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Curriculum Health and Physical Education Band/year: Year 8

Focus area:

Lesson Cyberbullying, Harassment, Position of Towards End of Unit

title/description Sexting and Digital Identity lesson within
: unit:

Achievement Standard:
By the end of Year 8, students evaluate strategies and resources to manage changes
and transitions and investigate their impact on identities. Students evaluate the impact on wellbeing of relationships
and valuing diversity. They analyse factors that influence emotional responses. They investigate strategies and
practices that enhance their own, others’ and community health, safety and wellbeing.
They investigate and apply movement concepts and select strategies to achieve movement and fitness outcomes.
They examine the cultural and historical significance of physical activities and examine how connecting to the
environment can enhance health and wellbeing.

Students apply personal and social skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships and promote safety,
fair play and inclusivity. They demonstrate skills to make informed decisions, and propose and implement actions
that promote their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. Students demonstrate control and accuracy when
performing specialised movement sequences and skills. They apply movement concepts and refine strategies to suit
different movement situations. They apply the elements of movement to compose and perform movement sequences.

Intended student outcomes for lesson:

By engaging in this lesson, students will:

Understand that –
U1: Cyberbullying is separate to harassment
U2: Sexting has serious person, social and legal consequences
U3: Ones digital identity and reputation is just as ‘real’ and important as ones general reputation

Know –
K1: Cyberbullying is when an individual or group of individuals use technological platforms such as the internet,
email or their phone to deliberately and repeatedly harm or upset someone.
K2: Harassment is sometimes unintentional, but is unwelcomed, intimidating, humiliating or threatening behaviour,
but is directed at a certain ‘protected’ characteristic of the individual (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, disability,
age, religion).
K3: Sexting is sending a provocative or sexual photo, message or video(s) through a technological platform or device
(such as a mobile phone) is known as sexting. This can also include posting this type of material online. It is illegal
under the age of 18.
K4: Digital reputation/identity - Generalised view of a person’s identity, beliefs, opinions. ‘Digital’ simply refers to
the evidence of your interactions, comments and behaviours online

Be able to –
S1: Understand and apply online and social protocols to enhance relationships with others and protect their own well-
being, including recognising and responding to inappropriate online content (ACPPS074).

Guiding questions:
What is cyberbullying and how does it differ to harassment?
What is the bystander effect? How might it relate to bullying?
What is sexting?
What is your digital identity going to look like?
Overview of activity Resources/links/equipment required Time allocated

The roll will be taken. A quick introduction of what the lesson will  Laptop 5mins
Introduction: entail. Lesson objectives written on board.

Students complete brainstorm activity.  PowerPoint 5-10mins

Body – A1  Brainstorm paper

Teacher goes through information on cyberbullying, and how it is  PowerPoint 5mins

Body – A2: different to harassment.

Definition of ‘sexting’ is also introduced.

Class watched #Tagged with discussion to follow (including  #Tagged film 25mins
discussion on the ‘bystander’ effect.  PowerPoint
Body – A3:

Class introduced to ‘Digital Identity/Reputation.’  Timeline handouts 5mins

 PowerPoint
Body – A4: Complete the timeline if time permits.

A debrief of lesson occurs here – Take-home messages  Exit cards 5mins

Conclusion (Cool-

What went well? What didn’t? How did you go for time? What could be changed?

 Timing
 Maybe talk about digital identity/reputation in a separate lesson to enable deep thinking

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