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S.Y. 2021/2022

Andes, Carl Ervin A.
Equipado, Jordan A.
Consulta, Vanessa F.
Noel, Clarissa L.
Portugal, Maria Cielo M.
The Problem

The online class is a way for the students to study even in a middle of a
pandemic, but it is not easy and many problems will be experienced by the students and
their attitude may change because of this problem. Many students are not provided with
the high bandwidth or the strong internet connection that online course require ments,
and thus fail to catch up with their virtual classmates, their weak monitors make it hard
to follow the course management system and their learning experience becomes
problematic. Time management is a difficult task for learners; as online classes require
a lot of time and intensive work furthermore, whereas it is mostly adults who prefer web-
based learning programs for their place and time flexibility, they rarely have the time to
take the courses due to their various everyday commitments. A regular schedule
planner would be a significant help to these learners, as they could even set reminders
for their courses and assignments. Self-motivation is an e-learning essential
requirement, however, many online learners lack it, much to their surprise. After
enrolling in distance learning courses many learners fall behind and nurture the idea of
giving up, as difficulties in handling a technological medium also seem insurmountable.
Students aced to find the motivation to follow the new education trends and also
properly equip themselves for future challenges in their education and careers. Only a
positive attitude will help them overcome the challenges in e-learning though this is hard
to practice, students’ needs to understand that it is necessary to reach the e-learning’s
benefit in the future.

Online learning changes the attitude of the students and can affect their learning
due to the lack of equipment in the online class such as laptops, cellphones and no
proper internet connection has a big impact on students, affecting their attitude, they are
more stressed and think of anything, often hot-headed and they lost interest in learning.
Online classes don’t offer the same immediate and regular access to instructors and
classmates as traditional face-to-face classes. The communication typically takes place
through e-mail and on virtual discussion forums. While this can aid in learning
technology; it negatively impacts a student’s ability to interact with professors ask
questions and get immediate help, it also takes away some of the social and team-
building that occurs informally in college classrooms. Students sometimes misconstrue
that online classes require less time and effort than traditional courses, the Montgomery
college online student’s success centre noted that active and self-disciplined learners
typically succeed. Students who struggle with traditional course rigour often have
difficulty with the time commitment required for online classwork. You normally have to
schedule time each day to read assignments and complete quizzes and tests that you
would take in class in a traditional setting. Online students also have to engage in-class
discussion and complete assignments, papers and projects. Team activities may also
add to the time commitment in some classes, as students must often communicate with
peers electronically and collaborate on work.

The effects of online classes on the attitude of second-year students of Daraga

Community College need to research because more and more students are affected by
this problem, it is important to research to reduce the number of students who are
affected by attitude and lose interest in learning in online class courses, students can
more effectively manage their study hours by accessing course content at a time and
place that is most convenient to them this is a sharp contrast to classical face-to-face
teaching which require students presence at specific points on a tie for class
attendance. Most researchers agreed that effective virtual learning requires more
students’ initiative and effort than comparable face-to-face instruction. This may be why
lower-performing students struggle to do well in them and affect their attitude if students
lack self-regulation skills to monitor their progress and discipline themselves.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the effects of online classes on the attitude of Second-
year students of Daraga Community College that will serve as a guide for their

Specifically, this study aims to address the following questions:

1. What are the causes affecting students attitudes towards online learning?
2. What are the student's attitudes towards online classes?
3. What are the factors that could affect the attitude of the students?

Research Objectives:

I. Examine the effects of online classes on the attitude of second-year students at

Daraga Community College.

II. Determine the changes in attitudes about online learning of second-year college

III. Explore or discover the ease for the students learning towards their attitudes by
using good communication related to their online class.

Hypothesis Tested

Null Hypothesis

Online learning related to the attitude in the second year students has no significant
difference from the traditional way of learning and is not effective for the second year
college in Daraga Community College as their new system of education.

Alternative Hypothesis

Online learning has a hugely significant difference from the traditional way of learning
and it affects the attitude of the second-year students in Daraga Community College to
their new system of education.

Significance of the Study

This study will be conducted to determine if the online class affects the attitude of
the students rendered by the second-year students in Daraga Community College
students to measure the effects of the online classes on the attitudes of the students
who are participating in the new learning process.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Students

The students enrolled in the online class are the direct recipients of the
research's findings. Any effects on students' attitudes can affect their academic
performance, so we need to classify if this new learning process affects the students to
help them.

The Teachers

This study will be extremely beneficial to teachers, particularly those who teach
online classes. Teachers may discover on purpose through this research that online
classes have a significant impact on students.

The Parents

The study benefits the parents of students enrolled in an online class because
the parents are aware that their children are enrolled in an online class, they are also
aware of their child's current situation.

The Community

This study will raise community awareness of the fact that online classes have a
variety of effects on students' attitudes.

The Researchers

The study's findings are advantageous to neither current nor future researchers.
This study could serve as one of the fundamentals for the development of a new
learning theory.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the effects of online classes on students' attitudes of the
second-year college students in Daraga Community College that will serve as a guide
on determining the effects of the online class on the student's attitudes. The target
respondents are the second-year college students of Daraga Community College
because the researchers noticed that they are the more sensitive individuals to these
online classes that make the reason affects the student's attitudes. This study centred
on Daraga Community College because the researchers are part of this institution and
there are a lot of people that will benefit once the school has benefited from the
information and data gathered by the researchers.

It should be noted that the presents study will not cover the first year, third year
and fourth-year students of Daraga Community College. Those students are excluded
from this study because they are not the focus of this study.

Definition of Terms

High Bandwidth. it is often mistaken for the internet speed when it's the value of
information that can be sent over a connection in a measured amount of time. Students
may not have this high bandwidth affects the student's attitudes, they might feel
stressed and lose their interest in the study.

Web-Based Learning. it is often called online learning or e-learning because it includes

online course content discussion forums via email, video conferencing and live lectures,
these are all possible through the web.

Insurmountable. it is too difficult to overcome. Students attitudes ( such as stress,

problems, losing self-interest etc.) may be insurmountable because of the challenges
that the students may have. It

Self-regulation skills. it is a skill that allows people, especially the students to manage
their emotions, attitudes and body movements when they're faced with a tough
Student's Attitude. Findings revealed that cost and time-effectiveness, safety,
convenience and improve participation was the most frequent aspects of the online
learning experience by the students, while distraction, heavy workload, problems with
technology and internet are those negative aspects of online learning experience by the

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