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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser.

C (October–December 2012) 93(4):365–371

DOI 10.1007/s40032-012-0044-y


3-D Coupled FE Analysis and Experimental Validation

of Restrained Welding to Control Angular Distortion
A. V. Damale • K. N. Nandurkar

Received: 7 August 2012 / Accepted: 19 October 2012 / Published online: 22 November 2012
Ó The Institution of Engineers (India) 2012

Abstract Welding induced distortion is one of the critical Keywords Finite element analysis  Manual metal arc
defects in the welded structures. Angular distortion is most welding  Transient thermal analysis  Temperature
pronounced which badly affects the welded structures. distribution  Element birth and death method 
Non-uniform heating during welding develops this angular Thermomechanical analysis  Angular distortions and
distortion. Various methods are available to control/mini- restraining of welding
mize the welding distortions. One of the methods available
to control this distortion is restraining, in which clamping
pressure is applied on the deforming edges of the plates. In Introduction
the present study, a 3-dimensional coupled transient ther-
mal analysis is done for simulating the restraining phe- Welding, among all mechanical joining processes, is being
nomenon of welding. The developed transient thermal heat increasingly employed owing to its advantages in design
source was used to simulate the arc welding phenomenon. flexibility, cost savings, reduced overall weight and
The element birth and death technique was used for sim- enhanced structural performance. However, welding indu-
ulating filler material deposition. Thermal model was ver- ces various types of distortions like angular, transverse,
ified by comparing the macrograph of Finite Element longitudinal etc. [1]. Distortions introduce residual defor-
Analysis (FEA) model and the weld and verification of mation that complicates the assembly of welded structures
structural model was done by comparing the measured and and reduces their quality. Also, in certain applications, this
predicted angular distortions. Experimental and Finite distortion may result in the structure being useless [1]. To
Element (FE) analysis is done for both conventional assess the effects of welding on structure efficiently, and in
welding and welding under restraining pressure. Transient turn to implement various distortion mitigation techniques,
thermal and non-linear structural analyses were carried out a validated method to predict welding induced distortion is
in order to predict angular distortions. The Finite Element necessary [2].
Method analysis and experimental verification is done for Thinner section components made of higher strength
manual metal arc welding process. steels are commonly used in shipbuilding, railroad and
aerospace industries in fabricating large structures, to
achieve reduction in overall weight and more controllable
manufacturing. However, for structures made of relatively
thick components, welding can introduce significant angular
A. V. Damale (&)
distortion, which causes loss of dimensional control, struc-
College of Engineering, Kopargaon, Ahmednagar District,
M.S., India tural integrity and increased fabrication costs due to poor fit-
e-mail: up between panels [2]. A predictive analysis technique can
determine the susceptibility of a particular design to angular
K. N. Nandurkar
distortion. Furthermore, a predictive analysis tool can assist
K.K.W. Institute of Engineering Education and Research,
Nashik, M.S., India in the selection of geometry and welding conditions that will
e-mail: minimise distortion. Flame straightening is commonly used

366 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (October–December 2012) 93(4):365–371

to correct the buckling distortion resulting from welding deposition in each pass; (e) deactivation of elements of the
processes; which is a labour intensive and costly process. second weld pass while applying the heat flux and sub-
Moreover, it is a corrective action after the damage is done sequent cooling to the elements of the first pass; (f) incor-
rather than a preventive measure [3], which is generally porating an appropriate material model for simulating
desirable in engineering processes. The use of the Finite elastic–plastic behaviour of the mild steel weld and base
Element Method (FEM) in product development is now well metal. Heat flux was applied layer-wise for each pass of
established. Its use in manufacturing processes is increasing welding, while considering filler material deposition and
and is a part of the field of new applications in computational moving heat source to obtain the transient thermal profiles.
mechanics [4]. The most important reason for this develop- Half plate was modelled (Fig. 1) due to the axisymmetric
ment is the industrial need to improve productivity and condition and to minimize the memory requirement and
quality of products and to have better understanding of the analysis time required. Angular distortions before and after
influence of different process parameters [5]. The modeled welding of the plates were also measured.
phenomena play an important role at various stages of the Transient thermal and non-linear structural analyses
production of steel parts, such as welding, heat treatment and were carried out for predicting angular distortion. The
casting, among others. Accordingly, FEM techniques have model was further verified by comparing the predicted and
been used in the prediction of welding residual stress and experimentally obtained angular distortions. The compo-
distortion for more than two decades. Additional complexi- sition of the mild steel plates used in the experiments is
ties are involved in the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of shown in Table 1. The thermomechanical properties of
welding compared with other thermomechanical processes mild steel [9] used for modelling temperature distributions
because of factors such as temperature and history dependent and distortions are shown in Table 2. Solidus (Tsolidus) and
material properties; high gradients of temperature, stress and liquidus (Tliquidus) temperatures of the mild steel used in the
strain fields with respect to both time and spatial coordinates; analysis were considered to be 1,435 and 1,500 °C,
large deformations in thin structures and phase transforma- respectively [9]. The density of the mild steel used in the
tion; and creep phenomena[6]. analysis was taken as 7,850 kg/m3 [9].
Earlier studies of welding accounted for the non-lineari-
ties caused by temperature dependent material properties and Thermal Model
plastic deformations. The majority of those analyses were
limited to two dimensions (2D) on the plane [7, 8] perpen- The heat source was modelled as a distributed heat flux
dicular to the welding direction; however, good correlations depending on arc spread. The rate of arc travel and current
have been observed between the numerical predictions and were varied and these parameters were noted along with
experimental results. But the literature does not support the the temperature data. The radius of arc spread was esti-
analysis done of restraining (clamping) phenomenon by mated by considering the electrode diameter and bead
Finite Element (FE) methods to control the angular distor- widths of welds formed during experiments. This arc radius
tion. So in this paper the effect of clamping pressure on the was used for transient thermal analysis with a moving arc
vertical displacement of the butt welded plates has been and the temperature profiles were verified with the exper-
done. The increasing clamping pressure and the total time of imentally measured ones.
clamping govern the nature of distortion and residual stres-
ses. With increase in the clamping pressure, the deformation
decreases and residual stresses increases and vice versa. But
the analysis of the residual stresses is beyond the scope of this

Modelling Methodology

In the present work 3-D finite element analyses were car-

ried out for predicting the angular distortions of multi-pass
manual metal arc-welded ‘V’ butt joints (i.e. joints with
‘V’ groove preparation) by taking into consideration,
(a) moving heat source; (b) temperature-dependent thermal
and mechanical material properties; (c) layer-wise appli-
cation of heat flux for each pass of welding; (d) element
activation and deactivation for incorporating filler material Fig. 1 Half meshed plate

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (October–December 2012) 93(4):365–371 367

Table 1 Composition of the steel used in the experiments [9]

C (%) Si (%) Mn (%) P (%) S (%) Ni (%) Cr (%) Fe (%)

0.15584 0.17774 0.45330 0.17975 0.06918 0.1324 0.01567 98.8413

Table 2 Thermal and mechanical properties of mild steel [9]

Temperature Thermal conductivity Specific heat Enthalpy Poison’s Yield stress Young’s Coefficient of thermal
(°C) (W/m K) (J/kg K) (J/m3) ratio (MPa) modulus (GPa) expansion of (/°C)

0 51.9 450 1 9 109 0.2786 290 200 10 9 10-6

100 51.1 499.2 2 9 10 0.3095 260 200 11 9 10-6
300 46.1 565.5 2.65 9 10 0.331 200 200 12 9 10-6
450 41.05 630.5 3.8 9 10 0.338 150 150 13 9 10-6
550 37.5 705.5 4.1 9 10 0.3575 120 110 14 9 10-6
600 35.6 773.3 4.55 9 109 0.3738 110 88 14 9 10-6
720 30.64 1080.4 5 9 10 0.3738 9.8 20 14 9 10-6
800 26 931 5.23 9 10 0.4238 9.8 20 15 9 10-6
1,450 29.45 437.93 9 9 109 0.4738 – 2 –
1,510 29.7 400 1.1 9 1010 0.499 – 0.2 –
1,580 29.7 735.25 1.1 9 1010 0.499 0.0098 0.00002 –
5,000 42.2 400 1.25 9 10 0.499 0.0098 0.00002 15.5 9 10-6

The moving heat load applied in the finite element

model was taken as a distributed heat flux as given by
equation one [10]. A schematic diagram of a one-sided butt
joint is shown in Fig. 2. Meshing and modelling of the one-
sided butt joints are shown in Fig. 1. The moving heat load
was applied on the area bounded by the weld lines as
shown in Fig. 1 and except for this area other areas of the
plate are subjected to heat loss due to convection. Details
of the temperature zones of the weld arc are shown in
Fig. 3. In this analysis the convection loss is taken as
15 W/mK [10], and the applied heat flux is

Q h 2 i
supðr Þ¼3Q2e e
3 r
r½ ð1Þ

Fig. 3 Temperature zones of the transient heat source of FE model

where r is the region in which 95 % of heat flux is

concentrated [10] and Qe = gVI. Where g is the arc effi-
ciency, V is the voltage and I is the current.


The following assumptions were made in the present finite

element analysis.
1. Density is not affected due to thermal expansion.
2. Linear Newtonian convective cooling was assumed.
Fig. 2 Restraining pressure applied on plate surface No forced convection was considered.

368 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (October–December 2012) 93(4):365–371

3. Convective cooling was assumed on all surfaces

except the weld zone.
4. The heat source was assumed to have a Gaussian
distribution of heat flux.
5. Arc efficiency (g = 0.75) [8] was taken to account for
other losses.
The governing differential equation for heat conduction
in a solid without heat generation is given by
o oT o oT o oT oT
K þ K þ K ¼ qc ð2Þ
ox ox oy oy oz oz ot
where, K is the thermal conductivity, T is the temperature
q, is the density of material, C is the specific heat and t is
the time.
Fig. 4 Virtual restraining on FE model
Structural Model

The stress–strain relationship can be represented as

frg ¼ ½Dfee g ð3Þ
where frg = stress vector = ½rx ry rz rxy ryz rzx T
[D] = stress–strain matrix
fee g ¼ elastic strain vector ¼ feg  fet g ð4Þ
fet g ¼ Thermail strain vector ¼ DT ax ay az 0 0 0 ð5Þ
where DT = Tn - T1 and Tn is the instant temperature at
the point of interest.
Considering the plastic strains, Eq. (4) can be written as
fe e g ¼ fe g  fe t g  fe p g ð6Þ
Transient thermal and non-linear structural analysis
was done for predicting angular distortion. For each pass
Fig. 5 Developed fixture for restrained welding
of welding the temperature history from the thermal
analysis in every load step was used as the thermal
loading in the structural analysis. The structural analysis shows the applied virtual pressure for restraining the
involves large displacements (strain) and a rate- workpiece against the vertical displacement.
independent thermo-elasto-plastic material model with
temperature-dependent material properties incorporated
into the modelling. Kinematic work hardening together Experimental Details
with the von Mises yield criterion and associative flow
rules [11] were assumed in the analysis. In the structural Manual metal arc welding (MMAW) on test samples was
analysis boundary conditions that prevented rigid body carried out with various combinations of welding speed
motions were imposed into the modelling. In the present and current whereas the voltage was kept constant. As
work eight-noded brick elements (Solid 70 in ANSYS) MMAW can be formed in AC and DC mode, in this
were used for the thermal analysis and similar eight- experiment DC mode was used with electrode connected to
noded elements (Solid 45 in ANSYS) were used in the the positive terminal and workpiece to the negative ter-
structural analysis. The eight-noded brick elements were minal i.e. DCEP mode. Mechanised speed controlling unit
chosen for required good compatibility in thermo- (small trolley) was used to keep the constant speed during
mechanical analysis [7]. The solution was obtained the welding. During welding, the operators hand was
using the ANSYS package [7]. A user defined placed on this mechanised unit and the weld speed was
subroutine was developed in APDL (ANSYS Parametric controlled by keeping the constant speed of the unit. A
Design Language) for performing this analysis. Figure 4 special fixture was developed to apply the variable

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (October–December 2012) 93(4):365–371 369

clamping pressure using vertically mounted two pneumatic similar to real welding. Predicted and measured angular
cylinders. Figure 5 shows the clamped workpiece with displacements were compared to validate the structural
developed fixture. model. Five butt welded test cases were prepared with
All plates were welded as a one-sided butt weld in three different set of process parameters as shown in Table 3.
passes. The length, width and thickness of the plates were
200,100 and 12 mm, respectively. The required ‘‘V’’
grooves of the plates were prepared on the vertical milling Results and Discussions
machine. The length and width of the plates were consid-
ered appropriate for finite element modelling purposes To validate the developed FE model, two approaches
taking into account the moving distributed heat source [6]. namely thermal model validation and structural model
Before starting the welding; the plates were tack welded at validation are considered. For thermal model validation,
10 mm from both the ends to avoid the in-plane rotation of the macrograph of welded specimen was prepared and the
the plates. A skilled welder was used to perform the similar section of the FE model was taken. By the obser-
welding operation. The filler rods used were of type IS: vation of temperature zones of Macrograph and FE model
814-91: ER 4212X with 450 mm length, 2.15 and 4 mm (Fig. 6), it can be stated that the developed FE Model is
diameters. The passes were started at point A and finished good enough in applying heat to the specimens.
at point B (Fig. 2). A time gap of 1.5 min was given The results of the angular distortion were noted on the
between the successive passes. This duration was utilised marked grid points. Angular distortion before and after the
to remove the slag formed during the each pass. Voltage welding was noted. Figure 7a–e shows the predicted and
and current were measured during welding on the digital measured angular distortions of the five prepared test
meters mounted on the welding machine. The duration of specimens. The curves ‘plain exp’ and ‘plain FEM’ rep-
welding was noted down for each pass. Knowing the weld resents the experimental and FEM results of plain welding
length, the speed was calculated. The welding and other whereas the clamped welding conditions are shown by ‘rest
parameters of the five test pieces are given in Table 3. To exp’ and ‘rest FEM’. The process parameters for this
measure the angular distortion, the grid points were marked specimens are shown in Table 3. From the Fig. 7a–e it can
on the workpiece (Fig. 2). Mechanical dial gauge mounted be observed that the distortion goes on increasing up to the
on the magnetic stand was used to measure the vertical mid of the plate and after that it decreases. Also, the pre-
displacement of the plates. The first four specimens were dicted and measured values of the angular distortion are in
kept clamped till the welding and then they were released. close agreement. The predicted and measured distortion of
Whereas the last specimen was kept clamped for 1 hour plain welding is much higher than the welding with con-
and then the clamping pressure was released. strained welding. The maximum value of measured dis-
tortion is about 1.80 mm in plain welding.
The average distortion of each plate was calculated for
Approaches for FE Model Validation measured and predicted results which are plotted in Fig. 8.
From Fig. 8, it can be observed that the distortion increases
To validate the developed FE model, two approaches in the plain welding with increase in the heat input because
namely thermal model validation and structural model the plates were allowed to expand freely. Figure 8 shows
validation are considered. For thermal model validation,
the macrograph of welded specimen was prepared and the
similar section of the FE model was taken. The observation
of temperature zones of Macrograph and FE model predicts
the ability of the heat model to apply the heat source

Table 3 Welding specifications

Job. Current Voltage Welding speed Restraining pressure
no. (A) (V) (mm/s) (kgf/cm2)

1 150 75 3.12 2
2 160 75 3.68 3
3 170 75 3.95 4
4 180 75 4.10 5
5 185 75 4.23 6
Fig. 6 Macrograph for test case 4

370 J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (October–December 2012) 93(4):365–371

(a) Test case No.1 (b) Test case No.2

(c) Test case No.3 (d) Test case No.4

(e) Test case No.5

Fig. 7 a–e Predicted and measured angular distortions for test cases 1–5

that angular distortion has decreased with the increase in

the clamping pressure. As the clamping pressure has
increased from 2 to 6 kgf/cm2 for test specimen 1 to 5, the
value of angular distortion has changed from 0.881 to
0.00 mm. The predicted FE results of the of restrained
welding shows close agreement with the measured angular
distortion (Fig. 8).


The following can be stated from the present experimental

and modelling investigations on Multi pass manual metal
Fig. 8 Average predicted and measured angular distortions arc welded butt welding.

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C (October–December 2012) 93(4):365–371 371

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