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The afternoon after Tak’s and Sniffer’s

death, the three return to where the

others are waiting. There are tears of joy
and there are tears of pain.

Walter and Mecha are glad that their

family member is back. However, for
friends of Tak; they are sad that both him
and Sniffer died.
I should’ve
realized that
The next day early morning, Russel
Kadin had a
wakes up and goes outside to take a DAYUM IT! I small weapon in
breath of fresh air. hate myself for his pocket or ---
not being able
to save Tak or
His thoughts are disturb
when he heard a
woman’s voice calling
out to him.

It is Liz. She seems to be

worried about Russel. I didn’t mean
She approaches him with to startle you
a piece of apple in her but here’s a
fruit for you.
Thanks. You’re up
early. Do you have
to look for food or
Nope. We supplies?
have enough
food for

I tend to be
an early
riser Russel just smiles at her and
myself. looks out at the field of
flowers. Liz decides to speak
more with Russel.
What are
your plans as
of now,

Going back
to where
your other I was
friends are? thinking to
start going
back after
breakfast. What will
you do right

It’s Stella’s turn to

make breakfast.
I’m just going to
do some chores

I was thinking if
Stella, my brother
and I could come
over to your Why the
place. sudden rush?
Is it because

After hearing your

encounter, I don’t
know if this place
I call home is safe
or not.

Well, you can stay

with us but let’s
talk with everyone
else about it.
Liz and Russel walk back to the house
where everyone is awake except
Let’s go Techno who is still sleeping on the
inside. couch.

After breakfast, Mecha packs Techno’s

breakfast in a zip lock bag and sits
next to him while everyone else gather
in the same room to discuss their
future plans.

That mother
trucker…. If I
see him, I’ll
personally beat
the teeth out of

Make that
double from
me. I want to
give him a
good beating

Are we just
going to We are
discuss how to definitely
beat up Kadin going to
instead of discuss about
discussing our plans from
what should here onwards.
we do next?
Forgive me for
but my family
and I will just
remain quiet in
our own home.

I believe this is
for the sake of DAD! You
Techno’s and can’t be
Mecha’s safety. serious?!

I am very clear
of my decision,
Mecha! I’m
putting my foot Walter. Maybe you
down on this. want to reconsider.
Think about your
family’s safety.

There is safety in
huge numbers. We
can even build up
a community.

No offense,
David. But you
remember how
a community
nearly cost my
family’s lives.
Mr Walter. I can
reassure you that
there will be
kids around
Techno’s age
and ----
Oooh.... My
head… How
long was I

A day and a half. Oh gosh! Dick?!

I found you, Mr It’s been ages. I
Stranger. thought you were

Dead? No. I’ve been

living a life of hell and
stones. It isn’t easy
once they tried to kill
you outside of the
Sanctuary. Constantly
being chased is ---

I’m sorry but

who is he,

Russel… It’s me,

Dick. I haven’t
seen you for

Give him some

But how had you
time to remember.
been living all this
He has partial
The Sanctuary….
After I got exiled,
they stop at nothing
to hunt me down.

I evade every single

time they get close
to my trail.

I even had to kill just I’m sorry if I miss

to survive. Life has some details but
been rough but I need what is “The
to survive. Sanctuary”?

The Sanctuary is
not as peaceful
as you may They seem nice at
first. But a lot of
people were disliking
their methods.
It is governed by
an ex – tycoon
and his wife.

Like Dick, there are

many who suffer from
their choice of solving

I cannot imagine
what kind of
place dare to

Right now everyone Kadin may

has a choice to bring someone
either stay or to join or two from the
us at our home. sanctuary.
Let’s say if we
choose to follow
you back, do we
get to bring our

You can bring your

supplies along.
Sleeping bags too
just in case.

I’m going to say this

once and for the last. I’m
staying at my place and
so will my children.

Correction, dad! I’m

going with Russel’s
group and Techno needs
to make a choice for his
How could
you do this
to me?

I raise you on my
own ever since your
mother died after
giving birth to

This is how Dad…. I’m not the

you repay little girl you used to
me?! take care now. I’m
20, Dad. I can take
care of myself.

I know you meant

well but if something
occurs, I can’t just let
others suffer while
we are safe.

If mother was
around, she would
have supported my

Mecha walks out of the house to

cool herself down. Schervonne,
Nancy, McKena, Liz and Stella
follow after her while the men just
stare in silence.
Take it easy, Walter.
David slowly approaches Walter Mecha may be
with kind eyes that shows stubborn but think
concern. about what’s best for
you and your family.
Techno… You’re Take your time, Mr
(yawns) Walter. We only
What’s awake. There’s not
much going on but leave around after
going on? lunch.
when your sister
comes back, we are
going to have a chat.

I’ll whip up
something. Care to
help me, Jared?

Sure. I could also

use another extra
pair of hands to

I’ll check up on I’ll volunteer to

the girls. Dick help in the kitchen.
can tag along You are going to
with me. love my cooking.

Everyone start to get busy. Russel is

about to join Anson when Techno grabs
Russel by the shirt and ask his portion of
breakfast. Walter stands up to excuse
himself to the bedroom where he was
sleeping last night.
A while later, the girls come back with Anson. Techno is enjoying his breakfast as Russel
accompanies him at the sofa. Mecha notices a letter sticking out from Russel’s jeans
Um, Russel.
Who is it from?

This? It’s from a girl

at the hideout. I
He has a
haven’t read it yet
but I will later on.
Never mind. I’ll
just treat him as
a friend.

Oh no… Liz
looks sad. I’ll
talk with her Sis! Something’s
right now. wrong with dad.

He look
unwell. I
check his
head and ----
What did you

I’ll go and check

on Walter. Techno,
please follow me.
Nancy and Techno come
walking into the room to find
Walter sitting down on the bed.

His face is a bit puffed up but he

still smiles when he sees his son
and Nancy.
Dr Nancy,
Nancy immediately checks his right? (coughs)
pulse and anything else out of I’m sorry to
the ordinary. However, Walter bother you.
stops her from continuing.

There is no
need to

We need you to
rest and get your
pulse to slow

Nancy hesitate to answer

him but from the
hesitation, Walter gets it
Will my immediately and tries to
father be
better soon?
reassure his son.

Don’t worry, I need you to get me

Techno. Your old a glass of water,
dad is not going to okay? (coughs)
be weak.
Techno walks out of the room to get water
for his dad. Walter coughs a bit more and I had it prior to the
accidentally reveal that he is coughing Covid situation. I
blood in front of Nancy. had (coughs)
remain strong for
the kids.

It wasn’t easy
but I tried to
cover it. I guess
Walter. When did it’s getting
you start worst.
coughing blood?

Is Techno or
Mecha aware of
your situation?

Walter shakes his head as he continues to

cough. His cough sounds harsh and rough.
Walter also starts to sweat profoundly.
Nancy sees Techno come walking in with
the glass of water only to see blood on his
dad’s hands.


Techno (coughs)
Listen…. You Stay (coughs) with
will be with your her (coughs). You
sister, alright? are a good son to
me…. (coughs)
Dad…. NO!

What is going on
here?! I can hear
what’s going
on… Dad! Why
didn’t you ----

I didn’t want
(coughs) you to
worry (coughs).
Please…. Mecha…
Stay by my side….

You too, Techno….

Stay (coughs) with

Everyone doesn’t seem to have mood for

Mecha and Techno sit next to their lunch. David, Jared and Presly end up
father and weep in silence. Walter packing the lunch in different lunch boxes
looks at Nancy, weakly suggest that they found in the house, enough for
Nancy to give them a moment. everyone.

Nancy walks out of the room and In the late afternoon, Techno and Mecha
quietly close the door. Standing come out of the room. Red swollen eyes.
outside of the hallway is Russel and Nancy walks in to see Walter lying down
a few others who overheard the on the bed with his eyes close and a soft
commotion. weak smile.

David offer to go in and comfort the Russel and David walk in and help to
family but Nancy stops him from cover Walter’s body with the bed sheet.
doing so. Mecha and Techno are just sobbing
silently in the living room.
Back at the hideout, Dellandery is
looking out in case Russel and the
group return.

However, it is already midnight.

Dellandery is feeling sleepy when he
feels a light tap on his shoulder.

He turns around to see Kyra smiling

at him. Dellandery smiles back at
You couldn’t
her. sleep, Kyra?

What if Tak is
in trouble?
I don’t know
why but I feel
as if I’ve lost I hope not!
someone. Tak is a
strong man.

Welcome ----
As they are talking, both of them
Wait… Where
could hear horses neighing is my brother?
outside of the hideout. Where’s
Both rush to the entrance and see
Anson arrive together with Presly
and McKena followed by few
new faces for them.
Why? What
Tell me,

Russel will be
back tomorrow…
But Tak… Let’s
talk inside.

Escort the
others inside.

Kyra…. We’re

No…. This
cannot be!
It can’t be ----- NOOO!!!!
Kadin… He
murdered both
Tak and Sniffer.
Russel tried to
save Tak but ----

This cannot be
true! I need to
hear from Russel!

Kyra falls on her knees and cries out in pain. Dellandery and Anson hug her
but she pushes them away and just cry her heart out.

Her cries are heard from the people inside except the kids who are asleep with
Granny Opal taking care of them. Most stay inside, watching in the silence.
Anson and Dellandery just sit near her on the cold midnight ground as Kyra
sobs over the loss of her brother.

Kyra is still in denial and finds it hard to believe that her brother is dead. She
continue to cry until she falls asleep in Anson’s arms. Anson calmly brushes
her hair while soothing her to deep sleep. Dellandery accompanies them.
Esther and Mr Miyagi come out with thick blankets for them.
Morning comes. Russel is walking out
from the house with David, Nancy,
Schervonne, Mecha and Techno. Everyone
had already taken their supplies yesterday
to the hideout.

Mecha and Techno buried their father near

the shed. As they walk out of the area,
Schervonne attempts to start a What should I
conversation with Mecha. say to Mecha?
Mecha… Your
father will
definitely watch
over you.

Thanks… I guess
we just need time
to heal….

You can take your time

to heal emotionally.
It’s tough when losing
someone we love.

The thought of afterlife

being reunited with our
families does exist. But
we still need to play our
part to continue living.
I appreciate the
sentiment but I doubt
Techno and I will see
our dad in the

Nothing is
impossible, Mecha. I
know the fact Nancy
share is true.

But how certain are

you? With the whole
thing going on, how is it
possible things like
afterlife could happen?

Life seems to be unfair but I

believe that there is a reason
for all this to happen.
Maybe it seems cliché but
had we not faced this, we
won’t be friends.

Let’s go back to
where the others are
waiting for us. We
need to prepare for
Welcome back.
Hope you have an
It is late evening. Russel and explanation for
his team arrive back. Evan Kyra.
welcomes the group with open
arms but a hint of sadness
from his good eye.

Before Russel could say

Thanks for -- anything, Kyra comes walking
- What do out of the house with anger
you mean? and sadness. She immediately
slaps Russel on the face.
Why did Tak
died?! What

Kyra…. I….
I’m sorry
Tak died.

Had we known
he had a
switchblade, we
would have ----
It was Kadin…
He used a SHUT UP! I
switchblade to WANT YOU TO
TO ----
When Kyra sees that there is a terrified
boy among them, Kyra stops immediately
and wipes away her tears.

She turns around and walks back into the

house. Nancy and Schervonne help Mecha
and Techno with their belongings.
Everyone is waiting
Evan sighs and looks at Russel with a inside. The kids are
concern look. eating their dinner
at the moment.

The men walk in to see everyone except the three kids, Premala and Offilrina
waiting for their leader. Some are happy but some are concern after what happened
within this short period of time. Esther sees Russel and hugs him tight.

Welcome back,
Russel. I’m glad
that you are ----

Remembering how Kyra lost her

brother, Esther quickly quiets down but
still greets Russel with a kiss.
Russel. We heard
Kadin went to the
Sanctuary. Is this

Yes but we won’t

back down! If they
come, we can still at
least defend our
Defend our
home?! It sounds
like this place will
be a war zone.

Not only it sounds

like, but it will be
if we are not well

I thought we were
going to live
peacefully but this
is what we get?!
Can you stop
How much longer whining, Khairul?!
do we need to It’s not like
suffer? Until the anyone here is
kids are dead? asking for war!

Everyone just
need to calm
down for a

Calm down?! Our

lives are at stake
Russel’s voice echo throughout
the room, causing everyone to
look at him in silence.

EVERYONE He takes a deep breath and

BE speaks in a calm manner.

First, I’m sorry for

yelling. Second, let’s
not fight against one
The monster that we
should be fighting not
just zombies but
Kadin along with
anyone that threatens
our home.

While I’ll think of a

battle plan, everyone
should just calm down
for now.

This time, I’ll make sure Russel immediately goes

everyone is safe from up without taking his
Kadin or the zombies or
people from the sanctuary!
belongings and march
towards his room. Esther
quietly goes up while
everyone else apologize
to one another.
Russel opens the door to see his bed and as
he closes gently, Russel sits on his bed and
sighs away.

He flops his back on the bed and just sigh

again. Before he could close his eyes,
Russel hears a soft knock followed by the
door opening up.

It is Esther looking at him. She walks over

Russel… You want me
to his bed and sits next to him while he sits to get you something to
up. eat? We got sandwiches
That’s okay, Esther. I or something light that
don’t feel like you could eat.
anything…. Esther. May
I ask you a question?

Okay. What is
it? What do
you want to

It’s just… I feel

responsible for
their deaths and it
just…. (sighs)

Am I a
good Russel… Their deaths are
leader? not your fault. If you
deliberate force them to die,
then it is. But as of all the
circumstances, it is not.
Esther gently place
her hands on
Russel. Look at Russel’s face and
me! Do you
know what do I
bring it closer to
see? hers.

Her lips touch his

lips. Russel could
feel her soft pink
lips touching his
his head)
No. What lips.
is it?
They kissed for
about a few
minutes, sharing
this moment
together in
Russel’s room.
It’s getting late and
I’m getting sleepy.
But Esther, would
you accompany me
After the kiss,
Esther looks at
Russel again and
smiles at him.

He give her
Esther nods her head
another kiss on
and lay down next to
the lips and
Russel. Both look at
smiles at her.
each other again
before drifting off to
At the lobby, after the remaining group had
settled down with dinner, Khairul voice out
his disappointment.

I told you a
Tak…. He was thousand times that
everything to me. I am Kadin had a hidden
stunned that neither you switchblade. We
or Russel did didn’t know.
everything to save him.

Khairul. Please
understand that Kadin is
fully responsible over
Tak’s death. Why blame
it on Russel and David?

I disagree, Kyra.
They could have
How would you feel
prevented his
if David or Russel
death! I am with
died? Wouldn’t that
Khairul on this.
be the same?

Still (sighs)
Never mind. I’m
getting out of
here. I’ll be at
my bunk now. Khairul and Kyra walk out of the
main house. Mr Miyagi too follow
along. The kids follow Granny Opal
to her room.
David. It is not
yours nor Russel’s
fault. If anything,
Kadin needs to be
served justice.

We should prepare
ourselves in case he
comes with the
people from the

Count me in to Let’s help Russel

help. I don’t want with plans on how
the kids to be in to get rid of Kadin.

I’ll be glad to kick

some Sanctuary’s

I’ll create some

concoction with Before that, we
Nancy’s help. should sleep for
tonight. I’ll keep
watch with Anson.
The next morning, Russel
steps out of the bedroom only
to find everyone already
discussing among each other.

Out of curiosity, he goes down What’s going

and talks with Anson. on, Anson?
Morning, Russel.
We thought of
helping you out by
come up with a
winning strategy.

You’re finally up.

You got to hear us
out and we hope to
hear your opinion.

One by one everyone looks at

We’ll protect
Russel and smile at him. Granny Opal
However, Mr Miyagi is not from the bad
around with Khairul and Kyra. guys.

Esther shows up later from

Russel’s room and goes down
the steps to see the commotion.

Thank you, Hadif. I can help

But I cannot imagine too.
what it’s like if all of
you kids face the
dangerous people.

Don’t worry,
Granny Opal. I may
be scared but I want
to protect everyone.
We got a
problem! Mr
Miyagi, Khairul
and Kyra are

everyone. Let’s
go and ----

Are you sure,

Presly? Maybe Shouldn’t we go
they just and find them?

No! They took

their belongings
and some food
In the forest, Mr Miyagi is resting on a
boulder near a river while the other two
youthful individuals decide where to go
after what it seems like they got lost in the

I’m sorry since

How long do we right now we don’t
need to be stuck have a map and it’s
here? I don’t think been a while since
it was a good idea I was out!
to leave.

Both of you stop it!

Your voices will
attract zombies! Gosh!
It’s been three hours
and already you ---

Before Khairul could continue his

sentence, a zombie that’s hidden
immediately attack Mr Miyagi. Kyra and
Khairul step back and is about to run
away when bullets start to fly.

Unfortunately for Kyra and

Khairul, they are shot down by
the rain of bullets and lay
motionless on the ground. Mr
Miyagi and the zombie too lay
flat on the ground.
We’re getting
Kadin shows up with at least 10 close to their
hideout. Good work.
individuals in white along with
Let’s go!
Commander Jay Tamilrason.
To be continue….

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