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Concept of Man 13.

A nurse conducted a seminar about

1. All social needs of man are the same. reproductive health and correct
 False contraceptive use. This is a:
2. Man cannot live without attaining the:  primary prevention
 Physiologic needs 14. Physical therapy for a patient who is
3. The belief to the unseen is a manifestation recovering from stroke is an example of a:
of what aspect of man:  Tertiary prevention
 Spiritual 15. Monthly breast self-examination for a
4. A baby cries out loud when the mother female client:
stops breastfeeding him/her. The baby’s  Secondary prevention
reaction is an indication of man’s response 16. A patient who is currently enrolled for TB-
to: DOTS is an example of a:
 Physiologic need  Secondary prevention
5. A toddler cries out loud when he/she Nursing as a Profession
cannot see his/her mother and stops when 17. Florence Nightingale- environment
the mother comes back to him/her. The utilization; Virginia Henderson-_________:
young child’s reaction to the mother’s  Gain independence
presence is an example of: 18. To observe the Nightingale’s theory in
 Secured environment maintaining health and preventing disease,
6. Man and woman enter in the bond of the nurse must:
marriage. Marrying and starting a family is  Maintain a clean and well-
a: ventilated patient’s room
 Psychological need 19. The nurse works smoothly with other
 Physiologic need members of the healthcare team:
 Sociologic need  Team-player
7. “No man is an island.” However, man 20. The nurse maintains his/her composure
needs to be in solitude to reflect on his/her during difficult situation:
circumstance. Having ‘time alone’ to make  Emotionally intelligent
reflection enhances the ______ aspect of 21. The nurse is genuinely concern to others:
man.  Helper
 Psychological 22. Sue with his/her actions during pressured
8. According to Abraham Maslow, man cannot moments:
achieve self-confidence without:  Competent
 Being safe and secure 23. Clarifies statements heard and listens to
 Health concerns:
 Being belong  Communicator
Health, Illness and Wellness 24. The nurse is interested to learn:
9. Dunn: Health- Illness continuum; _______:  Open-minded
Stages of illness experience 25. The nurse protects the patient’s human
 Suchman rights and legal rights:
10. Leavell & Clark: Levels of prevention;  Advocate
Parson: ______________________ 26. The nurse manages patient care and
 Sick role model delivers specific nursing service:
11. Illness: Subjective; __________: Objective  Caregiver
 Disease 27. This attribute is central to nurse-patient
12. Environment: weather; Agent: relationship:
_________________  Communicator
 bacteria
28. A nurse is caring for a patient with end- 35. A nurse is taking care of patient who is
stage lung disease. The patient wants to go grieving for the loss spouse. What would be
home on oxygen. However, the family the best theory to help in the plan of care?
wants the patient to have a new surgical  Sis Callista Roy’s model
procedure. Nurse Shan Cai explains the risk 36. Nurse assumes responsibility in bathing and
and benefits of the surgery to the family feeding the patient until the patient is able
and discusses the patient’s wishes. The to begin performing these activities. Nurse
nurse is acting as the patient’s: Xi Men is applying the theory developed by:
 Advocate  Orem
29. A Nurse reviewed to the patient and family 37. Nurse routinely asks his patient if they take
to perform wound dressing properly. The vitamins or herbal medications.
patient’s wife demonstrated how to do Additionally, encourages patient to listen to
proper wound dressing. The nurse is acting music. The nurse practices which model?
to what role?  Holistic
 Educator 38. Nurse also encourages the patient to
30. Nurse meets the Registered Dietician to increase their fluids and activity levels to
develop a plan of care which focuses on help with the patient’s voiced concern
improving the patient’s nutrition. This is an about constipation. The nurse is addressing
example of: which level of need according to Maslow?
 Team work and collaborator  Physiological
31. Nurse in an acute care setting attended a 39. Nurse developed a health promotion
unit-based education program to learn how program on breast self-examination (BSE)
to use a new pressure-relieving device for for the women’s group. As a nurse, one
patients at risk of bedsores. The nurse’s must learn to understand cues and clues.
action is an example of maintaining: Which statement would indicate that the
 Competence participant was able to identify her
32. When Nurse refers and coordinates t to the susceptibility to the illness?
community services for her patient, she is  “My mother died of breast cancer, I
functioning in the role of: know that I am at risk of developing it
 Collaborator too.”
33. A nurse consultant decided to compare two 40. Which activity shows a nurse engaged in
types of treatment for bedsores. The first primary prevention?
procedure is the traditional way while the  A school health nurse provides a
other treatment is a new one. The nurse program to the first year students on
exemplifies: health eating.
A. Researcher 41. The nurse understands the Pender’s health
B. Collaborator promotion model when he/she states that:
C. Team player  “The desired outcome of the model is
D. Competence health promoting behaviour.”
Answer: A 42. Which statement made by a nurse
Nursing as a Profession indicating that he/she is engage in an
34. Using Maslow’s hierarchy of need, identify activity to help cope with secondary
the PRIORITY for a patient who is traumatic stress and burnout?
experiencing chest pain and difficulty of  “I am enjoying my quilting group that
breathing: meets each week at my church.”
 Physiologic needs 43. A nurse applying the theory of Leininger
 Culturally specific nursing care
Knowing in Nursing  Psychological well-being
44. Develops social awareness of social 59. The nurse demonstrates caring by:
problems and taking action to create social  Maintaining professionalism at all cost
change: 60. When planning care for a patient
 Emancipatory considering the concept of a family, the
45. Encompasses knowing one’s own self as nurse:
well as the self in relation to others:  Realizes the cultural background is an
 Personal important variable when assessing the
46. It is expressed in practice as a scientific family.
competence: 61. To be effective in the care of various ethnic
 Empirical groups, the nurse should:
47. Critically reflecting upon social, cultural and  Be aware of patients’ cultural difference
political status quo: 62. A nurse is talking with a young adult patient
 Socio-political about the purpose of a new medication, the
48. It is expressed in the moment of nurse says" I want to be clear, can you tell
experience-action in the transformative art:
me in your own words the purpose of this
 Aesthetic
medicine?" This exchange is an example of
49. This involves moment-to-moment
judgments about what ought to be done: which element of the transactional
 Aesthetic communication process?
50. Individuals can only know through personal  Channel
experience: 63. A nurse prepares to contact a physician
 Personal about a change in the patient’s condition.
51. Appreciation of the meaning of a situation:
What is the correct order of statements
 Aesthetic
using SBAR (Situation, Background,
Nursing as an Art
52. This is central to nursing practice: Assessment, and Recommendation)
 Caring communication?
53. Leininger’s care theory are derived largely 1. Would you like to make a change in
from: antibiotics?
 Culture 2. Patient reported feeling nauseated after
54. The nurse do not compromise nursing dose of Levaquin
standards or honesty in delivering nursing
3. A 53 year old female admitted 2 days ago
 Competence with pneumonia, started Levaquin
55. The nurse refers to the policy and yesterday, and complains of poor appetite
procedure manual to review steps of a skill: 4. The patient complained of nausea
 Competence yesterday evening and has vomited during
56. The nurse listens to both sides in any the night.
discussion: Choices:
 Communication
 4,3,2,1
57. The nurse recognizes the need for more
information to make a decision: 64. A nurse has been gathering physical
 Courage assessment data on a patient and is now
58. Elderly patients report loss of memory and listening to the patients concerns. The
difficulty solving problems. The nurse nurse sets a goal of care that incorporates
understands that this is an example of the patients desire to make treatment
impaired: decisions, this is an example a nursing gage
n which phase of nurse- patient the influence of alcohol, which statement
relationship? would be most therapeutic?
 Working phase  "Tell me what happened before,
65. A nursing student is reviewing a process during, and after the accident
recording with the instructor. The student tonight?"
engaged the patient with discussion about 71. Which strategies should a nurse use to
availability with family members to provide facilitate a safe transition of care during a
support at home once the patient is patient’s transfer from the hospital to a
discharged; the student reviews with the skilled nursing facility?
instructor whether the comments used 1. Collaboration between staff
encourage openness and allow the patient members from sending and
to tell his story. This is an example of what receiving departments
step in nursing process? 2. Using a standardized transfer
 Evaluation policy and transfer tool
66. The nurse states to a patient, "When you 3. Requiring that the patient
tell me that you're having a hard time living visit the facility before a
up to expectations, are you talking about transfer is arranged
your family's expectations?" Which 4. Arranging all patient
therapeutic communication technique does transfers during the same
this illustrate? time each day.
 Clarifying 5. Relying on family members
67. The primary goals of good relationship to share information with the
building and client care are best achieved new facility.
when all members of the inter-professional  1,2
care team: 72. When a client expresses doubt whether a
 a trusting relationship. complicated procedure will actually help his
68. You are caring for an 80-year-old woman, condition, the nurse best avoids blocking
the communication by responding:
and you ask her a question while you are
 "What makes you doubt that your
across the room washing your hands. She condition will benefit from having the
does not answer. What should you do next? procedure done?"
 Move to her bedside, get her attention, 73. A patient states, "No one talked with me
and rephrase the question while facing about a change in my medications, so just
her. bring me what I take at home." Which of
69. Which of the following nursing actions helps the following responses by the nurse is the
best example of a therapeutic
you establish a therapeutic relationship
communication technique?
with a patient for whom English is not the  "I understand that you're concerned.
primary language? Let me tell you about the
 Provide the patient with a medications."
professional interpreter. 74. A patient states, "I'm not sure my doctor
70. A patient is evaluated in the ER after has ordered the right medication for my
hypertension." Which of the following
causing a car accident while being under
responses is the most therapeutic as an
immediate response?
 "So you're concerned that this 1. Identifying differences in patient’s
medication may not be right for you?" health goals and current behaviours.
75. A nurse is attempting to establish a 2. Providing assessment data that can
therapeutic relationship with an angry,
be shared with families to promote
depressed patient on a medical surgical
unit. Which of the following is the best
nursing intervention? 3. Gaining an understanding of
 Empathize with the patient as he patients motivation
describes current stressors. 4. Recognize patients’ strengths and
76. You are working with an eighty-five years support their efforts
old male patient, who is hearing-impaired, 5. Focusing on opportunities to avoid
the use of which techniques would improve poor health choices
communication for the both of you?  1,3,4
1. Check for needed adaptive equipment. 80. A patient who is Spanish speaking does
2. Exaggerate lip movements to help the appear to understand the nurse's
patient lip read. information on wound care. Which action
3. Give patient time to respond to should the nurse take?
questions.  Use a professional interpreter to
4. Keep communication short and to the provide wound care education in
point. Spanish
5. Communicate only through written 81. A nurse is assigned to a patient for the first
information. time and states, "I don't know a lot about
 1,3,4 your culture and want to learn about how
77. The following are the reasons why nurses to better your health care needs." Which
must communicate effectively with the therapeutic communication technique is
health care team, except: used?
 Prevent issues need to be reported to  Humility
outside agencies. 82. A new nurse is experiencing lateral violence
78. A new nurse complains to her preceptor at work, which steps could the nurse take to
that she has no time for therapeutic address this problem?
communication with her patients. Which of  Talk the manager and ask for
the following is the best strategy to help the assistance with handling this issue
nurse find more time for this 83. The nurse uses silence as a therapeutic
communication? communication technique. What is the
 Include communication while purpose of the nurse’s silence?
performing task such as changing 1. Prompt the patient to talk when he
dressings and checking vital signs. or she is ready.
79. Motivational interviewing (MI) is a 2. Allow the patient time to gain
technique that applies understanding a insight.
patient’s values and goals in helping the 3. Let the patient realized that you are
patient make behaviour changes. What are impatiently waiting for the
other benefits of using MI techniques? response.
(select all that apply) 4. Allow the patient time to think.
 1, 2, 3 and 4  Expressing the importance of learning
the skill correctly
84. The most likely reason a 9-year-old child 89. A nurse is teaching a group of young
cries and refuses to cooperate with an college-age women the importance of using
injection is: sunscreen when going out in the sun. Which
 the child's past experiences with type of content is the nurse providing?
injections.  Health promotion and illness
85. The most important concept to remember prevention
when using both verbal and nonverbal 90. An older man is being given a new
communication is that: antihypertensive medication. In teaching
 Non-verbal messages are accepted as the client about the medication, the nurse
true more often than verbal ones. should:
86. Nursing's primary concern related to the  Allow the client time to express
appropriate use of social media is to him/herself and ask questions.
preserve: 91. A learning objective for a client taking
 confidentiality. digoxin (Lanoxin) is to correctly take a radial
PATIENT EDUCATION pulse for 1 minute before medication
87. The nurse is organizing a disease prevention administration. The learning objective has
program for a specific cultural group. To been achieved when the client:
effectively meet the needs of this group the  Demonstrates correct finger
nurse will: (Select all that apply.) placement and counts the beats
1. Assess the needs of the community correctly
in general. 92. The nurse is demonstrating the proper
2. Involve those affected by the technique for using a glucometer to a group
problem in the planning process. of clients newly diagnosed with diabetes.
3. Develop generalized goals and The nurse smiles and praises one of the
objectives for the program. clients when she correctly performs a finger
4. Use educational materials that are stick. This teaching approach is referred to
simplistic and have many pictures. as:
5. Assess commonly held health beliefs  Reinforcing
among the cultural group. 93. Which of the following represents the most
6. Educate the specific cultural group complex behaviour in the psychomotor
about Western concepts of health learning domain?
and illness.  activities of daily living after acquiring
7. Include cultural practices that are left-sided paralysis due to a brain
relevant to the specific community. injury
Choices: 94. When planning for instruction on cardiac
 2,5,7 diets to a patient with heart failure, which
88. A patient needs to learn how to administer of the following instructional methods
a subcutaneous injection. Which of the would be the most appropriate for
following reflects that the patient is ready someone identified as a visual/spatial
to learn? learner?
 Colored visual diagrams that 102. What is the most favorable seating
categorize foods according to fat and arrangement of the nurse and the client in
sodium content an interview?
 Two parties sit on two chairs placed at
95. When a nurse is teaching a patient about
right angles or a few feet apart, with
how to administer an epinephrine injection no table between.
in case of a severe allergic reaction, the
nurse tells the patient to hold the injection 103. What component of the nursing
like a dart. Which of the following diagnosis that identifies one or more
instructional methods did the nurse use? probable causes of the health problem,
 Analogy gives direction to the required nursing
therapy, and enables the nurse to
96. A nurse needs to teach a young woman
individualize the client care?
newly diagnosed with asthma how to  Etiology
manage her disease. Which of the following
topics does the nurse teach first? 104. thalia, a 39-year-old homemaker is
 How to use an inhaler during an admitted to the hospital because of
asthma attack gastroenteritis. She has no appetite and
97. A client needs to learn how to administer a barely touches her meals. She has not eaten
for 12 hours already. What nursing problem
subcutaneous injection. The nurse knows
could the nurse identify to thalia?
the client is ready to learn when the client:  Imbalanced Nutrition: less than body
 Expresses the importance of learning requirement
the skill
98. The client who is most ready to begin a 105. A nurse is about to perform her
client teaching session is the client who has: planned nursing interventions to her client.
Which of the following steps should she do
 Voiced a concern about how insulin
injections will affect her lifestyle
 Reassessing the client
99. Which of the following is an example of an
appropriately stated learning objective? 106. Which of the following nursing
 The client will state three factors that actions is not included in the implementing
affect cholesterol by the end of the phase of the nursing process?
teaching session.  Identifying health problems
107. Which of the following statements is
100. When a nurse is teaching a client
NOT true about the relationship of
how to draw up and mix insulin injections,
evaluating to other nursing process phases?
which of the following best demonstrates  During the evaluating phase, the nurse
that psychomotor learning has taken place? collects data for the purpose of
 the client is able to demonstrate the making diagnoses.
appropriate technique
108. Which of the following nursing
Nursing Process actions is specific in the evaluation phase of
the nursing process?
101. It is a continuous process that is  Continuing, modifying, or terminating
carried out all throughout the nursing the nursing care plan
process. 109. Which of the following data will the
 Assessment nurse document as subjective data?
 Complaints of thirst following which are considered signs, but
110. Nurse Rock is establishing priorities  Experience of gnawing pain
for patient care. Which one would not be
her basis? 119. Type of data that is apparent only to
 Attend to equipment & apparatus first, the person affected and can be described or
such as IV fluids, urinary catheter, verified only by that person.
drainage tubes  Covert data
111. All but one are the activities during 120. Which of the following is the
evaluation: primary purpose of the evaluating phase of
 Performing nursing interventions & the care-planning?
procedures A. Desired outcomes have been met
112. Nursing diagnosis is characterized by 121. The following are the activities
which of the following statements, BUT under assessment phase in nursing process
 It is constant from admission till  Analyze data
discharge 122. In which of the following is the
113. Upon admission, Mr. claus nursing diagnostic statement properly
presented the following objective data worded?
EXCEPT:  Activity intolerance related to muscle
 Fear of his current condition pain

114. In prioritizing patient’s care, Trina 123. Which of the following behaviors is
utilized Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Thus most representative of the nursing
of the following problems the topmost diagnosis phase of the nursing process?
priority is:  Identifying major problems or needs
 Ineffective Airway Clearance
115. In writing the nurses notes, Nurse 124. The action phase in which the nurse
Digna made a wrong entry. To correct the performs the nursing interventions:
notation, which of the following is the right  Implementation
thing to do by Nurse Digna? 125. Which of the following
 Put a line on the mistaken entry & affix documentation belongs to Subjective (S)
her signature, then write the correct category?
entry right after the corrected one;  “The pain increases every time I turn
116. shania propped up the patient who on my left side.”
had difficulty of breathing as she listened to
her stories of achievements. The action of 126. The nurse disposes the printed
Sheena is: information appropriately when he/she:
 Dependent function  Places papers with patient information
in a secure canister marked for
117. At the station, she wrote the shredding
diagnosis for the patient as: Difficulty of 127. The nurse manager is reviewing the
breathing related to coughing. This is: nursing documentation of the staff nurses
 Actual diagnosis and finds the following entry, “Patient is
difficult to care for, refuses suggestion for
118. Assessment of patient always improving appetite. Which of the following
includes signs & symptoms. All of the statement is most appropriate for the
manager to make to the staff nurse who 135. The nurse is making nursing care
entered this information? plan for his diabetic client who underwent
 “Enter only objective and factual below the knee amputation. Which of the
information about a patient in a following should be put as entry in the
medical record.” diagnosis?
128. Which of the following actions  Social isolation related to the outcome
requiring intervention from a senior nurse of surgery as manifested by isolation.
to a novice nurse? 136. Which type of interview question
 Gives the newly ordered medication does the nurse first use when assessing the
before entering the order in the reason for a patient seeking health care?
patient’s medical health record.  Open-ended
129. As the nurse enters into the 137. The nurse observes a patient
patient’s room, the nurse notices that the walking down the hall with a shuffling gait.
patient is anxious. The patient quickly sates, When the patient returns to bed, the nurse
“I don’t know what is going on. I cannot get checks the strength in both of the client’s
an explanation form my doctor about my legs. The nurse applies the information
tests results. I want something done about gained to suspect that the patient has a
this.” Which of the following documents mobility problem. This conclusion is an
this observation appropriately? example of:
 “The patient stated feelings of  Clinical Inference
frustration from the lack of information 138. The nursing diagnosis Impaired
received regarding test results.” Parenting related to mother’s
130. Which among the following is true developmental delay is an example of a(n):
about Health Insurance Portability and  Problem-focused nursing
Accountability Act (HIPAA)? 139. The nurse knows that the best
 HIPAA provides you with greater source of nursing practice should be from?
protection of your personal health  Research articles and journals.
information. 140. The nurse is preparing nursing care
131. The patient is asking the nurse if she plan for his cancer client. He knows that this
could read her medical records. The nurse part of the nursing process lets the nurse
best response will be: know if the interventions done are
 “You have the right to read your effective. What part of the nursing process
record.” is this?
132. A nurse develops strategies to  Evaluation
resolve a client’s health care issue. Which 141. The nurse that goal-setting is part of
step of the nursing process does this the nursing process. What phase of the
represent? nursing process does it belong?
 Planning  Planning
133. Nurses are faced with stressful 142. Critical thinking is necessary for
situations at both the clinical and nurses to make a proper judgment. Critical
community setting. How would the nurse thinking involves the following, EXCEPT;
handle situation when 4 clients A. Problem solving
simultaneously calls for him? B. Intuition
 Prioritize based on the client’s needs. C. Decision making
134. The nurse is making assessment D. Creativity
notes about the client’s health concern. 143. This is a technique one can use to
Which of the following are objective data? look beneath the surface, recognize and
 The nurse notes abdominal guarding. examine assumptions, search for
inconsistencies, examine multiple points of 151. Priorities are established to help the
view, and differentiate one knows from nurse anticipate and sequence nursing
what one merely believes. interventions when a client has multiple
 Socratic Questioning problems or alterations. Priorities are
144. This is a formal, organized and determined by the client’s:
systematic approach in solving problems.  Urgency of problems
This is used to build disciplines or evidence- 152. Once a nurse assesses a client’s
based practices among the sciences. condition and identifies appropriate nursing
 Research process diagnosis, a:
145. The nurse provides care for a client  Plan is developed for nursing care.
admitted for severe abdominal pain. The 153. The nurse writes an expected
nurse instructs the nursing student that outcome statement in a measurable term.
which action depicts the evaluation step in An example is:
the nursing process.  Client will report pain acuity less than 4
 Reassessment of pain after on a scale of 0-10.
administering pain medicine. 154. Collaborative interventions are
146. The nurse cares for a client with a therapies that require:
pressure injury. What is the proper  Multiple health care professionals
sequence of the nursing process to address 155. A client centered goal is a specific
this? (From first to the last) 1. Planning, 2. and measurable behavior or response that
Nursing diagnosis, 3. Implementation, 4. reflects a client’s:
Evaluation, and 5. Assessment:  Highest possible level of wellness and
 5,2,1,3,4 independence in function.
147. A nurse meets with the family of an 156. For clients to participate in goal
infant client. Which action demonstrates setting, they should be:
collaboration of care?  Alert and have some degree of
 The nurse schedules a meeting with all independence.
health care providers and the family for 157. After determining a nursing
discussion of plan of care. diagnosis of acute pain, the nurse develops
148. A nurse manager seeks to improve the following appropriate client-centered
the quality of client care using evidence- goal:
based practice. What steps does the nurse  Pain intensity reported as a 3 or less
use when implementing this concept? during hospital stay.
(From first to last) 1. Evaluate the evidence, 158. This is the blueprint of nursing care.
2. Acquire evidence, 3. Identify the  Nursing process
problem, 4. Apply the evidence, 5. Assess
the outcome
 3,2,1,4,5 159. This makes the nursing care given to
149. The nurse is most likely to collect clients safe, competent and skillful.
timely, specific information by asking which  Critical thinking
of the following questions? 160. This is the application of a set of
 “Would you describe what you are questions to a particular situation or idea to
feeling?” determine essential information and ideas
150. Which of the following descriptors is and discard superfluous information and
most appropriate to use when stating the ideas.
“problem” part of a nursing diagnosis?  Critical analysis
 Anxiety 161. The best source of subjective data
would come from:
 Primary Source 170. Which method of data collection will
162. This is form of interview that elicits a the nurse use to establish a patient’s
specific question and usually uses a close- database?
ended question.  Performing a physical examination 
 Directive interview
163. The nurse is planning to interview a 171. A nurse is gathering information
client. The plan should include the about a patient’s habits and lifestyle
following, EXCEPT: patterns. Which method of data collection
 Persons involved will the nurse use that will best obtain this
164. This is a set of cues, the signs or  Perform a thorough nursing health
symptoms gathered during assessment. history. 
 Data cluster
172. While interviewing an older female
165. A nurse interviewed and conducted patient of Asian descent, the nurse notices
a physical examination of a patient. Among that the patient looks at the ground when
the assessment data the nurse gathered answering questions. What should the
were an increased respiratory rate, the nurse do?
patient reporting difficulty breathing while  Consider cultural differences during
lying flat, and pursed-lip breathing. This this assessment. 
data set is an example of: 173. A nurse has already set the agenda
 Data cluster during a patient-centered interview. What
166. A nurse is using the problem- will the nurse do next?
oriented approach to data collection. Which  Ask about the chief concerns or
action will the nurse take first? problems.
 Focus on the patient’s presenting 174. The nurse is attempting to prompt
situation.  the patient to elaborate on the reports of
167. After reviewing the database, the daytime fatigue. Which question should the
nurse discovers that the patient’s vital signs nurse ask?
have not been recorded by the nursing  “What reasons do you think are
assistive personnel (NAP). Which clinical contributing to your fatigue?” 
decision should the nurse make?
 Ask the NAP to record the patient’s 175. A nurse is conducting a nursing
vital signs before administering health history. Which component will the
medications. nurse address?
168. a nurse is gathering data on a  Patient expectations 
patient. Which data will the nurse report as 176. While the patient’s lower extremity,
objective data? which is in a cast, is assessed, the patient
 Respirations 16  tells the nurse about an inability to rest at
169. A patient expresses fear of going night. The nurse disregards this
home and being alone. Vital signs are stable information, thinking that no correlation
and the incision is nearly completely has been noted between having a leg cast
healed. What can the nurse infer from the and developing restless sleep. Which action
subjective data? would have been best for the nurse to
 The patient is apprehensive about take?
 Ask the patient about usual sleep is present in the room. Which action by the
patterns and the onset of having nurse will require follow-up by the charge
difficulty resting.  nurse?
 The nurse speaks only to the
177. The nurse begins a shift assessment
patient’s daughter. 
by examining a surgical dressing that is
184. It reduces, and in some cases
saturated with serosanguineous drainage
prevents, the transmission of disease from
on a patient who had open abdominal person to person.
surgery yesterday (or 1 day ago). Which  Immunization
type of assessment approach is the nurse 185. It is a federal agency responsible for
using? the enforcement of federal regulations
 Problem-oriented assessment  regarding the manufacture, processing, and
178. Which statement by a nurse distribution of foods, drugs, and cosmetics
indicates a good understanding about the to protect consumers against the sale of
differences between data validation and impure or dangerous substances.
data interpretation?  Food and Drugs Administration
 “Validation involves comparing data ( FDA)
with other sources for accuracy.”  186. Accidents that are equipment
179. Which scenario best illustrates the related from the malfunction, despair, or
nurse using data validation when making a misuse of equipment or from an electrical
nursing clinical decision for a patient? hazard.
 The nurse determines to remove a  Equipment-related accident
187. It encompass all nursing
wound dressing when the patient
interventions to protect a patient from
reveals the time of the last dressing
traumatic injury, position for adequate
change and notices old and new
ventilation and drainage of oral secretions,
and provide privacy and support following
180. While completing an admission
the seizure.
database, the nurse is interviewing a
 Siezure precautions
patient who states “I am allergic to latex.”
188. It is often a bright light, smell, or
Which action will the nurse take first?
 Ask the patient to describe the type
 Aura
of reaction.  189. It is caused by health care providers
181. A patient verbalizes a low pain level and include medication and fluid
of 2 out of 10 but exhibits extreme facial administration errors, improper application
grimacing while moving around in bed. of external devices, and accidents related to
What is the nurse’s initial action in improper performance of procedures such
response to these observations? as dressing changes or urinary catheter
 Ask the patient about the facial insertion.
grimacing with movement.   Procedure-related accidents
182. The nurse is interviewing a patient 190. It is a medical emergency that
with a hearing deficit. Which area should requires intensive monitoring and
the nurse use to conduct this interview? treatment.
 The patient’s room with the door  Status epilepticus
closed  191. A patient has been newly admitted
183. A new nurse is completing an to a medicine unit with a history of diabetes
assessment on an 80-year-old patient who and advanced heart failure. The nurse is
is alert and oriented. The patient’s daughter assessing the patient's fall risks. Which of
the following is the proper order of steps sure that patient is comfortable with arm in
for the "Timed Get-up and Go Test" anatomic alignment. 2. Wrap wrist with soft
(TGUGT)? 1. Have patient rise from straight- part of restraint toward skin and secure
back chair without using arms for support. snugly. 3. Identify patient using two
2. Begin timing. 3. Tell patient to walk 10 identifiers. 4. Introduce self and ask patient
feet as quickly and safely as possible to a about his feelings of being restrained. 5.
line you marked on the floor, turn around, Assess condition of skin where restraint will
walk back, and sit down. 4. Check time be placed.
elapsed. 5. Look for unsteadiness in  3, 4, 1, 5, 2
patient's gait. 6. Have patient return to 197. A nurse knows that the people most
chair and sit down without using arms for at risk for accidental hypothermia are: 1.
support. People who are homeless. 2. People with
 3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4 respiratory conditions. 3. People with
192. Parent calls the pediatrician's office cardiovascular conditions. 4. The very old.
to ask about directions for using a car seat. 5. People with kidney disorders.
Which of the following is the most correct  1,3,4
set of instructions the nurse gives to this 198. A couple who is caring for their
parent? aging parents are concerned about factors
 Toddlers must reach age 2 or the that put them at risk for falls. The following
height or weight requirement before factors are most likely to contribute to an
they ride forward facing. increase in falls in the elderly except:
193. The nursing assessment of a 78-  Staircases with handrails
year-old woman reveals orthostatic 199. The family of a patient who is
hypotension, weakness on the left side, and confused and ambulatory insists that all
fear of falling. On the basis of the patient's four side rails be up when the patient is
data, which one of the following nursing alone. What is the best action to take in this
diagnoses indicates an understanding of the situation? 1. Contact the nursing supervisor.
assessment findings? 2. Restrict the family's visiting privileges. 3.
 Risk for Falls Ask the family to stay with the patient if
194. The nursing assessment of an 80- possible. 4. Inform the family of the risks
year-old patient who demonstrates some associated with side-rail use. 5. Thank the
confusion but no anxiety reveals that the family for being conscientious and put the
patient is a fall risk because she continues four rails up. 5. Discuss alternatives that are
to get out of bed without help despite appropriate for this patient with the family.
frequent reminders. The initial nursing  3,4,6
intervention to prevent falls for this patient
is to: 200. You are conducting an education
 Place a bed alarm device on the bed. class at a local senior center on safe-driving
195. At 12 noon the emergency tips for seniors. Which of the following
department nurse hears that an explosion should you include? 1. Drive shorter
has occurred in a local manufacturing plant. distances. 2. Drive only during daylight
Which action does the nurse take first? hours. 3. Use the side and rearview mirrors
 Prepare for an influx of patients carefully. 4. Keep a window rolled down
196. You are caring for a patient who while driving if has trouble hearing. 5. Look
frequently tries to remove his intravenous behind toward the blind spot. 6. Stop
catheter and feeding tube. You have an driving at age 75
order from the health care provider to  All except 6
apply a wrist restraint. What is the correct 201. A nurse is evaluating a patient who
order for applying a wrist restraint? 1. Be is in soft wrist restraints. Which of the
following activities does the nurse perform? 205. A nurse is educating parents to look
1. Check the patient's peripheral pulse in for clues in teenagers for possible substance
the restrained extremity. 2. Evaluate the abuse. Which environmental and
patient's need for toileting. 3. Offer the psychosocial clues should the nurse
patient fluids if appropriate. 4. Release both include? 1. Blood spots on clothing, 2. Long-
limbs at the same time to perform range of sleeved shirts in warm weather, 3.Changes
motion (ROM). 5. Inspect the skin under in relationships, 4. Wearing dark glasses
each restraint indoors, 5. Increased computer use
 1,2,3,5  All except 5
202. You are admitting Mr. Jones, a 64- 206. The nurse is preparing nursing care
year-old patient who had a right plan for his cancer client. He knows that this
hemisphere stroke and a recent fall. His part of the nursing process lets the nurse
wife stated that he has a history of high know if the interventions done are
blood pressure, which is controlled by an effective. What part of the nursing process
antihypertensive and a diuretic. Currently is this?
he exhibits left-sided neglect and problems  Evaluation
with spatial and perceptual abilities and is 207. The nurse that goal-setting is part of
impulsive. He has moderate left-sided the nursing process. What phase of the
weakness that requires the assistance of nursing process does it belong?
two and the use of a gait belt to transfer to  Planning
a chair. He currently has an intravenous (IV) 208. Among the many patients who
line and a urinary catheter in place. The should be attended first by Nurse Edith?
following are factors increase his fall risk at  thalia on the chest pain
this time except: 1. Smokes a pack a day. 2.
209. The nurse provides care for a client
Used a cane to walk at home. 3. Takes
admitted for severe abdominal pain. The
antihypertensive and diuretics. 4. History of
nurse instructs the nursing student that
recent fall. 5. Neglect, spatial and
which action depicts the evaluation step in
perceptual abilities, impulsive. 6. Requires
the nursing process.
assistance with activity, unsteady gait. 7. IV
 Reassessment of pain after
line, urinary catheter
administering pain medicine.
 1 and 2
210. The nurse cares for a client with a
203. The nurse is caring for a patient who
pressure injury. What is the proper
is having a seizure. Which of the following
sequence of the nursing process to address
measures will protect the patient and the
this? (From first to the last) 1. Planning, 2.
nurse from injury? 1. If patient is standing,
Nursing diagnosis, 3. Implementation, 4.
attempt to get him or her back in bed. 2.
Evaluation, and 5. Assessment:
With patient on floor, clear surrounding
 5,2,1,3,4
area of furniture or equipment. 3. If
possible, keep patient lying supine. 4. Do
211. A nurse meets with the family of an
not restrain patient; hold limbs loosely if
infant client. Which action demonstrates
they are flailing. 5. Never force apart a
collaboration of care?
patient's clenched teeth.
 The nurse schedules a meeting with all
 2,4,5
health care providers and the family for
204. What is your role as a nurse during a
discussion of plan of care.
fire? 1. Help to evacuate patients. 2. Shut
212. A nurse manager seeks to improve
off medical gases. 3. Use a fire extinguisher.
the quality of client care using evidence-
4. Single-carry patients out. 5. Direct
based practice. What steps does the nurse
ambulatory patients
use when implementing this concept?
 All except 4
(From first to last) 1. Evaluate the evidence, 222. The best source of subjective data
2. Acquire evidence, 3. Identify the would come from:
problem, 4. Apply the evidence, 5. Assess  Primary Source
the outcome 223. This is form of interview that elicits a
 3,2,1,4,5 specific question and usually uses a close-
213. The nurse is most likely to collect ended question.
timely, specific information by asking which  Directive interview
of the following questions? 224. This is a set of cues, the signs or
 “Would you describe what you are symptoms gathered during assessment.
feeling?”  Data cluster
214. Which of the following descriptors is 225. The nursing assessment of a 78-
most appropriate to use when stating the year-old woman reveals orthostatic
“problem” part of a nursing diagnosis? hypotension, weakness on the left side, and
 Anxiety fear of falling. On the basis of the patient's
215. Priorities are established to help the data, which one of the following nursing
nurse anticipate and sequence nursing diagnoses indicates an understanding of the
interventions when a client has multiple assessment findings?
problems or alterations. Priorities are  Risk for Falls
determined by the client’s: 226. The nursing assessment of an 80-
 Urgency of problems year-old patient who demonstrates some
216. Once a nurse assesses a client’s confusion but no anxiety reveals that the
condition and identifies appropriate nursing patient is a fall risk because she continues
diagnosis, a: to get out of bed without help despite
 Plan is developed for nursing care. frequent reminders. The initial nursing
217. The nurse writes an expected intervention to prevent falls for this
outcome statement in a measurable term. patient is to:
An example is:  Place a bed alarm device on the bed.
 Client will report pain acuity less than 4 227. At 12 noon the emergency
on a scale of 0-10. department nurse hears that an explosion
218. Collaborative interventions are has occurred in a local manufacturing
therapies that require: plant. Which action does the nurse take
 Multiple health care professionals first?
219. A client centered goal is a specific  Prepare for an influx of patients
and measurable behavior or response that 228. You are caring for a patient who
reflects a client’s: frequently tries to remove his intravenous
 Highest possible level of wellness and catheter and feeding tube. You have an
independence in function. order from the health care provider to
220. For clients to participate in goal apply a wrist restraint. What is the correct
setting, they should be: order for applying a wrist restraint? 1. Be
 Alert and have some degree of sure that patient is comfortable with arm
independence. in anatomic alignment. 2. Wrap wrist with
221. After determining a nursing soft part of restraint toward skin and
diagnosis of acute pain, the nurse develops secure snugly. 3. Identify patient using two
the following appropriate client-centered identifiers. 4. Introduce self and ask
goal: patient about his feelings of being
 Pain intensity reported as a 3 or less restrained. 5. Assess condition of skin
during hospital stay. where restraint will be placed.
 3, 4, 1, 5, 2
229. A nurse knows that the people most  The nurse supports team members
at risk for accidental hypothermia are: 1. 235. What statement made in the
People who are homeless. 2. People with morning shift report, would help an
respiratory conditions. 3. People with effective manager develop trust on the
cardiovascular conditions. 4. The very old. nursing unit?
5. People with kidney disorders.  “I’m sorry but I do not have spare
 1,3,4 today to help on your unit. I cannot
230. A couple who is caring for their make a change now but we should talk
aging parents are concerned about factors further about schedules and needs.”
that put them at risk for falls. The following
factors are most likely to contribute to an 236. The nurse has just been promoted
increase in falls in the elderly except: to unit manager. Which advice would you
 Staircases with handrails offer to help the newly-promoted nurse to
231. The family of a patient who is be inspired and motivated?
confused and ambulatory insists that all  “If you make mistake with your staff,
four side rails be up when the patient is admit it, apologize and correct the
alone. What is the best action to take in error if possible.”
this situation? 1. Contact the nursing 237. This is a common trait of a leader
supervisor. 2. Restrict the family's visiting which is defined as the ability to possess
privileges. 3. Ask the family to stay with honesty, responsibility and maturity in the
the patient if possible. 4. Inform the family area:
of the risks associated with side-rail use. 5.  Integrity
Thank the family for being conscientious 238. Why is good communication
and put the four rails up. 5. Discuss important in managing personnel?
alternatives that are appropriate for this  It motivates the staff to do
patient with the family. their job well.
 3,4,6  It promotes independence
232. A nurse is evaluating a patient who and collaboration
is in soft wrist restraints. Which of the  It fosters influence and
following activities does the nurse power.
perform? 1. Check the patient's peripheral 239. Four patients in labor all request
pulse in the restrained extremity. 2. epidural analgesia to manage their pain at
Evaluate the patient's need for toileting. 3. the same time. Which ethical principle is
Offer the patient fluids if appropriate. 4. most compromised when only one nurse
Release both limbs at the same time to anesthetist is on call?
perform range of motion (ROM). 5. Inspect  Justice
the skin under each restraint 240. The patient reports to the nurse of
 1,2,3,5 being afraid to speak up regarding a desire
Leadership, Management and Ethics in Nursing to end care for fear of upsetting spouse and
233. The nurse manager has asked that children. Which principle in the nursing
all staff nurses develop effective leadership code of ethics ensures that the nurse will
competencies. How should the staff nurses promote the patient’s cause?
interpret this request?  Advocacy
 If the nurses know about leadership 241. The patient’s son requests to view
and management theories, this is documentation in the medical record. What
realistic. is the nurse’s best response to this request?
234. Which behaviour demonstrates the  “You will need your mother’s
nurse’s competency as emotionally permission.”
intelligent leader?
242. When professionals work together patient care. Move the book to the
to solve ethical dilemmas, nurses must upper ledge of the nursing station for
examine their own values. What is the best easier access.
rationale for this step? 250. A 17-year-old patient, dying of heart
 So different perspectives are respected failure, wants to have organs removed for
243. The nurse questions a health care transplantation after death. Which action
provider’s decision to not tell the patient by the nurse is correct?
about a cancer diagnosis. Which ethical  Instruct the patient to talk with parents
principle is the nurse trying to uphold for about the desire to donate organs.
the patient? 251. A nurse performs cardiopulmonary
 Autonomy resuscitation (CPR) on a 92-year-old with
244. The nurse finds it difficult to care for brittle bones and breaks a rib during the
a patient whose advance directive states procedure, which then punctures a lung.
that no extraordinary resuscitation The patient recovers completely without
measures should be taken. Which step may any residual problems and sues the nurse
help the nurse to find resolution in this for pain and suffering and for malpractice.
assignment? Which key point will the prosecution
 Scrutinize personal values. attempt to prove against the nurse?
245. The nurse values autonomy above  The CPR procedure was done
all other principles. Which patient incorrectly.
assignment will the nurse find most difficult 252. A recent immigrant who does not
to accept? speak English is alert and requires
 Family elder who is making the hospitalization. What is the initial action
decisions for a young-adult female that the nurse must take to enable
member informed consent to be obtained?
246. The nurse has become aware of  Request an official interpreter to
missing narcotics in the patient care area. explain the terms of consent.
Which ethical principle obligates the nurse 253. A pediatric oncology nurse floats to
to report the missing medications? an orthopedic trauma unit. Which action
 Responsibility should the nurse manager of the orthopedic
247. The nurse is caring for a dying unit take to enable safe care to be given by
patient. Which intervention is considered this nurse?
futile?  Determine patient acuity and care the
 Administering the influenza vaccine nurse can safely provide.
248. A newly hired experienced nurse is 254. While recovering from a severe
preparing to change a patient’s abdominal illness, a hospitalized patient wants to
dressing and hasn’t done it before at this change a living will, which was signed 9
hospital. Which action by the nurse is best? months ago. Which response by the nurse is
 Check the policy and procedure manual most appropriate?
for the facility’s method.  “Let me check with someone here in
249. A new nurse notes that the health the hospital who can assist you.”
care unit keeps a listing of patient names in 255. A confused patient with a urinary
a closed book behind the front desk of the catheter, nasogastric tube, and intravenous
nursing station so patients can be located line keeps touching these needed items for
easily. Which action is most appropriate for care. The nurse has tried to explain to the
the nurse to take? patient that these lines should not be
 Use the book as needed while keeping touched, but the patient continues. Which
it away from individuals not involved in is the best action by the nurse at this time?
 Try other approaches to prevent the  Give the amount listed in the drug
patient from touching these care items. book.
256. Conjoined twins are in the neonatal  Ask the mother to give the drug to her
department of the community hospital until child.
transfer to the closest medical center. A  Check the chain of command policy for
photographer from the local newspaper such situations.
gets off the elevator on the neonatal floor 260. The nurse is using critical thinking
and wants to take pictures of the infants. skills during the first phase of the
Which initial action should the nurse take? nursing process. Which action indicates
 Tell the cameraman where the the nurse is in the first phase?
hospital’s public relations department  Completes a comprehensive
is located. database
257. A nursing student has been written 261. A nurse is using the problem-
up several times for being late with oriented approach to data collection.
providing patient care and for omitting Which action will the nurse take first?
aspects of patient care and not knowing Focus on the patient’s presenting
basic procedures that were taught in the situation.
skills course one term earlier. The nursing
student says, “I don’t understand what the 262. After reviewing the database, the
big deal is. As my instructor, you are there nurse discovers that the patient’s vital signs
to protect me and make sure I don’t make have not been recorded by the nursing
mistakes.” What is the best response from assistive personnel (NAP). Which clinical
the nursing instructor? decision should the nurse make?
 “You are expected to perform at the  Ask the NAP to record the patient’s
level of a professional nurse.” vital signs before administering
258. A female nursing student in the final medications.
term of nursing school is overheard by a 263. The nurse is gathering data
nursing faculty member telling another on a patient. Which data will the nurse
student that she got to insert a nasogastric report as objective data?
tube in the emergency department while  Rapid and shallow breathing
working as a nursing assistant. Which 264. A patient expresses fear of
advice is best for the nursing faculty going home and being alone. Vital signs are
member to give to the nursing student? stable and the incision is nearly completely
 “You are not allowed to perform any healed. What can the nurse infer from the
procedures other than those in your subjective data?
job description even with the nurse’s
permission.”  The patient is apprehensive about
259. The nurse calculates the medication
265. Which method of data collection will
dose for an infant on the pediatric unit and
the nurse use to establish a patient’s
determines that the dose is twice what it
should be based upon the drug book’s
 Performing a physical examination
information. The pediatrician is contacted
266. A nurse is gathering
and says to administer the medication as
information about a patient’s habits and
ordered. Which actions should the nurse
lifestyle patterns. Which method of data
take next? (Select all that apply.)
collection will the nurse use that will best
 Notify the nursing supervisor.
obtain this information?
 Administer the medication as ordered.
 Perform a thorough nursing health  “Validation involves comparing data
history. with other sources for accuracy.”
267. While interviewing an older female 274. . Which scenario best
patient of Asian descent, the nurse notices illustrates the nurse using data validation
that the patient looks at the ground when when making a nursing clinical decision for
answering questions. What should the a patient?
nurse do?  The nurse determines to remove a
 Consider cultural differences during wound dressing when the patient
this assessment. reveals the time of the last dressing
268. A nurse has already set the agenda change and notices old and new
during a patient-centered interview. What drainage.
will the nurse do next? 275. While completing an
 Ask about the chief concerns or admission database, the nurse is
problems. interviewing a patient who states “I am
269. The nurse is attempting to prompt allergic to latex.” Which action will the
the patient to elaborate on the reports of nurse take first?
daytime fatigue. Which question should the  Ask the patient to describe the type
nurse ask? of reaction.
 “What reasons do you think are 276. . A patient verbalizes a low
contributing to your fatigue?” pain level of 2 out of 10 but exhibits
270. A nurse is conducting a nursing extreme facial grimacing while moving
health history. Which component will the around in bed. What is the nurse’s initial
nurse address? action in response to these observations?
 Patient expectations  Ask the patient about the facial
grimacing with movement.
271. While the patient’s lower 277. The nurse is interviewing a patient
extremity, which is in a cast, is assessed, the with a hearing deficit. Which area should
patient tells the nurse about an inability to the nurse use to conduct this interview?
rest at night. The nurse disregards this  The patient’s room with the door
information, thinking that no correlation closed
has been noted between having a leg cast 278. A new nurse is completing an
and developing restless sleep. Which action assessment on an 80-year-old patient who
would have been best for the nurse to take? is alert and oriented. The patient’s daughter
 Ask the patient about usual sleep is present in the room. Which action by the
patterns and the onset of having nurse will require follow-up by the charge
difficulty resting nurse?
272. The nurse begins a shift assessment  The nurse speaks only to the
by examining a surgical dressing that is patient’s daughter.
saturated with serosanguineous drainage 279. A nurse is completing an
on a patient who had open abdominal assessment. Which findings will the nurse
surgery yesterday (or 1 day ago). Which report as subjective data? (Select all that
type of assessment approach is the nurse apply.)
using? a. Patient’s temperature
 d. Problem-oriented b. Patient’s wound appearance
assessment c. Patient describing excitement about
273. which statement by a nurse discharge
indicates a good understanding about the d. Patient pacing the floor while awaiting test
differences between data validation and results
data interpretation?
e. Patient’s expression of fear regarding
upcoming surgery 287. Which finding indicates the best
 C ,E quality improvement process?
 Staff identifies the wait time in the
280. . An experienced medical-surgical emergency department is too long.
nurse chooses to work in obstetrics. Which
level of proficiency is the nurse upon initial 288. . A nurse is providing home care to a
transition to the obstetrical floor? home-bound patient treated with
 Novice intravenous (IV) therapy and enteral
nutrition. What is the home health nurse’s
281. . The nurse has been working in the primary objective?
clinical setting for several years as an  Education
advanced practice nurse. However, the
nurse has a strong desire to pursue 289. . A nurse hears a co-worker state
research and theory development. To fulfill that anybody could be a nurse since it is so
this desire, which program should the nurse automated with infusion devices and
attend? electronic monitoring; technology is doing
 Doctor of Philosophy degree the work. What is the nurse’s best
(PhD) response?
 “Technology use has to be combined
282. . A nurse provides immunization to with nursing judgment.”
children and adults through the public
health department. Which type of health
care is the nurse providing?
 Preventive care
283. A nurse is following the PDSA cycle
for quality improvement. Which action will
the nurse take for the letter “A”?
 Act
284. An older adult patient has extensive Matching TYPE
wound care needs after discharge from the
Patterns of Knowing in Nursing
hospital. Which facility should the nurse a. Empirical e. Unknowing
discuss with the patient?
b. Aesthetics f. Emancipatory
 Skilled nursing
285. . A nurse working in a community c. Moral g. Socio-political
hospital’s emergency department provides d. Personal
care to a patient having chest pain. Which
level of care is the nurse providing? ___ 290 the art of nursing B
 Tertiary care ___ 291. create social change F
286. A nurse wants to become an ___ 292. use of senses A
advanced practice registered nurse. Which ___ 293. ethics in nursing C
options should the nurse consider? (Select ___ 294. suspending previous ideas and
all that apply.) thoughts E
a. Patient advocate
Human Responses
b. Nurse administrator a. Moving f. Communicating
c. Certified nurse-midwife b. Feeling g. Knowing
d. Clinical nurse specialist c. Perceiving h. Exchanging
e. Certified nurse practitioner d. Valuing i. Relating
 C,D,E
e. Choosing 316. a nurse wants to find all pertinent pt. info.
Regardless of the number of times the pt. entered
295. meaning associated with information G the health care system. Which record should the
296. selecting alternatives E nurse find?
297. sending messages F  *EHR
298. establishing bonds I 317. a nurse taught the pt how to use crutches. The
299. reception of information C pt went up and down the stairs with no difficulty..
300. mutual giving and receiving H which info will the nurse use for the I in PIE
301. assigning relative worth D charting
302. subjective awareness of information B  *demonstrated use of crutches
318. a nurse wants to find the daily weights of a pt.
which form will the nurse use?
Nursing as an Art: The Caring Nurse  *graphic record and flow sheet
a. Care d. Communication 319. a nurse is a member of an interdisciplinary
b. Compassion e. Courage team that uses critical pathways. According to the
c. Competence f. Commitment pathway day2 of hospital stay- pt can sit. Day3- pt.
_ 303 Admits error and rectify it E cannot sit on the chair. What should the nurse do
_ 304 Monitoring the patient C  document the variances int the pt.
_ 305. Reporting to work even there is an incoming record.
typhoon F 320. a nurse needs to begin DISCHARGED planning
_ 306. Keeping the patient safe and avoiding harm A for a pt admitted, when is the best time to start?
_ 307. Demonstrating the 6 Cs B  Upon admission
_ 308. Listens to the patient D 321. a pt is being DISCHARGED HOME. Which info
_ 309. Acknowledging the worth of the patient A should the nurse include?
_ 310. Keen in determining and mitigating risks to
 *Community/home resources
patients C
322. a home health nurse is preparing an INITIAL
311. a novice nurse is working with a student home visit. Which info should be included in the pt.
nurse. Which behavior by the student nurse will HOME CARE MEDICAL RECORD?
require an intervene  Third party Payers/ insurance
 Student nurse share information company
with a friend 323. a nurse is completing an OASIS data set on a
312. a nurse is auditing and monitoring pt. health Pt.?
records. Which action is the nurse taking  *home health//home care facility
 Determining the degree of standard 324. a HOSPITAL IS USING COMPUTER SYSTEM
of care are met by reviewing the pt. that allows all health care providers to use a
health record protocol system to document. Which type of
313. after providing care, nurse charts in the system/design will be using ?
record?  critical pathway design
 Skin pale and cool 325.when PROFESSIONAL WORK TOGETHER to
314. a novice nurse is working with a newly hired solve ethical dilemmas, nurses examine their own
nurse on documentation. Which of the following values. What is the best rationale for this?
needs a follow up?  diff. perspective are RESPECTED.
 charts consecutively on every other 326. a nurse is experiencing ethical dilemma with a
line pt.. which info indicates the nurse has correct
315. a nurse is charting on a pt record, which is understanding of THE PRIMARY CAUSE OF ETHICAL
accurately legal? DILEMMA?
 Charts/writes LEGIBLY  *Presence of conflicting VALUES.
327.the nurse ask a health care provider decision
to NOT TELL the pt about cancer diagnosis. Which
ethical principle?
328.a nurse agrees with regulations for mandatory
immunizations for children. Which ethical
 Utilitarinanism
329. a nurse has become aware of missing
narcotics in the pt care area/room, which ethical
principle obligates the nurse to report the
 RESponsibility
330. a nurse is describing THE PURPOSE OF A
HEALTH CARE RECORD to a group of nursing

 Communication
 Legal docu.
 Research
 Education
 Reimbursement

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