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F••'JEE Big Bang Edge Test - 2017

for students presently in

Class 8
Time: 3 Hours (9:30 am -12:30 pm) Maximum Marks: 420
I Code 18000 I

Caution: Class, Paper, Code as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer OMR sheet
before attempting the paper. Wrong Class, Paper or Code will give wrong results.

1. This Question paper consists of 2 sections. All questions will be multiple choice single correct out of four
choices with marking scheme in table below:

0.1t024 +3 0
SECTION-I o 25t036 +. o.
a 37t045 +5 0

Q. 61 to 69 +3 0
SECTION -II Q 70 to 75 +. 0

(SCIENCE & 0.76t093 +3 0

MATHEMATICS) Q. 94 to 105 +. 0
Q 10610111 +3 0

BIOLOGY Q. 112to 117 +3 0

Q 118t0120 +5 0

2. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheet. The Question Paper contains blank spaces for your rough
work. No additional sheets will be provided for rough work.
3. Blank papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calciJlator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic devices, in
any form, are not allowed.
4. Before attempting paper write your OMR Answer Sheet No., Registration Number, Name and Test
Centre in the space provided al the bottom of this sheet.

Note: Please check this Question Paperconta/ns 111/120 questions In serllllorder. If not so, exchllrtge for!hll correcr Question Pllper.

OMR Answer Sheet No. : _

Registration Number

Name of the Candidate

Test Centre

FUTIU Ltd., TITTJl:l: H••••u, :J9.A, Kal •• Sa"'''', Sa"""priJ/"" VIM', N• .., D.lhf .1100J6, Ph: 49:J834'TJ/'T3/'l:S
w.b.olt.: wwwJfltJ ••• com
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-2

Section-l AT
Straight Objective Type
This section contains 45 muffiple choice questions number 1 to 45. Each question has 4 choices (A), (8),
(C) and (0), out 0' which ONL Y ONE is correcl.

Directions (Q.1 - Q.3): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number

1. 7,9,13,21,37,1
(A) 58 (8) 63
(C) 69 (0) 72

2. 9,8,10,18,11,1,12,64
(A) 28 (8) 36
(C) 25 (0) 32

3. 9 11 15 1 39 71
(A) 29 (8) 23
(C) 21 (0) 27

4. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word MODERN, each of which has as many
letters between them in the word (in both fOlWard and backward directions) as they have between
them in the English alphabetical series?
(A)None (8) One
(C) Two (0) Three

5. If each consonant in the word cllanged to the previous letter in the English
alphabetical series and each vowel is changed to the next letter in the English alphabetical series,
and then the alphabets so formed are arranged in an alphabetical order from left to right, which
will be the third from the right?
(C) S (0) M
Space for Rough Work

'lIT'" Ltd .• Tlrr~1!: No••••• 29-A, Kal•• Sa,..d. Sarva.prlya Vlhar, N.UJ D.nd .110016, Ph,4928347J/73/75
••••"'too, UJUJw,
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-3

Directions (Q.S - Q.7): These questions are based on the following set of numbers.
625 843 236 758 417

6. If in each number all the digits are arranged in ascending order within the number, then what will
be the difference between lowest and highest number thus fOllT1ed?
(A) 431 (B) 469
(C) 530 (D)433

7. If in each number first digit is replaced by the second digit, second digit is replaced by the third
digit and third digit is replaced by the first digit, then which number will be the second lowest?
(A) 625 (B) 843
(C) 236 (D) 758

8. In a row at a bus stop, Amit is 7th from the left and Prakash is 9th from the right. Both of them
interchange their positions and thus Amit becomes 11th from the left. How many people are there
in that row?
(A) 18 (B) 19
~21 R~
9. Kaya, Kiara, Kamini, Seema, Sarita and Suman are standing in a row. Kiara is between Suman
and Seema. Sarita is between Kaya and Kamini. Kaya does not stand next to either Suman or
Seema. Kamini does not stand next to Seema. Suman is between which of the following pairs of
(A) Kamini and Kiara (B) Kaya and Kamini
(C) Kaya and Kiara (0) 5eema and Kamini

10. Select the related word from the given altematives:

Book: Pages: : Wall: 7

11. Find the odd leiters from the given alternatives?


12. Select the related word from the given altematives:

Jailor: Prison :: Curator: ?
(A) Cell (B) Museum ,
(C) Warden (D) Cure •
Space for Rough Work i

'1T1ft Ltd •• TTTTJE~No ••••• :J!l.,A, Jr••lu S•••.•zf. S,,", ••p,.q,a •••• D.lhI.UOOHI. Ph: 4!l:J83471/73j7$
•••• b>olu' wU>UJJl~ •• com
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-4

13. In this question, four words have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and the
fourth one is different. Choose Qut the odd one.
(A) Hypothesis (B) Assumption
(C) Observation (0) Experiment

14. Count the number of squares in the given figure.

(A) 8
(B) 12
(C) 15
(D) 18

15. If the letters in PRABA are coded as 27595 and THILAK are coded as 398451, how can PRATIK
be coded?
(A) 275281 (B) 275381
(C) 275389 (D) 279381

16. If 'train' is called 'bus', 'bus' is called 'tractor', 'tractor' is called 'car', 'car' is called 'scooter',
'scooter' is called 'bicyde', 'bicyde' is called 'moped', which is used to plough a field?
(A) Bicycle (B) Car
(C)Tractor (D) Bus

17. If SMART is coded as 4 and STUDENT as 6, then what is the code for BEAUTIFUL?
W6 ~8
(C) 9 (D) 10

18. If A = 2, M = 26, Z = 52, then BET = ?

(A) 44 (B) 54
(C) 64 (D) 72

19. Statements:
All mobile are laptop.
Some mobile are watch.
I. All mobile are watch.
II. Some watch are laptop.
(A) If only conclusion I follows (8) If only conclusion II follows
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows (0) If neither conclusion I nor II follow
Space for Rough Work

n,nu Ltd .• FIITJEE Ho"", •• :19.••.•Emh. Saral, Sa••.••••prlJla Vlhar. N.w D.lh/ .11ooJ6, Ph: 49:18347J/73/75
•••• b.ole., www.f/le.J ••• <:om
BBE-2017-C.VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-5

20. Statements:
No gentleman is poor.
All gentlemen are
I. No poor man is rich.
II. No rich man is poor.
(A) If only conclusion I follows (B) If only conclusion II follows
(C) If either conclusion I or II follows (0) If neither conclusion I nor II follow

21. In an imaginary operation of mathematics, '_I means divide, '+' means to multiply, '.' means to
subtract and 'x' means to add, then which of the below given equations is corred?
(A) 6 +20 x 12+ 7-1 = 70 (B)6+ 20-12 +7 x 1 =62
(C) 6 - 20 + 12 x 7 + 1 = 57. (0) 6 + 20 -12 + 7 - 1 = 36

In this question, which Venn Diagrams best represents !h~ relation between given classes?


(C) fj (0)

23. P, T, V, R, M, D, K and Ware sitting around a circular table facing the center, V is second to the
left of T. T is fourth to right of M. D and P are not sitting next to T. 0 is third to the right of P. W is
not sitting next to P. P is sitting next left of K. Then who is second to the left of K?
(C) M (0) W

24. Krttika drives 10 km towards South, takes a right tum and drives 6 km. She then takes another
right turn, drives 10 km and stops. How far is she from the starting point?
(A)10km . (B)4km
(C) 6 km (0) 12 km
Space for Rough Work ,


.mJfI Ltd., rrrr~E Houn, czpnJl" V/hczr,N.w

:19..A, ECllu SCI""I, SCI•.•• .o.U" .1100J6, Ph: 49:18347J(73/75
_te, wwwJlltj_ ..,om
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )_AT+S&M-6

25. A villager went to meet his uncle in another village situated 5 km away in the North.east direction
from his own village. From there he came to meet his father-in-law living in a village situated 4 km
in the south of his uncle's village. How far away and in what direction is he now from his own
- village?
(A) 3 kmin the North (B) 3 km in the East
(C) 4 km in the East (D) 4 km in the West

26. Shikha told Aarushi, aThe girl I met, yesterday at the beach was youngest daughter of the brother-
in-law of my friend's mother: How is the girl related to Shikha's friend?
(A) Cousin (B) Daughter
(C) Niece (D) Fnend

27. . Pointing to a man on the stage, Natasha said, "He is the brother of the daughter of the wife of my
husband: How is the man on the stage related 10 Natasha?
(A) Son (B) Husband
(C) Cousin (D) Nephew

26. z; the son-In-law of K, is the brother-in-law of G who is the brother of E.E is the daughter of K.
How is G related to K?
(A) Brother (B) Son
(C) Father (D) Data inadequate

29. In the Venn diagram given below, circle represents sportspersons, square, represents unmarried
persons, triangle represents women and rectangle represents educated persons. Each section is
numbered. Study this diagram to answer the following question.


Which sections are represented by the region numbered 11?

(A) Married educated sportswomen
(8) Unmarried uneducated women sportspersons
(C) Married educated sportsmen
(D) Unmarried educated sportswomen
Space for Rough Work

IVU" Ltd., Tur~.H01<u, :J9-A, Kal" Sa •.••/, San>apr4la Vlhar, N.w D.lhl.JlOOJ6, Ph: 49:J8347J/73/7~
•••• www.ft.(J ••• com
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-7

30. If Q denotes addition; J denotes multiplication; T denotes subtraction and K denotes division,
70 K 5 Q 4 J 1 T 7 = ?
(A) 15 (B) 11
(C) 12 (D) 10

31. Arrange the following words according to dictionary arrangement:

1. Epitaxy 2. Episode
3. Epigene 4. Epitome
5. Epilogue
(A) 1,2,3,4,5 (B) 3,2,5,4,1
(C) 3,5,2,1,4 (D) 5,4,2,1,3

32. In this letter series, some of the leiters are missing which are given in that order as one of the
alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative.
c _ b _ bccb c_ abc__ ab
(A) caabcbcb (B) bbbaabcb
(C) baabbbaa (D) cabcbbcb

Directions (0.33 - 0.34): In each of the following questions, various terms of an alphabet series are
given with one or more terms missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing terms out of the given





35. From the positions of a cube are shown below, Which letter will be on the face opposite to face

(A) D (B) B
(C) C (D) F
Space for Rough Work

JUlin Ltd., nrrJEE Ho••u, 29.A, K,d •• s •••••/. S"""'Pr1¥•• Vlh••r, N.w D./h/ -IJooHI, Ph: 49;183471/73/75
..,.b./t.: www.fllfJ ••. com
BBE.2017.C-V11I (Paper.1 ).AT+S&M-8

36. Of the seven members of a panel sitting in a row, M is to the left of P, but on the right of Q. 0 is
on the right of 5, but is on the left of N who is to the left of R. Which member is sitting in the
(A)MorO (B)OorN
(C)SorR (O)PorO

37. From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the
given word: MEASUREMENT

38. How many L's are there which do not have R preceding them and also do not have T following
(A) 4 (B)3
(C) 2 (0) 1

39. In this question, arrange the given words in a meaningful sequence and then choose the most
appropriate sequence from amongst the alternatives provided below each question:
1. Cut 2. Puton
3. Mark 4. Measure
5. Stitching
(A)1,3, 2, 4, 5 (B)2, 4, 3, 1, 5
(C) 3, 1, 5, 4, 2 (0) 4, 3, 1, 5, 2
Space for Rough Work

,."U Ltd., TJrr~'& Ho"", :lM • .It"I" S"nd. S,uv"Pr/JI" VI"" •• N.w V.lhl.1l00J6. p", 49:l8347J/73/T1S
•••• ••."om
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-9

Directions (Q.40 - Q.41): Find the missing character in each of the following questions:

6 9 15
6 12 20
4 6 ?
(A) 5 (B) 10
(C) 15 (0) 21


(A) 125 (B) 216

(C) 121 (0) 225

Directions (Q.42 - Q.43): The questions that follow contain a set of three figures X, Y and Z showing a
sequence of folding of a piece of paper. Figure (Z) shows the manner in which the folded paper has been
cut. These three figures are followed by four answer figures from which you have to choose a figure
which would most closely resemble the unfolded tonn of figure (Z).
.- - - -.----

IT] x

G] G
(A) (B)

(C) (0)
o 0
Space for Rough Work

A1TJU Ltd., TUT.rrZ No••.••, :l9.A, iIlal•• Sar.d, Sanoop'Jva Villar, N.w lHlhl -UOOJ6. Ph, 492834'7J/73/7$
••••klt<o, w..,..,
SSE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-10

. -----..
,---- ...------,
43. . , ,

t3j ...Ez J

(S) [g]
(0) ~

. Directions (Q.44 - Q.45): In each of the following questions, choose the correct mirror - image of the
figure (X) from amongst four alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (0), given along with it.


(Xl (C) (0)


(Xl (A). (8) (C) (0)

Space for Rough Work

',"Jff Ltd., TIITJEE HOWIe, ~9.A. K<llu Sa •.••l, S""""P.1ya. VIM., New D.II" .Hool6, Ph, 492834"J/73/7$
••••b./w: lUww,flit;
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-l1

Section-II Science and Mathematics

Physics (Part - A)
Straight Objective Type
Physics contains 15 multiple choice questions number 46 to 60. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (e)
and (D), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

46. Number of vibrations per second is called

(A) Pitch (8) Frequency
(C) Amplitude (D) Quamy

47. The force acting on a body when its momentum changes by 10 kg ms- in 5 seconds is _
(A) 15 (B)2
(e) 5 (D) 10

48. Loudness of sound is measured in unit called

(A) Hertz (B) Pascal
(C) Ampere (D) Decibel

49. When a person is walking on the ground.

(A) he applies a force on the ground (B) the ground exerts a force on him
(e) no force is applied by the person (D) both (A) and (6)

50. Identify the vector physical quantity from the given following
(A) impulsive force (B) weight
(e) momentum (0) atl the above

51. At a higher altitude. the atmospheric pressure is lesSer because at higher altitudes
(A) the length of air column exerting tbe pressure is less.
(8) density of air decreases.
(C) acceleration due to gravity decreases.
(0) all of the above.

52. The minimum distance between the particles in a medium vibrating with the same phase of a
wave is known as
(A) amplitude (8) wavelength
(C) frequency (0) wave speed
Space for Rough Work

AlUff Ltd .• TllTJEZ H•••••.•
, 29.A, K ••III S •••.•
d. S••nxzprlga Vlhar, N.oo D.lhl.1JOOl15,
••••b.rltoo: ••••••oo.flllp •. com
88E-2017-C.VIII (Paper.1 )-AT+S&M-12

53. A body travelling with a speed more than the spee.d of sound in air is said to travel with
(A) supersonic speed (8) hypersonic speed
(e) ultrasonic speed (D) infrasonic speed

54. A sound wave travels from north to south, in which direction do the particles of air move?
(A) East-West (B) North-South
(e) Up and down (D) None of these

55. In a mercury barometer, if a lube containing mercury is tilted, then

(A) vertical height of the mercury column remains same.
(8) the length of mercury column in the lube increases.
(e) the vertical height of the mercury column decreases.
(0) both (A) and (8)

56. A source of longitudinal wave vibrates 320 times in two seconds. If the velocity of this wave in the
air is 240 ms-1, find the wavelength of the wave.
(A) 1.5 m (8) 0.75 m
(C) 2.5 m (0) 3 m

57. Density of a solid cylinder is 850 kgfm3. If it floats in vertical position in water then the percentage
of volume of cylinder outside the water is
(A) 15 (8) 20
~H ~~

58. A submarine emits a sonar pulse, which returns from an undefWater cliff in 1.12 s. If the speed of
sound in salt "Yater is 1530 mfs, how far away is the diff.
(A) 1713.6 m (8) 856.8 m
(C) 428.4 m (0) None of these

59. A block of mass 3 kg is placed on a rough surface as shown in

the figure. The coefficient of static friction between the two
surfaces is 0.2 then find the minimum horizontal force 'F' required
to move the block.
(A) 0.6 N (8) 6.44 N
(C) 5.88 N (0) 2.94 N

60. When an object is made to float in two different liquids of densities d1 and d2 in two different
containers, the lengths of the object seen above the liquid surfaces are 11 and 12respectively.
Which of the following is the correct alternative?
(A) d2 > d1, if 11> 12 (8) d1 > d2, if 12> 11
(C) d1 < d2, if 12> 11 (D) d2 < d1, if h 11 =
. Space for Rough Work

'IIUU Ltd., TUT~E 80101", 29-A, .l[al101Sand. Sa •••aprlJ/a Vlhar, N."" D.lhl .JjOOJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
•••• ' www.fl/"
k/ ••••
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-, )-AT+S&M-13

Chemistry (Part-B)
Straight Objective Type
Chemistry contains 15 multipfe choice questions number 61 to 75. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B),
(C) and CD), out of which ONLY ONE is co"ect.

61. Which of following fibres has the same monomer unit?

(A) Nylon and cellulose (B) Polyester & Nylon
(e) Rayon & Nylon (D) Cellulose & Rayon

62. Metals can be hammered into thin sheets. This property is called:
(A)Density (8) MalieabMy
(C)Ductilily (D)Strength

63. Main constituents of coal gas are:

(A) H20, C2H6• 0] (B) CH4, CO2, 0]
(C) CH•• H2, CO (D) C2H6• N], 0]

64. Esters are:

(A) Sweet smelling compounds (8) Odou~ess
(C) Foul smelling compounds (D) None of these

65. Metal which does not react with Hel is:

(A) Mg (8) Cu
(C) Na (D) Fe

66. A metal which is liquid at room temperature is:

(A) Hg (8) Na
(C) K (D) AI

67. When a well is drilled through the rock, which of the following comes out first:
(A) Petroleum (B) Natural gas
(C) Crude oil (0) Residual oil

68. Which of the following acids is used in preparation of Nylon-66?

(A) Acetic acid (B) Ascorbic acid
(C) Adipic acid (0) Amino acid'
Space for Rough Work

FI1'JU Ltd., nrr.n:l: Ho •••• , ~9.A,r ••l" S",..i, s •••••••P"If" Vl",,~,N••••~lhl .JJOOJ6, Pit, 49~B347J/73/7$
••.•b.iw, ••.••.•••

69. Metal which is the best conductor of electricity:

(A) Nickel (B) Silver
(C) Gold (0) Sodium

70. Which of the following is an amphoteric oxide?

(A) SO, (B) MgO
(C) K,O (0) AI,O,

71. Aluminium foil is used as a medicine wrapper because:

(A) " is cost effective (B) It is malleable
(C) It is shiny (0) It isductile

72. Which of the following names represents the foul smelling, black, thick, viscous liquid obtained
from destructive distillation of coal?
(A) Coke (B) Coal tar
(C) Coal gas (0) None of these

73. Kerosene is a mixture of:

(A) Alkanes (B) Aromatic compounds
(C) Alcohols (0) Aliphatic acid

74. Bakellte is formed by the combination of:

(A) Phenol and acetic acid (B) Phenol & Alcohol
(C) Alcohol & formaldehyde (0) Phenol & formaldehyde

75. Silver articles become black on prolonged exposure to air. This is due to the formation of:
(A) Ag,N (B) Ag,O
(C) Ag,S (0) Ag,S & Ag,N
Space for Rough Work

mIll Ltd., 7'rrr.n~Ho •••••, .29-A, Jral", Sa •.•d, Sa •.••••

prlJ/a. V1""~,N."" D.lhl.JjOOJ6, Ph: .')~B347J/73/T5
••••".,toIl www.fllt}"
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-15

Mathematics (Part-C)
Straight Objective Type
Mathematics contains 30 muftiple choice questions number 76 to 105. Each question has 4 choices (AJ,
(B), (e) and (0), auto/which ONLY ONE is cotred,

76. The square root of (7 T 3,)5)(7- 3,)5) is

(A) ,)5 (B) 2
(C) 4 (0) 3,)5

77. What is ordinate of the point (-2, -3)

(A) -2 (B) -3
(C) 3 (0) -5
,f1296 x .
76. ---= -- then find the value of x?
x 2.25
(A) 6 (B) 6
(C) 7 (0) 9

79. ,f8 x 7 -x +208+ 16 =8find x

(A) 5 (B) 7
(C)"4 (0)3

80. When the diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular to each other then it Is called.
(A) Square (B) Rectangle
ee) Rhombus (D) Parallelogram
Space for Rough Worlt'

MJtt U4., Turon. B_ • .2j;1..A, .....,.rfva

Z••l •• SCI""',S •• Vlh.<l~.H•••• lHlhl .JJooJ6, Ph: 49:183471/73/75
••••!NIlu, •••_,fII/;/H.<:o •••
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper.1)-AT+S&M-16

81. In an isoscelestrapeziumABeD if LA = 45° then LC will be

(A)90' (B)135'
(C) 120' (D) Noneof these

82. How many numbers between -11 and 11 are multiplies of 2 or 31

(A) 11 (B) 14
I (C) 15 (D) Noneof these

, 83. The graph of y = a is
(A) the x axis (B) the y axis
(C) a line parallel to the y-axis (0) a line parallel to x axis

84. Which is not represented by quadratic equation?

(A) Circle (B) straight.line
(C) Parabola (D) Hyperbola

85. In Ihegiven figurex = ?

(A) "+~-r
(B) "+~+r
(C) "-~+r
(D) ~+r-"

Space for Rough Work

NUN Ltd., 'UTJZ~U01LH. :l9-A, Kill •• Sa""', S""'''PrlJ/<I VilLar, N •.••• D.lhl.lJOOJ6, Ph: 49283.7J/73/76
••••klt<o' "'••••••
,fUV- .••om
BBE-2017-C-V1II (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-17

66. • How many diagonals are there is a polygon having 12 sides?

(A)12 (B)24
(C)36 (D)54

87. ABeD is a trapezium in which AS = 7 em, AD = Be = 5 em and distance AS and DC is 4 em then

the length of DC is
(A)10em (B)11em
(C)12em (D)13em

For Question 88 - 90
The following pie chart shows the house hold expenditure of a family for different purpose.

88. If the expenditure on food is Rs. 3000 then what is the expenditure on transport
(A)1150 (B)1350
~120 R1~

89. What is the ratio of expenditure between power and clothing

(A)11:20 (B)20:11
(C)20:10 (D)17:11
Space for Rough Work

FllTltt Ltd., J'In".n:J: H••••••, 2N, Ked" S••••••

l, S'U'THJprfga Vlhar, N.w D<llhl.llOO16, PhI49:lB3471/73/7~
••••btu., lIJlIJUI,jIIv.-.<:om
BBE-2017-C.VIII (Paper-1)-AT+S&M-18

90. How much percent more is spent on transport than on other

1 6
(A)40-% (B)43-%
7 7
(C)42~% (0) 41~%
7 7
91. The age of a man after 15 years is 4 times the age of that 15 years before. His present age is
(A) 10 years (B) 15 years
(C) 20 years (0) 25 years

92. A train 100 meters long takes 6 seconds to cross a man walking at 5 kmIh in a direction opposite
to that of the train. The speed of the train is:
(A)50 kmlh (B) 55 kmlh
(C) 57 kmIh (0) 60 kmlh

93. The sum of two numbers is 15. If the sum of their reciprocal is ~ then find the difference of the
(A) 7 (B) 10
(C) 3 (0) 5

94. y= calculate y
-4+ -4
-4 + ..... 00
(A) 2 (B) 4
(C) -2 (0) :t2

95. Diagonals of a rhombus are 18 an and 24 em respectively. Which of the following is the
W~= ~~=
~~= ~n=
Space for Rough Work

mI •• Ltd., ,rrr~~
H••••••• :19-A,K<>I•• Sa ••d, s ••"...,.riIJa V1"""~.He •• Dotfhl.JJOOJ6, Ph: .9'483471/73/76
_b"", .••.•..., ••.
BBE-2017-C.VIII (Paper-1 )-Ar+S&M-19

96. External angle of a regular polygon is 72° . Find the sum of all the internal angle of it.
(A)360' (8) 480'
(C)352' (0) 540'

97. ~10+J25+JX+J154+.J225 =4 findx

(A) 110 (B) 10B
(C) 100 (0) 114

9B. Find the area of the quadrilateral (SQ. unit)
(.J3) = 173 o
(A) 452
(B) 269
(C) 134.5
(0) 144.5

(ABP) +
(C) 50 cm
ar (COP) = ?

Space for Rough Work

ABeD is a rectangle in which AS = 10 and Be = 8 em. If P is a point inside the rectangle then af

(0) can't be determined


•••. J•• Ltd'., TUTJEJ; H_, 29-A, .1:••". Sand. Sa"""PrltIa VI""'~.Mow D<tlhl -JjOOJ6, Ph: 49283471/73/75
.•••.bte.' .••_.ftttJ- ..,om
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-20

100. In the figure. the shaded part is bounded by y

the axis the lines x = 3 and x + y =5 which
is the area of the shaded region
(A) 10.5 .
(B) 12
(e) 15
(0) 19.5

x= 3

101. In the given figure P and Q are mid points of the sides o c
AS and Be of the rectangle ABeD. If the area of the
triangle APQ is 1 square em. What is the area of the
whole rectangle
(A) 2 em'
(B) 4 em'
(C) 6 em'
(0) 8 em'

102. The angle xO,ao,co and (n-bt are

indicated in the figure given below. Which one
of the following is correct?
(A) XO =ao+co _be
I (B) xO=bo-ao-co
(C) XO =ao+bo +Co (x-b)'
~ (0) XO =ao-bo +co A c
, B T

i Space for Rough Work


FMJU Ltd., nrr.n:1f, H••••••, 211-A,Kalu s ••••aI. SonoaprWa Vj""~. N• .., D.II.I.UOO16, Ph: 4928347J/73{75
weMlt<t: www.flltJ-.<:om
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-21


(B) 1

(0) 5

104. The speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hr. It can go 30 km upstream and return downstream to
the original point in 4 hr 30 minutes. Find the speed of the stream.
(A) 3 kmIhr (B) 4 kmlhr
(C) 5 kmIhr (0) 6 kmlhr

105. The length of a rectangle is 15 em more than its width. The perimeter is 150 em. Find the
measures of length and width of the triangle.
(A) 45, 30 (B) 40, 25
(C) 50, 35 (0) 45, 25
Space for Rough Work

,,"'Ie Ltd., nrrJZ2 Ho<l.N, ~9-A, K4lu Sand. Sar11apr/v4 Vihdr, N.", lH'hl -lJOO16, Ph: 49283471/73/75
_Non., WVJVI,JiItJ-.eom
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Paper-1 )-AT+S&M-22

Biology (Part-D)
Straight Objective Type
Biology contains 15 multiple choice questions number 106 to 120. Each question has 4 choices (A), (8),
(G) and (D), out of which ONL Y ONE is correct. '

106. Examples of Khanf crops are

(A) Wheat and maize (8) Gram and maize
(e) Paddy and Cotton (0) All of these

107. Watering the crops is called

(A) Sowing (8) Manuring
(C) Tilling (D) lnigation

106. Separating grains from chaff is called

(A) Winnowing (8) Threshing
(C) Fallow (D) Harvesting

109. Which one of the following condition is not essential to grow maize?
(A) High temperature (B) Humidity
(e) Low temperature (D) Frost

110. Which one of the following disease is caused by virus?

(A) Typhoid (B) Influenza
(C) Dysentry (D) Cholera

111. The two micro - organisms which live in symbiotic association in lichens are
(A) Fungus and protozoa (B) Alga and bacteria
(C) Bacteria and protozoa (D) Alga and fungus

112. Which of the following statement is not true for organic manure?
(A) It .enhances water holding capacity of soil
(8) It nas a balance of all plant nutrients
l (C) It provides humus to the soil
(D) It improves the texture of the soil
Space for Rough Work

_____ ~ ~~ ~ __ m m_m
__ . __.~

fUTJ(( Ud., FlrTJl:B H ••••••• 29.A, Kal •• S" •••I, Sa"'''Priva Vlha., N.", n.fh'.J JOOJ6, Ph, 492lJ347J/7"317"",
",.klt., "'''''''JI'
BBE-2017-C-VIII (Papcr-1 )-AT+S&M-23

113. The disease caused by a protozoan and spread by insect is

(A) Dengue (B) Malaria
(e) Polio (D) Measles

114. FonnaUon of vinegar from alcohol is caused by

(A) Badllus 5ubtilis (B) Clostridium
(e) Acelobacter aceli (D) Azotobacter

115. Common cold is not cured by antibiotics because it is

(A) Caused by virus (B) Caused by a green positive bacterium
(e) Caused by a gram negative bacterium (D) Not an infectious disease

116. One of the most important function of Botanical Garden is that

(A) They provide a beautiful area for recreation
(8) One can obselVe tropical Plants there
(C) They allow ex-situ conselVation
(D) They provides the natural habitat for wild life

117. Endemic plants are those which are

(A) Cosmopolitan in distribution (B) Restricted to certain area
(C) Found in arctic region . (0) Gregarious in habitat

118. The ill effects of Green Revolution is

(A) a improvement in economy condition of fanners
(B) development of agriculture as an industry
(C) the dependence on fertilizers, weedicids and pesticides
(0) wiping out hunger and starvation

119. What happened when we inoculated Rhizobium in wheat field?

(A) Nitrogen content of soil remains same
(B) Nitrogen content of the soil increases
(C) Fertility of the soil decreases
(D) Fertility of the soil remains same

120. Which of the following is not applicable for National Park?

(A) Fauna is conserved (B) Flora is conserved
(C) Exploitation of soil and flora (O) Hunting is prohibited
Space for Rough Work

FIIT/U Ltd .• TlrrJIlJlllouu, ::l9.A, Kal" Sl1ral, San;aprlya Vlhar, Hew Delhl.1 10016, Ph: 49283471/73175
Space for Rough Worlr

AIl'JIl Ltd., nrrJE~ BOUN,251"",-Kal•• Barai, Sa"""f'~ Vl"",.~ NnI D.lhl.lJOOltl, Ph "":lOllOOO, 215:11594513,'ax 265'l351"2
_k/too, "'_JlltJ-.CMft.
s~ for Rough WOft

San:lf, Sanoaprilfa V/laar, N.OZ' D.lhl.JlOOJ6,'" 46JOC5COO.265694lJ3. TaJ< 265J3lJ42

•••• to.iW' "'_JUt,

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