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Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

U2- He Can See With His Ears

Part 1 Conversation questions

1. What do you call a person who can’t see?

2. What would it be like to be blind?

3. How do you feel when you see a blind person in the street?

4. Are there any advantages to be being blind?

5. Think of some things that blind people can and can’t do.

6. How do blind people navigate the world?

7. What do you think would be the most difficult thing for blind people to do?

Part 1-2 Write down five answer from the above questions.






Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

Part 2 Reading 1

The man you're looking at can ride a bicycle, cook and see in the dark.
But believe it or not, this guy is actually 100% blind and he figured out a way to see
the world with his ears. Who is he? And how does someone see with their ears?

Hi, I'm Daniel and I don't need eyes to live in this world.

When Daniel was 13 months old, doctors had to remove his eyes completely and
back then he was faced with a choice, spent the rest of his life blind or find another
way to see.
So he developed his vision with the help of his ears by using sound in a special way.

Basically I just make tongue clicks and that creates echoes from
surfaces and I use that information so that I can move around.

It's the same technique bats and submarines use and with enough practice,
humans can master it too with only a few clicks. Daniel can get a sense of what
objects are around him, how far they are from him and even what some of them are
made of. And he can do it all even in the darkest night.

dark (adj.) develop (v.) submarine (n.)
blind (adj.) click (n.) master (n.)(v.)
figure out echo (n.) a sense of
remove (v.) surface (n.) object (n.)
completely (adv.) information (n.) be made of
be faced with technique (n.)
the rest of

Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

Part 3 Review

Vocabulary Quiz
1. lacking the ability to see; sightless. 6. knowledge or facts that come from
 blind investigation, observation, or study.
 submarine  blind
 echo  remove
 technique  dark
 information
2. to make a slight, sharp sound.
 dark 7. to take away from a place or position.
 click  submarine
 submarine  information
 blind  echo
 remove
3. absence or lack of light (often
preceded by "the"). 8. a seagoing vessel that can operate
 surface completely under water.
 echo  click
 blind  vision
 dark  submarine
 dark
4. to cause to gain strength; cause to
grow. 9. the topmost layer of something.
 echo  information
 information  develop
 develop  surface
 remove  vision

5. a repetition of sound caused by 10. technical skill.

reflection of sound waves from a  dark
surface, or a sound so produced.  submarine
 remove  technique
 technique  blind
 echo
 submarine

Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

Part 2 Reading 2

When people use light to see, they're basically using reflected light that
bounces from surfaces back to their eyes. I do a very similar thing but
using sound instead of light.
So we have a structure here that has a roof: a pavilion.

And you can try it too. All you need to do is go in a dark room and make a sound
with your mouth. Now by coming closer to an object, you'll hear the sound slowly
changing, telling you how far the object is and little by little you will be able to make
a map in your head of where you are, just like a bat. You'll be able to hear that signal
bounce from a surface, just like an echo locator is able to hear. So it would sound
something like this *sound*.
Thanks to his ears, Daniel can live a life of freedom. He can hike, bike, cook, travel
the world all on his own terms.

I'm 56 years old.I have rarely needed anyone to do things for me. I
make my own decisions. I live my own life and I see no reason that
other blind people should be restricted or limited.

That's why Daniel decided to create a non-profit school where not only blind people,
but also autistic children and sighted people can learn the techniques Daniel uses.

basically (adv.) on his own terms
reflect (v.) rarely (adv.)
bounce (v.) decide (v.) / make a decision
similar (adj.) reason (n.)
structure (n.) restrict (v.) / be restricted
hear (v.) be limited
echo locator (n.) non-profit (adj.)
freedom (n.) sighted (adj.)
travel (v.)

Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

Part 3 Review

Vocabulary Quiz
11. to arrive at a conclusion about or a 16. infrequently; seldom.
settlement of; determine.  rarely
 decide  reflect
 rarely  decide
 travel  travel
 similar
17. to throw back (light, heat, sound, or
12. to make a choice in one's mind or in the like), as from a surface.
agreement with others.  restrict
 decide  similar
 travel  reflect
 rarely  hike
 reflect
18. to keep within limits; set bounds to;
13. the state of being free from hindrance confine.
or constraint.  restrict
 Decide  decide
 freedom  similar
 travel  hear
 restrict
19. having resemblance or likeness.
14. to have the ability to perceive sound.  similar
 decide  reflect
 travel  travel
 freedom  decide
 hear
20. a thing consisting of a number of
15. to take a long walk in a natural area, elements joined together in a certain
especially over rugged terrain, as for way.
enjoyment, exercise, or training.  freedom
 travel  hike
 freedom  structure
 hike  decide
 decide

Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

Part 4 Activity

Four kinds of disabilities

1. blind 2. deaf
She's been _______ since birth. He's been totally _______ since birth.
He is _______ in one eye. Many of the TV programs are broadcast
He started to go (= become) _______ in with subtitles for the _________.
his sixties.

3. mute 4. lame

They have a _______ child. We should give a seat to the_________.

Sandy sets up a school for the ________. The monkey is ________ in the left foot.


His eyes are blind. (x) Her mouth is mute. (x)

Teacher Sandra’s Class Material – Pre-high-school English Practice

Part 5 Writing Practice

Write ten sentences by using the vocabulary. (at least 10 words)











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