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This is to certify that the micro project

“Medical Shop Management System”

Is done by

Monish Madhavi,

Aniket Tandle,

Pratiksha Sawant , Shivani Agrawal

Is submitted for

“Database Management System”


The diploma in Computer Engineering to the

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)

Subject Incharge: H.O.D : Principal:

(Mrs. Priyanka Rane) (Mrs. Manisha Patil ) (Prof.D.R.Suroshe)

Medical Shop Management System

Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements

Of micro project of
Database management system


Name of the student:- Roll no :- Enrollment no :-

Pratiksha Sawant 09

Aniket Tandle 10 1909640077

Monish Madhavi 15 1909640082

Shivani Agrawal 23 1909640143

Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Year : - 2019 -20

This is to certify that


ss______________________________ Roll no. ______________has

completed the microproject work satisfactorily in the course of Database

Management System(22319) as prescribed by the Maharashtra State Board of

Technical Educationin the academic year 2019-2020 in the program of

Computer engineering of the institute Saraswati Institute of


Date ______________

Teacher__________ In charge Dep. __________Principal________


I take this opportunity to express deep sense of gratitude and sincere thanks for the
invaluable guidance that I have received at the worthy hands of my Mrs. Manisha Patil

I express my sincere thanks to our H.O.D. Mrs. Manisha Patil for permitting me to do this

project and also to the entire staff member who have helped me directly or indirectly.

I also express my thanks to my friends for their underlying support shown during the preparation of

this project.


Topic Page No.
Sr No .
1. Introduction of Medical Shop Management System 1

2. Application of Database Management System 2

3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Database Management 3


4. Content 4

5. About SQL 5

6. Entity and attributes 6

7. E-R Diagram 7

8. SQL Code 8-11

9. Conclusion 12

10. References 13

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