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Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health Vol.

9(1) - February 2020

DOI : 10.20473/jafh.v9i1. 15915

Formaldehide Content in White Shrimp After Formalin Soaking

with Different Doses

Okky Hermawan1*, Ahmad Taufiq Mukti2 and M. Yasin3

Fisheries and Marine Biotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Airlangga
University, Surabaya
Department of Fish Health Management and Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine,
Airlangga University, Surabaya
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University

*Correspondence :
White shrimp is one of the leading export commodities in
Indonesia. White shrimp is also one of the high perishable
Received : 2019-11-01
fishery commodity products. Because of that, it requires a
Accepted : 2019-12-17
process to minimize spoilage. Preservation is one way to
Keywords : reduce decay. The idea that is often used to maintain quality
White shrimp, Preservation, or preserve a fishery product is to use ice cubes. However,
Formaldehyde, UV-Vis many business people consider it impractical, and the price is
spectrophotometry relatively high, eventually using formalin for the preservation
process. The use of formalin in food can be harmful to humans
if exposed to more than the threshold. Besides, the use of
formaldehyde as a preservative in food is also not allowed,
both domestic and foreign regulations. This study aims to
determine the formaldehyde content of white shrimp after
being soaked in formalin with different dosages. The
formaldehyde detection was carried out in Health Laboratory
Center (BBLK), Surabaya, using UV-Vis spectrophotometry.
From the research, it was obtained the results of a linear
function, the higher concentration of formalin given, then
higher formaldehyde contained in white shrimp with the most
top result of 430.2 ppm in 5% soaking treatment for one hour.

Shrimp is one of the leading export tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and
commodities in Indonesia. White shrimp banana prawn (Penaeus merguiensis),
needs in the international market are white shrimp is an alternative commodity
dominated by products in fresh form and of shrimp that has high economic value
meet export quality standards but are still and easily cultivated in Indonesia
difficult to be fulfilled. One type of shrimp (Purnamasari et al., 2017).
that develops in Indonesia, which has White shrimp is a highly perishable
export quality, is white shrimp fishery product. This can be seen in the
(Litopenaeus vannamei). White shrimp quality of shrimp meat when wrongly
(Litopenaeus vannamei) is a kind of handled in the post-harvest. Shrimp will
crustacean commodity originating from experience damage accompanied by the
Latin America. This shrimp is widely establishment of toxic compounds. There
spread from the southern part of Peru to is a process to minimize the damage by
northern Mexico. In 2001, white shrimp using a preservation process (Tuyu et al.,
was released in Indonesia. In addition to 2014). In the process of preserving

Hermawan et al. (2020) 69

Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health Vol. 9(1) - February 2020
DOI : 10.20473/jafh.v9i1. 15915

shrimp, generally using ice cubes, but the reactive in an alkaline atmosphere and is
use of ice cubes is considered impractical a potent reducing agent (Hastuti, 2010).
and relatively expensive. This has caused Lack of knowledge about formalin and the
some businessmen to use hazardous negative impact of its use in food is one of
chemicals; one of them is formaldehyde the causes of still widespread use of this
(Suryadi and Kurniadi, 2014). ingredient in cooking. The low price of
Formalin is still used to preserve formalin and ease of getting it on the
food, especially fishery products, and is market has caused the level of awareness
evenly spread in the community. to the danger of formalin by fishery
Therefore the government makes a policy product processing entrepreneurs
to prohibit it. Prohibition of the use of decreased (Adisasmita et al., 2017).
formalin in food has been regulated in Formalin contained in a fishery
Permenkes RI No.1168/Menkes/Per/X/ commodity can be tested through two
1999. The regulation explains that methods, namely qualitatively and
formaldehyde (formalin) is one of the quantitatively. The qualitative approach is
additives which is prohibited from being seen based on the presence or absence of
used in food. International laws also formaldehyde content in a product, while
regulate the ban on the use of the quantitative method can see what the
formaldehyde, which is, according to the value of formaldehyde content in a
IPCS (International Program on Chemical commodity is. This study aims to
Safety), is a specialized institution about determine the content of formaldehyde
the safety of chemical use. Formalin has a contained in white shrimps after given
safe threshold in the body by 1 milligram formalin soaking treatment with different
per liter and can enter the body in the form doses.
of food for adults is 1.5 mg to 14 mg per
day (Jannah et al., 2014). METHODOLOGY
Formalin is a chemical that only
Place and Time
used as a preservative of dead bodies,
disinfectants, insecticides, and also often This research was conducted in
used in the textile industry. If formalin is March-September 2019. Sample
used in food, it can cause acute and preparation and testing of formaldehyde
chronic effects. Acute and chronic effects levels in white shrimp took place at the
that can interfere with the respiratory sensor and optical fiber development
tract, digestive tract, headaches, laboratory, physics department, faculty of
hypertension (high blood pressure), science and technology, Airlangga
University, Surabaya. Formaldehyde
convulsions, to the most severe, can cause
consumers to be unconscious or comatose. testing using UV-Vis spectrophotometry
Other acute effects can damage organs in was carried out in Health Laboratory
Center (BBLK), Surabaya.
the human body, namely the liver, heart,
brain, spleen, pancreas, nervous system,
central and kidney. If formalin is Research Material
consumed sustainably and chronically, it The equipment used in this research
can cause cancer (Zakaria et al., 2014). included pipettes, 1000 ml measuring
Formalin is a formaldehyde flasks, Erlenmeyer, jerry cans to make
compound in water with an average formalin dilution, scales for weighing
concentration of 37% and 15% methanol, animal tests, styrofoam for shrimp
and the rest is water. Formaldehyde has a transportation, plastic containers for
tendency that is very soluble in water. soaking animal tests in formalin solution
Formalin will be easily absorbed in fish and fishnet for catching shrimp. The
meat if given to fish. Formalin has a materials used in this study were 37%
volatile character because it has a boiling formalin, distilled water as a solvent, and
point of 21°C. Formalin also has very white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). 70 Hermawan et al. (2020)

Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health Vol. 9(1) - February 2020
DOI : 10.20473/jafh.v9i1. 15915

Research Design in jerry cans and labeled according to the

This is experimental research in a concentration and volume of
laboratory. Animal samples used in this formaldehyde in jerry cans and stored in a
study were white shrimp (Litopenaeus cool place.
vannamei) that had been soaked in The second step is to prepare the test
formalin solution. The parameters in this animals. The selection of test animals
study were the levels of formalin based on their weight measurements and
contained in white shrimp. This study then recorded. White shrimp have
aimed to determine the residual formalin weighed as much as 250 gr for each
in white shrimp after being soaked using treatment. Formalin solution that has been
formalin solution at different dosages, made poured into a container containing
between 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% for one 250 grams of white shrimp. White shrimp
hour long. were soaked in distilled water as a control,
Determination of the soaking time is formalin solution with different dosages of
based on research by Sanger and 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%. The shrimp are
Montolalu (2008) as well as Purawisastra soaked for one hour. After one hour of
and Sahara (2011). Sanger and Montolalu soaking, the waste solution in the form of
(2008) conducted research on skipjack distilled water and formalin is removed,
tuna soaked in formalin by 2% and 4% for and the sample can be sent to Health
1 hour, and the results of the study found Laboratory Center (BBLK) for quantitative
the results of formaldehyde on skipjack testing using UV-Vis spectrophotometry.
tuna soaked for 1 hour at a dose of 2% was
0.0307% and with a treatment of 4% is Data Analysis
0.0397%. The data obtained was in the form of
a linear graph about data of formalin
Work Procedures content in white shrimp after soaking for
The research procedure in this study one hour with different concentrations.
first prepares a solution of formalin.
Preparation of formalin standard solution RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
using a 1000 ml measuring flask. 37% Soaked shrimp in formalin with
concentrated solution of formalin was put different concentrations were also
in a measuring flask with different sizes. measured using UV-Vis
Dissolve it using the dilution formula V1. spectrophotometry. This is done to
N1 = V2. N2, so to obtain the determine the concentration level
concentration of 1% formalin in the absorbed by white shrimp if soaking with
volume of 1,000 ml, 37% formalin or varying doses at the same time as an hour.
27.02 ml is needed. The amount is then This test uses a wavelength of 415 nm to
multiplied for other treatments up to 5%. get the expected results in Table 1.
The diluted solution is then put and stored

Table 1. Result of UV-Vis spectrophotometry test.

Formalin concentration (%) Study sample results (ppm)
0 <LoD 0.01
1 <LoD 0.01
2 141.9
3 278.4
4 384.4
5 430.2 71 Hermawan et al. (2020)

Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health Vol. 9(1) - February 2020
DOI : 10.20473/jafh.v9i1. 15915

That graph image describes UV-Vis formalin contained in white shrimp also
spectrophotometry test in white shrimp can be detected. The graphic image can be
shows the higher the dose given. It is seen in Figure 1 below.
directly proportional to the higher

Figure 1. Formalin concentration graph in white shrimp uses UV-Vis spectrophotometry


The results of research conducted on reduced. The more formaldehyde used,

white shrimp using UV-Vis the more protein is bound (Wikanta et al.,
spectrophotometry gave different results 2011).
from each treatment. The higher the Formalin is a compound that can be
concentration of formalin used to soak used as a preservative but is very
white shrimp, the higher the content of dangerous if used beyond the threshold.
formaldehyde contained in shrimp. This is Formalin can function to inhibit the
due to the osmosis process. The difference growth of microbes so that fish become
in osmotic pressure between the meat cell more durable. Formalin can suppress the
liquid and the soaking solution, formalin, growth of spoilage bacteria but provides
causes the transfer of formalin molecules the destruction process of fish protein.
into shrimp meat so that formalin will Proximate test results showed that tilapia
diffuse and dissolve into the shrimp and meat soaked in formalin 1% contained
cause shrimp to contain formalin. Osmosis lower protein (16.13%) compared to
is an event where water moves from a high tilapia meat soaked with seaweed extract
concentration place to a low concentration solution. Formalin can inactivate protein
place. If osmosis occurs, then fluid from either by condensing free amino acids in
outside the cell will enter the cell the protein into another form, so bacterial
(Febrinawati, 2017). growth is inhibited. Formalin destroys
The formaldehyde content in fish amine protein groups in fish as a bacterial
and shrimp can cause a decrease in meat growth medium so that bacterial growth is
shrimp quality and, if consumed by inhibited (Tjahyaningsih et al., 2013).-
humans, can be dangerous. Decreased NH2 and -OH groups of proteins and
shrimp quality is characterized by protein nucleic acids with the hydroxymethyl
damage caused by formaldehyde. group from formaldehyde to form
Formaldehyde has the ability to modify or methylene compounds (-NCHOH) so that
denature a protein and nucleic acid protein content in the shrimp will be
through an alkylation process between the reduced. The more formaldehyde used,
-NH2 and -OH groups of proteins and the more protein is bound (Wikanta et al.,
nucleic acids with the hydroxymethyl 2011).
group from formaldehyde to form Formalin is a compound that can be
methylene compounds (-NCHOH), so that used as a preservative but is very
protein content in the shrimp will be dangerous if used beyond the threshold. 72 Hermawan et al. (2020)

Journal of Aquaculture and Fish Health Vol. 9(1) - February 2020
DOI : 10.20473/jafh.v9i1. 15915

Formalin can function to inhibit the Formalin Pada Udang Putih

growth of microbes so that fish become (Penaeus merguiensis) Selama
more durable. Formalin can suppress the Penyimpanan Dingin. Jurnal
growth of spoilage bacteria but provides Pengolahan dan Bioteknologi Hasil
the destruction process of fish protein. Perikanan, 3(1), pp.70-79.
Proximate test results showed that tilapia Purawisastra, S. and Sahara, E., 2011.
meat soaked in formalin 1% contained Penyerapan The Adsorption Of
lower protein (16.13%) compared to Formaldehyde By Some Foodstuffs
tilapia meat soaked with seaweed extract And Its Elimination By Soaking
solution. Formalin can inactivate protein Them In Hot Water. Penelitian Gizi
either by condensing free amino acids in dan Makanan (The Journal of
the protein into another form, so bacterial Nutrition and Food Research), 34(1),
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growth medium so that bacterial growth is M.A.F., 2017. Pertumbuhan udang
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Sanger, G. and Montolalu, L., 2008.
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Metode Pengurangan Kadar
concluded that the detection of formalin
Formalin Pada Ikan Cakalang
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(Katsuwonus pelamis L). WARTA
the higher concentration of formalin
WIPTEK, (32), pp.6-10.
given, the higher the formaldehyde
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