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1. How many sounds are there in English language?

A 33 B 26 C 43 D 44
2. How many vowels are there in English language?
A 10 B8 C6 D4
3. I… lesson everyday
A is B has C am D have
4. We … very happy
A have B am C are D has
5. My teacher … two children
A is B have C are D has
6. Class
A Дорухона B Духтур C Синф D Кишти
7. Parents
A Имруз B Ман С Волидайн D Калон
8. My parents and their relatives … doctors
A has B is C are D have
9. Our village … four rivers and one street
A are B my C has D your
10. Travel agent
A Чи B Осмон C Ходими саёҳат D Хикоя


A Дидан В Такси С Хондан D Бози кардан

12. Your sister… beautiful

A has B is C are D our

13. Our grandmother is …

A brother B book C old D young

14. His teacher … a scientist

A has B is C my D are

15. Teach

A Давидан В Хӯрдан С Омӯзондан D Шустан

16 Muhammad and Melika… my cousin

A our B is C has D are

17. Our house … big

A haven’t B aren’t C isn’t D am not

18. Sumaya and my brother… friends

A isn’t B hasn’t C our D aren’t

19 Our learning center… four teachers and seven students

A is B have C aren’t D has

20. My small sister … five toys

A is B have C aren’t D has

21. _____ one book and two pens on the table

A There are B I am C there is D he is

22. _____ a bed in the room

A she is B there are C is D there is

23._____Aysha and my mother from Dushanbe?

A have B there are C are D is

24. Listen

A Шустан В Хоб рафтан С Гуш Кардан

25. My brother and his sister… three years old

A is B has C are D have

26. My bedroom____ very small.

A are B is C am D our

27. Study

A Хандидан B Нушидан C Омухтан D Ракс кардан

28. ___ we from Canada?

A is B am C are D have

29. Sell

A бози кардан B фурухтан C даравидан D гирифтан

30.___ a mirror in the bathroom

A isn’t B there aren’t C aren’t D there isn’t

31. ____ any windows in the bedroom?

A are B is there C isn’t D are there

32. Our neighbor … from Russia

A isn’t B my C haven’t D aren’t

33. Monday

A Сешанбе В Чумъа С Якшанбе D Душанбе

34. Evening

A сахар В пагох С дируз D бегох

35 Иваз кардан

A play B goes C change D speak

36. Хабар гирифтан

A see B dress C visit D smile

37. Нишон додан

A coach B book C show D take

38.Фикр кардан

A that B give C think D see

39.Зиндаги кардан

A life B mean C friend D live


A let B help C laugh D last

41. Кози, довар, додситон

A band B these C judge D money

42. Хама, хар кас

A street B wall С everyone D tonight

43.Гап задан

A sleep B joke C speak D stand up


A student B absent C tall D scientist


A angry B big C hungry D notebook


A want B drive C work D need

47. Хоб рафтан

A do B find C sleep D study

48.Гиря кардан

A dance B wash C cry D like


A answer B walk C question D sell

50. Истифода бурдан

A us B repeat C open D use

51. Where … your father a

A aren’t B is C has D am

52. How … you

A is B have C are D you’re

53. Her uncle and my father … relatives

A his B aren’t C is has

54. Your teacher and our neighbor… friends

A is B hasn’t C are D our

55. I … one aunt and one brother they … happy

A our\ are B has\ my C have \ is D have \ are

56. Our city… one flag… is very small

A my\ am B have\ our C has\is D I\ you

57. Иштирок кардан

A run B city C present D has

58. Хохари онхо

A our sister B her sister C their sister D my sister

59.Бародари у мард
A his sister B our father C his brother D their brother

60. Падари шумо

A my father B your father C she father D he father

61.Ман китоб дорам

A I am a book B I has a book C I have a book D I is a book

62. Ман хамсинфи ту нестам

A I’m isn’t your classmate B I’m your classmate C I’m has D I’m not your classmate

63.Ман 2 то дафтар дорам

A I am two notebook B I has two notebook C I have two notebook D my notebook

64. Annoy

A Шахр В синф С пахш кардан D хафа кардан


A пир В зебо С чавон D безеб

66. In advance

А дафтар В зиндаги С пешаки D ручка


A Pen B apple C briecase D book

68. Дируз

A today B yesterday C tomorrow D see

69. Хушбахт

A sad B happy C city D high


A love B nurse C young D life


A city B village C street D country


A small B big C from D little

73. Дар кучо. ба кучо

A how B when C where D why

74. Накл кардан

A say B speak C tell D story

75.Интизор шудан

A wait B love C dislike D thanks

76.Дар хотир нигох доштан

A remember B by C memorize D sky

77. Рахмат,Ташакур

A thank you B sorry C thanks D say

78. Хонаи хоб

A bad B bedroom C chair D night

79.Субх ба хайр

A good evening B good morning C good afternoon D good night


A learn B Study C tell D teach

81. Why your mother … very sad?

A there is B isn’t C are D is

82. Where … their place?

A there are B aren’t C is D are

83. How… I help your friends?

A does B must C can D are

84. ___ here her place?

A am I B is C are they D our is

85. My sister and his friend… enemy

A she is B aren’t C aren’t he D he is

86. She … stay with our relative

A doesn’t B cant C isn’t D aren’t

87. How … you say your secret to your daddy?

A cant B aren’t C can D isn’t

88. You… have her book

A doesn’t B he isn’t C don’t D aren’t

89. Our father… have new work

A there aren’t B don’t C isn’t D doesn’t

90. They … have free time for meeting

A cant B isn’t C don’t D aren’t

91. ____ have any empty for working?

A are B does C do D can

92. Why your uncle… come to their wedding

A don’t B cant C doesn’t D aren’t

93. Anisa and Sayohat … work togher in our office

A isn’t B don’t C aren’t D doesn’t

94. _____ Ms Leila from our street?

A aren’t B is C isn’t D doesn’t

95. Does… brother stay with us?

A is B your C hers D hiss

96. Why your village… extra worker?

A do\have B haven’t C doesn’t\ have D hasn’t

97. How… I go to store?

A do B can C where D why

98. Why … very lazy?

A are you B she\is C are I D we\ they

99. I … three gifts and one flower to my nephews

A bye B buys C buy D by

100. He… everyday to stadium

A go B went C come D goes

101. I and she… after lesson home

A comes B sees C do D go

102. I… a doctor she… a student

A are\am B is\ he C am\ I D am\is

103. My_______ to city in holidays

A gos B go C goes D do

104. Our neighbor ________ to the news on the radio

A hear B listen C listens D see

105. The baby _______ when hi is hungry

A smiles B plays C cries D cry’s

106. Barchinoy always _______ tired when I first wake up

A feeless B sad C feels D cries

107. We________ in Dushanbe

A doesn’t live B aren’t live C lives D we don’t

108._________ your father work on weekends?

A is B can C does D have

109.________ our learning center work every day?

A are B does C has D do

110. My aunt and unkle __________ any children

A don’t has B don’t have C doesn’t have D doesn’t has

111. Behruz ______ Chinese

A don’t speak B no speak C don’t now D doesn’t speak

112. My nephew_______ new toys

A doesn’t watches B don’t has C doesn’t have D has not


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