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Sustainable Energy Class (3 credits)

Sustainable Energy System Class (4 credits)

Prof. Widodo Wahyu Purwanto

Due date: 5 October 2022

1. Calculate how much area (m2) of a palm oil plantation is needed to produce total energy needs for
transportation sector in Indonesia especially diesel oil. Express this area as percent total arable
land area of Indonesia.
2. A Waste to Energy plant can incinerate 350000 tonnes MSW/annum at an overall efficiency of 27%.
The energy content of MSW is ~10 MJ/kg. What is the net power output of the plant?
3. Petroleum savings via HVO use: The production of HVO for use in liquid fuels has been heavily
subsidized in recent years in some countries. In assessing the success of these programs, it's
important to keep the entire life cycle of HVO fuels in mind.
a) If up to 10% by volume of diesel in Indonesia. may consist of HVO. Using this information,
calculate the amount of crude oil that Indonesia saves per year via the displacement of diesel
oil by HVO.
b) Burning of HVO is also more favorable than burning of Diesel from a carbon-emissions
standpoint. Calculate the tonnage of CO2 saved per year by displacement of Diesel with HVO.
c) Find the amount of hydrogen in the conversion of CPO to HVO.
d) What factors have been left out of this calculation so far? Find references for the magnitudes
of these factors, and sum up the total amount of petroleum saved in a year, and total amount
of CO2 saved in a year.

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