless All of them walk into the cabin. They see Wai Keat sleeping in a sleeping bag 1 next to a fireplace. in your room and had to get After Russel and the others out with sit down, Nancy pour some Dellandery from fresh water and offer that horrible apples to eat. place, Nancy. I found the note I don’tknow who else should Thank goodness leave the note that it was you who found it. Iwas also hoping that you can tell more about me Sorry to break the reunion but where is Hilary? Dellandery explain about Russel’s memory loss and their recent discovery. Three months ago... You and Nancy and Anson listen Hilary were to with care. Both look at distract Jay and each other. Anson start to gi > his team. sigh. ‘We manage to get away from them but I had to sneak around to follow you, Hilary was about to save you... ButIsawmy (That brother of own brother \ mine... So sorry, punch you near a Dellandery waterfall and you fell in. No.... It can’t be! My brother trong! (ust woke up) Who.... Oh?! Dellander sorry to say but your brother... Dellandery walks out of the cabin with tears streaming down. Nancy quickly follows him while the others remain silent. Suddenly they heard Nancy let out a short scream. check. Schervonne and ‘Wai Keat o: to wait inside ju Anson walks out to find Nancy holding his bleeding head on hi ‘ont of them, there stands Upiey holding a wooden baseball bat wi looking eyes staring at the three of them. She looks at them with a lust to kill. Anson steps forward and confron Who are you?! ‘What do you want?! looking for someone. Can you help me?

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