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Interactive-Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle

Task: Follow the interactive and complete the worksheet as you go.

The Rock Cycle

Types of Rocks

How it forms? Describe Examples
of Rock

Crystals Fossils Gas bubbles Glassy Ribbonlike Sand or

Small, flat Imprints of "Holes," like surface layers pebbles
surfaces that are leaves, shells, Swiss cheese, in A shiny and Straight or wavy Individual
shiny or sparkly, insects, or other the rock. smooth surface, stripes of stones, pebbles,
like tiny mirrors. items in the like colored different colors or sand grains
rock. glass. in the rock. visible in the

Click “Start Your Rock Collection”

Type of Rock Picture Description

Conglomerate Sedimentary




Type of Rock Picture Description



Click “Identify Rock Types”

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Review the Material and Play again


Or move to the next Chapter- How Rocks Change

1. A rock changing is dependent upon what?

2. How are rocks usually moved beneath the surface?

3. What happens to temperatures as a rock descends?

4. How far down does a rock need to be for it to be hot enough to melt the rock?

5. Can a rock change before melting?

6. What other factors can transform rocks?

7. What are these types of rocks changed by heat and pressure called?

Click a a ch he Anima i n ee h a ck i al e ed hen i bjec ed hea and
e e nde he Ea h s surface.

8. What type of rock does igneous rock turn into?

Click Next How Rocks Change- Melting

1. What temperature is required for a rock to be turned to magma?


2. How does liquid magma turn to a solid?

3. Cooled magma is what type of rock? Does the rate at which it cools impact the type of rock which

4. What is lava?

5. What is extrusive rock and how is it formed?

6. What is intrusive rock and how is it formed?

Select the Melting Animation

7. What does metamorphic rock turn into?

Select the Cooling Animation

Select Next- How Rocks Change- Weathering and Erosion

Wha fac ors ear and break do n objec s on he Ear h s s rface

2. What is the process of breakdown and transport due to exposure called? How does the impact the
rocks on the surface?

Select the Weathering and Erosion Animation

3. What erodes and washes away rock?

Compacting and Cementing

4. Describe the process of sediment being compacted. How does water play a role?

Select the Compacting and Cementing Animation

5. What is accumulated sediment pressed together to form?

Click Transform the Rock

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Click Review and try again

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Click Next Chapter- the Rock Cycle Diagram

1. Who is the founder of modern Geology?

2. Do rocks change?

Complete the Diagram below. For each box add a description, definition or example.

Click Complete the Cycle

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Click Review and try again

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Click the Final Chapter

Type your name in the box and test your skills

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