Beverly Joy Dacles ESSAY

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Dacles, Beverly Joy D.

BSCrim 2L
00206 LEA 1

PAT. Oliver M. Garcia

My name is Beverly Joy D. Dacles and I’m an introverted person, meaning I always find fun
with myself and I avoid social events as much as possible because I can’t afford to embarrassed myself
in front of others. I can do a lot of work by myself than relying with others. Sometimes I can be a bossy
person but in a good way. I always treasure friendship and I always prioritized others than myself.
People around me always scolds me because the think that I’m selfless but actually I’m selfish behind
closed doors. I have a lot of hobbies that I discovered by myself such as singing, a little bit of dancing,
painting, mobile photography, reading and creating Wattpad stories.
Law Enforcement is the activity of some members of government who act in an organized
manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or punishing people who violate
the rules and norms governing that society. In my own understanding, Law Enforcement from the
word it self to enforce law that benefits the society and punish people who violates the rules that can
be punishable by law.

I expect this subject to teach me more about things that I still don’t know about Law
Enforcing. I already have a basic knowledge about this subject and I want to expand that knowledge
in order to become an effective law enforcer in the future. I also expect the instructor on this subject
to be kind and patient because not all of the students are fast learners so they can catch the topic.

My first virtual class is kind of confusing since I don’t have enough knowledge about what
will I do during virtual class. In order to have a little bit of knowledge, I watched some tutorial videos
online and even did my research. I have enough resources for my first virtual class but its not easy to
adjust right away since I still need to fix my sleep pattern first. I have a lot of struggles since it’s my
first time, one of them is my phone being full storage, since I need to download PDF files and videos,
I always use my brother’s phone. Its really a huge difference between a physical classroom and virtual
class. Since I’m not good in written outputs, it’s a huge adjustment for me. I also experience a crappy
internet where my online class is being held during 9pm or being cut off because of bad internet
connection. My first virtual class is kind of disappointing but I also benefited from it in a good way
because I learned a lot of things and explore a lot of things. Since the class is being held via online, I
did a lot of school work efficiently since I don’t really like working with people who’s not efficient as
me. Even though I didn’t satisfy during my first virtual class, I learned to be more in depended rather
being dependent with other and it helps me grow more.

Name: Dacles, Beverly Joy Dacuma

Birthday: August 29, 2003 Age: 18

Address: P-3 Barangay Pupua Catbalogan City, Samar 6700

Subject Code: 00206

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