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I saw a man with a striking appearance , radiant face , beautifully created

His belly wasn’t protruding nor was His head disproportionate and small
Proportionate and delicate ,finely made , A specimen of a creation
In His eyes there was a contrast ,the dark was immensely dark and the white was
excessively white
And in His voice was a natural echo and His neck was elegantly long
His beard was full & thick , His eye brows were arched , but they were not joined
It was separated ,When He was silent dignity covered Him , and when He spoke
it was audible & clear , almost commanding & overtaking
From afar the most striking & outstanding in appearance , and when He near He
was the best of them and the most handsome in closeness
Such an exalted & sweet level of logic , like when He used to speak it was
always logical , smooth & easy to understand
He was to the point , not excessive not too short , His logic , His utterances , His
words were like jewels coming out of a necklace ,calculated , polished , one after
the other it would flow magically
He was medium in height ,your eyes didn’t have to strain to look up at Him ,nor
was it tedious to look down at Him , He was a comfortable sight to look at
Anas says , I came out one night it was a full moon night , and I looked at the
moon in the desert the moon is an awesome sight , it is smoot ,it is radiant it is
clear , it is gentle , compared to the scorching sun , so he says that I came out at a
full moon night ,and I saw it beautiful & handsome so I said to myself let me go
see if the moonis more handsome or my Prophet is more Handsome , beautiful so
I went & I saw Him standing afar , so I looked at His face & I looked at the moon
and he says wAllah He was more beautiful & handsome than the moon
Aisha says I was sowing with the needle , my needle dropped in the dark, I
couldn’t find it , so I said Ya Rasoolullah I can’t find it, so He moved His face
close and I swear that out of the radiance of His face I found my needle
And the Prophet was mind-blowingly handsome but His handsomeness was
covered with dignity , majesty and reverence

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