Activity 2

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Name: Jayme, Rey-ann P. Degree/Program/Year/Sect.


Term: Midterm Lesson No. 2 Title of the Lesson: Educational

Policies in Multi-Grade Teaching Activity No. 2

1. These are the competencies (Knowledge) I have understood in the topic


a. First, as opposed to the tedious mode of instruction, multi-grade

teaching offers a unique environment for learning with exciting
activities and learners of various grades. In a school setting, the
same learners, relatively similar lectures, similar sessions, and the
same location are shifted to students with varying capabilities,
varying disciplines, varying degrees of competence, and varying
learning processes.
b. Secondly, by teaching the other learners the principles they have
studied, learners can further their understanding of the material.
They have a very good understanding of the ideas. They are taught
to cultivate desirable personality characteristics, such as an
empowering sort of mentality, camaraderie, and service mentality.
c. Finally, this kind of multigrade teaching promotes understanding by
recapitulating previously learned topics. Most significantly, it offers
opportunities for each learner to take part in group conversations.

2. The most significant/ very important key points in the topic presented are
the following:

a. By offering improved education for all children who are frequently

overlooked by their educational system since they reside in small,
underdeveloped, and isolated regions, multigrade is considered to
be an essential and acceptable solution to assist countries,
especially in the Philippines, to achieve our nationally enforced
Education for All objectives and related agreements.
b. Teaching several grades can be challenging, but when done
effectively, it allows you to educate kids that might not otherwise be
able to get an education and gives them the competence they seek
for a much more favorable outcome.
c. An efficient process of time management is the key to becoming an
effective multigrade teacher. Meeting the diverse learning demands
of populations of learners and individual students can be daunting,
but creating a range of activities that keeps all diverse learners
involved in a multigrade atmosphere is an opportunity to establish
novel, more efficient instructional techniques.

3. These are the two (2) questions that I would like to ask the reporter and the

a. What are the disadvantages of multigrade teaching to the teacher as

well as to the learners?
b. Is multigrade teaching our last resort in delivering quality education
for all?

4. The key points that the reporter needs to discuss clearly are the following:

a. Since we already know what multigrade teaching is, they should

perhaps create a vision in their minds or a visual representation of
what they want their multigrade classroom should look like;
b. They should have broadened their research skills about the legal
bases of multigrade teaching in the Philippines, and;
c. Provide examples as to how these legal bases work.
5. KWL Learning Strategy:

A. WHAT I KNOW excellently in the lesson discussed by my

classmates. (150 words)

Multigrade teaching is found to be a competitive strategy that a

teacher has adopted to raise the caliber of instruction and aptitude
required to efficiently use teaching-learning process resources in a
school context. In this kind of instruction, the teacher supports the
pupils' personal growth and development throughout the learning
experience. To fit the demands of the multigrade level classroom in
the given timeframe, the teacher modifies the subject matter of the
educational contexts. Moreover, I think it would be best for teachers
to integrate other models such as the inquiry model and cooperative
learning model since these two play an important part in student
learning when it comes to critical thinking and socializing. They must
be flexible in trying out different strategies in enhancing student
learning across the curriculum to adapt to a constantly evolving
society and most importantly, to prepare the learners for
diversification of the outside world.

B. WHAT I WANT TO KNOW more about the lesson discussed by my

classmates. (150 words)

These are perhaps what I wanted to see and how I viewed multigrade

My experiences in university have taught me that educators have a

lot of commitments. A teacher who teaches a classroom with diverse
needs must know that children are self-centered by nature. They
want your affection, not just as a teacher, but also as a parental
figure, as well as your encouragement and understanding, far more
than they needed your ethical criticism. Allow them to thrive and
praise them for their accomplishments. Discuss other concerns with
them, and then do it lightly. Teachers are there to console and
motivate learners when school is tough. If required, assist them with
their studies. Figurines, reading, and/or trips can be used to pique
their enthusiasm because children enjoy having experiences and
having a good time. Simply put, do not, however, expect the kids to
be grownups even when they're not.

C. WHAT I LEARNED clearly in the lesson discussed by my

classmates. (150 words)

Teaching is regarded as a respectable career. What I can infer from

my demo teaching experience in multigrade teaching and why some
of the teachers in our country employed such an approach because,
in my perspective, I genuinely think we can deliver richer
comprehensive, and diversified teaching instruction. Rather than
relying on my pupils to hand in their papers, I may test their
understanding of a concept as I present it. This allows me to
reconfigure the instruction as considered necessary. As a result, I
am capable of accommodating a wider array of instructional patterns
and providing stronger support in the classroom for developmental
delays. It also allows me to track their development and alter my
lecture to patch in any knowledge gaps. Therefore, teaching using
this approach is effective as it ultimately enables learners to speak
up and even have me reteach any abstract ideas they are grappling

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