Applied Economics Midterms

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Applied Economics Economic resources

First Semester - Prelims ● Problem of having unlimited wants

General Academic Strand | Ms. but limited resources to satisfy them
Jhonalyn Villaram
Natural resources
● Came from nature that are used in
production including land, raw
Applied economics materials, and natural process
● Investigating both consumer and
producer behavior Capital resources
● Uses economic theories, models, ● The processed materials,
and data to solve real world issues equipment, and buildings used in
● Study of observing how theories production
work on preface
Human resources
Economics ● The efforts of people involved in
● Concerned with using scarce production including labor and
resources to obtain the maximum entrepreneurship
limited wants of society
● Study of production, distribution, Needs
selling, and use of goods and ● The essentials of life such as food
services and shelter
● Involves the use of scarce resources
to satisfy unlimited wants Wants
● Desires for non-essential items
● Division that deals with the Alfred Marshall
investment-saving gap of an ● Described economics as a study of
economy mankind in the ordinary business life

Microeconomics Free enterprise system

● Division that deals with the ● Private citizens own and operate
purchasing behavior of consumers most of the businesses and
Scarcity ● Producers determine supply.
● Limited use of nature resources Consumers determine demand.
which underlies the economic Companies seek profits
● An insufficient resources condition Relative scarcity
● The reason why people have to ● A good is scarce compared to its
practice economics demand
● Forces us to make choices
Absolute scarcity
● Supply is limited
Enterprise Factors of Production
● To make decisions and take risks
Choice and decision making ● Man-made resources used in the
● A man needs to make decisions production of goods and services
because of the presence of scarcity which include machinery and
Opportunity cost
● The value of the best foregone Physical capital
alternative ● Human-made resource used to
● Once one rout has been chosen, all produce goods and services
the benefits from the other choices ● Includes machinery, tools,
are lost transportation, and office equipment
● The option not chosen is the
opportunity cost of that choice Human capital
● The knowledge, skills, and training a
Trade offs worker gains through experience
● Making decisions requires choosing and education
one time against another ● Income earned are called interest
● Not considered scarce because
humans can always learn and
Economic Resources become skilled

Land Overall poverty

● Soil and natural resources that are ● Poverty that factors participation in
found in nature decision making either in civil and
● Examples are earth, sky, forest, political life
field, or water
● Owner of lands receive payment Poverty
known as rent ● One of the basic economic problems
of the country
Labor ● Low productivity and unequal
● Physical and mental human effort distribution of income and wealth
exerted in production
● Income earned are called wages Entrepreneurship
● Covers manual work like ● Ambitious leadership of a person
construction, machine operation, as who combines land and capital to
well as professionals create a market goods and services
● Income earned are called profit

Economic goods
● Resources which are scarce
Free goods 4) Specialization - workers focusing on their
● Resources which are not scarce best skill
● Example is air
● Have no opportunity cost
Sunk costs
Production Possibility Curve (PFP) ● Types of cost that have happened
● Opportunity cost can be illustrated and can never be recovered
● Shows the maximum quantities of Full employment
different combinations of output of ● Everyone in society is willing and
two products able to find a job
● Slope of curve determines
opportunity cost Full production
● All points on the curve are ● All goods and services are being
attainable and efficient produced at the best level (optimal)
● Any point inside the curve is
inefficient (recession or high Interdependence
unemployment) ● Being dependent on one another
● Point outside the curve is not yet
attainable Marginal benefit
● Additional benefit gained from doing
Capital goods anything one more time
● Purchased physical goods that are
used in production firms to produce Marginal cost
other goods for consumers ● Additional cost you receive from
● Buildings, machine, equipment doing anything one more time

Consumer goods Absolute advantage

● Goods purchased and used by ● Ability of a country or individual to
consumers and not used for future produce goods and services more
production efficiently than another
● Automobiles, clothing, pizza
Comparative advantage
● Ability of a country or individual to
Shifters of the PPC produce goods and services at a
lower opportunity cost than its
1) Change in the quantity of resources - competitor
population increase, massive immigration
Total utility
2) Change in the quality of resources - ● Amount of satisfaction from
education consuming a specific quantity

3) Change in technology - technological

Marginal utility Positive economics
● Extra satisfaction from an additional ● Describes the way the economy
unit of a product works
● Example is unemployment is at 4%

Economic Systems Normative economics

● Makes prescription about the way
A particular set of institutional arrangements the economy should work
and a coordinating mechanism. ● Example is the government should
raise the minimum wage to $15 per
Capitalism hour
● Free market system - government
leaves the free market alone Preferences
● Private ownership, no government ● Personal needs, wants, and desires
● Competition and freedom of choice Free market economy
and self interest ● A system that consults with the
Communism (market economy)
● Command system - government Abraham Maslow
plans everything for society ● Hierarchy of Needs
● Public ownership
● No competition Rational
● Government control and planned ● Most important assumption that
economic decision economics makes
● They act consistently to get what
Laissez faire they want or what is best for them.
● The doctrine that government
generally should not intervene in the Efficiency
marketplace ● Maximizing the benefits from the use
of scarce resources

Economic Questions Absolute poverty

● Severe deprivation of basic human
● What to produce? needs
- Consumer decides what they want
● How to produce it? ● Reward or punishment that motivate
- Producers find low cost ways to choices in our lives whether to
produce pursue or not pursue our needs,
wants, and desire
● For whom to produce? ● Example is you want wealth. You are
- Price affects who will consume the motivated to work because you will
good or service be paid enough which helps you
achieve your preference of
accumulating wealth.

Economic resources
● Factors used in producing goods or
providing services
● Inputs used to create things or help
provide a service

Economic System

● How it was done in the past
● Same as always from the custom of
past generations

● Central authority
● Government makes all decisions

● Interactions with buyers and sellers
● Consumers and producers decide
based on what consumer will buy
and how much profit the producer
will make

● Producers and consumers decide
with some government help
● Government steps to limit, tax, place
rules, and provide public goods

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