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Can for requests When/ 'hat time/What day +

1 Write requests with can, please, and a
question mark.
1. turn off the lights
Can you turn off the I/flhte, pJeae;e?

2. mop the floor

3. wash the dishes

4. sit down 3 Look at the birthday chart. Complete the

questions with the correct question word or
S. feed the dog
1. What day is Elaine's birthday?
It is on February 3'd.
2 Complete Nate and Becky's conversation 2. is Martina's birthday?
with words from the box. It is on May 9th •

~ No problem 3. is Aubrey's birthday?

Not right now Sorry, 1can't It is in March.
Sorry, I'm busy Sure 4. is Holly's birthday?
It is in December.
Nate: Hi, Becky! Can I ask you a question?
Becky: Of Goure;e 5. is Sung's birthday?
It is on January 1'1.
Nate: Canyou help me study for the math
6. is Brandon's birthday?
test tonight?
It is on August 22nct.

4 Look at the birthday chart. Then answer the

questions. Write out the ordinal numbers in
your answers.
1. What day is Aubrey's birthday?
When can you study?
It'£; on Marc h twentieth.
Beck y: How about tomorrow?
2. What day is Martina's birthday?
Nate: Tomorrow? _ _ -----, . I am

singing in a concert tomorrow. Can we

3. What day is Holly's birthday?
meet on Wednesday?
Becky: . Can we go to your
4. What day is Sung's birthday?
house after school?


on Wednesday.
Grammar Builder 105
5 look at t e chart Then write questions
using When's, What time's, and What day'S.
Preposit ions f time )
Be as specific as poss ible .
6 Answer the questions in Exercise 5 with in,
Event Tim e on, and at. Write out the ordinal numbe rs.
1. The eol-R movie i6 at; four o'clock in t he
school dance May
Ann'sbir1hday party April 3 afternoon.
English test March 24
concert Saturday 2. _

[ifsoccer game April 20

sci-ji movie 4;00 In the afternoon

3. _

4. _

5. _

1. What t ime'£; the sci-fi movie?

2. Ann's birthday party? 6. _

3. the English test?

4. the school dance?
5. the concert?
6. the soccer game? 1 Complete the sentences with in, on, or at.
1. My music class is on Wednesday.
2. The concert is Friday night.
3. The concert starts 8 P.M.
4. The party is October.
5. Her birthday is October 23m.
6. The party ends midnight.

106 Unit 4
8 Comprete the sentences wit h in or on.

1. Martin Luther King 2. Valentine's Day is

Jr. Day is~ always _ _ Feb ruary
January: 14 th •

St. Patrick's Day is 4. Mother 's Day is .

_ _ March: alw ays _ ._ a Sunday.

5. Labor Day is _ _ 6. Children trick-or-treat

September. _ _ October 31st.

Americans celebrate Christmas is _ _

Thanksgiving _ _ December zs-.

9 Complete the conversations with in, on, or at.

1. A; The ice-skating show is .n: July. 4. A: When is the birthday party at the
B: I can't wait! amusement park?

2. A: Is the baseball game _ _ Sunday? B: It's __ 2:00 this afternoon.

B: Yes, it is. S. A: The new Star Wars movie is out.

3. A: When does summer in Brazil start? B: Great! Let's go see it _ _ Saturday.

B: It starts _ _ December. 6. A: When is our rock concert?

B: It's _ _. April.

Grammar Builder 107

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