Hse Plan

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Project Name: THE LOFT

Doc No. ATLAS/HSEP/001

Rev. No.: 00
Dubai HSE Plan Page 2 of 1


➢ PURPOSE……………………………………………………………………………………………….01 - 02

➢ SCOPE…………………………………………………………………………………………………..02 - 02

➢ RESPONSIBILITIES …………………………………………………………………………………..02 - 03

➢ HSE POLICY……………………………………………………………………………………...…….03 – 04

➢ HSE ADMINISTRATION……………………………………………………………………………….04 – 07

➢ SITE CONTROLS …………………………………………………………………………………….07 – 07

➢ OPERATIONAL HSE REQUIREMENTS……………………………………………………...…….07 – 12


➢ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT……………………………………………………….………..15 – 18

➢ WELFARE FACILITIES……………………...................................................................................18 - 19

Project Name: THE LOFT

Doc No. ATLAS/HSEP/001

Rev. No.: 00
Dubai HSE Plan Page 3 of 1

1. Purpose

The purpose of this Project Health, Safety and Environmental Plan (HSE Plan) is to ensure that all ATLAS
CONTINENT CONTRACTING and sub-contractual employees are safeguarded, as far as is reasonably
practicable, from potential hazards in the performance of their duties and all practicable measures are
taken to safeguard the environment.

ATLAS will undertake the THE LOFT and will be dedicated to making improvements in safety, health and
welfare standards as well as being determined to maintain good environmental controls during all
activities and at all times.

ATLAS requires employees, at all levels, to support and strictly implement the HSE Policy (as attached)
to which end this plan is site-specific guidance to aid in achieving the set objectives and targets.

1.1 Objectives

The core objectives, from the ATLAS HSE Policy and ATLAS-HSEP- HSE Surveillance and Monitoring,
when completing any task are to:

• Understand and comply with all relevant legislative and contractual requirements as the minimum
• Deliver all work elements to our Clients on time and defect free with a level of service exceeding their
• Provide appropriate support, instruction, training, and supervision to ensure the health, safety, and
welfare of all employees and the prevention of pollution to the surrounding environment
• Provide and maintain a place of work that is without risk to safety, health and welfare of its employees
and the public
• Consult with and maintain good working relations with employees, statutory bodies and all other
involved parties
• Strive for continual improvement through routine analysis and review of operational performance
measurements, incident investigations and audit findings

2. Scope
The HSE Plan is applicable for THE LOFT PROJECT

3. Responsibilities
3.1 General Responsibilities

ATLAS General Manager is responsible for authorisation of the plan.

ATLAS Project Manager is responsible for the implementation of the plan. In addition, it is also his
responsibility to ensure that all ATLAS supervisory staff and subcontractors have access and knowledge
of this HSE Plan and that they implement it through their teams/workers.
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ATLAS HSE Manager is responsible for reviewing and revising the policy and procedures in line with
legislative and local changes to maintain an effective HSE Management System. In addition duties include
promoting a positive HSE attitude to achieve the goals of the HSE Policy and Procedures. In addition, he
• advise the project management team and assist them to achieve safe operations to approved
• review and update this HSE Plan as necessary to account for significant progression and changes
in the project
• ensure that ATLAS fulfil the requirements of the law and local regulations
• ensure that all HSE personnel, on the project, are approved by the Client

The Project HSE Representative is responsible for overseeing and checking the implementation of the
plan. In addition they will:
• advise the HSE Manager of any updates for this HSE Plan as necessary to account for significant
progression and changes in the project
• ensure frequent and daily attendance to assigned areas to monitor the control measures and
behaviour on site
• offer advice and assistance to the project management team for the implementation of the plan
• consult with and advise the supervisors and work force on good HSE practices
• maintain the HSE records to enable auditing to be carried out

3.2 Project Management Team Responsibilities

ATLAS as the Main Contractor will constitute the Project Management Team (PMT). In its role, the PMT
shall take account of specific requirements of the project when preparing documentation as well as
maintaining changes to the HSE Plan. In addition, PMT will co-ordinate the activities of all partners and
sub-contractors to ensure they comply with the relevant HSE legislation and assist the Client’s
Representative in compilation of an HSE File.

The PMT will evaluate the past HSE performance of all subcontractors prior to starting work. This will be
supported by the HSE team.

PMT will also provide information, training and consultation as stated in the HSE Plan to ATLAS
employees as well as ensuring the same requirements are met by partners, sub-contractors and hired

3.3 Partners and Subcontractor Responsibilities

Project partners and sub-contractors are required to cooperate with ATLAS and provide details on their
management and prevention of HSE risk created by their work.

All partners and sub-contractors must provide information, training and consultation to their employees
on matters pertaining to their work. In addition, they must transmit a summary of attendance to ATLAS
as well as maintain records for audit purpose. The standard of information, training and consultation
will be, at least, equivalent to ATLAS standards.

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Rev. No.: 00
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Our long-term success depends on our ability to continuously improve our product while
protecting our people and the environment in which we work.

It is our policy to:

• Provide and ensure a safe working environment, conditions and equipment, coupled with
training that will provide our employees with the knowledge and information necessary to
safely carry out their assigned duty;
• Ensure that our products are performed in such a way as to protect the environment and,
where possible, assist customers to do the same;
• Meet or exceed our customers’ expectations, the first time and every time, through the
application of proven quality principles at all levels of our product manufacturing and
delivery process, and operate adhering to all local regulatory authorities requirements.

We are committed to:

• Protect the health and safety of our employees, customers and third parties;
• Protecting our environment and that of the communities where we work and live;
• Improve the quality of our product and service delivery;
• The HSE policy will be integrated at all levels and is the responsibility of management with
the active support of all our staff.

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Rev. No.: 00
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5. HSE Administration

5.1 Project HSE Organisation

The PMT (Project Management Team) will ensure that changes, key personnel leave periods and updates
are periodically sent to concerned person at the Client’s and/or Consultant’s office.

5.2 Site Induction and HSE Training

5.2.1 Induction

All new personnel coming to Site must take part in the Site induction training. Once completed a roster
(register) must be signed to show attendance. There are three specific sets of induction for different
categories. They are:

• General Site induction – to be given to all workers by the respective HSE Representative regarding
safe work practice, right tools to be used for right job, report of any incident/accident or near miss
immediately to the concern person, for evacuation to assembly point in case of fire, site facility, heat stress
awareness, welfare facility, designated area for smoking etc. Once completed a roster must be signed to
show attendance and an induction sticker will be issued for the attendee’s hardhat. The roster must be
transmitted to the Client and a record kept in the Site HSE file. The general induction training will also be
updated and given to the entire workforce at periodic intervals not exceeding a year.

• Driver’s induction – to be given to all delivery, removal, tanker and other commercial vehicle drivers
by the respective HSE Representative or Site Security. Once completed the induction sheet must be signed
by the driver and this is to be filed, in the Site HSE file.

• Visitor’s induction – to be given to any person that visits the Site for a period not exceeding 72
hours. The form is designed to be given by any member of a management team. Once completed the
induction sheet itself must be signed by the visitor to agree compliance. The host must send the sheet to
the HSE Rep to be filed in the Site HSE file.

5.2.2 HSE Team Training

The HSE Team will attend specialised training, where and when necessary, to ensure they are all kept up
to date with current legislation and local trends. Any additional training considered necessary will be
scheduled and carried out by competent and authorised training companies. The competency of the
training companies will be judged by the ATLAS HSE Manager. Where appropriate the HSE team will
cascade the information to required people.

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5.2.3 Tool Box Talks

Project Supervisors (foreman, charge-hand, etc.) will hold HSE toolbox talks, on a weekly basis, for all
sections of the workforce on Site-specific and relevant subjects to enhance employees’ knowledge of

Site/Work Place HSE requirements. All partners and subcontractors are at least expected to comply with
these requirements. Where subcontractors fail to deliver toolbox talks to the required standard, their
workforce will be included in the ATLAS deliveries with an agreement to contra-charge the relevant

5.2.4 Training Records

The type of training and quantity of attendees will be transmitted, to the Client’s Representative, in the
weekly HSE report. Records will be kept in the Site HSE files for audit purposes.

5.3 HSE Meetings

Areas of concern and non-adherence to the HSE Plan will be highlighted in the weekly HSE meeting and
corrective action will be tasked. All meetings, that have a bearing on HSE matters, will be attended as
required and records will be kept in the Site HSE office or the project files.

5.4 HSE Inspections and Audits

In order to implement the HSE Plan and to identify any deficiencies, unsafe practices and unsafe acts and
to check compliance with Site, local and international standards Site inspections and audits shall be
conducted on a regular basis.

The HSE Rep shall report deficiencies to the concerned party and an action plan will be made.

The HSE Rep will ensure audits are carried out and monitor corrective actions and ensure the results are
held on file.

Sr Area / Activity Location Responsibility Frequency Remarks
First Aid Box HSE Rep &/or
1 As fitted Monthly
Contents Company Nurse
2 First Aid Applied First Aid box HSE Rep Weekly

3 Statistics Tracking All areas HSE Rep Monthly

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Competent Inspector –
4 As erected (HSE Rep random Weekly
Visual - Fire
5 As fitted HSE Rep Monthly
Service - Fire HSE Rep arrange with
6 As fitted Half Yearly
Extinguisher Third party
Initial 2mths,
7 Evacuation Drills All areas PM & HSE Rep
6 thereafter
Gang HSE HSE Rep & Engineer,
8 All gangs Monthly
Checks F/M, or C/H
9 HSE Inspection All areas HSE Rep Daily
Min. once or
Check Risk
10 Each activity HSE Rep mthly (in
Noise Emission Perimeter &
11 HSE Rep Quarterly
Levels personal
Poor visibility
12 Lighting levels areas HSE Rep
Fire Prevention & Each location
13 HSE Rep Quarterly
Preparedness (+as erected)
Machinery, Engineer, F/M or C/H – - Daily
14 All areas
guards & tools HSE Representative - Randomly
HSE Docs. &
All areas HSE Rep & Internal
15 Performance Monthly
(random) Auditor (to schedule)
16 In / Out Project Manager Weekly
SIGN and Default When
17 All Areas HSE Rep
Notices Required
Client’s Joint Random Client/Engr. HSE When
Inspection selection Advisor or Reps Required
Project Manager’s Random
19 PM & HSE Rep Monthly
Inspection selection
GM & Proj Alternate
20 Manager GM/PM & HSE Advisor Month (GM /
inspection PM)
Sample Third Party with PM & One day per
21 Third Party Audit
Method HSE Rep year (min)

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5.5 HSE Non-conformance

The normal sequence of reporting non-conformances, from HSE Inspections follows ATLAS/HSEP: HSE
Disciplinary Procedure.

5.6 HSE Records

HSE records will be kept by the HSE Rep in the HSE File on Site and will be presented for audit upon

The records will consist of, but not be limited to, the following headings:

Title Reference

• Tool Box Talk ATLAS-HSE-01

• HSE Induction ATLAS-HSE-02
• HSE Training ATLAS-HSE-03
• First aid and Medical Records ATLAS-HSE-04
• Incident/Accident/Near Miss Records ATLAS-HSE-05
• Fire Fighting Equipment Insp. Record ATLAS-HSE-06
• Housekeeping Audit Record ATLAS-HSE-07
• Hazard Identification Form ATLAS-HSE-08
• JSA Record ATLAS-HSE-09
• Risk Assessment ATLAS-HSE-010
• COSHH Assessment ATLAS-HSE-011

6. Site Controls
6.1 Pedestrian Segregation and Traffic Control Systems

6.2 Security Systems

6.3 Client and Appointed Representatives

6.4 Sub-Contractors

6.5 Visitors and VIP Access

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Rev. No.: 00
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7. Operational HSE Requirements

7.1 Competency Training

Training shall be given as and when required to maintain high levels of competency. No person shall
perform any job function for which he has not been fully trained and accepted, by testing, with his
supervisor. To be competent they must have the training (certified where required by law) and experience
to understand when a situation is controlled and what to do if it is not.

The following categories have specialised training/evaluation and will carry an ID card as proof that they
are ‘competent’ in the eyes of the company.

• Drivers
• Machine operators (Bench saw, Disc cutter, Table saw etc).

7.2 Hazardous Operations

All operations will be checked for risk level status following ATLAS-HSEP: Hazard Identification and Risk
Assessment Procedure. This will first generate the Hazard Identification Form. A risk assessment and
possibly a method statement may also be generated as dictated by the findings of a HAZID Form.

This process will be undertaken by the Project Manager with the support of the HSE Team and other
specialists as deemed appropriate. Site specific control measures will be devised, as required, to reduce
risks. The Site Agents will ensure all team members are trained in all control measures. The Site specific
control measures will form the basis of Site inspections and audits.

Personnel asked to carry out hazardous operations must be fully aware of the hazards, the control methods
to be used and be fully conversant with any equipment in use during the operations. Emergency procedure,
spill response, medical requirements and contact numbers must be notified to all personnel involved.

The person in charge of the operation/task must give a toolbox talk to all concerned personnel on the
findings of the HAZID Form and/or the Risk Assessment. On completion, a roster to confirm attendance
must be signed by all attendees and filed with the Site HSE File.

7.3 Hazardous Materials

Prior to any hazardous materials being delivered to Site the stores section must obtain a Material Safety
Data Sheet (MSDS) and a copy must be filed with the HSE Rep and Site nurse (if available). The data
therein must be checked to ensure that:

a) All necessary HSE precautions for the material are taken

b) All necessary PPE is available for workers
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Doc No. ATLAS/HSEP/001

Rev. No.: 00
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c) Correct and sufficient first aid requirements are available

d) The correct use and storage of the material
e) Material is included in the Risk Assessment and Method Statement for any task
f) Correct and appropriate disposal of the material, bi/products or waste

When the materials are issued the stores section must provide a copy of the MSDS to the task supervisor
that will be using it. The MSDS must also be known and understood by anyone completing a risk
assessment for a task that utilises a hazardous coded material. This will be made obvious, in most cases,
by the hazard labelling on the product.

7.4 Machinery, Tools and Equipment

All machinery, tools, and equipment will be kept in good condition, provided with proper guards, and
serviced as per manufacturer’s recommendations. Records for servicing, repairs or modifications are kept
in the central stores and can be viewed, by anyone with a genuine interest, upon request.

All personnel operating such machinery will be trained in its use; anyone found operating without training
or instruction would be reprimanded as per ATLAS-HSEP- HSE Disciplinary Procedures.

It is the responsibility of Foremen and Charge-hands to ensure the personnel being utilised for a task are
trained to use the machinery, tools and equipment necessary for that task to be achieved. In addition they
must also ensure that all steps, to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, have been carried out and that
any additional controls or PPE requirements are in place prior to commencing operations.

7.5 Pneumatic and Hydraulic Tools and Equipment

Pneumatic and hydraulic powered equipment carries a greater risk for injury to the operator thus strict
adherence to manufacturer’s recommendations, good working practices and the law must be observed.
Goggles or face shield and eye protection are mandatory when operating pneumatic and hydraulic powered

All personnel operating pneumatic or hydraulic powered machinery will be trained in its use; anyone found
operating without training or instruction will be reprimanded as per ATLAS-HSEP- HSE Disciplinary

It is the responsibility of Foremen and Charge-hands to ensure the personnel being utilised for a task are
trained to use the pneumatic and hydraulic tools and equipment necessary for that task to be achieved. In
addition they must also ensure that all steps, to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, have been carried
out and that any additional controls or PPE requirements are in place prior to commencing operations.

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7.6 Small Electrical and Hand Tools

Temporary wires, extension leads, electrical cables and hoses will be kept off the walking surfaces and
routed in an orderly manner so as not to present a slip, trip or falling hazard. Where such leads cross a
road, walkway or access the person in charge of its use must ensure that it is protected sufficiently so as
not to allow any unnecessary wear and tear and to reduce the risk of it causing an incident.

All repairs will be carried out by qualified personnel and noted in the logbook held by the central stores.
Breaks in wires must either be vulcanised repairs or the lead replaced with new flex/cable.

All small electrical tools and equipment must be rated for 110V. Any hand tools requiring voltage exceeding
110V must be notified to the Client’s Representative and dispensation requested. Where supply is taken
from 240V, step down transformers must be used.

If any other supply (240V, 330V, 440V) is used the entire electrical distribution system must have Earth
Leakage Circuit Breakers (ELCB) fitted and tested by a competent electrician.

All personnel operating electrical tools will be trained in its use; anyone found operating without training or
instruction would be reprimanded as per ATLAS-HSEP- HSE- Disciplinary Procedures.

It is the responsibility of Foremen and Charge-hands to ensure the personnel being utilised for a task are
trained to use the small electrical and hand tools necessary for that task to be achieved. In addition they
must also ensure that all steps, to reduce the risk to an acceptable level, have been carried out and that
any additional controls or PPE requirements are in place prior to commencing operations.

7.7 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All people working for ATLAS and any other contractor on the THE LOFT will be appropriately dressed for
the job they are performing. Mandatory PPE for Site areas is safety footwear (steel toed), fluorescent vest
and hardhat.

The supervisor, of the worker requiring it, must provide additional job specific PPE. In turn the employee
must maintain and use the correct PPE that is provided to him. It is the responsibility of the Site store
keeper to ensure adequate supply of PPE for the number of workers at Site.

The Foremen and Charge-hands, with the assistance of the HSE section, must check that all personnel
are in compliance with Policies, Procedures, Plans and relevant regulations during all work/operations and

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7.8 Working at Night (or in places of low illumination)

Illumination levels will be kept within safe parameters and will be checked regularly, by the PMT and HSE
Representative, with a lux level meter.

Item Lux required

Interior and general movement 5 lux
General exterior work, unloading, handling materials, etc. 10 lux
Clearing, rough works, interior work places, etc. 15 lux
Interior Work 100 lux
Interior workshops Activity 400 lux
Drawing boards (architects), fine work 600 lux
Records will be kept of any checks and readings. If the levels are below those examples given above it is
the responsibility of the Site Agent to add more temporary lighting.

Work place lighting must be sufficient, well planned, of the right type and in the correct place for it to be
fully effective. This will be determined during the risk assessment process for any task and ought not to
introduce an increased risk of electric shock.

7.9 Working With Temporary Platforms

Temporary platforms, towers and access staging must be fully assessed through the risk assessment
process. If a mobile elevated work platform (MEWP) is to be used the operators must complete and be
certified by the hire company or another competent person.

A register must be maintained by a competent Engineer who can inspect the structure prior to use, after
changes and on a weekly basis.

7.10 Scaffolding

The type of scaffolding in use on the GUCCI is a mixture of tube & fit with several different systems.
Scaffolding must be built, by competent scaffolding personnel, The Scaff-tag system must be used as
well as “scaffold under construction” signs during erection and dismantling.

ATLAS staff will supervise all erection, dismantling and maintenance of the scaffolding required during the
construction process. Before the scaffold is loaded a thorough inspection will be carried out by the
competent supervisor (certified by an approved third party) and signed off for use.

A copy of the scaffolding register will be kept at Site and another given for the Site HSE file. All the required
details will be available on the scaffold design drawings and any vague or ambiguous detail will be
confirmed in writing by the scaffolding supplier’s design office before loading.

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7.11 working at height

When a person is working at any height from the floor level where there is possibility to fall, then he is
considered to be ‘working at height’. At this point a temporary or mobile platform, barriers, guard-rails shall
be established.

Where a standard working platform, barrier, guard-rail or safety nets are not practicable, and risk of falling
still exists, a safe system of work must be designed by the PMT whilst following local guidelines. This safe
system may require the use of safety harnesses and lanyards and fall arrest blocks, but should be a last

The danger of any such fall arrest equipment is it only protects a person if they wear a harness and connect
the lanyard or fall arrest block. Any such system requires a high degree of training and supervision.

Scissor lifts and telescopic cherry pickers may be used at various stages of the project. Only those
personnel given training, from the supplier, are permitted to operate and manoeuvre them for any purpose.

Working platforms, Mechanical lifts and scaffolding are preferred before the use of ladders. Wherever
ladders are in use strict adherence to local guidelines, UAE law and the colour coding system must be
7.12 Dust Controls

During dust storms, personnel shall be supervised to ensure that they work in a consistently safe manner
and if required the use of eye protection and / or dust masks are to be worn.

NOTE: work must be stopped if visibility or working conditions become unsafe due to dust and/or high

The potential for dust generation from work activities will be considered in Environmental Management.

7.13 Noise monitoring and controls

General noise levels will be monitored near to the source at a distance of 1, 2, and 5m. Five minutes of
reading time will be taken and the peak sound pressure will be taken. Working noise levels must also be
controlled so they do not affect surrounding works. Enclosures such as shrouds should be put around
generators for example; to be sure they are kept within safe guidelines for safe noise levels.

Noise generated in work activities will be assessed by specific assessment. The PPE with correct
attenuation for hazardous noise levels will be selected from this assessment.

The first action level is 80dB (A) - Warning signs must be displayed, Workers notified and encouraged to
use the hearing protection provided

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Second action level is 85dB (A) – Steps have to be taken to design out noise issues. In addition signage
and training must be given to those affected. NOTE that hearing protection is mandatory.

Environmental noise aspects and monitoring, concerning residential and/or neighbouring facilities, will be
dealt with Environmental Management to maintain municipality regulations.

8. Emergency, Evacuation and Medical Requirements

A general plot plan showing the THE LOFT project location. In addition to this, a Site specific emergency
and evacuation plan will also be in place, and will notify every one of the assembly points and escape
route(s). In addition to this, the route from the Location to the local hospitals can also be found.

The HSE Rep must check and maintain:

• Assembly points with, green ‘Assembly Point’ signs, correctly located and kept clear with
demarcation line if required.

• An alarm system or mechanism, sufficient for the Site location(s) must be installed and tested
• The evacuation plans are posted in the relevant Site offices and other conspicuous (visible) areas
around Site.

• The emergency and evacuation plan to be conveyed, by the HSE Rep, to all personnel, visitors and
drivers, during the induction training and periodically thereafter.
• The plan updates, as and when required, are transmitted to Employer’s Representative, by the PM.

8.1 Fire

Within the area of the project any fire or suspected fire must be immediately notified to:

• Civil Defence for assistance on 999, 998, 997

• Client’s Representative Office No

Basic fire fighting will be taught to a minimum of 2% of the workforce. The Project Manager shall ensure
that there is sufficient coverage throughout the Site. Fire extinguishers shall be placed and maintained at
the Site office, Site workshops and near to distribution boards. In addition to this, all mobile plant and any
other place that is deemed appropriate shall have access to fire fighting equipment.

In the event that a fire is too large or complicated to tackle all personnel must retire a safe distance with
the means of escape behind them. Assembly points will be appointed and signs erected to show the
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location. In the event of a fire personnel will be asked to go to the assembly point where a role call will be
done to identify anyone missing

The role call will be carried out by the fire marshal who will take charge until the arrival of the emergency

A person nominated by the fire marshal shall be sent to the Site entrance to direct the emergency
services to the correct location with, small amount of delay as possible.

8.2 Medical and First Aid Facilities

A first aid room should be at the area offices at site and will be manned by a qualified first aid provider.
The contents of the first aid room will be as per UAE Labour Law, first aid boxes that will be placed in
clearly identifiable and readily accessible locations.

First aid supplies will be replenished on a regular basis, as reported by the HSE Advisor and a company
nurse, to ensure the supplies are maintained to meet the requirements of the UAE Labour Law. First aid
boxes will be checked monthly and records kept by the company nurse to ensure compliance.

All minor first aid cases shall be recorded in a first aid treatment log as well as more serious first aid that
is rendered by a company nurse being recorded at the first aid station. Both records will feature on the
Site weekly report compiled by the HSE Rep.

Personnel trained in first aid shall be identified with green stickers for their hardhat and work areas as
well as a list of names being posted next to the first aid box and on the Site notice boards.

Minor First aid rendered by the trained first aid provider on Site. Log the event in the first aid register or
with the Site nurse.

Transferable Give available first aid whilst transport is arranged to take them to the Pro Vita
International Medical Center clinic near or to Life Line hospital.

Serious Give available first aid (by certified first aider) whilst calling for local ambulance (tel.
999) to transport injured party to nearest convenient hospital.

First Aider ANIL GUPTA


Fatality Treat anyone who requires assistance ensuring the Police and Ambulance have been
called. Cover deceased and await the local authority’s arrival.

DO NOT MOVE ANYTHING unless without doing so will further endanger life.

Contact details for medical facilities are:

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• Local Ambulance - 999

Send a guide to the Site entrance to shepherd the emergency services to the correct location with as
small amount of delay as possible.

If an employee of ATLAS has occasion to go to the hospital, the Police, ATLAS HSE Rep and ATLAS
Admin must be informed by the HSE Rep attending the scene. For health card difficulties and payments
the following number should be used and the PRO staff will attend.

• Thala 0501177704

8.3 Accident and Incident Reporting

Each event, which results in injury or illness, shall be reported and investigated in accordance with
ATLAS-HSEP- Accident, Incident, Near-miss and Dangerous Occurrence Reporting Procedure. This
Document includes:

• Site Emergency Preparedness and Initial Callout Guidance

• Site Emergency Accident Flow Chart and Contact Numbers
• flow chart for serious accident reporting

Learning the value of the accident, through investigation and production of a report, shall be a primary
concern; the results of which must be implemented and/or cascaded to all employees.

8.4 Emergency Evacuation Drills

A drill for all Site location(s) and scenario types, to test the system, must be carried out within two months
from the start of a project. Drills thereafter will be carried out at the discretion of the Project Management
to a minimum of every six months. The Site HSE Rep must record the drills on form and ensure any follow-
up actions are completed.

Drills must be notified to Client’s Representative and any other contractors prior to activation. The date
and shift must be agreed with all parties but the timing need not be specified so that an element of
surprise and reality can be maintained.

When an emergency drill is being held it will be notified, verbally, before during and after the drill has
taken place. The alarm siren will only be used in case of an evacuation.

9. Environmental Management

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9.1 Best Practice

ATLAS has the best practicable means (BPM) available to prevent or minimise adverse environmental
impacts through the best available technique not entailing excessive cost (BATNEEC).

The main aim is to minimise or eliminate adverse environmental degradation associated with the
construction activities at GUCCI and to promote sustainable development. This will be achieved by;

• Encouraging good management practices to achieve sustainable development

• Providing rational and practical environmental guidelines to:
- Minimise disturbance to the surrounding environment
- Prevent or minimise all forms of pollution
- Protect indigenous flora and fauna (if any are found)
• Identifying the environmental aspects and impacts, based on ATLAS-HSEP.
• Developing waste management practices based on ATLAS-HSEP
• Trained employees and contractors with regard to environmental obligations.

9.2 Designated Representatives

The designated Environment Management Representative is the person who will be responsible for
environmental control on Site during the construction period.

9.3 Environmental Training and Investigation

Training on environmental requirements for the project will be carried out as described in HSE plan - Site
Induction and HSE Training.

The PMT and HSE Rep will ensure that all Site personnel have a basic level of environmental awareness
training. In addition, they will ensure signage; notices and posters are displayed to promote environmental
awareness and friendly behaviour.

Any complaints received related to environment issues will be investigated and a response will be given
to the complainant within four working days. All environmental incidents occurring on the Site will be
recorded, as per ATLAS-HSEP.

9.4 Environmental Monitoring and Mitigation Methods

Environmental monitoring of various factors is carried out and the findings of the Aspects and Impacts
Evaluation. If during the course of the work it is found that other monitoring is required ATLAS will
endeavour to improve the system and carry out relevant monitoring.

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Significant aspects, evaluated as per ATLAS-HSEP, will be recorded on ATLAS-HSE-Environmental

Aspect/Impact register Significant Environmental Aspects. The mitigation measures to be implemented
during construction are specified and will be monitored by the HSE Rep and PMT.

Pollution management will follow the Environmental Spill and Response Plan. This is to prevent wastewater
and surrounding water contamination or the mitigation through spill response and appropriate action.

• Proper waste management (as per ATLAS-HSEP) which includes collection, segregation, recycling
(wherever possible) and proper disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste

• Scrap metal components will be collected in designated skip(s) and will go to a scrap metal dealer

• Construction leftover materials will be either sold off as per company policy or used on other projects

• Wherever potable water is made available all efforts will be taken to prevent spillage, leaks and
wastage during use

• All possible measures will be taken to make prevent the contamination of water and water bodies
which includes measures to prevent and or contain spills, prompt clean-up and a controlled
designated vehicle wash down area

• Dust suppression, using recycled or directly from groundwater sources will be implemented

• Air pollution will be minimised through dust controls such as vehicle speed restriction, dust
suppression measures and stockpile (accumulation) management

• Noise disturbance of the surrounding locations will be controlled on an evaluation and risk basis
during the working period and the correct precautionary steps such as noise screens (hoarding),
proper maintenance of vehicles and task scheduling will take place

• Lights on the Site will be angled in such a way that they do not hinder (obstruction) neighbouring

• The PMT will organise third party pest control to maintain the control of rodents, insects and other

• The PMT will ensure that good housekeeping practices are followed throughout the contract
duration with a dedicated housekeeping crew assigned by the PM

• Proper storage of materials plays a vital role in environmental protection and must be in accordance
to the MSDS and local legislation

• Quantities of fuels and chemicals stored on Site will be kept to a minimum and appropriately stored
and handled so as to minimise the risk of spills

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• Any contaminated soil or water will be removed and stored prior proper disposal as per local

• All liquid fuels will be stored in tanks or drums with a bund system, capable of holding 110% of the
largest container present will be provided to contain potential leaks

9.5 Site Specific Waste Considerations

All possible steps will be taken to prevent the build-up of waste following ATLAS-HSEP- Waste
Management and Recycling Procedure. The following are some Site specific measures that will be followed

• Suitable sufficient and clearly labelled receptacles will be placed on Site for disposal of food waste,
scrap materials and other job related waste.
• Skips, bins and stockpiles will be emptied / removed regularly, the timings of which will form part of
the logistics plan.
• In the offices the reduction of consumption of paper and other resources wherever possible, by
either reuse or keep documents and information in electronic format will be encouraged
• Office waste will be segregated, prior to disposal, as per recyclable materials, as and when there
are services provided by third party companies
• Wooden waste will be reused to the maximum extent and then will be offered to scrap merchants
for further use. Any leftover from this process will be disposed of as per municipal guidelines
• Use of plastic will be reduced to the minimum possible and plastic waste will be collected,
segregated and disposed-off to authorised recycling companies (if they can be found)
• As much as possible scrap will be collected, segregated and will be sold or handed to scarp dealers

10. Welfare Facilities

10.1 Potable Water

An adequate supply of cool drinking water will be made available on Sites and workshop areas by
installing water coolers and/or thermos flasks (IGLOO). The IGLOOS must be thoroughly checked and
cleaned, by the gang Supervisors, to ensure prevent contamination.

During the hotter months best practices will be followed and isotonic drinks will be made available to the
workforce to assist in electrolyte replenishment. A specific water deployment and management plan will
be devised and reviewed separately to this HSE Plan.

All heat related cases (serious, moderate, or minor) will be reported to the ATLAS HSE Department for
tracking and strategy development information.

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10.2 Toilets

Sufficient toilets, hand-wash basins and facilities, as per UAE Federal Law No. 8, will be maintained at
Site. All toilets shall be cleaned daily and maintained in a sanitary condition.

The remote area toilets will be fitted with septic tanks wherever feasible. If not, self-contained units will be
provided. The Project Manager is responsible for organising the cleaning, water delivery, and waste
removal trucks in a timely manner.

10.3 Rest / Eating Areas

Shaded rest and eating areas will be provided in sufficient numbers for the personnel in the location. A
bin for waste and general rubbish will be provided at these areas. The Site supervision and/or HSE
Representative will move personnel into the shaded areas and not allow them to rest under or near
machinery. Disciplinary action will be taken against offenders.

10.4 Project Welfare Facility Cleanliness

Toilets, eating areas, and communal areas shall be controlled by the PMT. They will ensure that:

• All communal areas will be cleaned daily and kept in a hygienic condition
• The quantities of facilities available are enough for the levels of personnel using them. Local law
is to be followed as the minimum.
• Septic tank areas must have a barrier to prevent people/vehicles colliding with them and levels to
be controlled to prevent foul smelling air and contaminated effluent spills.
• Kitchens and canteens to be hygienic and controlled to acceptable standards.
• Workers must wear correct PPE for their task i.e. cooks and kitchen helpers wear non-slip
footwear and hats/hair nets and cleaners to wear rubber gloves.
• Cooks and kitchen helpers to have blood test for HIV, Hepatitis and AIDS yearly. This is to
maintain an up dated Health Certificate a copy of which must be produced on demand by
authorised personnel.

10.5 Pest Control

The Project Manager must organise third party pest control to maintain the control of rodents, insects and
other pests. It is the responsibility of the Top Management to ensure municipal guidelines are followed to
prevent the spread of disease for people and animals alike.

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