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Academic Plan 2019-2020

For the next school year, the Bhaktivedanta Academy will be focusing in attaining the
following objectives:

- Enthuse and inspire all students in learning the different areas of knowledge by
increasing the teacher’s commitment and relationship with the students.

- Straighten the student’s autonomy through the implementation of a tutorial system,

starting with cycles of learning for the primary students and a full tutorial method for
the secondary students.

Primary Students – Cycles of Learning

For the year 2019-2020, all primary academic classes – English, Mathematics,
Sanskrit – will be organized by cycles of learning. All primary students will share the same
physical space (big hut) being divided according to their competence and skills in each of the
subjects above mentioned. The groups will denominated:

- Primary cycle 1
Early literacy (English, Sanskrit) and numeracy (Mathematics)

- Primary cycle 2
Reading and handwriting (English and Sanskrit) and basic arithmetic (Mathematics)

- Primary cycle 3
Further language development – grammar – (English, Sanskrit) and four operations

- Primary cycle 4
Consolidation of academic abilities and competences for being able to join tutorial
system (English, Sanskrit and Mathematics)

Each subject will have a primary head teacher for overseeing and manage all primary cycles,
with the help of assistant teachers:

Primary English:

Head teacher: Prana Natha das

Assistant teachers: Sri Paramahamsa Gaura das

Arjuna Krishna das
Narottama das
Primary Mathematics:

Head teacher: Haladhara Nitai das

Assistant teachers: Ajitananda das

Narottama das
Dina Doyal das
Primary Sanskrit:

Head teacher: Krishna Caitanya das

Assistant teachers: Balaram das

Vedanta das

Secondary Students – Tutorial Method

For the year 2019-2020 the tutorial method of learning will be introduced for the secondary
students, i.e. all students that finished all primary cycles of learning.

In this system the students have to stablish themselves as a responsible and coherent student
in his relationships with the school. He is capable of doing his lessons, inquiry submissively
and assist others if necessary. He also learns how to connect what he learned with real life, in
other words, how to apply knowledge. He can plan his own work in an organized way and
understand himself and his position.

Tutorial Projects/Lessons

In this method there are no division of classes, students can sit alone, in pairs or in groups,
depending on their own desire and they also have the freedom to choose when and what to
study from the following four subjects:

- English
- Mathematics
- Sanskrit
- Cetanopanayanam

For each project/lesson assessed by the teacher the student will receive credits, when the sum
of 160 credits in total are attained, the student will be considered graduated from the
secondary level of the school. For each one of the subjects above mentioned each student
will have to accomplish a minimum of 20 credits, being able to choose from each subject
they want to accomplish the remaining credits. All extra reading, writing, presentations, etc.
will also compute extra credits.

Fortnight Lessons

Every fortnight the students will have to submit compulsory work in order to guarantee their
continuous progress in all subjects, this work consists in:

Philosophy / English:

- 2 essays


- Exercise sheet
- Math quiz

- Sanskrit chart
- Sanskrit Vocabulary

*The credits for the tutorial projects/lessons will only be computed when the student has all
his fortnight lessons completed.

All students will be studying in the same place (1st ashram hut) assisted by a group of
teachers specialized in different areas of knowledge. The student has the freedom to
approach any of the teachers for guidance, individual/group classes and assessment of their

The tutorial periods will be divided in two, morning and evening:

Morning (9:45 – 11:45)

Teachers available:

Prana Natha das (9:45-10:45)

Baladeva das (9:45-10:45)
Haladhara Nitai das (10:45-11:45)
Vagisha das
Samba das
Balarama das

Evening (4:20 – 5:10)

Teachers available:

Baladeva das
Samba das
Vagisha das
Acintya Svarupa das

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