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luxuriant and the undergrowth or ``bush'' is extremely

knowledge, and the omission of a science or art does not

of Jalalabad and Peshawar, but also in the vicinity of Kabul.

and is gripped by, the piece next below it. Formerly it was

adapted by W. Gossage to the condensation of hydrochloric

water from several fountains and cascades. These are supplied

and now only extant in a version in the Thuringian dialect,

two. As might be expected these variations are accompanied by

(Bu-Grara), Gafsa (Capsa), Kef (Sicca Veneria), Bulla Regia, &c.

his mother renounced her rights in Aragon in his favour.

green isle), and near the north-western shore are the falls of

well-defined watershed at all, but consist of a great level

XII. Their number was fixed at seventy-two by Sixtus IV.

French contraction of Algomequin, ``those on the other

interest. Apart from the spire, which was rebuilt in 1884, it

the south and west was the signal for an advance of British

out; the Powers insistently demanded reforms, the eventual

are few good harbours. From time immemorial, indeed, this

acknowledged. North of these, in the great bend of the Congo,

famous. He was engaged (1523-24) in the conquest of

of heresy to be brought against him, and he was denounced

their house frames into position with skids and parbuckles of

the Norman Conquest, slaves formed small proportions of the

however, a marked improvement in the purity of oils generally.

intermixed with cypresses, myrtles, arbutus and fragrant

``flush'' (eight counters). ``Fredon,'' four of a kind (the

satire. In 1542 he published a prose satire to which Luther

Dakota, U.S.A., about 125 m. N.E. of Pierre. Pop. (1890)

Venice. In March 1179 Alexander held the third Lateran synod,

are to dine: ``When you sit down at a table and come to break

wormwood (Artemisia absinthium.) Among the other substances

at Manchester, special awards were made for fruit baskets and

of which will entail the civilization of large tracts over

sent an almost peremptory request for the hand of the grand-

apparent. Raimondi terminates the Maranon at the mouth of

of his enemies, and popular manuals of political economy, L'A

fusion of thy, and which appears in Homer as ss in

(Oxford, 1887), pp. 283-284; M. Holleaux in Bulletin de


aniline, the resulting ortho-nitro-para-diamino-triphenylmethane

on a particular kind of aesthetic value under the name of

grief of the queen was overwhelming and the sympathy of the

in this way was exempted from the Explosives Act, and

fund, the income of which was to supply a gold medal for

exercised upon the development of Anarchism. One ought to

States. Its freight yard is 7 m. long, and has 221 m. of

of his middle and later life, many of which describe the

out a large portion of the banks' assets; next came revelations

James Saumarez attacked a Franco-Spanish fleet off Algeciras,

action of bromine on ammonia. It crystallizes in colourless

have practically all failed, but traction cells are employed

Islands. Three years afterwards, under Yusef's son and

the sifted, founded in 1582. The title was borrowed from a

in a very judicious manner. ``In the latter end of May and

cows. In 1884, at Shrewsbury, a prize of L. 100 was awarded

(See THERMODYNAMICS and STEAM-ENGINE.) In Carnot's cycle

numerous, and the text has been further continuously improved

at the siege of Aire in 1710, led Marlborough's second line

aristocracy. The more extensive Zang (Zenj) empire, of which.

there was an amphictyony of Onchestus (Strabo ix. 2, 33).

Medals, with engravings of 400 additional specimens; and

of Egypt and northern Africa, who claimed the caliphate,

11 See Witton, in American Journal of Philology, xix. pp. 420

the winter--a marvellous contrast to the equable equatorial

polytheistic idea. Mahommed in fact represented a revolt

planets. Even in the Leiden papyrus the astronomical symbols

Messianic salvation, the eschatology, the idea of Jesus as

with the emir and chiefs of Bussa (or Borgu); but the French

In 1827 he opened in Cincinnati a little country store which

Hurtado v. California, 110 U.S. 516. They are mentioned

confinement. Theodore then wrote a letter to the queen,

Aeneid. Where possible, he substitutes human for divine

the other nations of the peninsula. The Ghegs especially,

I. Owing to its situation, the town was frequently embroiled

the products of slaughtering and meat-packing establishments,

1809. After studying at Gottingen (1826-1829) under K. O.

represented armed, with an anvil in his hands or at his feet.

private actions. Madame de Krudener, and her colleague, the

Mailand (Halle, 1884), and art. in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyk.,

railway. Pop. (1891) 5225; (1901) 4624. It is situated at

in the Mycenae circle are also a late type, paralleled in

olive, many of them of gigantic size, and other trees; and on

generalized type is Coryphodon, representing the family

progressive science; that in some of the states methods of

Reclus, Evolution and Revolution, many editions in all

quarried at Rubislaw, Peterhead and Kemnay. Serpentine and

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