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Donna is glaring at Kunye who is lying

down from his wounds. He is still barely

alive but everyone at the party is
shocked with Donna’s choice of words.

Russel continues to observe the

situation. The kids are sobbing quietly
behind Russel and Edie.
Isn’t Kunye a
reliable person
when we needed
him? How did he
betray us?

The vial had

One of my men poison in it and
spotted him the label under
carrying a my name is
mysterious already suspicious
vial. enough.

The residents are in shock and

murmur with one another about

Russel, Wai Keat, Dellandery

and David just watch in silence In the morning,
throughout the chaos, They Kunye will be
aren’t sure about the next step executed.
when suddenly Schervonne GUARDS!!!
showed up with Dr Begong Drag him to the
Saimon. cell!
While the others just watch in
horror as Kunye is dragged off
by the men in black gear, the
party officially ends a bit early.

Don’t let him Parents’ and guardians of the

die so easily. kids quickly escort the kids
home. Russel and the gang
decide to go back but Donna
calls for them.
Is there
something you
need from us,

Wait a minute,
You and your
friends need to
see me now.

You may not be

my employee
anymore but in
this town, And all of you
Watch your tone.
everyone works! will witness
But tomorrow, I
need you to help Kunye death at
with a certain six in the
task. morning sharp.
Donna storms off angrily as the five
are confused with what just happened.

However, for Schervonne, she knows

Donna well but can’t say anything yet
until they reach home. When they are
almost back, they notice Reuben is
waiting for them on the steps with Reuben! How is
Mahira half asleep in his arms. Mahira? Why are
you out here?
Russel approaches Reuben first.

Russel nods his head and opens the

door. Schervonne help Reuben to
carry Mahira to her room while the
I need to tell
you other three men continue to walk
something into the house.
but let’s talk
Mahira is still inside. Outside, two people emerge out from
shaken up. She
wants to a nearby bush. An Indian male and a
sleepover at your Chinese woman.

I know so. We may

Jenny…. Are we
have looked
even certain that
different but I
they are still the
recognize David
friends we know?
anywhere. They
can help us.
The truth is that
What do you most of us want
want to talk Donna out of our
about, Reuben? lives.
You look
There are a few
people trapped in
a cell by her but
we aren’t sure
how to rescue

Hold on. Why

reveal this to us I am sick of how Donna
now? expose people with such
cruelty especially in
front of the kids.

I want Mahira to at
least have a normal
childhood life.
Reuben’s eyes are filling up with tears and he just After a few minutes and
sobs quietly. Wai Keat and Dellandery just stare in manage to calm down,
silence while David goes to the kitchen to fetch a Reuben looks at them still
glass of water for Reuben. Russel offers to sit next with a sad expression but at
to him. least no more tears.

He explains to them how

Donna’s husband previously
was the leader of the town.
A few weeks only and then
suddenly Donna takes over
and begin to rule with such
atrocity like earlier today at
city hall and Kunye’s case.

I suspect foul
play in Donna’s
Reuben. We have
something to tell
you now that you
opened up..

Russel takes a deep breath and explain

about Premala found them and the
rescue mission that they accepted.
Reuben is glad Premala is alive but
concerned about others who were with
Glad she is alive. I
her that day.
remember hearing
Donna announce
something about her
but we don’t believe
Mahira and a few of
Premala’s friends. I
When you remember her friend
mentioned, who Betty try to reason but
else are you haven’t seen her since.

Any idea
Betty might Other than jail
be? where Kunye is
in, there is not
There must be
another place I
somewhere in
can think of..
this town a place
where Donna
place people who
are against her.

Russel is thinking and

makes a decision about
tomorrow. He knows time Hang in
is ticking to rescue there, Betty.
Premala’s friend. We’ll find
Meanwhile, in the warehouse where
Betty is held, she wakes up to the sound
of someone grunting in pain. She looks
at the person in front of her but only can
tell there are two people in front of her.

The light is a little dim. It takes a while

for her vision to fully see whoever is in
front of her.
Who’s there?!

Sssh…. I’m not Dakota?! (tone

supposed to be down her voice)
here. Don’t What are you
expose me! doing here?

Dakota fill Betty in with details of what

had happened earlier. As she is about to
tell her about the newcomers, a gunshot
is heard.

Kunye is badly Dakota coughs up blood and lays dead

hurt. I’m tending on her own pool of blood, oozing out
to his wounds. from the back of her head. She slumps
to the floor, dead.
Are you crazy?!
Now we have a
Jane…. You killed
scapegoat to use for
her! Kunye is still ---
Kunye’s and
Dakota’s death.

Two shots fired again on Kunye’s

forehead. Kunye is no longer struggling
from his wounds.

Jane walks away with the silent

revolver in her hand. Betty just look
at her with disgust. The other prisoner
is still asleep even with the
commotion going on.

The guards seem to be on Jane’s side

as evil laughter can be heard echoin in
The blame will be on
you and that other guy. the warehouse.
Good luck defending
yourself from our
In Donna’s home, Donna is
sitting on a black sofa. She is
thinking about what to do
with Kunye and her prisoners
in the morning.

Donna is still thinking when

she hears a knock on her door.
The door opens to reveal Jane
who just came back from the Jane! Where were
warehouse. you?! I was waiting
for nearly an hour.
Did you figure out
who was
approaching the

Of course not. Now

Jane… Come closer
Yes but is that really so that I can reward
what you want to you.

Jane slowly approaches Donna. Donna slowly

brush a lock of Jane’s hair and slowly help herself
closer to Jane.

Jane enjoys the moment where Donna kisses her on

the lips. They enjoy a moment of passion together.
The next morning,
everyone is in the town
hall including the
children. Everyone is

Russel and his friends just

observe silently.
The kids shouldn’t
be here. Gosh… You should never
What is Donna question Donna’s
thinking? decision. She
makes everything
right for everyone.

Donna is the best, Dr

Saimon. How could
I don’t think so. Did
you doubt her?
you not see how the
kids were terrified
last night?

I will leave after this

meeting. This town
Everyone seems to be is very messed up
taking sides of either right now.
staying in Donna’s
settlement or leaving the

Russel and his friends

continue to watch. Before SILENCE!!!! I heard
everyone from
the matter escalated
quickly, the main doors EVERYONE JUST
open wide revealing Donna SHUT UP!
walking in with Jane, a few
bodyguards and two
prisoners whom David
The awkward silence fills the
air. Donna’s cold glare just keep
giving everyone chills down
their spines.

Schervonne knows well the

feeling but she isn’t showing
any signs of nervousness or fear.
Donna carries on with her Kunye and another Betty Mojindul
citizen died last and this prisoner
announcement. Schervonne night. The are responsible
notices that Jane had an evil perpetrators are for the deaths.
smile that last a few seconds. here.

I thank them for We shall send these

killing off some two to the zombie
rebels but they pit! What says
themselves also plot everyone?!
to kill me.
Isn’t he

The chants of the crowd goes

wild by repeating the words
“The Pit”.

Russel takes a good look at the

man and suddenly feels like he
is going through a flashback.
Russel recalls the time when he met Presly down in the forest, knocking
down a soldier fully white. They are standing near a river that flows to a
waterfall flowing behind Russel.

Presly is looking at him with concern and keeps looking around before
they can talk to each other.

They think I’m

Where will
one of them but
you go?!
I’m not. It’s only
a matter of time.

Somewhere far
but I need your
help to protect
my sister.
They heard rustling sounds.
Presly couldn’t say much
but Russel turns around
and is ready to face
whoever is coming their

Go now, Presly!
Russel signals him to make
I’ll help you
protect your a run. Presly just dash
sister! away as Russel prepares
himself for a fight against
his enemy.
You are talking
nonsense! Jane You dare to
was the one who accuse my
killed Dakota! trustworthy

Betty gets a slap from Donna in

front of the whole town. The
man that is with her is about to
charge at her. Both of you will
die today!
Unfortunately, he is tased by DRAG THEM
one of her security people. OUT AND

Donna and Jane leave first

followed by their prisoners and
everyone else.

Dellandery notices that Caleb is

going another way and follows David. Why the
worried face?
him quietly to see what he is
And who are
doing. they?
What’s going on
Russel is approached by David right now?
and another two new friends.
You’re right,
David. He has
amnesia. Anyway, I saw
Russel…. I’m something
This woman is
Mervin. earlier that will
Jenny. We need to
be chaotic
get the kids away
from here.

How chaotic am I
suppose to I believe her,
imagine? Massive and if
Donna is not in Russel. Last night,
control, it might Dr Saimon told me
kill everyone. partially about
Donna’s method of
killing prisoners.

I can’t take this Let’s just… Hang

situation. We on! Where’s
really need to save Dellandery?
In the warehouse where Betty and
Presly were held captive, Dellandery
ends up inside because he quietly
followed Caleb in.

To his surprise, Caleb is dashing to a

room where Dellandery could hear
some moaning and smell of rotten
corpses nearby. Dellandery grabs a
shotgun nearby and clocks it. Don’t shoot! I’m
here to check on
something! (sees
Dellandery) It’s

What are you trying

to do?! You do not
look like someone
checking on stuff.
You think you are
smart now,
dummy?! I’m just
doing what’s best
for the community!

The only thing

you ever do for
anyone is for
your own What are you going
selfish reason! to do with that
shotgun now? Kill
Dellandery waste no time as
Dellandery tries to use both arms to defend
he fires a shot at Caleb. He
himself but Caleb stands up and immediately
misses it since Caleb dodges
lands on his butt on top of Dellandery’s chest,
it. Caleb run towards
causing him to scream in pain.
Dellandery and tackles him to
the ground, forcing Dellandery
Caleb smirks at the Iban fellow who is now
to let go of the shotgun.
grunting in pain. Dellandery stares at him with
anger and resentment.
It is seen flying a few feet
away from them. Caleb sits on
He grabs Dellandery’s hair and start to pull him
Dellandery and throws a few
up. Caleb spits on his right cheek.
punches on his chest.

Remember the belt

incident?! That
really turn me on How does it feel
when you got hurt. now to be
dominated again?
You think you are
ready for me?! I can’t believe how
easy you are to be
dominated by a
white guy like me.

While Caleb is enjoying the

moment, he didn’t realize that
the gunshot released earlier hit
the lock which Caleb is about NO! THIS
to lockpick. SHOULDN’T
Caleb realizes the smell of
rotten corpses is getting
Dellandery pulls out a pocket knife
and throws it directly at Caleb’s left
eye when Caleb turns to face him.

His scream attract the zombies.

Dellandery kicks him right at his
stomach and runs out of the
After all the warehouse.
things you did to
me, this is your
well deserved That is when he hears the loud roar
death, Caleb. from outside. Dellandery
immediately checks it out.

In the middle of town, everyone is

surprised to hear an unusual roar.
The children are afraid and start to
whimper. All except Mahira. Her
father is sticking close to her.

Wai Keat and Kyra try to calm the

kids down. Russel, David and What the heck is
Schervonne didn’t like the sound at that sound?

All eyes focus on a ten feet tall zombie

monster that look so huge and its tongue
is out loose. Its arms has red blood clots.

No one has seen such a zombie. Donna

just laugh out loud with a tone of victory
WHAT THE in her laughter. She looks at all of the
FUDGE IS people nearby. The kids quickly hide
THAT?! behind Wai Keat and Kyra.
People are getting afraid and
not sure what is going on.
Donna steps in front of it and
glares at everyone.

Russel doesn’t flinch. In fact,

he is observing how to defeat
the zombie in front of them.
Schervonne is glaring directly
at Donna, knowing that she is
being a ruthless woman who
wants to strike catastrophe.

Wai Keat and Kyra

immediately run with the kids
to a nearby building to hide

He try to betray
me and now it’s
time for
betrayers to die
Behold! This first!
was my husband!
I gave him a We will not go
drug that turned down so easily!
him into this! We will kill it
The huge zombie roars
paralyzing some that are
nearby. Unfortunately Presly
is one of the nearest people
near it.

Ruusel, Schervonne and

David step forward to do
something but they need to The thing is
huge. But I don’t
find weapons.
mind to slice it

David, is there
anything we can
use as -----

It ate the guards by grabbing

with both enormous arms and
gobble them up with its long
extended tongue wrapping the
What the heck?! bodies and chewing the flesh

Russel. I manage
to get some guns
THE HECK IS Save the talk for
THAT?! later! Let’s kill
David start to run towards it as he feels the
adrenaline rush in him. He snatches a gun
that is on the ground while sliding
underneath it.

He clocks his aim and fires from behind. A

few gunshots gain its’ attention.

Come here you

piece of big
meat! I’m right

While it moves, Dellandery sees

Presly and Betty. He goes to
help them while Russel and
Schervonne grab two more guns
to help David. What the hell are
you doing?! You are
Schervonne sees a katana nearby causing a mess,
and has an idea of her own. She
drops the gun and grabs the
katana. However, Donna
Donna! Shut up!
You’re not the boss
of me now and I Excuse me! I’m still
make sure you don’t the leader of the
boss anyone else! city!

Admit it, Donna. You

You think you are a are just one grouchy
leader but behind that lady who just find fault
beautiful outfit of yours, in everyone!
you are nothing more
than trash!

A lamp post is flying towards her. Schervonne

immediately rolls forward with the katana in
her hand and aims it close to Donna’s neck.
WATCH OUT! Donna is surprised with Schervonne’s skills but
remains calm and just glare at Schervonne.
David and Russel are handling the huge
zombie. The monster seem unfazed by the
attempts made by the two men.
When it roar again, Donna has her ears
close and run away as quick as she
could with her black heels carrying her
weight while Schervonne cover her ears
to make sure she isn’t paralyzed.

Russel! How do we
handle it?! I don’t think
the bullets work.
Russel sees the monster walking
towards Schervonne. He dashes
forward, grabs the katana and
immediately slash off one of it’s bulky

It screeches in pain and falls on its

knees. Russel has an idea. Schervonne
There has to be steps back while Russel grabs firmly on
something we
the katana’s handle.
can use to kill

You are going


Russel raise the katana while

leaping in mid air, impaling it
directly on the zombie’s head.

It let out a sad cry followed by

slumping down to the ground Great job!
hard. Blood from it head oozes You saved
out. People start to come out from the city!
their hiding place.
Everyone is about to celebrate with joy until a gunshot is
fired. Jane is seen holding a gun. Smoke rises from the
magnum. Apparently she shot Reuben from the back, causing
Reuben to fall.

Wai Keat, Kyra and the kids just came out but only for Mahira
to witness her father dying in front of her.

This is for
ruining Jane’s

She fires another two shots, killing Betty and

Glint in the process through the chaos. Betty is
shot through the heart and Glint got shot at his
right eye. Dellandery grabs a stone and toss it at
Jane’s direction, causing her to be distracted.

When Jane steps back from the stone, Jane is

surprised to find herself shot in the chest by You deserve to
Schervonne who looked at her with anger in her be in Hell!
Meanwhile, Donna runs back to the
warehouse where she notices that the door
is unlocked.

She goes in only to find some zombies still

lurking around. To her surprise, the
zombies haven’t come out from this place.
She looks over to find Caleb’s insides and
flesh being torn apart.
What the heck?
The zombies….
Never mind. I
need to get
what I need.

Zombies let out low moans and

detected Donna’s scent.
However, Donna takes out a
small vial of blood and spray
around her to distract the They better
zombies. answer my
video call or I’ll
Finally she enters a room where just go there
a laptop is charged and some myself to cause
cabinets nearby. She trouble.
immediately contacts someone
she knows.
Finally after 10 minutes of waiting, she has someone on
screen to talk with.

What is it, Donna? My husband and I are really

busy here. How dare you have the nerve to call

What do you want? More virus samples to test

on your prisoners as usual….

I am facing a serious issue. Some brats made a

mess of my city in one night. I need a place to
seek refuge and I was thinking of going there.

Please let me travel there. I promise to do my

part to help with the research.

Donna… Donna…. How should I say this? I

discussed with my husband it has been decided
that we don’t need your services or assistance
in any way.

We don’t want anyone with loss cause to be

part of our distraction. We had enough with
some troublemakers ourselves and ----
EXCUSE ME?! What does that have to do with
me? Your troublemakers are not my problem
and you gave me one of your scientists!

If your scientist exposes me, you will be

exposed too. I will bring you down together to

You may try but I doubt anyone in your city

knows me nor my husband. They will think
nothing more than just a psychotic woman who
turned her husband into a zombie experiment.

You should know better when you tried to

outsmart us. One of our agents reported of
your inner secret.

WHAT THE HECK?!!!! You plant a spy among

my citizens! HOW COULD YOU DO SUCH A


(the other woman ends the call) HELLO!!!!

The woman ends the call and Donna uses her strength to push away the
laptop, crashing it to the ground. She start to burst out in tears. But soon, her
tears of pain turn into tears of evil as her cackle sounds up.
Back at town, everyone
mourns for the dead.
Schervonne keep looking
around, hoping to see if Donna
is around to pay for her
Sorry for your
Wai Keat kneels next to loss, Mahira….
Mahira who just place some Your dad is a
flowers on her father’s grave. good man.

Mahira’s sad expression didn’t change. She stares

coldly at her father’s grave. Russel too kneels in
front of Reuben’s and Betty’s graves.

Russel feels as if he failed to protect both of them.

Schervonne and Dellandery just stood behind the
Mahira… We
are here when
two. David and Presly too are paying their respects.
you need us.

Russel. I need to It is really

speak with you important to
and your friends, know this
please. information.

Russel hears him. He gets up and

walk towards Dr Saimon. Schervonne,
Dellandery and David followed. Wai
Keat decide to accompany Mahira.

Dr Saimon clears his throat and starts

to talk with them.
What is it, (sighs) I don’t
Dr Saimon? know how to
What is it explain this but
that we need you need to know
to know? that Donna has an
outside of the

Donna has someone

We are a bit lost. backing her up in
Could you terms of resources for
explain further? this area. Human
experiments…. She
has someone giving
her the virus.

Last night with

Kunye…. Kunye
is about to
expose when ----
- What’s that

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