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Detailed Lesson Plan in Elements of Designing

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
K- Define and understand the Elements/Components of Curriculum Design
S- Apply full understanding of the different Elements of Designing through a pyramid chart
A- Value the importance of the Components of Curriculum Design in Education.


Gulzar, A. A. (2021, May 24). Elements of Curriculum - Educare ~ We Educate, We Care.
ELEMENTS/COMPONENTS OF THE CURRICULUM. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2022,
. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from
The CIPP Evaluation Model: A Summary. (2013, June 10). Amberhartwell.
Materials: Laptop, Cellphone, Power Point Presentation
Value Integrated: Explaining and sharing, Cooperation




Good morning my dear students! Good morning, Ma’am Dhazel!


Do you remember our routine before Yes ma’am, we pray first.

we start our class?

Great! Any volunteer to lead our prayer?

Ok, Fe Marie kindly leads our prayer. Student will lead a prayer.


Before we proceed to our discussion today, I Students saying present

will first check your attendance. Say present
as I called your name.

Very good! No one is absent today.


Class, do you still remember our last topic? Yes ma’am!

Okay, can you tell me Mr. Jasper what is our Our last topic ma’am is all about Types of
last topic? Curriculum Design

Very good, Jasper!

Yes, we discuss about the Types of

Curriculum Design

Let's see if you still remember our previous


Ms. Beth, will you define what is a Curriculum design is a term used to describe
curriculum design? the purposeful, deliberate, and systematic
organization of curriculum (instructional
blocks) within a class or course. In other
words, it is a way for teachers to plan
instruction. When teachers design curriculum,
they identify what will be done, who will do
it, and what schedule to follow.

Very good Ms. Beth!

Okay, next question.

What is the purpose of a curriculum design? The purpose of Curriculum Design is that
Ms. Novie kindly answer. teachers design each curriculum with a
specific educational purpose in mind. The
ultimate goal is to improve student learning,
but there are other reasons to employ
curriculum design as well. For example,
designing a curriculum for middle school
students with both elementary and high
school curricula in mind helps to make sure
that learning goals are aligned and
complement each other from one stage to the
next. If a middle school curriculum is
designed without taking prior knowledge
from elementary school or future learning in
high school into account it can create real
problems for the students.

Yes right Ms. Novie.

So, what about the three basic types of Types of Curriculum Design
Curriculum Design? What are those three,
Ms. Riza Mae There are three basic types of curriculum
 Subject-centered design
 Learner-centered design
 Problem-centered design

Yes, that’s awesome answer Ms. Riza.

And for my last question.

Mr. Jonnel, can you differentiate the three

types of curriculum design which are the Subject-centered curriculum design
Subject-Centered Design, Learner Centered revolves around a particular subject matter or
Design and the Problem-Centered Design. discipline. Subject-centered curriculum
design describes what needs to be studied and
how it should be studied. Core curriculum is
an example of a subject-centered design that
can be standardized across schools, states, and
the country as a whole. In standardized core
curricula, teachers are provided a pre-
determined list of things that they need to
teach their students, along with specific
examples of how these things should be
In contrast, learner-centered curriculum
design takes each individual's needs, interests,
and goals into consideration. In other words,
it acknowledges that students are not uniform
and adjust to those student needs. Learner-
centered curriculum design is meant to
empower learners and allow them to shape
their education through choices.
Like learner-centered curriculum design,
problem-centered curriculum design is also
a form of student-centered design. Problem-
centered curricula focus on teaching students
how to look at a problem and come up with a
solution to the problem. Students are thus
exposed to real-life issues, which helps them
develop skills that are transferable to the real
Problem-centered curriculum design increases
the relevance of the curriculum and allows
students to be creative and innovate as they
are learning. The drawback to this form of
curriculum design is that it does not always
take learning styles into consideration.

Thank you so much Mr. Jonnel for that very

good answer!


Before we start our lesson for today, we will

have first a motivation. I prepared jumbled
words here. When the jumbled letters are
flashed, all you have to do is to arrange them
so you can form a word. This word that you
will be arranged will be our main topic for
today's discussion. Raise your hand if you
know the answer. Those who can answer
them correctly will be given 15 points for
today’s performance.

Is the instruction clear class? Yes, ma’am!

Then let's start.


Amazing! Thank you for participating class!


“Our topic for today is all about

Elements/Components of Curriculum Design

Elements or components of a curriculum


There are four main components in the basic

curriculum, which allows it to be cohesive
and integral. These components are objectives
(aims, and goals), content (subject matters),
learning experiences, and evaluation. They
are critical regardless of the education
establishment or course peculiarities, as they
shape the design of the curriculum defining
what should be done, how, with what
emphasis, what resources should be used, and
how the results should be evaluated.

Again, Ms. Benneth, what are the 4 elements These are the objectives aims, and goals,
of curriculum design. content or the subject matters, learning
experiences, and evaluation.

Thank you Ms. Benneth.

These four components of the curriculum

class are essential. These are interrelated to
each other. Each of these has a connection to
one another.

So let us first define the first elements of

curriculum design which is the “Aims, goals
and Objectives”.

Ms. Regine kindly read this!

The curriculum aims, goals and objectives
spell out what is to be done. It tries to capture
what goals are to be achieved, the vision, the
philosophy, the mission statement and
objectives. Further, it clearly defines the
purpose and what the curriculum is to be
acted upon and try what to drive at.
hank you, Ms. Regine.

So that is all about Aims, goals and objectives

which in a simple term of “what is to be

The next component is the Subject Matter.

What is the Subject Matter all about, Mr.

Jasper Tindog? Subject Matters contains information to be
learned in school. It is an element or a
medium through which the objectives are
accomplished the traditional sources of what
is taught and learned in school is precisely the
foundation of knowledge therefore the
sciences and humanities provide the basis of
selecting the content of school learning.

Yes, right! In the same manner, curriculum

has a content. In here, it contains information
to be learned in school. It is an element or a
medium through which the objectives are

A primordial concern of formal education is

primarily to transmit organized knowledge in
distilled form to a new generation of young

The traditional sources of what is taught and

learned in school is precisely the foundation
of knowledge, therefore, the sciences and
humanities provide the basis of selecting the
content of school learning.

In organizing the learning contents, balance,

articulation, sequence, integration, and Yes, ma’am.

continuity form a sound content.

“Is that clear class?”

Thank you for listening. So let us proceed to

the third elements/components which is the
learning experiences.

Everyone, kindly read this. Instructional strategies and methods are the
core of the curriculum these instructional
strategies and methods will put into action the
goals and the use of the content in order to
produce an outcome. This would convert the
written curriculum to instructions. Moreover,
mastery is the function of the teacher
direction and student activity with the teacher
supervision. This the instructional component
of the curriculum providing for the interaction
between the teacher student and the content.

For the third component, the curriculum

experience or the learning experiences. These
instructional strategies and methods will put
into action the goals and use of the content in
order to produce an outcome.

These would convert the written curriculum

to instruction. Moreover, mastery is the
function of the teacher direction and student
activity with the teacher supervision.

Are there any questions about those three

None so far ma’am.
elements that I’ve mentioned class?

So, we are down to the 4th and the last

components of the curriculum design which is
the “Evaluation Approaches”.

What is Evaluation Approaches Ms. Tzarey?

Evaluation approaches are distinct ways to
think about, design, and conduct evaluation
efforts. Certain evaluation approaches help
solve problems; others refine existing

Thank you, Ms. Tzarey for that answer.

For the fourth component, the curriculum

evaluation is an element of an effective
curriculum. It identifies the quality,
effectiveness of the program, process and
product of the curriculum. To be effective, all
curriculum must have an element of
evaluation. Curriculum evaluation refers to
the formal evaluation of the quality
effectiveness or value of the program process
and product of curriculum.

Is there any questions class? None ma’am.

Okay, good!

Again, what are those four components or

elements of Curriculum Design class? The four elements of Curriculum Designing
are Aims, goals and objective, Subject Matter,
Anyone? Yes, Ms. Fe. Learning Experience and lastly the Evaluation

Thank you so much Ms. Fe, for that answer.

What are those four elements of Curriculum

Design once again all about? Mr. Cabus? The curriculum aims, goals and objectives
spell out what is to be done. It tries to capture
what goals are to be achieved, the vision, the
philosophy, the mission statement and
objectives. A second element is the subject
content of the curriculum. It contains
information to be learned at school. It is an
element or a medium through which the
objectives are accomplished. Content or
subject matter refers to the body of
knowledge that the student will take away
when the course is done. It must assure that
the curriculum objectives are properly met.
The third element is the strategies and
methods of teaching or the learning
experiences adopted by the teachers during
instruction. It deals with the teaching-learning
process including methodology of teaching
and learning experiences both within the
institution and outside, learning
environments, teachers’ material as well as
students’ material. Lastly is the Evaluation
Approaches or the Curriculum evaluation
refers to the process of placing value on a
curriculum. Evaluation may focus on a
curriculum’s design, including content and
process; its implementation; or outcomes. It
identifies the quality, effectiveness of the
program, process and product of the


Are there any questions regarding of our None so far ma’am.

discussion today class?


We have discussed the 4 components of the

curriculum design. These four basic elements
of curriculum are essential and interrelated to
each other. Aims, goals, and objectives can be
simplified as “what is to be done”; the subject
matter/content is “what subject matter is to be
included”; the learning experiences is “what
instructional strategies, resources and
activities will be employed”; while
curriculum evaluation is “what methods and
instruments will be used to assess the results
of the curriculum”.

In summary, the components of a curriculum

are distinct but interrelated to each other.
These four components should be always
present in a curriculum. I could say that these
are essential ingredients to have an effective

For example, in a curriculum, evaluation is

also important so one could assess whether
the objectives and aims have been meet or if
not, he could employ another strategy which
will really work out.

Curriculum experience could not be effective

if the content is not clearly defined. The aims,
goals and directions serve as the anchor of the
learning journey, the content or subject matter
serve as the meat of the educational journey,
curriculum experience serves as the hands –
on exposure to the real spectrum of learning
and finally the curriculum evaluation serves
as the barometer as to how far had the
learners understood on the educational

Did you understand the discussion class? Yes Ma’am.

That’s great!

I hope you’ve learned everything about what

we discuss today.

TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the

statement is correct and FALSE if it is
incorrect. Follow the instructions carefully.

_____ 1. The component which is Aims,

goals, and objectives can be simplified as
“what is to be done”.

_____ 2. There are three elements of 1. TRUE

curriculum designing. 2. FALSE
_____ 3. The learning experiences is “what 4. FALSE
instructional strategies, resources and 5. TRUE
activities will be employed”

_____ 4. The four basic elements of

curriculum are not essential and not
interrelated to each other.

_____ 5. The basic curriculum components

are the following:
o Aim, goals, and objectives
o Subject matter
o Learning experiences
o Evaluation

Directions: Through a Pyramid Chart, apply what are your understanding about the four elements
or components of the curriculum design.

Directions: Match the items under column A with the items under column B. Write only the
letters of your corresponding answer.


1. It plays an important role in an A. EVALUATION APPROACHES

educational system. It is somehow a
blueprint which leads the teacher and
the learner to reach the desired

2. It is the strategies and methods of B. CURRICULUM AIMS, GOALS AND

teaching or the learning experiences OBJECTIVE
adopted by the teachers during
instruction. It deals with the teaching-
learning process including
methodology of teaching and learning
experiences both within the institution
and outside, learning environments,
teachers’ material as well as students’

3. refers to the interaction between the C. COMPONENTS OF CURRICULUM

learner and the external conditions in DESIGN
the environment to which he/she can
react. Learning takes place through the
active behavior of the student.

4. it clearly defines the purpose and what D. CURRICULUM

the curriculum is to be acted upon and
try what to drive at.

5. it is essential as a part of E. LEARNING EXPERIENCES

comprehensive theory of organization
to show what elements of curriculum
will serve satisfactorily as organizing

Direction: Please answer the given question in a one whole sheet of paper with a maximum of 5
1. What is the importance of curriculum components?
2. Cite an example of the first element of the curriculum design which is the Aims, Goals
and Objectives.

K- Define and understand the Elements/Components of Curriculum Design S- Apply full understanding
of the different Elements of Designing through a pyramid chart A- Value the importance of the
Components of Curriculum Design in Education. K- Define and understand the Elements/Components of
Curriculum Design S- Apply full understanding of the different Elements of Designing through a pyramid
chart A- Value the importance of the Components of Curriculum Design in Education.
K- Define and understand the Elements/Components of Curriculum Design S- Apply full understanding
of the different Elements of Designing through a pyramid chart A- Value the importance of the
Components of Curriculum Design in Education.

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