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Characterization of the Optical and Mechanical Properties

of Innovative Multifunctional Thermochromic

Asphalt Binders
Jianying Hu, S.M.ASCE 1; Quan Gao, S.M.ASCE 2; and Xiong Yu, M.ASCE 3
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Abstract: Conventional asphalt binder material strongly absorbs solar energy due to its black color. The consequent high surface temper-
ature of asphalt pavement during the summer accelerates rutting, impairs long-term durability, and causes undesirable environmental impacts
(i.e., heat island effects and volatile gas emissions). The black surface of asphalt also leads to high thermal emissivity and a fast rate of
temperature drop under severe cold weather conditions. Thermochromic materials are substances that can reversibly change their colors in
response to temperature variations. This study presents innovative, multifunctional thermochromic asphalt binder that is designed to modulate
the surface temperature of asphalt pavement, i.e., to reduce the surface temperature of pavement during hot summers and to increase the
surface temperature during cold winters. Optical measurements are conducted on the thermochromic asphalt binder, which is found to be
more reflective than conventional asphalt binders, and the reflectance additionally increases with temperature. Such properties were found to
significantly reduce the pavement surface temperature at a typical summer day in Cleveland, Ohio. To study the effects of thermochromic
materials on the mechanical performance of the asphalt binder, the thermochromic asphalts are characterized using Superpave binder per-
formance tests. Typical testing methods have been conducted on the asphalt binders at three stages: unaged, rolling thin-film oven (RTFO)
residues, and RTFO + pressure aging vessel residuals. Experimental results indicated that the penetration, phase angle, and creep rate of
asphalt binder was decreased, while the softening point, viscosity, complex modulus, rutting parameter, fatigue parameter, and stiffness of the
asphalt binder was increased when thermochromic powder was added into conventional asphalt binder. Furthermore, increasing the content of
thermochromic powder leads to reduction in the penetration depth and creep rate and an increase of the softening point, viscosity, complex
shear modulus, rutting parameter, fatigue parameter, and stiffness. Additionally, the high-temperature performance grades of the asphalt
binder were enhanced with blending 3–6% black, 6% blue and red thermochromic powders. Therefore, the incorporation of thermochromic
materials into asphalt pavement will potentially improve its performance and durability, especially in hot regions. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT
.1943-5533.0001132. © 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Durability; Heat island effects; Multifunctional; Thermochromic asphalt binder; Optical measurements; Superpave
binder performance; Performance grades.

Introduction (i.e., rutting, shoving, aging, fatigue damage, bleeding) (Yoder

and Witzak 1975), and also causes undesirable environmental is-
Conventional asphalt binder, which consists of residuals from crude sues (e.g., heat island effects, volatile gas emission). A potential
oil distillation processes, has been used widely in highway pave- way to improve durability is to use materials with high reflectivity
ment and city roads. However, the black color of asphalt binder and emissivity to solar radiation. This has led to the development of
causes significant solar absorption that leads to high surface tem- various cool-pavement technologies. Studies (Pomerantz and
peratures of asphalt pavement. Studies (Santamouris et al. 2007; Akbari 1998; Pomerantz et al. 1997, 2000; Kinouchi et al. 2004)
Synnefa et al. 2008; Doulous et al. 2004) reported surface temper- show that cool pavements feature low surface temperatures,
atures of asphalt pavement as high as 48–67°C during the summer. which increases the service life (durability) of such pavements.
The increased temperature in summer impacts the durability of However, the reduced temperature of asphalt pavement exac-
asphalt pavement by accelerating various distress mechanisms erbates the distress of low-temperature cracking during the winter
period (Hao et al. 2000; Kanerva et al. 1994), which com-
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Case promises the service life of roads in cold climates. Additionally,
Western Reserve Univ., 2104 Adelbert Rd., Bingham 203C, Cleveland, the lower surface temperature is conducive to ice formation in cold
OH 44106-7201. weather, which is a major safety concern. Therefore, it is highly
2 desirable to develop new pavement materials and technology to
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Case
Western Reserve Univ., 2104 Adelbert Rd., Bingham 203C, Cleveland, make asphalt pavement cooler during summer and warmer during
OH 44106-7201. winter.
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Case Western Reserve As an innovative strategy, this study proposes to use thermo-
Univ., 2104 Adelbert Rd., Bingham 206, Cleveland, OH 44106-7201 chromic materials to create new asphalt binders with desirable solar
(corresponding author). E-mail:
reflectance; i.e., they reflect more solar energy at high temperatures
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 23, 2013; approved
on May 19, 2014; published online on August 8, 2014. Discussion period and reflect less solar energy at low temperatures. To avoid any vis-
open until January 8, 2015; separate discussions must be submitted for in- ual impact on road users, we hope to restrain such effects to the
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Materials in Civil infrared range only. Thermochromic materials, materials changing
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0899-1561/04014171(10)/$25.00. their colors with temperature, are promising to achieve such

© ASCE 04014171-1 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(5): 04014171

functionality as they possess required optical and thermal proper- Materials and Experimental Methods
ties. Materials incorporated with proper thermochromic materials
feature high solar reflectance in summer and high solar absorp- Raw Materials
tion in winter. The change of their optical and thermal properties
in such a dynamic way can lead to applications that improve the The asphalt binder used in this study is Superpave grade, PG64-22,
urban microclimate, decrease the energy demands of buildings, produced by Kokosing Materials, Inc., Mansfield, Ohio. Thermo-
and provide a thermally comfortable indoor environment chromic powders with an average particle of 3–10 mm were se-
(Santamouris et al. 2008; Karlessi et al. 2009; Granqvist 1991; lected from those manufactured by Hali Industrial Corporation,
Saeli et al. 2010; Ma and Zhu 2009; Kinouchi and Santamouris Ltd. Red, blue, and black thermochromic powders with transition
2013). temperatures around 31°C were chosen for this study. These ther-
In our study, innovative asphalt binder containing thermochro- mochromic materials are organic mixtures that consist of lueco dye
(electron donor), a developer (electron acceptor), and a solvent.
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mic materials is designed to modulate the temperature of asphalt

pavement. The preliminary thermal performance evaluation indi- Below the transition temperature, as the leuco dye reacts with
the developer, the absorption peaks shifts from the ultraviolet
cated that the use of thermochromic binder could reduce the sur-
(UV) to the visible range and causes the powder to become colored.
face temperature of asphalt concrete up to 6.6°C during a typical
At temperatures above the transition temperature, the solvent-
summer day in Cleveland, Ohio (Hu and Yu 2013). This paper
developer interactions dominate and the leuco dye is separated
describes the experimental characterization on the effects of
from the developer, leading to loss of color. Thermochromic
thermochromic materials on the optical and mechanical properties
materials are encapsulated by trioctanoinand, and therefore at
of asphalt binder. The optical properties are characterized by
high temperatures thermochromic powders become white or light-
spectrophotometry measurements. The mechanical properties colored. The molecular structures of thermochromic materials and
are evaluated using complete sets of Superpave binder char- their changes with temperature are shown in Fig. 1.
acterization tests, including needle penetration, softening point,
rotational viscosity (RV), dynamic shear rheology (DSR), and
bending beam rheology (BBR). The effects of thermochromic Preparation of Thermochromic Asphalt Binders
materials on the performance grade (PG) of asphalt binders are Thermochromic asphalt binders were prepared by the following
determined. procedures: the original asphalt binder was heated to 163°C in

Fig. 1. Molecular structures of thermochromic powders and their changes with temperature: (a) black powder; (b) blue powder; (c) red

© ASCE 04014171-2 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(5): 04014171

integrating sphere. The measurements were performed according
to ASTM E903-12 (ASTM 2012). During the measurements, ther-
mochromic powders and asphalt binders containing different per-
cent of thermochromic powders were packed between microscopic
slides with a thickness of 1 mm. Reflectance measurements were
conducted through the microscopic slides at 25 and 35°C, respec-
tively. All samples were measured with two or three duplicates, and
(a) (b) the average values were calculated and presented.
Fig. 2. Schematic principle of thermochromic asphalt binder: (a) smal-
ler infrared reflectivity under the transition temperature of thermochro- Superpave Characterizations of Various Asphalt
mic powders; (b) higher infrared reflectance above the transition Binders
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To study the influence of the thermochromic materials on the
binder performance, the different types of asphalt binders were
characterized using Superpave binder classification experiments.
an oven until completely melted; then thermochromic powders Superpave binder classification is a performance-based specifica-
were added. The amount of thermochromic powders by total weight tion for asphalt binder developed by AASHTO. To achieve the
of asphalt binder were 3, 6, and 10%, respectively. The mixture was objectives of this study, a number of tests were conducted using
mixed using a mixer for 10 minutes and then put them into the oven Superpave test procedures on original and aged asphalt binders.
for 1 hour to ensure that the blend became homogenous. In this pa- The experimental design and flow chart is shown in Fig. 3. The
per, the asphalt binders containing black, blue, and red thermochro- following subsections detail the procedure for each of these tests.
mic powders are identified as the black, blue, and red asphalt binder, Two or three duplicate samples were prepared for each design rec-
respectively, for simplicity in the nomenclature. ipe. Each sample was measured twice, and the average values for
In principle, with the characteristics of thermochromic materi- each sample were used in the analyses.
als, a thermochromic asphalt binder should exhibit a different re-
sponse to solar radiation than a conventional asphalt binder. Solar
energy consists of a spectrum of wavelengths, including ultraviolet, Asphalt Binder Aging Procedures
visible, and infrared light (almost 50% of the entire solar energy). A rolling thin-film oven (RTFO) and pressure aging vessel (PAV)
Below the transition temperature of the thermochromic powder, were used to accelerate the aging of asphalt binders. The RTFO was
where the powders are less infrared-reflective, the binder should employed to simulate the short-term aging of asphalt binder accord-
reflect less (and therefore absorb more) solar energy, as shown ing to AASHTO T240-06 (AASHTO 2006c). In this test, the as-
in Fig. 2(a); above the transition temperature, where the powders phalt binder was placed in the oven at 163°C and rotated with a
are more reflective to infrared, the thermochromic asphalt binder rotational speed of 15 revolutions per minute (rpm) for 85 min.
should reflect more solar energy, as shown in Fig. 2(b). Both The PAV was conducted to simulate the long-term aging of asphalt
the energy-reflecting and energy-absorbing properties of thermo- binder according to AASHTO R28-06 (AASHTO 2006). To pre-
chromic asphalt binder help to maintain pavement at an appropriate pare the PAV sample, the residue from the RTFO test was kept in
temperature range desirable for its longevity and performance. the chamber with the set temperature of 100°C and pressure of
2,068 kPa (300 psi) for 20 h.
Optical Characterization of Various Asphalt Binders
Conventional Physical Properties Tests
The spectral reflectance was measured on various asphalt binders
over the wavelength range of 300–1,800 nm by an Cary 6000i UV- The conventional physical properties of the asphalt binders, includ-
Vis-IR spectrophotometer, Agilent, Santa Clara, CA with a DRA ing needle penetration at 25°C and softening point, were tested in

PG 64-22
Asphalt binder

Original asphalt 3%, 6% and 10% 3% and 6% blue 3% and 6% red

binder black asphalt binder asphalt binder asphalt binder

Conventional RVat DSR BBR Same as original binder

tests 135 °C
Unaged, RTFO+PAV aged,
≤ 3 Pa·s G*/sin(δ) ≥ 1.00 kPa S 300 MPa,
m 0.300
RTFO aged,
G*/sin(δ) ≥ 2.20 kPa

RTFO+PAV aged,
G*sin(δ) 5000 kPa

Fig. 3. Experimental design to characterize the mechanical properties of binders using Superpave binder performance tests

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accordance with AASHTO T49 (AASHTO 2006a) and AASHTO
T53 (AASHTO 2006b), respectively.

Rotational Viscosity Test

The rotation viscosities (RV) of the asphalt binders were measured
with a Brookfield viscometer in according to AASHTO T316
(AASHTO 2006e). The RV test was conducted on approximate
8 g of asphalt binders under a rotational speed of 20 rpm and a
stabilized temperature of 135°C.
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Dynamic Shear Properties Test

Dynamic shear properties were measured with a dynamic shear
rheometer (DSR), referring to AASHTO T315 (AASHTO 2006f).
The DSR measures the complex shear modulus (G ) and phase
angle (δ), both used to evaluate performance of rutting-resistance
and fatigue cracking (Asphalt Institute 2003). Rheological tests
were performance under controlled strain conditions. There were
three test samples using DSR: the unaged, RTFO aged, and
PAV aged asphalt binders. The unaged and RTFO aged asphalt
binder samples with diameter of 25 mm were tested at high temper-
ature. The PAV aged asphalt binder samples with diameter of 8 mm
were tested at intermediate service temperatures. DSR testing was
conducted at a frequency of 10 rad=s. The test stopped running
until the measured result failed according to the specification.

Low-Temperature Cracking Properties Test

The bending beam rheometer (BBR) tested asphalt binders at low
service temperatures to determine the ability of the binder to relax
stresses and resist low-temperature cracking (Roberts et al. 1996).
The BBR tests were carried according to AASHTO T313
(AASHTO 2006d). Since low-temperature cracking occurs only
after the pavement has been in place for a sufficient amount of time,
this standard evaluates the low-temperature creep properties using
(RTFO+PAV) residues. The asphalt binder beams (125 × 12.5×
6.25 mm) were prepared in an aluminum mold. The beam was then Fig. 4. Spectral reflectance of thermochromic powders at 25 and 35°C
placed on two steel supports after 60 min and subjected to a con-
stant creep load of approximately 980 mN at midspan for 240 s.
The deflection of the beam was measured continuously using a lin-
ear variable differential transducer. The stiffness (S) and creep rate binder, thermochromic asphalt binders are more reflective in the
(m) of the binders were determined at loading time of 60 s. near-infrared range. The increase in reflectance is highest for ther-
mochromic asphalt with black thermochromic powders, followed
by blue and red thermochromic powders. In addition, thermochro-
Experimental Results and Discussion mic asphalt binders becomes more reflective with the increases of
temperature, as is similarly observed in the reflectance behaviors of
thermochromic powder.
Optical Characterization The increases in the spectra reflectance of thermochromic bind-
The results from the spectrophotometric measurements of thermo- ers reduce the solar absorption on the surface of pavement. For
chromic powders at 25 and 35°C are presented in Fig. 4. It can be comparison with the thermal performance, experiments were con-
seen that thermochromic powder presents high solar reflection, es- ducted in which specimens of different types of binders (i.e., pure,
pecially in the infrared range of the spectrum. The reflectance black, blue, and red asphalt binders) with dimensions of 0.075 m ×
curves in the visible range are difference, depending on the specific 0.042 m × 0.002 m were placed the surface of Marshal asphalt
type of thermochromic powder. Blue powder presents the highest concrete specimens. The specimens were completely insulated, ex-
reflectance in the visible part of the spectrum, followed by red and cept the surfaces were exposed to natural sunlight. Surface temper-
black powder. In addition, compared with those at 25°C, thermo- atures were recorded using a thermocouple to an accuracy of 0.1°C.
chromic powders at 35°C present significantly higher reflection The results showed that thermochromic binders reduced the surface
in the visible as well as near-infrared range. That is because the temperature up to 6 to 8°C under a typical summer day in Cleve-
material changes the color and becomes more solar reflective as land, Ohio (Fig. 6). This is an indication that the use of thermo-
temperature increases. chromic binders can reduce the pavement surface temperature
Fig. 5 shows the measure of the spectral reflectance of different under hot weather and, therefore, mitigate the rutting and heat-
types of asphalt binders, which illustrates the effects of different island effects. When incorporating aggregates with a white color,
types of thermochromic powders and temperature on spectral re- the reflectance value of the asphalt mixture could be higher than
flectance of asphalt binders. Compared with conventional asphalt that of the asphalt binder. With the same powder content, the

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Fig. 5. Spectral reflectance of thermochromic asphalt binders at 25

and 35°C Fig. 6. Measured temperature process on the surface of thermochromic
asphalt and pure asphalt on a sunny day in Cleveland, Ohio: (a) surface
temperature; (b) differences in the surface temperature with pure
asphalt binder as the reference
reduction in the surface temperature of thermochromic asphalt mix-
tures is expected to be more than that of thermochromic binder.

As powder content increases from 3 to 6% and 10%, the softening

Physical Properties point of the asphalt binder is increased by 23–104%, 4–21%, and
The effects of different thermochromic powders on the conven- 7–15% for black, blue and red binder, respectively.
tional physical properties of asphalt binders are presented in Fig. 7.
As can be seen from Fig. 7(a), compared with the control original
binder with penetration depth of 60, thermochromic asphalt binders Rotational Viscosity
generally possess smaller values, which are between 50 and 56. The effect of thermochromic powder type and content on the rota-
Among all binders, the black thermochromic binder shows the most tional viscosity of asphalt binders at 135°C is shown in Fig. 8. The
dramatic decrease, which is up to 16%. In addition, the needle pen- results indicated that the thermochromic binder containing red ther-
etrations of thermochromic asphalt binder decrease with increasing mochromic powder exhibits higher viscosity than original binder,
powder content. Therefore, the incorporation of thermochromic while the binder with blue and black powders however presents
powders increases the stiffness of the binder at room temperature, lower viscosity than the original asphalt binder. The workability
and asphalt binder containing black powder is the stiffest, followed and pumping potentials of the black and blue binders are better than
by red and blue binder. that of the red binder. It is also shown from Fig. 8 that with the
The softening-point test determines the temperature at which the increasing amount of powders, the viscosity of the red and black
binder softens. Fig. 7(b) shows that the addition of thermochromic binders is increased, but the viscosity of the blue binder is reduced.
powder increases the softening point of the binder. This implies When considering the Superpave specification for asphalt binder
that the addition of thermochromic powders helps to improve viscosity under 3 Pa · s, shown in Fig. 3, all binders satisfy the per-
the resistance of asphalt to plastic deformation at high temperature. formance specification.

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Fig. 7. Conventional physical properties of various asphalt binders

Fig. 9. DSR test results for unaged asphalt binders under different

Dynamic Shear Rheological (DSR) Properties

Effects of thermochromic powder type, content, and temperature on
DSR parameters including G , δ, G = sin δ, and G sin δ; are illus-
Fig. 8. RV test results for various asphalt binders
trated in Figs. 9–11. As seen in Figs. 9(a)–11(a), for unaged and

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Fig. 11. DSR test results for (RTFO+PAV) aged asphalt binders under
Fig. 10. DSR test results for RTFO aged asphalt binders under differ- different temperatures
ent temperatures

powder for unaged and RTFO aged binders. As content of thermo-

aged asphalt binders, the complex modulus G decreases with tem- chromic powder increases, the G value of asphalt binder is in-
perature. Besides, the addition of thermochromic powder increases creased at each temperature. The complex shear modulus is a
G compared with original asphalt binder. The increasing extent of measure of total resistance of a material to deform when exposed
G is different, and black powder has larger effect than blue and red to repeated pulses of shear stress (Uddin 2003). Therefore, the

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rutting resistance of the asphalt binder can be improved by adding Table 2. Percentage Difference Comparisons for G = sin δ between
thermochromic powders. Unaged and RTFO Aged Samples at 64°C
As shown in Figs. 9(b)–11(b), there are small changes in the Samples Percent difference (%)
phase angle with temperature. The small change of δ with temper-
Original binder 99.36
ature indicates a reduction in binder temperature susceptibility and 3% black binder 98.43
better thermal resistance (Navarro et al. 2009). The δ refers to the 6% black binder 67.41
ratio between elastic and viscous behaviors during the shearing pro- 10% black binder 89.95
cess. Thermochromic asphalt binder exhibits smaller δ than the 3% blue binder 156.65
control binder, indicating that the thermochromic asphalt binder 6% blue binder 133.45
shows more elastic behavior than conventional binder. Addition- 3% red binder 135.96
ally, with the increasing powder content, the δ of all thermochromic 6% red binder 168.04
asphalt binders decreases. So the addition of thermochromic pow-
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der increases the viscosity of binder, which is almost consistent

with the findings in RV tests.
Figs. 9(c) and 10(c) show the relationship between rutting re- Fig. 11(c) shows the effects of thermochromic powder type and
sistance parameter, G = sin δ, and thermochromic powders at dif- content on the fatigue parameter, G sin δ, at 25 and 28°C. The G
ferent temperature on unaged and RTFO aged binders, respectively. sin δ value of (RTFO+PAV) residual decreases with temperature but
The G = sin δ of the binder, both in original binder and RTFO increases with the content of thermochromic powder. According to
residual, decreases with temperature but increases with the incor- the Superpave binder specifications, the G sin δ should be less than
poration of thermochromic powder. The Superpave criterions 5,000 kPa. The results indicate that original binder and the binder
specify a minimum value of 1.0 and 2.2 kPa for the G = sin δ of with 3% black powder at 25°C, and the binder with 6% black pow-
unaged and RTFO aged asphalt binders at the high-performance der, 3% and 6% blue and red powder at 28°C satisfy this require-
grade temperature, respectively. Original binder and thermochro- ment. This indicates that the low-temperature performance grade of
mic binders containing 3% blue and red powders at 64°C, binder binder needs be increased when adding 6% black powder, 3% and
containing 3% black powder and 6% blue powder at 70°C, as well 6% blue and red powder. As content increases, the G sin δ value
as binder containing 10% black powder at 76°C, meet both spec- increases by different percentages, as shown in Table 3. The per-
ifications. Consequently, the use of thermochromic powders in centage increases are between 7–24%, 17%, and 21–35% for
asphalt pavement helps to improve rutting resistance at the corre- RTFO+PAV aged binder containing black, blue, and red powder,
sponding service temperatures. respectively.
In addition, with the increasing content, the G = sin δ increases
to a different extent. Table 1 displays the percentage increase of Low-Temperature Cracking Properties
rutting parameters, comparing the results for various unaged as- Based on the BBR tests at −12°C, the creep stiffness modulus (S)
phalt binders. When comparing the G = sin δ of the unaged control and creep rate (m, the rate at which binder stiffness changes with
binder, the G = sin δ is increased by 103–1,117%, 10–83% and time at low temperatures) of (RTFO+PAV) aged asphalt binders
13–39% for the unaged binders containing 3–10% black powder, were calculated and shown in Fig. 12. Superpave specification
3–6% blue powder, and red powder, respectively. The percentage of asphalt binder stipulates a maximum S-value of 300 MPa for
increases are in the range of 102–1,060%, 42–114% and 34–88% S and a minimum m-value of 0.300. The decrease in S is expected
for the RTFO aged binders with black, blue, and red thermochro- to result in smaller thermal stresses in asphalt binder and larger m
mic powder, respectively. Table 2 displays that the effect of aging facilitates the binder to relieve thermal stresses. Therefore, binders
on G = sin δ for various asphalt binders at 64°C. Compared with the possessing smaller S and larger m-value have less chance for low-
unaged binder, the RTFO aged binder increases the G = sin δ by temperature cracking. In this study, almost all binders meet the re-
99%, 67–98%, 133–157%, and 136–168% for the control binder, quirements at −12°C, except 10% black binder. Compared with
black, blue and red binder, respectively. Thus, the stiffness and original binder, binder containing thermochromic powders yields
rutting resistance of asphalt increased after RTFO aging. higher stiffness and m-value as shown in Figs. 12(a and b). This
implies that thermochromic asphalt binder might be less resistant
to low-temperature cracking.
Table 1. Percentage Difference Comparisons for G = sin δ of Unaged and To compare the low-temperature cracking performance between
RTFO Aged Samples thermochromic binders, the coefficient α ¼ S=m is defined. The
Aging Percentage smaller α value, the better the low-temperature performance is.
condition Mixture comparison difference (%) The influence of thermochromic powder type and content on α
Unaged 0% vs. 3% black powder 103.18
0% vs. 6% black powder 326.11
0% vs. 10% black powder 1,117.20 Table 3. Percentage Difference Comparisons for G sin δ of RTFO+PAV
0% vs. 3% blue powder 10.19 Aged Samples
0% vs. 6% blue powder 82.80
Aging Percentage
0% vs. 3% red powder 13.38
condition Mixture comparison difference (%)
0% vs. 6% red powder 39.49
RTFO aged 0% vs. 3% black powder 102.24 RTFO+PAV aged 0% vs. 3% black powder 7.49
0% vs. 6% black powder 257.83 0% vs. 6% black powder 13.22
0% vs. 10% black powder 1,059.74 0% vs. 10% black powder 24.01
0% vs. 3% blue powder 41.85 0% vs. 3% blue powder 17.18
0% vs. 6% blue powder 114.06 0% vs. 6% blue powder 17.62
0% vs. 3% red powder 34.19 0% vs. 3% red powder 21.15
0% vs. 6% red powder 87.54 0% vs. 6% red powder 35.24

© ASCE 04014171-8 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

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Table 4. Determination of Performance Grade (PG) of Asphalt Binder
Samples PG
Original binder 64–22
3% black binder 70–22
6% black binder 76–16
10% black binder 76–16
3% blue binder 64–16
6% blue binder 70–16
3% red binder 64–16
6% red binder 70–22
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interactions between various thermochromic powders and asphalt

binder matrix.

These series of Superpave binder tests were conducted to determine
performance grade (PG) of asphalt binder according to AASHTO
M320 (AASHTO 2006a). The PG of various asphalt binders is
listed in in Table 4. As observed, the high temperature of PG
can be improved by adding 3–10% black powder and 6% blue
and red powder; the low temperature of PG is, however, increased
by adding 6–10% black powder, 3–6% blue powder, and 3% red
powder. The results imply that thermochromic asphalt binders can
be used in cities with hot climates, e.g., in Texas and Florida. Fur-
thermore, the increase in stiffness of the thermochromic asphalt
binder leads to larger thermal stresses, which could be offset by
low reflectance and desirable thermal properties of thermochromic
powders at low temperature. In addition, although an asphalt binder
containing 10% black powder presents better optical properties,
this binder was found not easy to handle during experiments
and showed abnormal testing results. This is possibly due to the
fact that at such high concentration, the powders have higher
chance to cluster. Consequently, it is more difficult for the thermo-
chromic powder to be uniformly distributed into the host binder
matrix. Therefore, we recommend limiting the content of thermo-
chromic powder to less than 5–6%, and design the optical content
of thermochromic powder based on comprehensive considerations
of binder performance, cost, and constructability.


This paper describes a pioneering study that aims at evaluating the

potential of innovative thermochromic materials for improving the
performance of asphalt pavement. The optical and mechanical
properties are characterized in this study. Thermochromic asphalt
binder was developed by mixing thermochromic powders with con-
ventional asphalt binder. Optical characterization demonstrated that
the reflectance of asphalt binders is enhanced by incorporating ther-
mochromic powders. Based on the Superpave tests of various as-
phalt binders, it was found that the addition of thermochromic
powder increases the values of softening point, viscosity, complex
modulus (G ), rutting parameter (G = sin δ), fatigue parameter (G
Fig. 12. BBR test results for (RTFO+PAV) aged asphalt binders
sin δ), stiffness (S) and decreases the values of penetration, phase
angle (δ) and creep rate (m-value). The black binder presented the
lowest needle penetration depth, highest softening point, lowest
is shown in Fig. 12(c). The increase of thermochromic powder con- viscosity, highest values of G and G = sin δ, lowest values of δ,
tent reduces the resistance of thermochromic asphalt binder to low- S, and m-value, followed by the blue and red binders. Furthermore,
temperature cracking. Furthermore, at 3% powder content, black with increasing thermochromic powder contents, the penetration
asphalt binder displays better performance than blue and red binder, depth and m-value of thermochromic binders decreased and soft-
while at 6%, blue and red binder show better low-temperature per- ening point, viscosity, G , G = sin δ, G sin δ, and S increased. The
formance than black binder. This may be attributed to the different use of thermochromic powder is found to increase the Superpave

© ASCE 04014171-9 J. Mater. Civ. Eng.

J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2015, 27(5): 04014171

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