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ALLEN COMMON TEST=1 —siumsxmezn2 NURTURE COURSE (PAPER-1) (Class-Xi) (Phase-Adv. & I) yes ry eae ery HINTS & SOLUTIONS PART-1 : PHYSICS 1 @ Sol. [F] = [M'L! 2), [P| = [MILT] = M" (A) (V]= (LIT), [= [owen (B) fal = LT), fal = [» s (»') | an a =f (w ) =Me (© [P] = [MIL 3. B) So. As boy catches the bally the ball is thrown perpendicular to inclined plane, gcos8 4. (©) Sol. Let speed of ant relative to belt is V, if ant reaches at B vs gAVeoss Vand 10 ACTA (P-) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)2023 e Sol. celeration of m relative to the wedge A Jeration of wedge A towards right Jleration of Block B towards left aj +a, a mg cos —N = ma, sin Q) mg sind —T = m(a~a, cos) 8) Tyeos6 T T—T cos@+ Nsin@ =2ma, JY ma, 5) from equation (2) N= mg cos® ~ ma, sin using this in equation (4) T(L — cos) + (mg cos® — ma, sin®) sind = 2ma, (as 0 is 37°) ACT-1 (P-1) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)~2023 using equation (6) in above relation we get. 592, — Ba, = solving equation (3) and (6) we get 5a, — 4a, + 5a = 3g 27; solving equation (1), (6) & (7) we get a a 6 (©) Sol. Let component of acceleration of dise Rare: a, and a, a, =a, cos37 from (3) & (5) ys S| ACT-1 (P-1) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)-2023 BP 10 -— ma, =ma, 54 using (1) in above relation we get 2F ay = im 7. Sol. _uty 2 utv_6 2 uty 2mis y= emi Hence u cannot be greater than 4 mis maximum retardation is 7 8. (A,B) Sol. Initially, acceleration is positive» |t becomes zero’at time t, = VE At this tine velocity of rocket is maximum (,,,,) For (>t, the acceleration becomes negative and rocket retards and finally it stops at (t= wv ae Jav=efat ~kfeas st i a) Ifvelocity becomes zero at time ¢ then maximum velocity during upward motion is at from equation (1) ACT-1 (P-1) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)~2023 ake 3 [: V ving this y= 2. solving this Ynux = Gy time of fall from highest point is ; | gs V2k ‘Total time of flight is 9 (B,C,D) Sol. 21, + Mj T, (or pulley B) «) My 1, = 1+ catpoing D) 2) 'T, +7, = Mg (for block C) (3) adding equations (1), (2) & (3) we get Mg 6 4) from equation (1) & (4) 10. (A,B,C,D) Sol. If force applied by atmosphere on helicopter is F then (M+mg- F=(M+ma (M+ m) -a) 11000 (8) = 88000N Let tension in string HK isT, and tension in string AK, BK, CK and DK all are T then for helicopter Mg +T, Ma solving this we get 7, = 8000 ACTA (P-) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)2023 at point K 4Tcos0 ="T, If string are connected to PQRS, 0 will inerease cos0 will dacrese Hence T, and F will reman unchanged while will inerease. 11. @,D) Sol. Let the acceleration of wedge be‘a’ down the ineline. Sum of masses of all rectangular blocks M,M M,=M oats 11.1 = M/l+54+—4+— ~ [ragetets | For finding a we can treabthe system as shown below. Acceleration of My will be asin@ (1) ue WE Ng for wedge N, = (N, + Mg)eos0 and (N, + Mg)sind = Ma For My ACT-1 (P-1) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)~2023 bP | J asine sub Myg — N, = My asin® 2M asind Acceleration of rectangular blocks = asino(u) = 38S (4 s of all rectangular blocks except 1 is M: Replace blocks dering motion of this mass M, 3,4, Bp 3Mgsin® 0 _ Mgeos* 0 0 1+2sin"@ 12. Sol. Vo = y2eht \ gsin8 ty> ty linear momuntum P = my Py> Pa 13. (26.00) Sol. Velocity of rain relative to the man is perpendicular to the incline in this case (i.e, along the umbrella stick, This keeps umbrella perpendicular to the rainfall and provides maximum. safely) ACTA (P-) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)2023 1. Sol. Sol. yi+v,j)-ulecv, wiley) V,,, has nox component vie VC 103 cos60° = veos30° when the man is walking up, V,,, is direéted vertically downward. Area between a-t graph and t-axis gives change in velocity ACT-1 (P-1) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)~2023 16. Sol. 11. Sol. 18. Sol. (2.00) Lot initial extension in S, be x, kx, = Mg. Lot extension in S, be x, and further extension in S, be x, as ponit A moves down by x. 2x, +x, =x a) Kotx) | M L | Mg kx For equilibrium of M k(x) + x,) = Mg + dkx, But kx) = Mg 2 (2) Solving (1) and 2) ax, 99 (420.00) ‘Total impulse of all the force acting on the’manis zero in 0 to 7s interval, :. area between F-t curve and t-axis is zero 1 <200(8 +214)=(600- F,) x3 =0 a 9 = 420 (6.00) Let acceleration of pulley P, is ay = 4mis* Consider the problem ima reference frame moving to left with an acceleration of ay. In this frame P, is at.rest.and all the blocks experience a force may towards right Thea ly In this frame let the acceleration of block 1 be a,(¢-). Pulley P, wil move towards an acceleration of a,. If an observer is located in reference frame attached to P, [which is moving to left, with an acceleration of (4ja,)), he will similarly conclude that Ty & (ay— a) 2) ACTA (P-) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)2023 19. 20. 21. 23, 24, 25, 26. 27. 28. 29, In ground frame, acceleration of block 1 will be —*(—) = 6mis*, PART-2 : CHEMISTRY ®) © a) oO «Cy © a) (A,C,D) (A,C,D) (A.B,C,D) (A,C,D) (A.B,C,D) 70 ACT-1 (P-1) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)~2023 31. (46.60) 32. (2.5) 33. (4) 34, (80) 35. (25.6) 36. (5) PART-3 : MATHEMATICS 37. B®) 1 Sol. 1 oy 1011 * 012" 38. (B) Sol. We have For n22 208) TT 11 ye 1 =(Sa-sn)bt-aae 2) 1 al -—1_y1, aba Dak” a> Aaa a ACTA (P-) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)2023 39. @B) Sol. RHS when simplified is equal x. in! 10° 100 40. (¢ 7 (Br +1) ~ Br -2)" ) oes \ oe) J od 1_) 3 Gr-2)" wi] 1 41. (A) Sot, = 25. (3) B(r +2) — abe I ()- 1 () ol. re DEtQ\3 @+Da+2) (3) ails read Senet frp 42, Sol. 43. (A,C,D) Sol. f(x) = 1 — cos*(x + @) + sin? (x + B) — Zeos(ar— B) sin(x + 0) sin(x + B) = 1 —cost2x + a+ B) cos(a.— B) — 2eos(or— ) sin(x + a) sin(x + B) 72 ACT-1 (P-1) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)~2023 44, Sol. Sol. 46. Sol. 47. Sol. 48. Sol. 49. Sol. 50. Sol. 1 cos(@.—B) [0os@2x + a+ B) —cost2x + a+ B) + cos(ar—B)] sin? (a—B) aconstant function (B,C) ie os) sina (1 on), sn s0(Ioomal), sin2"0 2 4 2 . f(n,0) = sinol in2"'0 get (C.D) Ifa, b, ¢ are p", q'® and r"® terms of an A.P, then is alwaysa rational number. ABO 100 a) P+Q=¥ k(sin?@+¢05"0) = Yk =5050 iS & (B,C,D). Let f(s) =ax® +bx #eand f(l) = a+b ¢<0 = f(x) <0 for all xe R=» 2) <0 = da—2b+e<0 Again {(@3) + £2) <0= 18a + Sbot 2e<0 Also {(-5) <0 = 25a — 5hte<0= 5b —25a—c>0 (A.B,D) (a+b) =x, thenx® 21x 20=0 Which has roots 1, 4, <5 (2011.00) T n+ 20m en +2n¢len ne +nt)_ 1 7 n(n +1) n(n +1) n(n +1) (2.00) x?+(a—b)x+(1-a-b)=0 D=0 (a—bj*-4 x 1x(1-a—b)>0 a?+b?—2ab—4 + da + 4b>0 13 ACTA (P-) Sol / Nurture(Adv. & Ph-1)2023 b2+2b (2a) + @2+4a—4)>0 ay? 4x 1x (a? + da—4) <0 A+a?—da-a?—da+4<0 8a-8>0 a>l 51. Sol. 52, (4,00) Sol. -. sum of two A.P.’s also an A.P. xyty,+2,+w,=A+3D=8& Xo Yy0 +0 + Wyo =A 9D = 20 > A=2,D=2 => Xaq + Yoq + Zap + Wop =A+ 19D = 40 Xap t+ Ya0 +29 + Wan 4 Wag)S,104 Now > Cp Yoo’ 53. (2.00) x x sien 0K Ex =4 Tx, = 1 A.M. of x; = G.Méof x; 54. Sol. a,=2 © (op Vap.200- Wn) Mt

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