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English 123B Group 2: Detailed Lesson Plan in English

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. determine the definition of pronoun and its cases;

2. use the correct form of pronouns from the given sentences;
3. identify the case of the pronouns from the given sentences; and
4. recognize the importance of pronoun in constructing a sentence.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Pronouns
Sub-topic: Cases of Pronouns
Reference(s): The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation
Instructional Materials: Visual Aid (PowerPoint Presentation)

III. Procedure
Components Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities
1. Preliminary A. Greetings
Good morning, class! Good morning, Teacher!

B. Opening Prayer

Let us pray, first. ______, kindly lead the prayer. (The student will lead the prayer.)

Thank you, ______!

C. Checking of Attendance
(Class monitor will answer)
Class monitor, is everybody present today? Yes, Ma’am. Everybody is present
That’s great! Thank you, Noime!

D. Setting of Online Classroom Standards

So, how’s your day? Is it good so far?

It was great, Ma’am!
Good to hear, class. Before we continue, let me
ask, what are the things we need to consider (The student will answer)
during our class discussion? (Teacher will call
one of the students from the class)

Alright, thank you, _____________!

(Some of the students will raise

How about the others? their hands)
(Teacher will call one of the students from the
class) How about _____________? (The student will answer)

That’s right! Thank you, _____________!

And for the last one class, let me call on

_____________. (The student will answer)

(The teacher will commend the class and remind

the things they need to consider during online

2. Review Now, let’s have a review on what we have

discussed last meeting.

Do you still remember what it is? Yes, Teacher!

Then what was our lesson last meeting? (Some of the students will raise
their hands)
(Teacher will call one of the students from the
class) _____________? (The student will answer) Modals!

Very good, _____________!

Now, can you give me an example of Modals and (Some of the students will raise
use it in a sentence? their hands)

(Teacher will call one of the students from the (The student will answer)
class) _____________?

Great! How about the others? (Some of the students will raise
their hands)

(Teacher will call one of the students from the (The student will answer)
class) _____________?

Very good! How about _____________? (The student will answer)

Impressive! I can say that you learned a lot from

our previous discussion.

2.1. Presentation/ Before proceeding with our lesson for today, let’s
Motivation have first our learning task or our motivational
activity. Are you ready?
Yes, Teacher!
(The teacher will present the PowerPoint
Presentation containing the words that the
students are going to arrange to form a
This time we will be having an activity; it is
called “Jumble Bee”. I prepared this presentation
containing jumbled words and you are going to
arrange them to form a sentence. Just raised your
hand and provide the right sentence. Okay class, Yes, Teacher!
is everything’s clear?
(The students will play the game)
Correct sentences:
 I love eating healthy food.
 You are so dedicated to your work.
 We could have a party.
 Jane offers me a refreshment.
 Mara saved her from drowning.
 The package that arrived is for them.
 The pen is mine.
 The flowers are ours.
 That beautiful voice I heard from the
recorder is hers.

(Teacher will commend those who participated in

the motivational activity)
Yes, we did!
Did you enjoy the activity?

Thank you class participating in our learning task.

The reason why we do that activity is to lighten
(Ma’am Gielyn will take over)
us up. This is connected with the topic Teacher
(T2) will discuss to you. Ma’am Gielyn, the floor
is yours.
2.2. Lesson Proper (Teacher Gielyn (T2) will start teaching the
lesson which is Pronouns and its cases using the
sentences used in learning task)

Good morning, Class! Good morning, Ma’am!

Today, we will be discussing about Pronouns and

the Cases of Pronouns. Do you have any idea (Some of the students will raise
what is Pronoun? their hands)

Yes, _____________? (The student may vary)

That’s correct! Pronouns are used in place of

nouns. The purpose of pronouns is to avoid
repetition and make sentences easier to

(I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each,
few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone,
everybody, etc.) are words that take the place of a
Instead of: Ana made the cookies. Ana loves
Change to: Ana made the cookies. She loves

(Teacher will call one of the students from the (The student will answer)
class to give an example)

Pronouns have three (3) cases: subjective, (The student will answer)
objective, and possessive.

Again, what are the three (3) cases of Pronouns?

(Teacher will call one of the students from the
class) _____________?
(The student will read the ppt)
You’re right! Thank you, _____________!

For the first one, we have Subjective Pronouns.

Will you please read, _____________? (Teacher
will call one of the students from the class)

Thank you! Let’s have an example.

 I love eating healthy food

In this sentence, the subjective pronoun is I. It is

the doer of the action and used in first person

Another example:

 You are so dedicated to your work.

In this sentence, you is the subject. It is the one

being talked about in the sentence. It is in second (The student will answer)
person singular, but sometimes, it could also be
used as second person plural.

How about this one: Yes, Teacher!

 We could have a party.

What is the subjective pronoun in the sentence?

(Teacher will call one of the students from the
class) _____________?

Correct. We is the subjective pronoun in the

sentence and it is in first person plural form.
Class, is everything’s clear?
Very good! For the next case, we have Objective
Pronouns. These are the pronouns that act as the
direct object, indirect object or object of the
preposition in the sentence. A direct object
answers the question ‘what’ or ‘who’. An indirect
object answers the question ‘to whom’ and the
object of the preposition is found after
prepositions like to, for, etc.

Let’s have an example.

 Jane offers me a refreshment.

The pronoun me is the indirect object in the

sentence. It answers the question ‘to whom’. It is
in first person singular.

Another example:

 Mara saved her from drowning.

The pronoun her is the direct object in the

sentence. It answers the question ‘who’. It is in No, Teacher!
third person singular.

And last example for our objective pronoun:

 The package that arrived is for them.

The pronoun them is the object of the preposition

in the sentence. It is in third person plural.

Class, do you have any questions about the

subjective and objective pronouns?

Great! Now, let’s have Possessive Pronouns.

Possessive Pronouns are pronouns that show


Let’s have an example.

 The pen is mine.

The possessive pronoun in the sentence is mine.

It states that the pen is owned by the speaker. It is
in the first person singular.

Another example:

 The flowers are ours.

The possessive pronoun in the sentence is ours. It
shows that speakers owned the flowers. It is in
the first person plural.
And last example:

 That beautiful voice I heard from the

recorder is hers.
The possessive pronoun in the sentence is hers. It
indicates that a female owns the voice. It is in the
third person singular.
2.3. Class, did you understand our lesson? Yes, Teacher!
Let’s see. If you really understand, I will ask
some questions regarding our lesson for today. (The student will answer)
(Teacher will call one of the students from the Pronoun is a word that replaces
class) _____________, what is Pronoun? noun or noun phrases.

Excellent! How about the three (3) cases of (Some of the students will raise
Pronouns? What are those? their hands)

(Teacher will call one of the students from the (The student will answer)
class) _____________? The three (3) Cases of Pronouns
are subjective, objective and
Very good! Thank you for answering! I’m glad
that you really understand the lesson.

IV. Evaluation
A. Correct (The teacher will ask the students to supply the
Pronoun correct pronoun for the following sentences)

Choose the correct pronoun to complete each


1. Cindy auditioned for the lead

role in the play. (She, He, It,
They) really wants to portray
the role.
2. Suzy loves bags. This bag on
the table is (his, hers, ours,
3. Chris is my younger brother.
There are so many things I
want to buy for (his, her, him,
4. The new car of our neighbor
looks luxurious. (It, She,
They, We) really caught my
(Some of the students will raise
5. Vaughn and Yvonne are twins. their hands)
(He, She, They, We) look (The students will answer)
B. Cases of (The teacher will ask the students to identify the
Pronouns case of the underlined pronoun in each sentence)

Identify the case of the underlined pronoun in

each sentence.

1. He has a cake. (SUBJECTIVE)

2. Give the chocolate to me, please.


3. That shirt is mine. (POSSESSIVE)

(Some of the students will raise
4. The yellow house is theirs. (POSSESSIVE) their hands)
(The students will answer)
5. Cathy, Lovely, and Sheila love me very much.
They are my true friends. (SUBJECTIVE)

V. Assignment

Students will be writing two (2) sentences under the three (3) Cases of Pronouns.
Due for passing: next meeting.

Prepared by:
Nica Grace B. Caracas

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