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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Subject: MAPEH 8 Date: June. 20, 2022

Component: P.E. Section: Grade 8 - Newton

At the end of the lesson the student should be able to:
 Identify the background and history of Tiklos dance
 Execute and Perform the steps in Tiklos dance
 Exert best effort to achieve positive feeling about self and others


a. Topic: Regional and National Dances with Asian Influence (TIKLOS)
b. References:
o Learning Activity Sheets Physical Education 8
c. Materials: Visual aids, Flash cards, Laptop, PowerPoint presentation and

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
Classroom Routine:
- Good morning class. - Good morning sir Ivan!

How’s your morning? Did you eat Yes sir.

your breakfast?
That’s Good!

- Kindly pick up the pieces of paper

under and beside your chair then put
it on trashcan properly, I will count

Before we start our class let us pray,

so let us all stand.
- (The answer may vary)
- Who is absent for today?
Thank you sir!
Very Good class! I will give you plus
10 points for your activity later after
our lesson.

A. MOTIVATION - Fundamental dance positions.

- Based on what we discussed last
meeting, our discussion is all about
That’s correct! Very good!

- I have some flashcards here, when

you see what is in the picture you will
tell what figure it is.
- (Students raise their hands)
Fist picture, what figure is this?

(The teacher will show picture of the The fundamental arms position sir.
fundamental arms positions)
Yes Jian?

- Exactly! Now class what position is

this? Anyone?

- (Students raise their hands)

(The teacher will

show the fourth fundamental position The fourth fundamental arms
of arms) position sir!

Yes Chloe?
Very good!

- How about this one?

(The teacher will - The fifth fundamental arms

show the fifth fundamental position of position sir!

Liam stand up.

Very good Liam!

- How about this,

what figure is this?
(Students raise their hands)

(The teacher will show picture of the

fundamental Feet positions) - The fundamental feet position sir.

Yes Raiza?

- That’s correct! Now class what

position is this?
(Students raise their hands)

(The teacher show

- The Second fundamental feet
the second position of feet)
position sir!
Please stand up Almiel.
That’s right!

- This one, what position do you think

it is?
(Students raise their hands)

(The teacher will show the fifth

position of feet)
- The fifth fundamental feet position
Yes Tierrah? sir!

- Excellent, Thank you class! Now,

everybody stand up and we will going
(Students will perform)
to perform the five basic fundamental
position of arms and feet.
- Thank you sir!
Very good class! You may now take
your seat.

- I know that you have memorized and

mastered the fundamental skills of

- Everybody eyes on the board, I’ll

show you some of the flags of Asian
countries, if you know the answer no
one will speak first just stand up and I - Yes sir!
will count 3 seconds and we’ll say it
together, is it clear?

First, What Asian country flag is this?

(The teacher will show the flag of
China) (The students will stand and wait
for the teacher to count and say the
- 1 will count 1, 2, 3 say your answer. answer
Very good class! Take your seat. - China!

- How about this flag?

(The teacher will show the flag of


- 1, 2, 3 say it your answer.

- Good, Lastly. What Asian country

flag is this?

(The teacher will show the flag of


- 1, 2, 3 say your answer.

(The students will stand and wait
for the teacher to count and say the
Awesome! I know that you are
familiar with the flags of the different
- Burma!
countries here in Asia.

- Now let’s proceed and learn the

different folk dances that we have
here in the Philippines with the
influenced by other countries.
Are you ready class?
(The students will stand and wait
for the teacher to count and say the
Our topic for today is all about
Regional and National Dances with
- Cambodia!
Asian Influence.

Let me first introduce what is
Regional and National or Philippine
Folk Dances with Asian Influence.

The Philippine folkdances speak so

much about the heartbeat of our
people for they tell about our - Yes Sir!
customs, ideas, beliefs, superstitious
and events of daily living in a certain

- We have many different dances that

have been influenced by our
neighbouring countries.

But now let’s focus on one example,

which is the Tiklos dance.

- Who has an idea about Tiklos dance?

So let’s see what Tiklos is, Let’s

watch the video of Tiklos dance.

(The teacher will play the video clip)

(The teacher will ask the following)

1. What do you think about tiklos


Please stand up Clint.

- (The answer may vary)
Thank you, very good!

2. Is it hard to dance? Why or why


That’s right, Thankyou!

(students raise their arms)
Now, let us know the definition of
Tiklos. - (The answer may vary)
Okay Mayumi, Kindly read.

Do you have questions about the - (The answer may vary)

definition of Tiklos?

- Let’s move on.

 Dance researcher – Francisca Reyes

- Tiklos (also called “pintakasi”) is

the waray word equivalent to the
“bayanihan”. Groups of people
work for somebody without hoping
for anything in return.
 Instruments – Tambora, Sista and
Flaute - None sir!

 

Costume – Trouser, Neckerchief,

Camisa de chino (Farmers attire),

 Place of Origin – Panay and Leyte

 Country of Influence – China, Burma
and Cambodia

- Do you have any questions or

clarification about background of
Tiklos dance?

Again, Tiklos means, what?

Exactly! How about the Place of - None sir!

- “Pintakasi” or Bayanihan
Lastly, What countries Influence this
dance? - Panay and Leyte

Very Good class!

- China, Burma and Cambodia
- This time we were going to interpret
the literature of this dance.

Of course we will do it in a spacious

place or area, which is in the
basketball court.

But before we go outside, please be

reminded of the following:
1. Be quite
2. Discipline yourselves
3. Listen
I want you to observe and follow all
the steps I will be doing, If you have
questions just raise your hands. Is it

(The teacher will instruct the students - Yes sir

to leave the classroom and go to the
basketball court)
(The students will leave the
- First, Partners face front. Throughout classroom and go to the basketball
this figure Girl holds her skirts, boy court properly)
places hand on waist.

Kindly read, Lorenz.

(a) Starting with R foot, take two

heel and toe change step
forward 4M

(b) Execute change step sideward,

R and L 2M
Thank you!
(The teacher will demonstrate) (c) Starting with R foot, take four
steps backward to proper places
- Is the demonstration clear? 4M
Very good!

- Next, Partners face front. The same - Yes sir!

hand position as in figure 1.

Hannah kindly read.

(a) Cut L backward (ct. 1), cut R

forward (ct. 2). Repeat all (cts.
1,2) 2M

(b) Take three gallop steps

sideward R (cts. 1, 2, 3)

Step R foot sideward 2M

(c) Repeat (a), starting with R cut

backward 2M

(d) Repeat (b), going sideward L

- Okay this is how to do it. 2M
(The teacher will demonstrate)
(e) Repeat all (a-d) 8M
Do you follow class?
Very Good!
- Next, Partners face each other. - Yes sir!
Throughout this figure clap hands in
front of chest in this manner.

Clap three times (cts. 1, and 2,), clap

twice (cts. 1, 2). Do this for 16 counts.
(The teacher will demonstrate)

Did you get it class?

(a) Execute change step sideward,

- Yes sir!
starting with R foot (cts.1, and, 2)
hop on R and raise L knee in front
swinging L foot obliquely right
backward across R knee in front
(ct. 1) hop on R and swing L foot
obliquely L forward (ct. 2) 2M

(The teacher will demonstrate)

Do you follow?

- Who wants to read? - Yes sir!

Yes Ivan please read it loud and clear. (students raise their hands)

(b) Repeat (a) starting with the L

foot 2M
(c) Execute a three step-turn R in
place (cts. 1, and 2). Point L in
front (ct. 1), point the same foot
close to R (ct. 2) 2M
Thank you Ivan. (d) Repeat (c), starting with L foot
and turning L 2M
- Now, I will show you how to do it. (e) Repeat all (a-d) 8M
(The teacher will demonstrate)

Did you get it class? Can everybody

follow the steps in Tiklos dance?
- Yes sir!
- Do you have any questions or
clarification about the steps?

If none, we will going to execute the - None sir!


- I will divide your class into two

groups. Each group will practice the
Tiklos dance or the steps we have
I will give you 10 minutes to practice
and as you do this I will observe each
group if you have really learned the
steps I had taught you, Okay class?
- Okay sir!
- Listen to the criteria for judging that I
will use as I observe you during your

(See rubrics at the end)

You can start now with your practice


(The teacher will start the timer, and

will begin to observe each group) (all groups will start their practice)

- Time’s up!

Very good class! You did great in - Thank you sir!

your practice,
Please Applaud each other. (students claps for each other)

We can go back now to the (students will go back to the

classroom. And I will announce the classroom properly)
scores for each group.

(the teacher will announce the scores

for each groups)

- For your assignment to be submitted
next meeting, answer the following
questions in a 1 whole sheet of pad

1. How did you feel while performing

the activity?

2. Write your insights by completing the

paragraph below.

My knowledge in Tiklos dance help

me_________________________. - Yes sir!
- Is it clear?

Very Good! Thank you for listening

class I know you have enjoy dancing
and learned a lot from what we have
discussed today. - Goodbye and Thank you sir Ivan!

- Again thank you and Goodbye class!

Criteria Interpretation Points
Mastery of the performance expectation or learning goal and
Mastery shows ability to apply and transfer learning with wisdom and 20
Movements well-coordinated with counting, including
Timing 20
changes and pauses.
Cooperation Students is totally motivated to participate in dance. 10

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher/ MAPEH Coordinator Principal I

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