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ID NUMBER: 38086780
ADM: 19/22265

 Declaration
 Dedication
 Acknowledgement
 Summary
 Abstract


 History of the organization
 Core activities of the organization
 Ambeer statement and core values of the company
 Organization structure
 Things and responsibilities of key personnel



 Activities of the department

 Main objectives of the department
 Attachment assigned custom duties
 An analysis of learnt knowledge application

 Attachment evaluation
 Industrial analysis
 Success and failures of the attachment
 Challenges encountered during attachment period
 How the challenges were overcome

 Summary
 Conclusion
 Recommendations
 References


Declaration by the statements

This my original and authentic work and has not been represented by any person or
institution for the purpose academic part of this attachment report should be
reproduced without my concern.

Name: ............................................................................

Admission: ...............................................................................

Signature: ........................................................................................

Date: ..............................................................................................

Declaration but the organizational supervisor

The attachment report has been submitted with my approval at the count government
of Trans Nzoia office of Engineering and public works.

Name: ......................................................................

Signature: ................................................................

Date: .................................................................................

Declaration by the college supervisor

The attachment report has been submitted with my approval at Kitale National
polytechnic College supervisor

Name: ...................................................................................

SIGNATURE: ............................................................................

DATE: ...........................................................................................

This work is dedicated to my friend Carolyne who acted like a brother and to my
guardian parents for their financial and moral support towards my academic’s treks and
also giving advice whenever I consulted them. Also, I want to pass my regards to my
family members who always there and for their earnestly prayers towards achieving my

First, I give my thanks to the almighty for his blessings and endless love during the
attachment period and my entire life. I also acknowledge my host industrial attachment
supervisor MR. Wafula Wilson and the organization departmental heads for their
continued support towards sharpening my skills and correcting my astray as well as
providing a working space and a viable environment for my attachment.

I also want to thank my colleagues for their support, friendship and company, you
made my stay in the county real as we worked together.

I do pass my heartfelt joy also to my parents who were very much loving and ready
to stand with me whenever I needed them. May God bless you so much.


This report contains details for my first attachment at the Trans Nzoia County
Government Office of public works under power from 2

13 September to 30th November 2021.

I have been able to combine the skills I learnt during my tuition together with the newly
acquired skills in the field to my experience in the institution as productive as possible.

The report will focus on the assignment handled, working environment, success and
shortcomings that I encountered when handling various tasks assigned to me by my
supervisor. And will also reflect on the mission, Vision, culture, success, observation and
comments of the organization.

The provides for a number of recommendations on the attachment program is

observed. It is my hope that report will server a stepping stone towards the
improvements of the attachment program as to serve as a testimonial of practice done
to those who will embark on attachment platform or in the near future in my academic

The county government of Trans Nzoia is located in Trans Nzoia County in Rift Valley
Province in Kitale town opposite Ambwere Plaza House and beside the Law Court.

It has the following departments

No office descriptions location

1 office of the governor former town hall

2 Department of environment County yard

water and natural resources

3 Dep of gender, youths, sports social hall

Cultural and tourism

4 Dep of Agricultural livestock and Agriculture yard

And fisheries

5 Dep of education and ICT Social hall

6 DEP of health social hall

7 DEP of commerce and industry County yard

8 DEP of finance and economic planning Former town hall

9 Dep of Public Service Management Former Town hall

10 Dep of Public Work, Transport Public Works yard

Infrastructure and Power

11 Dep of lands, Housing and Urban Kitale Ardhi House


This chapter comprises of the profile of organization attached, department attached and
duration of my attachment and outlines the skills and experiences acquired while on the

Feld of attachment. The attachment assists in acquiring and development and
preparation for challenges in real life battle from the theoretical knowledge.


Trans Nzoia county is among the 47 counties established by the Kenya Constitution
under article 6(1) and specified in the first schedule article 176(1) establishes a county
government for each county consisting of the county assembly and county executive.
The county government was operationalized in March 2013 after the counties’ general
election with Hon. Patrick Khaemba as the first elected governor. Trans Nzoia county is
in Rift valley within an area of 2,495, 5km square. Kitale town is the largest commercial
city and administrative capital of the county. other major towns are Kiminini, Sibanga,
Maili saba and Siboti where we virtually visited for the assigned duties.


Agriculture is the main activity as the food secure and the bread basket of Kenya due to
its large-scale maize farm and geographically sited to conducive climates. Other core
activities are trade, investment and tourism, governance and social development,
security and cohesion, infrastructure, food security, youth, environment and resource

Kitale being the hub of all activities taking place in the county, it is the center and serves
as a Head quarter of all task done there. The county ensures the wellbeing of all the
town in terms of development and improving people’s lives by service provision.



An assembly of digital excellence in empowering the society, defending our constitution,

our freedom and devolution.


To offer quality services to the society through oversight representation and legislation
by being real, sincere, natural ourselves at all times to suit a democratic society of 43
tribes in the country.


Is to birth up a teamwork, quality professional, integrity, transparency, patriotism,
efficiency and accountability.

The county government of Trans Nzoia Is headed by a governor who works together
with his deputy and other co-workers.

The structure is based on the constitution of Kenya where each and every worker have
been assigned a vital duty to be undertaken and make sure the organization RUN
SMOOTHLY for the benefit of Trans Nzoia residents.

In the structure, I was attached in the public works roads and transport in the
department of power and electricity, the above department is umbrellaed by the
County Chief Secretary Head of County Public Service and Secretary to the county

In my report have been able to recapture the organization structure using tree and
arrow method from the senior to other subordinate workers.

The following is the organization structure of the county government of Trans Nzoia.


County assembly GOVERNOR

County Deputy county public service

County assembly member county executive county public board

County assembly committee county chief secretary

Head of county

County assembly public service and secretary

secretariats to the county execute

Finance and public Agriculture Water Healthy Education public


Economic works Livestock Energy services

Culture and physical and Forest


Road and transport Land’s housing trade industrialization

Cooperate development



Is the manager and boss of the county of Trans Nzoia. He ensures all the facilities and essentialities of
the county run smoothly.

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He represents the county to the government of Kenya – he is the ambassador of Trans Nzoia County.

b) Deputy Governor

He is junior to the governor and takes control in absence of the governor

c) Head of county treasury

Accounting and responsible to the principal finance officer for efficient management of accounting

d) Chief Officer

Responsible to the respective county executive committee members for the administration of county

e) Speaker of the county Assembly

He is the mouth piece for the house. He conveys message and addresses from the house to the
governor. He also charges with uploading the rights and privileges of members and of the house.

f) County secretary

Is the head of the county public service arranging the business and keeping the minutes of the county
executive committee and conveys the decision of the county executive committee to the appropriate
persons or authorities?

g) Head of county supply

Policy implementation and interpretation on supply chain management, training and development of
supply chain personnel and providing guidance on of county government inventory and assets.

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h) Revenue collection/county revenue officer

Responsible to chief officer responsible for finance county treasury and will supervise staff of the
revenue division.

Implementing national policies and statutory regulations on revenue development and implement a
plan to create demand and achieve revenue growth. He also maintains schedule for sources of revenue
outside the county.

i) Clerk

He is the book keeper. He is responsible for performing administrative tasks to support daily business
operation. Their duties included responding to phone calls or emails, maintaining an organized filling
system and restocking office supplies needed.

Chief Engineers

Power architectures and civil infrastructure and ICT; responsible for all innovation, creativity,
maintenance, installation, repair, widening, resurfacing and construction of vital assets in the county.

Attachment department


The chapter explain details, every move I made during my attachment period in this count.

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It also shows the core activities of the department I was in, the assignment given, the analysis of the
learned and applied skills when at work and other vital information the same.

To give an introduction this chapter entails all activities I did in my attachment as well as the experience
and skills I learnt in the county government of Trans Nzoia.

I was attached in the office of energy and power which is under public works and services. This was in
accordance to my undertaken course in my school.

Activities of the department

1. Managing and ensuring smooth running of power and electricity factors in the county
2. Giving report concerning power and paying the bills.
3. Conducting installation and repair of electrical assets in the county.
4. Dealing and solving queries concerning power.
5. Ensuring casual distribution of power to residents and business centers are by liaison with Kenya
6. Monitoring and managing use of power.
7. Mentoring personnel who are ready to learn and acquire skills on the same by offering
attachment platforms.

Main objectives of the department

Main objective of the department of transport and infrastructure is as follows;

i. Offering attachment platforms to students and empowering knowledge to the coming poster
ii. Managing and ensuring smooth running of vital assets like roads and transport lines and power
in Trans Nzoia.
iii. To offer quality and presentable service to the society.
iv. The embrace and birth up professionalism, innovative and creative personnel.
v. Ensure quality through equal distribution of resources to the society.

Attachment assignment routine duties

i. Cleaning, maintenance of machines and power equipment’s i.e., automatic generator, house
and water pump machines.
ii. Conducting repair to dead electrical machines and wiring which we did at large i.e., in the main
stage security lights.
iii. Trouble shooting and fault finding of wiring lines in county premises, street lights and main
security lights.
iv. Handling office duties i.e., eLearning and other procurement tasks
v. Replacing burnt and dead bulbs and holders in the town and outside the county
vi. Wiring and installation

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vii. Both practical and theory study of machine and electrical gadgets i.e., how a three-phase wiring
is done, studying a single-phase connection and working, how a fire alarm works, recurring
burnt components in a system i.e., an amplifier.
viii. Installing meter and mounting a double pole, installing power sockets for WI-FI network
ix. Change over which-learned and inspect and install a changeover switch for both single and three
phase transformers.

An analysis of leant knowledge and applied skills

Learn knowledge
 Good working relationship with other employees
 Better communication skills with others in the office
 Leadership skills- taking initiative
 Time management -how to keep in a specified task
 Accounting in management of resources -this involves being able to account for every
activity that is carried out during any time in the office during the day.
 Teamwork skills

Applied skills

 Background knowledge
 Mastering technical skills
 Developing professional competence
 Developing skills in functioning as a contributing member of a profession team.
 Using the knowledge learned in class.

This chapter entails and voice sound in written and clarify things encountered
during my attachment period, things I was able to gain for my benefit, the success
and strength and failures and weaknesses, challenges faced how I managed to
stay above them.
 Industrial analysis.
The whole attachment period was a good experience and an open platform for
me to learn more about my profession.
The period was full of learning and improving skills that would proper and soar my
flow in the procurement profession.

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The attachment also offered me an expose to a wide range of activities and
diverse staff that I interacted with during the attachment period.
 Success and Failures of the attachment exercise.
Success and strength.
1. I was able to learn new skills.
2. Obtaining support from management to study, policies, procedures and
processes of communication from each department.
3. Ensuring work plan is followed keeping in mind that the stipulated time
frame that task given should be done and completed each day intern giving
back the feedback to our boss.
Failures and Weaknesses.
1. Liaising with other peers on improving of budget functions and technics
that may be put in place so as to make more efficient.
2. A lot of time wasting on waiting the supervisor to come when we need him.
3. The institution does not have an open and direct office for attaches where
we could lay out our mind and may be if there are any challenges in the

 Challenges encountered during attachment period.

 Long procedures for acquiring equipment for the higher offices.
 Lack of proper channels to address my issues as the office didn’t have the
mandate to go through the procedures.
 A decision takes long time to be implemented due to long channel that
should be followed for it to be enacted.
 Time wasted due to lack of adequate platforms for skills fetching thus a
times we could a week without assigned for a duty.

 How the challenges were overcome.

 Through team work and sharing ideas.
 Sharing skills learnt with other adjacent attaches.

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 Using common sense.
 For time wasting we had to engage on other vital and functional work but
in line with the course undertaken.
 We made a warmly relationship with our supervisor and we could share
any challenges freely and we choose to understand him where necessary.

In summary, my position at the county government for attachment provided me
with a great opportunity to enable one bridge between the theory learned in class
and the practical done in the real world giving an understand to my proficient
Lastly the abilities and experiences that I gained from the procurement sector in
the county will and aid in knowing and identifying the various means and
techniques which are placed within the organization.

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The attachment has been of great significant to be trained and develop in the
procurement and I learnt a lot of things that I may not have known with the
theory knowledge alone.
It has shaped a basis of awareness, enhancement and improvement to my career
which will progress my performance in the work place.
Also, having interact with various characters and souls in the institution, the
attachment helps to create and mold a team work spirit and learning to work and
accommodate each and every character in giving out a presentable work, not only
today but also in the coming posterity.
I contemplate the following recommendations being adequate for efficient
performance in the county government offices especially procurement.
As an observation, I caution for the county government to continue inspiring its
employees by improving their reimbursement and enabling better working
Also, the school should come up with a criterion to help its students on
attachment and this is by putting heads together with the institutions that offers
attachment platforms and seek for attachment opportunities to students on their
behalf. Students encounter a lot of agonic challenges and difficulties just to get an
attachment letter of approval. Giving it an extend some had to bribe the
officers’ dudes to be given confirmation letter. In addition, the opposite gender is
being mistreated and face a lot of sexual harassment with lustful guys in the most
Institution where they have been attached to help these measures should be put across to our benefits.

Lastly, I want to thank the fraternity of county government of Trans Nzoia for their unending support to
students and allowing me to be attached to their organization.


County Government of Trans Nzoia

P.O BOX 4211-30200 Kitale Kenya


Wilson Wafula- supervisor; Tel 0724824124

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MR Jimmy – attachment coordinator -electrical Tel 0733499252.

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