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Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of dance in optimizing one’s health; as
requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.
B. Performance Standard: The learner leads dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
independent pursuit and in influencing others positively.
C. Learning Competency: The learner discusses the nature of the different dances.

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must have:

A. discussed the nature of the different dances;
B. choreographed a 32-count dance; and
C. verbalized the benefits of dance in one’s health.

II. Subject Matter: Phases of the Dance Program

AMA Online Education PE and Health 3 (2020) , Nature of the Different Dances
Bronoso, Marvin, (2018) ICT COORDINATOR / MENTOR at The Manila
Times College of Subic, PHYSICAL EDUCATION 12 - Nature of Dance

III. Materials and Resources: Powerpoint Presentation, Instructional Materials & Music
IV. Procedure: 3 I’s Method
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
(Opening Prayer)

Good morning, class. Good morning, Sir.

Before you take your seats, kindly pick up all the
pieces of trash you see on the floor and arrange
your chairs properly at the count of five. 1,2,3,4,5.
You may now take your seats. (Students do as told)
Yes, Sir.
How are you this morning?

That’s great! I believe this is my first time to teach

you so please allow me to introduce myself. I am
Mr. Andrie P. Balambao, your PE teacher this
morning. You can call me Sir Drey for your
convenience. Who am I again? Sir, Drey.

Very good! Just like the other teachers you had, I

have also my classroom rule and this is RESPECT,
respect me as your teacher and I will respect you
too as my students. Is my rule clear, class? Yes, Sir.

None, Sir.
Are there absentees?

1. Review

Last meeting, you discussed about the Fundamental

Dance Position and you performed it together with Yes, Sir.
Mrs. Cocos, right?

Now, for me to check if you really listening to our

last discussions, I request everyone to please stand
and perform the fundamental dance position. At my
(Students do as told)
Very good! Because of that give yourselves a
“Sana all” Clap! (Students do as told)

2. Motivation
Now class, this morning we will be learning a new
interesting topic, but before that I want you to
(Students do as told)
watch this video carefully for I will call a random
students to answer the guide questions.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the video all about?
2. What specific dance they are dancing?
What is video all about?
The video is all about dancing.

Good, they are dancing.

Now, what specific kind of dance did you see in the
video? I see folk dance sir.
Very good! It is a folk dance.
Now class, speaking of FOLKDANCE, do you
know that there are different phases of dance aside
from it? No, Sir.

Do you want to know these dances?

Yes, Sir.
3. Statement of the Subject Matter and the Aim
If so, this morning we will learn about dance and its
phases as we will discuss the Phases of Dance

I want you to listen attentively and participate

actively for you to achieve the following
objectives. Everybody please read, begin!
a. Discuss the nature of the different dances;
b. Choreograph a 32-count dance; and
c. Verbalize the benefits of dance in one’s health.
Are the objectives clear, class?
Yes, Sir.

Alright. This time, let’s unlock the term “dance”

first. Do you have an idea what is dance?
To me, dance is a form of art. Some people dance
for the purpose of expressing their ideas and
Very good! emotions.
To have uniformity of definition, let’s consider this.
Dance is one of the most beautiful forms of art. It
refers to movement set to music where there
emerges organization, structure, and pattern.
Again, how will you define dance based on the
Dance is one of the most beautiful forms of art.
Very good! Dance is one of the most beautiful
forms of art.
Now, to deepen your knowledge about phases of
dance let’s have an activity.
Kindly read the Mechanics, begin.

“Crossword Puzzle”
1. Divide the class into 3 groups.
2. Encircle the word that indicates to the
given description.
3. Do it in 2 mins.
Are the mechanics clear, class? Yes, Sir.

Okay, choose one representative to each group and

come here in front to get your crossword puzzle.
(Students do as told)
Your timer starts now!
Possible Answers:
1. Creative Rhythms
2. Folkdance
3. Ballroom Dance
Time is up!
Now, let us check if your answers are correct.
First group answered Creative Rhythms. Correct!
Let’s give them 3 big claps with “very good” at the
end, begin. (Students do as told)
Alright! Now, what is your idea about creative
rhythms? Creative rhythms are called fundamental rhythms
or natural dances, Sir.

Thank you so much. To have uniformity of

definition let’s consider this one. Creative Rhythms are sometime called
fundamental rhythms or natural dances. A creative
rhythm is an end product of exploration and
improvisation of movement.
Okay, thank you.
Now again, what are the other terms of creative
rhythms based on the definition? Sometime called fundamental rhythms or natural

Very good, they call it sometime as fundamental

rhythms or natural dance.
Here are some examples of creative rhythms class.
(Power point presentation)

Now, after seeing the video define what is Creative

rhythms or Natural dances? (Student will answer)

It is the improvisation of movement.

(The teacher will give another example)

Do you understand class? Yes, Sir.

Any questions about Creative Rhythms?

None, Sir.

Alright, let’s proceed to the second group, they

answered Folkdance.
Correct! Let’s give them 3 big claps with
“excellent” at the end, begin. (Student will answer)

Now, who have an idea about what is folkdance or

ethnic dance? Folk/Ethic dance is a cultural art form handed
down from generation to generation, Miss.
Very good! Thank you so much. Folk/Ethic Dance – it is a cultural art form handed
To have uniformity of definition let us consider down from generation to generations. It
this. communicates the customs, beliefs and rituals.

It is a cultural art form handed down from

Again, how will you define folk/ethnic dance, generation to generations. It communicates the
based on the definitions? customs, beliefs and rituals.

Very good. It is a cultural art form handed down

from generation to generations. It communicates the customs, beliefs and rituals.
What does it communicate?

Very good! It communicates the customs, beliefs

and rituals.
So, these are the examples of folk/ethnic dance.
(Power point presentation)
(Students raise their hands)
Excellent! Who among you here knows how to
perform folk/ethnic dance?
Yes, Sir.
That’s good to hear! So, you knew already what is
folk/ethic dance, correct?

Alright! Now, we will proceed to the third group,

which they answered Ballroom Dances/Social (Student will answer)
Now, what is your idea about ballroom?

Thank you! Social/Ballroom dance is performed in social

To have uniformity of definition let us consider this gathering with more formal atmosphere than the
one. Kindly read. simple and informal parties.

Is performed in social gathering with more formal

Based on the definition, where are social and atmosphere than the simple and informal parties.
ballroom dances usually performed?

Correct! It is performed in social gathering with the

more formal atmosphere.

God job! So, here are some examples of social and

ballroom dance. (Power point)

Okay, those are the examples of social and

ballroom dance. We have Cha-cha cha, Jive, None, Sir.
Rumba, Foxtrot, and Boogie.
Are there any questions?

We have:
Very good, Again, what are the phases of dance 1. Creative Rhythms
program? 2. Folk/Ethnic Dance
3. Social/Ballroom Dance

a) Application

To further your knowledge about the lesson, we ‘SHOWTIME’

will have another activity.
May I request ___ to please read the title and Directions:
Directions. Choreograph a 32-count dance containing a phase
of dance that they will perform.

Yes, Miss.

Are the directions clear, class?

(Students do as told)
Please know that you are only given 5 minutes to
practice. You may now begin.

b) Evaluation “WHO AM I”
Kindly read the directions, Catherine. Directions: Identify who is being defined in the
statements either Creative Rhythms, Folk/Ethnic
Dance or Social/Ballroom dance.
1. I am a dance program that is sometimes
called a fundamental rhythms.
2. I am a cultural art form handed down
from generation to generation.
3. I am also called a natural dance.
4. I am a dance program in a more formal
atmosphere than simple and informal
5. I am a dance program that happened at
a social gathering.

Finish or not finish pass you papers.

Pass your papers forward at the count of 5,4,3,2,1.

b) Value Integration

Yes, Sir.
Now class, do you dance or have joined Zumba

Dancing improved my mental functioning.

Alright, what do you think are the benefits we can
get in dancing, in your personal experience? Dancing helps me greater my self-confidence
What else? and self-esteem.

Dancing increased muscular strength, endurance

and motor fitness.

Dancing is indeed beneficial to our health because

it has lots of benefits for our body. Personally,
dancing improved my holistic wellbeing.
Additionally, it helps me boost my confidence and

V. Assignment:
1. Choose one of the 3 phases of dance.
2. Create a Tik Tok video in line with your chosen dance.
3. Send it to my messenger. (Andrie Plata Balambao)

Organized Board work


II.Definition III. Phases

I.Objectives of Dance

BPE Intern
Submitted to
Cooperating Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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