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Lesson 8: The Research and Research Question

Activity 1

1. What is chapter 1 of a research paper and its sections that comprise?

 Chapter 1 of the research paper is called The Problem and Its Background [sometimes also
called the Introduction].
It is composed of the following sections:
Background of the study, Statement of the problem, Scope and Delimitation, and
Significance of the study.

2. What is the difference between a research problem and research topic?

 A research topic is something to be understood; a research problem is something that needs
to be investigated. A research topic is concise synthesis of the research elements, while the
problem statement justifies the need for research and is embodied within the topic.
Restating, the research problem is a subset of the overall topic.

For example:

Research topic: Examining the Relationships Between Mask Types, Mask Filtration level, and
Covid-19 infection.

Research Problem: Covid-19 has infected 36M people, worldwide, resulting in over 1 million
deaths; however, there is a gap in the literature regarding the ability of various mask types and
filtration levels to prevent infection. [Source: Google]

3. What are the guidelines in writing statement of the problem?

 The guidelines in writing the statement of the problem [According
to Calderon and Gonzales, 1993].
1. The general statement of the problem and the research questions should be formulated
first before conducting the research.
2. Research questions should be stated in the interrogative, and each should be clear to avoid
3. Each research question should be researchable separately from the other questions and
must be based upon known facts and phenomena which is accessible to the researcher.
4. Answers to each research question can be interpreted apart from the answers to the other
specific questions and must contribute to the development of the whole research study.
5. The summary of the answers to all the specific questions will give a complete development
of the entire study.
6. The number of research questions should be enough to cover the development of the
whole research study.
4. Why do we need to limit the scope of the study?
 We need to limit the scope of the study because first of all, let’s choose a topic that we will
focus on. If we exceed the boundary or we do not have limits for the scope of the study,
then the research will be too general and the main purpose of the study will not be met. The
consideration for limiting the scope of the study is to have a specific and clear goal at the
end of the study. Limiting the scope helps to understand why education exists and how it
can help reduce the problem facing the world. It clarifies why specific data points have been
collected whilst others have been excluded. Without this, it is difficult to define an end point
for a study or complete it within a reasonable time frame since no limits have been defined
on the work that could take place.

B. Discussion of activity 1. You just learned the concepts on research problems.

a. Essays or reflections you have written from the past classes and other activities you have taken or a
lecture you have attended.
b. Life experiences.
c. Issues or problems observed in your surroundings.

 Among the titles you saved previously, which of those you think should be addressed? Kindly
elaborate further on this matter.
 I believe that “C. Issues or problems observed in your surroundings” should be addressed
the most because social issues are significant concepts knowing that they educate people
that there are many ways to think about and problem, and they teach critical thinking skills.
Topics like this helps us grow into well-informed citizens and lifelong readers of the news.

 With the above research topics you saved, identify at least three research problems for each
and explain why you chose them.

Topic A: Essays or reflections you have written from past classes and other activities you have
taken or a lecture you have attended.

Propose Research Title: The Effects of Malaria in Human Wellbeing and Sustainable Livelihoods

1. Is malaria communicable disease or not?
2. How malaria is transmitted from one person to another?
3. Why a person with malaria cannot be treated with antibiotics?

 The risk of malaria and malaria epidemics grows along with climate change and changes in
land use associated with mining, logging, road building, and agricultural and irrigation
 The malaria parasites enter that person’s bloodstream and travel to the liver. When the
parasites mature, they leave the liver and infect red blood cells.
 These changes often increase the breeding sites of malaria-carrying mosquitoes, and,
consequently, promote transmission of the disease.

Topic B: Life experiences.

Propose Research Title: Exploring the effectiveness of implementing of online learning.

1. What type of online learning do students hope for?
2. Are learners able to embrace online based education?
3. Is it feasible to establish an online learning modality for students?

This are the reason why I came up to those questions
 Because some of the students hoping for Face to face [F2F] feels of learning and
communicating in online classes.
 Others student doesn’t know how to interact with their classmate or teacher.
 We all know that other students are not capable of having technology for their educational

Topic C: Issues or problems observed in your surroundings

Propose Research Title: Comprehensive Mental Health Perspective: The Effects of Bullying

1. What effects does bullying have on overall health and well-being?
2. Do you believe bullying is a serious issue?
3. Is bullying a psychological disorder?

 Bullying can affect physical and emotional health, both in the short term and later in life. It
can lead to physical injury, social problems, emotional problems, and even death. Those
who are bullied are at increased risk for mental health problems, headaches, and problems
adjusting to school. Bullying also can cause long term damage to self-esteem.
 Bullying can hurt people emotionally, physically, and in their activities. It can result in fear,
anxiety, and low self-esteem. Kids who get bullied may be afraid to go school and other
places. They may withdraw from others and get depressed.
 Bullying is a distressing experience that can last for years and depicts both current and
future psychiatric symptoms and disorders, even in adulthood.
From the three research topics chose one as your proposed research study which you will use
on the later part of this lesson.
 Exploring the effectiveness of implementing of online learning I chose this proposed
research because in this online class a lot has changed as I have difficulty answering
these lessons I have difficulty understanding every activity I do so I need to explore
more so that I can get used to it. In this situation learning even harder if this is what I
can use in this situation online learning.

What I have learned

A. Introduction of your study by filling out the space provided

1. Proposed Study:
 Comprehensive Mental Health Perspective: The Effects of Bullying.
2. What is the rationale or the background study of your chosen problem?
 Study showed that children and youth who bully others over time are at higher risk for
more intense anti-social behaviors like problems at school, substance use, and
aggressive behavior. Parents should pay attention to warning signs that their child may
be engaging in bullying behavior, like getting into physical or verbal fights or blaming
others for their problems.

3. Describe the setting of where your study is to be conducted:

 By conducting a research about the said topic. Using the help of the internet and the
legitimate and reliable resources

4. Enumerate the terms or concept that need to be defined or described to you and to the reader.
 Enumerate the terms or concepts that need to be defined or described to you and to the reader.
According to Merriam Webster: Bullying: abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by
someone stronger, more powerful, etc. : the actions and behavior of a bully. Mental Health: the
condition of being sound mentally and emotionally that is characterized by the absence of mental
illness and by adequate adjustment especially as reflected in feeling comfortable about oneself,
positive feelings about others, and the ability to meet the demands of daily life.

5. Provide at least three related literatures as references for the concept of your study.
 Literature Review: A Product of the Model Programs Guide by OJJDP (2013): Research has
documented multiple negative outcomes associated with being a bully, being bullied, and being a
bystander. A recent meta-analysis looked at the association between bullying and psychosomatic
problems and found that victimized children, bully-victims, and bullies were at increased risk of
suffering psychosomatic problems compared to uninvolved peers (OR=2.0, 2.22, and 1.65
respectively; Gini and Pozzoli 2008). - A systematic literature review on the effects of bullying at
school by Abu Yazid Abu Bakar (2021):
ects_of_bullying_at_school Bullying is a severe problem that is experienced, especially in
schools. Children belong to the same social group, but some feel powerful than others and
therefore take advantage of them to physically or verbally abuse them. Many institutions are
aware, but most cases are not handled because most victims do not report. Therefore, only
physical bullying is addressed as the impacts can be easily seen by adults. Various articles were
analyzed to illustrate the different effects of bullying on the bully, the victim, and those around.
The results demonstrate that bullying results in emotional, physical, and health effects and affects
a victim's academic performance. - Bullying at school and mental health problems among
adolescents: a repeated cross-sectional study by Håkan Källmén & Mats Hallgren (2021): Exposure to bullying at
school was associated with higher odds of mental health problems. Boys appear to be more
vulnerable to the deleterious effects of bullying than girls. Associations between bullying and
mental health problems were assessed using logistic regression analyses adjusting for relevant
demographic, socio-economic, and school-related factors. To examine recent trends in bullying
and mental health problems among adolescents and the association between them.

6. Determine the significance of your chosen problem.

 Our chosen problem has a big significance because most adults underestimate the rates of
bullying since kids rarely report it and it often happens when adults aren't around. Assessing
bullying through anonymous surveys can provide a clear picture of what is going on. This
helps us to be educated about bullying ang learn such ways to contribute in eliminating
negativity in our life.

7. What is the general objective of the study?

 The general objective of this study is to give knowledge about the effects of bullying,
considering its comprehensive mental health perspective. Because of this study, we can
persuade the audience to stop bullying by giving them reasons why they should not bully,
and how it affects mental health. Also, one of the goals of every educator, parent, and
student is to prevent bullying from happening. Anti-bullying laws are one prevention
strategy that can change social norms.

8. Who will be the beneficiaries? What will be their benefits to receive after the problem is solved or
the research is finish?
 The first beneficiaries are the children, youth and those in school. the benefits here will be
good mental health, no more suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression. There will be no
more students are afraid to go to school because they know their mental health is safe and
the children will no longer be afraid and also hundreds of can be saved

B. The statement of the problem part of your research study.

1. Title of your research:
 Comprehensive Mental Health Perspective: The Effects of Bullying.
2. Purpose statement
 The researcher seeks to identify bullying rates, student and staff attitudes toward bullying,
different types of bullying that occur, and other issues in order to address them. Since
bullied children and youth are more likely than non-bullied children and youth to experience
depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem over time. They are also more likely to be lonely
and avoid school. Parents and youth-serving adults can help prevent or address bullying in a
variety of ways.

3. Central question:
 What are the effects of bullying to our mental health perspective?
4. Sub-question:
 What is the significance of learning these effects?

5. Other questions:
 What can we do to help in the elimination of bullying and stopping the stigma?
 How do we know if someone is experiencing bullying and suffering from mental health
 Is there a scientific definition for what one person sees as bullying is for another teasing?
 What advice can we give to victims of bullying?

What I Can Do
A. From your proposed research study present your written Statement of the Problem
which comprises the following sections.

I. Background of the Study (Introduction)

 Bullying is a serious issue that many people face, particularly in schools. Children all
belong to the same social group, but some perceive themselves to be more powerful than
others and thus take advantage of them to physically or verbally abuse them. Many
institutions are aware, but the majority of cases go unreported because the majority of
victims do not report. Bullying has become a national topic of discussion over the last
few decades. To address this issue, numerous anti-bullying interventions have been
developed and implemented, and advocates have worked to pass anti-bullying laws and
policies at the state and local levels.
II. Statement of the Problem:
 Bullying can harm children emotionally, physically, and academically. It can cause
anxiety, fear, and low self-esteem. Bullied children may be afraid to go to school or other
places. They may isolate themselves from others and become depressed. Bullying is
caused by a variety of factors. This behavior can be influenced by a variety of factors.
Personality traits and the influence of family, friends, schools, and the community are
two examples. Youth who bully on a regular basis, on the other hand, share some
characteristics. In childhood and adolescence, bullying can have long-term negative
consequences for individuals.

A recent study, for example, discovered that victims had a higher prevalence of
agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, and panic disorder as adults than non-victims, and that
bully/victims had an increased risk of young adult depression, panic disorder,
agoraphobia, and suicidality. Bullies were more likely to develop antisocial personality
disorder (Copeland et al. 2013).

III. Scope and Delimitation of the Study:

 According to various studies, 80 percent of bullying in schools goes unreported. Those
who bully, those who are bullied, and those who witness bullying are all at risk of
developing long-term social and emotional issues. Bullying is frequently linked to
depression and suicide, according to researchers.

There are numerous negative outcomes associated with being a bully, being bullied, or
being a bystander, according to research. A recent meta-analysis examined the
relationship between bullying and psychosomatic problems and discovered that
victimized children, bully-victims, and bullies were more likely to suffer from
psychosomatic problems than uninvolved peers (OR=2.0, 2.22, and 1.65, respectively;
Gini and Pozzoli 2008).

IV. Significance of the Study:

 This study is of great significance because it gives knowledge about the effects of
bullying, considering its comprehensive mental health perspective. Because of this study,
we can persuade the audience to stop bullying by giving them reasons why they should
not bully, and how it affects mental health. Furthermore, this study provides an
opportunity for everyone to discuss the significance of healthy relationships and
cultivating a positive climate in our surroundings. Bullying can be reduced if we change
our perspective on relationships. We all have the ability to keep children safe.

B. After presenting chapter 1 of your research study, edit or rewrite your work using
corrections, suggestions and recommendations made by your teacher using a Microsoft
Office Word. Save your work for the next lesson.

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