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A Review of Cyclodestructive Procedures for the

Treatment of Glaucoma

Nandita Anand, Emma Klug, Abraham Nirappel & David Solá-Del Valle

To cite this article: Nandita Anand, Emma Klug, Abraham Nirappel & David Solá-Del Valle
(2020) A Review of Cyclodestructive Procedures for the Treatment of Glaucoma, Seminars in
Ophthalmology, 35:5-6, 261-275, DOI: 10.1080/08820538.2020.1810711

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2020, VOL. 35, NOS. 5–6, 261–275

A Review of Cyclodestructive Procedures for the Treatment of Glaucoma

Nandita Anand, Emma Klug, Abraham Nirappel, and David Solá-Del Valle
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA


Cyclodestruction aims to reduce aqueous humor production through the coagulation or destruction of Received 2 February 2020
the ciliary body and has been an important treatment choice for glaucoma since the 1930s. The purpose Revised 23 May 2020
of the current review is to highlight the evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of various cyclodes­ Accepted 9 August 2020
tructive modalities, emphasizing peer-reviewed articles from the last 20 years and the most common KEYWORDS
variants of these procedures. The review focuses primarily on the two most common variants of trans­ Cyclodestruction; micropulse
scleral cyclophotocoagulation (TS-CPC), continuous-wave diode cyclophotocoagulation (CW-TSCPC) and diode; endoscopic
MicroPulse diode cyclophotocoagulation (MP-TSCPC) as well as endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation (ECP) photocoagulation; high-
and high-intensity focused ultrasound cyclodestruction (HIFU). We believe that the role of cyclodestruc­ intensity focused ultrasound;
tion in glaucoma treatment will only continue to expand given the advances in the field, particular with transcleral diode laser
regards to targeted ciliary body destruction and improvement in the safety profile.

INTRODUCTION Neodymium:Yttrium-Aluminum-Garnet (Nd:YAG) laser

more effectively ablated the ciliary body.8 Today, CPC can
Glaucoma is a chronic, progressive, and irreversible optic neu­
be employed through either a transscleral, endoscopic, or
ropathy. It is the second most common cause of blindness
transpupillary approach.
worldwide, affecting approximately 80 million people.1
While CPC provides a relatively targeted approach to ciliary
Currently, the only modifiable risk factor known to slow the
body destruction, dissipated laser energy may still cause
progression of the disease is intraocular pressure (IOP). IOP is
damage to surrounding tissues resulting in postoperative com­
the result of the balance of aqueous humor secretion by the
plications commonly observed with the procedure.
ciliary body and its drainage through the trabecular meshwork
Additionally, scattered light energy opposite the treatment
and uveoscleral outflow pathway.2 Accordingly, glaucoma
location (ciliary body) may cause macular edema, persistent
treatment primarily consists of interventions intended to
mydriasis, prolonged anterior chamber inflammation, and
lower IOP by decreasing aqueous humor secretion or increas­
even neurotrophic keratopathy. However, newer CPC modal­
ing its outflow.
ities seem to provide better-focused energy, more targeted
Cyclodestruction is one such intervention, and it has been
destruction of the ciliary processes, and more favorable safety
an important treatment choice since the 1930s.
profiles. This, in turn, has expanded the role of cyclodestruc­
Cyclodestruction aims to reduce aqueous humor production
tion in the management of glaucoma to include a broader
through the coagulation or destruction of the ciliary body.
patient profile and to be used earlier in our treatment
Earlier variants of cyclodestruction included cyclocryotherapy
(i.e., freezing injury), cyclodiathermy (i.e., thermal injury), and
The purpose of the current review is to highlight the
cyclectomy (i.e., surgical excision) of the ciliary body.
evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of various cyclo­
However, many complications were commonly associated
destructive modalities, emphasizing peer-reviewed articles
with these procedures including prolonged uveitis, damage of
corneal nerves, eye pain, and phthisis.3,4 Moreover, their clin­ from the last 20 years and the most common variants of
ical efficacy was called into question with a review of 100 cases these procedures. It will focus primarily on the two most
of cyclodiathermy, for instance, demonstrating that only 5% of common variants of transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (TS-
cases had a sustainable, clinically-significant reduction in IOP, CPC), continuous-wave diode cyclophotocoagulation (CW-
with phthisis occurring almost as often.5 TSCPC) and MicroPulse diode transscleral laser treatment
Limitations in the safety and utility of these early cyclo­ (MP-TLT). Transpupillary CPC is another cyclodestructive
destructive methods led to the advent of cyclophotocoagu­ modality that requires a clear visual axis and ciliary pro­
lation (CPC)— a more refined, targeted approach to the cesses that can be viewed on gonioscopy, in cases such as
destruction of the ciliary body.6 In 1972, the use of trans­ aniridia. It is therefore of limited use and will not be
scleral cyclophotocoagulation (TS-CPC) using ruby laser discussed further. Endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation
was first reported by Beckman and associates.7 Shortly (ECP) and high-intensity focused ultrasound cyclodestruc­
thereafter, the same authors demonstrated that the tion (HIFU) will also be discussed in detail.

CONTACT Nandita Anand Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, 243
Charles Street, Boston, MA 02114, USA
© 2020 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (,
which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.

Figure 1. IRIDEX G-probe device.

Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation (TS-CPC) The utility of CW-TSCPC for the management of refractory
glaucoma, defined as uncontrolled glaucoma despite prior sur­
In TS-CPC, laser energy administered through the overlying
gical treatments and/or medical therapy alone, has been well
sclera is absorbed by the melanin in the ciliary processes,
established for over thirty years (Table 1). In such cases, it has
resulting in coagulative necrosis of the ciliary body apparatus.
been reported that between 63 and 89% of patients have
Both the Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) and the semiconductor
achieved a target IOP of less than 22 mmHg after
diode laser (810 nm) can be used for this procedure. The
treatment.13,15,16 Of the cohort of studies utilizing refractory
semiconductor diode laser is currently the most popular
glaucoma populations outlined in Table 1, IOP reductions
method of treatment, essentially replacing the Nd:YAG laser
range from 10 to 23 mmHg, with an average of approximately
due to its ability to provide equivalent efficacy with superior
17 mmHg.
ease of performance and lower incidences of adverse
While numerous studies have demonstrated the efficacy of
CW-TSCPC, comparisons between them are often difficult
The range of analgesic options used during cyclophotodes­
given the varying patient populations and laser settings. For
tructive procedures is wide and depends on a variety of factors.
example, in a study of refractory glaucoma cases, Murphy et al.
Surgeon and patient preference, and the availability at the
found CW-TSCPC to be most effective in patients with chronic
location of practice can all impact the type of anesthetic used.
angle-closure glaucoma (CACG). CACG patients experienced
The options include general, retrobulbar, peribulbar, sub-
the highest success rate (93%), and the lowest re-treatment
Tenon’s or subconjunctival anesthesia. Even heavy sedation
(13%) and hypotony rates (0%) compared to those with other
with topical anesthesia in the form of topical lidocaine gel
glaucoma diagnoses.16
without alcohol can be utilized, especially for MP-TLT, which
Moreover, there is evidence that preoperative IOP has an
in theory should not be as painful as CW-TSCPC. Of the
effect on the absolute reduction in IOP.17,18 Specifically,
studies examined for this review, all employed retrobulbar or
Vernon et al. observed that 94% of eyes with an initial IOP >
peribulbar anesthesia, with the occasional use of general
30 mmHg obtained at least a 30% reduction at the last follow-
anesthesia in pediatric patients or per patient preference.
up, while only 75% of eyes with an initial IOP ≤ 30 mmHg
achieved such a reduction. Additionally, Hauber et al. found
a significant, direct linear correlation between the total amount
Continuous Wave Diode Laser (CW–TSCPC)
of energy applied to the ciliary body and the percentage of
During CW-TSCPC, continuous-wave laser energy is deliv­ patients who achieved successful outcomes. When using
ered to the ciliary body via a laser probe placed approxi­ aggressive settings [2.0 W, 2 s, 25.6 burns] they observed an
mately 1.2 mm from the corneoscleral limbus, with the heel average 13 mmHg reduction in IOP.19
of the probe aligned at the limbus to direct the beam CW-TSCPC has also been shown to reduce patients’ topical
posteriorly toward the ciliary processes.13 Specifically, the and systemic glaucoma medication use, particularly the use of
G-Probe Device (IRIDEX corp., Mountainview, CA) allows oral acetazolamide for IOP control post-treatment. Vernon
for targeted cyclophotocoagulation of the ciliary body et al. demonstrated an 80% reduction in eyes requiring oral
(Figure 1). A G-probe variant, the G-probe Illuminate, acetazolamide, while Rotchford et al. observed a 55%
even offers transillumination with a built-in fiber-optic ele­ reduction.18,20 The average reduction in glaucoma medications
ment. Using the G-probe, energy is applied in distinct following CW-TSCPC based on the studies featured in Table 1
locations with care to avoid treating the 3 and 9 o’clock is approximately 1.2. However, it must be noted that with
positions to minimize the risk of damage to the long patients coming off of acetazolamide, there is an occasional
posterior vessels and nerves. increase in use of topical medications for IOP control that is
The laser power is adjusted just below the level at which not clearly reported across studies. Overall, CW-TSCPC has
“pops” are heard, which signify an intraocular uveal micro- proven effective in absolute IOP control as well as in decreasing
explosion.14 The original recommended settings for the semi­ the medication burden in patients with refractory glaucoma.
conductor diode were based on studies performed by Although effective, CW-TSCPC is not without complica­
Gaasterland et al. in the 1990s on rabbit eyes and ranges from tions. Specifically, postoperative pupillary abnormalities,
1.25 − 1.5 W for 4.0–4.5 second durations.12 Today, settings hyphema, inflammation, hypotony, retreatments, drop in
vary by surgeon preference and patient characteristics. In gen­ visual acuity, pain, lens subluxation, staphyloma formation,
eral, surgeons will start at 2.0 Watts (W) for 2 seconds and scleral perforation, and even sympathetic ophthalmia have
titrate the energy down depending on the audible “pop.” been reported.9,18,21-24 The rates of hyphema were highest in
Others use an initial power of 1.25 W for a duration of 4 sec­ patients with neovascular glaucoma (NVG), and occurred in
onds. Overall, a total of 18 − 21 spots are applied with sparing between 0 and 5% of eyes portrayed in Table 1.25 Hypotony
the 3 and 9 o’clock positions where the ciliary nerves lie. and subsequent phthisis is another commonly feared
Table 1. Selection of Continuous Wave Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation (CW-TSCPC) Studies from 2001–2019.
Author, Tabibian et al. Frezzotti et al. Rotchford et al. Iliev & Gerber Vernon et al. Noureddin Murphy et al. Shah et al.
year 2019 Ghosh et al. 2014 2010 2010 Yildirim et al. 2009 2007 2006 et al. 2006 2003 Pucci et al. 2003 2001
Publication J Glaucoma Eur J Ophthalmol Acta Ophthalmol Br J Ophthalmol J Glaucoma Br J J Glaucoma Eye Br J Ophthalm-ologica Ophthalm-
Ophthalmol Ophthalmol ology
Population Refractory POAG; with good Refractory Mixed; with NVG Refractory/ POAG Refractory Refractory Refractory Refractory
vision good vision NVG
F/U (mths) 60 24 42 61 24 30 66 14 17 26 31
# of eyes 28 46 124 49 CW-TSCPC: 33 131 59 36 263 120 28
Mean baseline IOP 30 24 30 28 43 37 31 36 41 30 33
(mmHg) 43
Mean 18 7 12 13 25 22 16 17 23 10 16
reduction 20
% IOP 60 29 40 46 58 59 52 47 56 33 48
reduction 47
Mean preop. Meds. 2.8 2.5 3.5 2.3 2.6 2.97 2.6 2.8 1.7 4.5 2.6
Mean meds. 1.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.8 1.93 0.84 1.92 0.9 2.2 1
reduction 1.3
Laser 2.5 W, 2.0 s, 15 2.5 W, 2.0 s, 2.0 W, 2.0 s, 2.0 W, 2.0 s, 14 1.5 W, 2.0 s, 1.75–2.0 W, 2.0 W, 2.0 s, 14 2.25 W, 2 s, — 1.6–2.0 W, 2.0 s, 1.5 W, 1.5 s, 40
settings burns 12–14 burns 10–15 burns burns 16–20 burns 2.0 s burns 26–28 burns 1–15 burns burns
% VA decline 32 20 31 31% 24 — 64 22 20 24 26
% Hyp./Phth. 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 12/0 18/10 5/0 3/0 9/5 0/0 4/0
% 0 0 2 6% 0 0.8 2 6 0.4 0 0
CME 21
Data ranging from 2001–2019 on the efficacy and safety of CW-TSCPC in a wide range of populations. A Mixed population indicates there was no clear majority in the type of glaucoma studied. RP, retrospective; PP, prospective; F/
U, follow-up; preop., preoperative; meds., glaucoma medications; VA, visual acuity; Hyp., hypotony; Phth., phthisis; CME, cystoid macular edema; POAG, primary open-angle glaucoma; NVG, neovascular glaucoma; acontinuous
wave transscleral cyclophotocoagulation, bAhmed glaucoma valve.

complication of CW-TSCPC. Vernon et al. hypothesized 24 months, the probability of success was 61.18% in the CW-
that risks of hypotony and phthisis are directly proportional TSCPC group, and 59.26% in the AGV group. Additionally,
to the amount of laser energy delivered during CW-TSCPC, visual acuity decreased in 24% of eyes in the CW-TSCPC group
while other studies have shown that the underlying type of and 27% of eyes in the AGV group.32 CW-TSCPC appears to
glaucoma seems to be more highly correlated with compli­ be warranted for use in NVG patients and may be similar in
cation rates, particularly NVG.20,26-28 Indeed, a staggering efficacy to AGVs.
76% of the patients that developed hypotony in a study by CW-TSCPC has also proven to be a useful tool in patients
Iliev and Gerber had underlying NVG.28 with secondary glaucoma post PK. A study by Shah et al. found
Retreatment is another important factor when discussing a median 16 mmHg reduction in IOP from a baseline median
the efficacy and safety of CW-TSCPC. The need for retreat­ of 33 mmHg, though most patients required 2 CW-TSCPC
ment has been most commonly described in younger patients, treatments to control IOP.33 The mean number of glaucoma
posttraumatic cases, and patients who have secondary glau­ medications before and after CW-TSCPC in this study was 2.6
coma following vitreoretinal surgery.13 Retreatment rates in and 1.8, respectively (P < .001), at a median of 30.5 months of
the studies from Table 1 range from 20 to 60%, with the highest follow-up time. Visual acuity improved (> two Snellen lines of
rates seen in studies that used lower energy settings.20,29 acuity) in three patients (11%) and remained the same (± one
However, Vernon and Pucci believe that using lower doses of Snellen line) in 17 patients (61%). Of the 7 patients (26%) at
laser energy is the optimal approach, given that this allows for final follow-up who lost vision (> two Snellen lines or decrease
titration of the dose of cycloablation to the individual eye in in one low-vision category), two (7%) of these lost vision due to
terms of the number of treatment episodes, thus minimizing the laser treatment (uveitis, cystoid macular edema (CME))
risk of hypotony and phthisis.18 and the other five’s vision loss was associated with ongoing
Importantly, CW-TSCPC has also been associated with disease processes.33 Additionally, of the 19 patients (68%) with
a decrease in final visual acuity (VA) and is therefore commonly originally clear grafts, three grafts (16%) developed opacifica­
reserved for patients with poor visual potential. However, recent tion. Opacification was secondary to graft rejection and late
studies have shed more light on this topic, suggesting CW- endothelial failure. Six grafts (21%) had signs of rejection with
TSCPC treatment can be extended to patients with good vision. two of these occurring more than 3 months after cyclodiode
When used in patients with visual acuity >20/60, Ghosh et al. treatment; three of these rejection episodes (50%) were rever­
found that 39.1% of eyes retained their preoperative VA, 24% sible with intensive corticosteroid treatment.33
had a loss of two lines or more and 10.9% experienced some There is also a role for CW-TSCPC in the management of
improvement in VA after 2 years of follow up.30 Rotchford et al. pediatric glaucoma, which remains notoriously difficult to
also evaluated the effects of CW-TSCPC in patients with good manage. While angle-based and filtering procedures are usually
visual acuity (≥20/60), but used a follow-up period of 5 years. At the core of pediatric glaucoma management, surgery for child­
last follow up, 30.6% of patients had lost 2 or more lines of hood glaucoma has a substantial failure rate compared to that
visual acuity, which is consistent with reported rates of vision of adults.34 Studies of CW-TSCPC in children have demon­
loss following trabeculectomy or tube-shunt surgery.20,31 strated clinically useful reductions in IOP in cases of refractory
Taken together, these studies suggest that final visual acuity pediatric glaucoma with low complication rates, however
is minimally compromised due to CW-TSCPC alone, and that retreatment is often needed to maintain control of IOP.35,36
glaucoma progression, in and of itself, was typically the most Specifically, Kirwan et al. reported that after one treatment only
frequent cause of decreased visual acuity in these patients. The 37% of pediatric patients had an IOP <22 mmHg or a 30%
overall trend of these studies, as outlined in Table 1, suggests reduction from baseline at 12 months. However, with repeat
that CW-TSCPC is an effective method of IOP control despite treatment 72% of patients experienced such a reduction at
its associated risks and complications. It should be noted that 12 months post diode laser.36 As such, CW-TSCPC may have
while rates of VA decline were comparable between CW- a more significant role as an adjunct to surgery or in managing
TSCPC, trabeculectomy and tube-shunt surgery, MP-TLT patients for whom surgery is undesirable due to increased risk
appears to put patients at significantly less risk for postopera­ of complications.
tive VA decline (Tables 1 and 2). The more favorable progres­ In summary, CW-TSCPC can be an excellent tool for IOP
sion in visual acuity following MP-TLT is among the reasons it control in patients with difficult-to-manage glaucoma, but it is
has been preferred over CW-TSCPC in patients with good again not without its complications due to less-selective tissue
vision potential. ablation and collateral damage to other structures. Future
The use of CW-TSCPC in refractory cases of glaucoma due direction for CW-TSCPC has been focused on more selective
to NVG or secondary glaucoma in post-penetrating kerato­ tissue ablation to allow for use in mild and moderate stages of
plasty (PK) patients is of particular value, as the IOP in these glaucoma.
patient populations can be significantly more challenging to
control. Yildirim et al. prospectively compared the long-term
MicroPulse Transscleral Laser Treatment (MP-TLT)
IOP reduction in a cohort of NVG patients who received
treatment with either CW-TSCPC or an Ahmed glaucoma Introduced to the U.S. market in 2015, MP-TLT (IRIDEX
valve (AGV). Surgical success was defined as a postoperative Corp., Mountainview, CA) is the newest form of diode-laser
IOP between 5 and 21 mmHg without additional glaucoma technology (Figure 2). It has quickly emerged as a promising
surgery or loss of light perception vision.32 Overall, no signifi­ alternative to CW-TSCPC due to its comparable efficacy and
cant differences were found between the two groups: after potentially more favorable safety profile. In contrast to CW-
Table 2. Selection of MicroPulse Transscleral Cyclophotocoagulation (MP-TSCPC) Studies from 2010–2020.
Author, Anand et al. Nguyen et al. Varikuti et al. Zaarour et al. Emanuel et al. Kuchar et al. Aquino et al. Ting et al.
year 2020 2019 2019 2019 Garcia et al. 2019 Yelenskiy et al. 2018 2017 2016 2015 Tan et al. 2010 2020
Publication AGS Eur J J Glaucoma J Glaucoma Ophthalmol J Glaucoma J Glaucoma Lasers Med Clin Exp Clin Exp J Glaucoma
meeting Ophthalmol Glaucoma Sci Ophthalmol Ophthalmol
Population Mixed POAG POAG POAG POAG POAG POAG Mixed Mixed NVG Mixed
F/U (mths) 12 12 12 15 12 25 12 2 18 18 12
# of eyes 51 95 61 75 116 197 84 19 MP-TSCPC: 24 40 32
Mean baseline IOP 25 25 26 26 22 22 28 38 37 39 33.7
(mmHg) 35
Mean 9 8 10 11 7 6 17 15 17 13 9.1
reduction (mmHg) 16
% IOP 36 32 38 42 32 27 61 39 46 33 27
reduction 46
Mean preop. 3.8 3 3.5 3.53 3.2 3 3.3 2.6 2 2.1 3.4
meds. 2
Mean meds. 0.95 1.6 0.8 0.5 0.7 1 1 0.7 1 0.8 0.6
reduction 1
Laser 2.0–2.4 W, 2.0–2.5 W, 180 2.0 W, 159 s 2.0 W,90–120 2.0 W, 180 s 2.0 W, 90–120 s 1.6–2.4 W, 2.0 W, 2.0 W, 100 s 2.0 W, 100 s 1.5–2 W,
Settings 360 s s s 180–360 s 100–240 s 124–132 s
% VA decline 2 — 21 14 8 0 41 21 4 0 0
% Hyp./Phth. 6/0 0/0 2/0 0/0 2/0 0/0 6/0 5/0 0/0 0/0 0
% Infl. 4 0 0 0 1 0 46 0 4 10 0
% CME 6 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0
Data ranging from 2010–2020 on the efficacy and safety of MP-TSCPC in a wide range of populations. A Mixed population indicates there was no clear majority in the type of glaucoma studied. RP, retrospective; PP, prospective; F/
U, follow-up; preop., preoperative; meds., glaucoma medications; VA, visual acuity; Hyp., hypotony; Phth., phthisis; Infl., prolonged inflammation; CME, cystoid macular edema; POAG, primary open-angle glaucoma; NVG,
neovascular glaucoma; aMicroPulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation, bcontinuous-wave tranasscleral cyclophotocoagulation.

Figure 2. (a) The Generation 1 MicroPulse Probe. (b) The Generation 2 MicroPulse Probe. (c) The Generation 1 MicroPulse Probe in use.

TSCPC, MP-TLT utilizes repetitive pulses of energy separated range in reported IOP reduction is the difference in mean
by periods of rest, which allows for more targeted treatment of baseline IOP, as the magnitude of IOP reduction in MP-TLT
the pigmented tissue in the ciliary processes. also appears to be strongly correlated with baseline IOP. For
While no prior histopathological studies have described the example, Garcia et al. reported a mean IOP reduction of
actual mechanism of action for MP-TLT, it appears that IOP 6.9 mm Hg from a baseline of 22.2 mm Hg, while Emanuel
reduction is achieved through a few distinct pathways. One et al. reported a mean reduction of 16.6 mm Hg from a baseline
proposed mechanism is that MP-TLT primarily targets the of 27.7 mm Hg.41 The majority of MP-TLT studies evaluated
pigmented tissue in the ciliary body epithelium. The adjacent have used an IOP reduction ≥20% from baseline as the criteria
non-pigmented structures are given time to recover during the for success. Once again, the reported success rates (at
“off cycle”, which prevents them from reaching the coagulative 3–12 months postoperatively) vary widely, ranging from
threshold and subsequently minimizes collateral tissue 67.1% by Zaroour et al. to 93.1% by Garcia et al.42,46
damage.37,38 Another mechanism proposed by Johnstone In addition to lowering IOP, MP-TLT has proven to be
et al. postulates that that the pigmented epithelium is not effective in reducing the medication burden of glaucoma
necessarily involved in the IOP-reducing effect of MP-TLT. patients. It has consistently been able to reduce the amount
Rather, the authors suggest that the mechanism of the laser is of glaucoma medications, both oral and topical, needed by
similar to that of pilocarpine, and it induces contraction of the patients across all studies examined, with a mean reduction at
ciliary muscles, leading to posterior and inward movement of 1 year ranging from 0.5 to 1.6 medications.37,42,45,47-49 In
the scleral spur and trabecular meshwork. This histological a study by Tan et al., all 6 patients on oral acetazolamide
study showed that the changes caused by the laser were con­ were able to stop taking it following the procedure, while 17/
fined to the longitudinal bundles of ciliary muscle, with no 65 (26%) patients in a study by Zaarour et al. were able to
visible changes to the ciliary epithelium.39 discontinue oral medication use.37,48
In addition to increasing the amount of outflow through the MP-TLT is a potentially valuable treatment tool for spe­
trabecular meshwork, there is evidence that MP-TLT also cific types of glaucoma patients, especially post-keratoplasty
increases aqueous humor outflow via the uveoscleral pathway. eyes and pediatric patients. In a retrospective study of 61
In a prospective study of 22 patients who underwent the such eyes, Subramaniam et al. reported that the graft survival
procedure, Barac et al. demonstrated that an increase in foveo­ rate was 94% at 1 year, and 81% at 2 years following the
lar choroidal thickness following MP-TLT was associated with initial laser treatment.50 Many patients included in this study
a positive response to the treatment.40 As the variations in had previously undergone glaucoma filtration surgery. The
choroidal thickness observed here were likely due to a rise in authors noted that the graft failure rate observed here was
uveoscleral outflow, it appears that some of the IOP-reducing unremarkable, given that prior filtration surgery is a major
ability of MP-TLT can be attributed to the increase in aqueous risk factor for graft failure. They reported a mean IOP
humor drainage through the uveoscleral pathway.40 The reduction of 13.0 mm Hg at 12 months postoperatively
authors reported no changes to the visual acuity of the patients. from a baseline of 28.0 mmHg.50 A handful of recent studies
Studies of MP-TLT have consistently demonstrated its abil­ have explored a role for MP-TLT in the management of
ity to effectively reduce IOP in a wide array of glaucoma types pediatric glaucoma. In a study of 36 pediatric glaucoma
(Table 2). Similar to studies of CW-TSCPC, direct comparison eyes, Elhefney et al. reported that IOP was reduced from
between studies of MP-TLT can be difficult given the differ­ 37.5 mmHg to 20.0 mmHg, and medications reduced from
ences between patient populations and the variability in laser 2.6 to 1.7, 15 months after MP-TLT.51 Sixty-six percent of
settings used. Prior studies have indicated that the IOP- eyes required a second treatment session to maintain control
lowering effect at 1 year can vary widely, ranging from 6.9 to of IOP, and no major complications were observed in any
12.6 mmHg.37,41-47 One plausible explanation for the wide patients.51

Notably, Abdelrahman et al. compared CW-TSCPC and The effectiveness of higher-than-usual MP-TLT settings has
MP-TLT in a cohort of pediatric refractory glaucoma patients. recently been demonstrated by Anand et al.45 The higher-than-
With success defined as an IOP between 5 and 21 mmHg in the usual settings in this study were defined as treating at least
absence no vision-threatening complications at 6 months, the 180 seconds per hemisphere with a power between 2 and
authors reported a greater success rate in the MP-TLT (71%) 2.4 W, along with a mix of the sweeping and stop-and-
group compared to the CW-TSCPC (46%) group, however, continue techniques. The authors observed a mean IOP reduc­
this difference was not statistically significant. Moreover, they tion of 12.3 mmHg 6 months postoperatively, and an
did not observe any significant complications in the MP-TLT 8.9 mmHg reduction after 12 months. This was slightly better
group, while there were cases of phthisis bulbi (2) and severe than the IOP reductions described by Yelenskiy et al. and
pain and uveitis in the CW-TSCPC group.52 While prospective Nguyen et al. who reported mean 12-month reductions of
randomized trials are needed to truly compare these proce­ 6 mmHg (27%) and 7.6 mmHg (30%), respectively.44,54 Given
dures in pediatric glaucoma management, MP-TLT may be the variability in laser power, duration, probe motion and
equally effective with a lower risk of complications. patient populations used among studies of MP-TLT, the opti­
There is currently a lack of consensus on the influence of mum laser settings of MP-TLT remains elusive.
a history of prior glaucoma surgery on the success rates of MP- While MP-TLT has proven to be effective in controlling
TLT. For example, Garcia et al. found that prior incisional IOP, its IOP-lowering effect appears to wane over time. For
glaucoma surgery was positively correlated with the success example, Zaroour et al. reported that while 86.7% of patients
rates of MP-TLT and patients who had previously undergone achieved surgical success (defined as an IOP reduction ≥20%
trabeculectomy, tube shunt surgery, or a combination thereof, from baseline) at 1-month post-MP-TLT treatment, the suc­
had a success rate of 67.6% versus a success rate of 41.4% for cess rate dropped to 61.7% at the 6-month visit and 56.7% at
patients had not had these procedures.42 Interestingly, a history the 12-month visit.46 Additionally, Garcia et al. demonstrated
of Minimally-Invasive Glaucoma surgery (MIGS) did not seem a success rate of 93.1% at 3-months, which dropped to 67.4% at
to have this same effect, as no differences in IOP reduction 6 months and 59.6% at 12 months.42 A similar decline in the
were found between a subgroup of patients that underwent success rate was observed by Anand et al. using the higher-than
previous MIGS and a subgroup that had not.42 -usual settings, dropping from 80% at 6-weeks postoperatively
The notion that prior traditional glaucoma surgery has to 69% at 1-year.45 Interestingly, it appears that these patients
a favorable effect on the success of MP-TLT is disputed by treated with the higher-than-usual settings did not experience
results reported by Zaarour et al. who reported no difference in as drastic a decline in success rate compared to those in other
the success rates of patients who had previous incisional glau­ studies, which may indicate a potential influence of the laser
coma surgery and those who had not.46 Differences between settings used on the longevity of MP-TLT treatment.45
the studies in the laser settings and population of glaucoma The recent shift in favor of MP-TLT over CW-TSCPC is
patients studied can potentially explain this discrepancy. For largely due to the sentiment that it results in fewer post­
example, the laser settings used by Garcia et al., which demon­ operative complications, while being equally as effective. As
strated a positive correlation between prior incisional surgery expected, the rates of postoperative complications seem to be
and success rates, were in some cases tailored based on the comparatively lower in MP-TLT than in CW-TSCPC. While
severity of glaucoma.42 In contrast, Zaarour et al. used stan­ the highest reported rate of prolonged hypotony was just 6%
dardized settings throughout.46 Garcia et al also included in the reviewed studies of MP-TLT, it has been reported in up
a substantially greater proportion of primary open-angle glau­ to 18% of patients who received CW-TSCPC.28 MP-TLT also
coma (POAG) patients, 56.9% versus 34.7%.42,46 These differ­ appears to put patients at significantly less risk of losing visual
ences could potentially account for the differences reported in acuity following the procedure. Decline in visual acuity has
the analyses of patients who underwent prior incisional been reported in up to 64% of patients following CW-TSCPC,
surgery. while the highest reported rate of visual acuity loss following
As MP-TLT is still a relatively new technique, the optimal MP-TLT was 41%.37,42,44-48 Incidences of prolonged anterior
laser settings have yet to be defined. There is considerable chamber (AC) inflammation (defined as 1+ cell or flare for
variation between studies in the laser settings used with regard >3 months) have been reported in as few as 0.8%, but up to
to both power and duration of treatment. The power settings in 10% of patients.37,41,42,45-49,55 Rates of CME have consistently
the studies examined in Table 2 ranged from 1.6–2.4 W, while been minimal across studies of MP-TLT with the majority of
the total treatment duration ranged from 100 to 360 s. There is studies reporting no cases of CME post operatively, and even
also variability in the probe motion used by providers when when reported the incidence rate has varied from 1–6%.
performing MP-TLT. The sweeping or painting technique is Persistent mydriasis was not a commonly reported complica­
currently recommended by the manufacturer, in which the tion in studies of MP-TLT. When persistent mydriasis was
probe is moved in a slow, continuous back-and-forth sliding reported, the incidence rate ranged from 0 to 3.2%, and was
motion along the arcs around the limbus. However, some significantly more common following MP-TLT in Asian
studies have demonstrated promising results using the discrete patients.56 While MP-TLT does appear to have a more favor­
spot or stop-and-continue techniques.45,53 In a population of able safety profile than CW-TSCPC, rates of subconjunctival
refractory glaucoma patients who had previously undergone hemorrhage are of potential concern.57 In a prospective case
MP-TLT under more standard settings, Ting et al. reported series of 36 eyes, subconjunctival hemorrhage was reported in
favorable outcomes using both the sweeping and discrete spot 32.3% of patients postoperatively, which appears to be higher
techniques.53 than the rate seen in other cyclodestructive techniques.

Figure 3. (a) The endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation probe (ECP) (Endo Optiks, Little Silver, NJ) entering an eye. (b) Two intraoperative views of ciliary process during
ECP treatment. Photographs from the archives of Dr. David Solá-Del Valle.

Additionally, the incidence of neurotrophic keratitis (NK) sparing the ciliary muscle and stromal tissue.55,63 This is in
should be monitored. In a case study by Perez et al, the contrast to histological changes observed following treatment
authors reported that two patients still developed NK post­ with Nd:YAG and diode CW-TSCPC, in which significant
operatively even when the 3 and 9 o’clock positions were disruption of the cells through the ciliary processes and a loss
avoided during treatment.58 The occurrence of NK was also of blood vessels within the stroma has been observed.64
noted as a concern in an animal study evaluating the safety of Numerous studies have demonstrated the effective IOP-
MP-TLT in dogs.59 Notably, the higher-than-usual settings lowering ability of ECP in a variety of glaucoma patients
used by Anand et al. did not appear to put patients at an (Table 3). Most commonly, ECP is performed in conjunction
increased risk of postoperative complications, as the rates of with phacoemulsification cataract surgery (phaco-ECP).
hypotony (6%), prolonged inflammation (4%), and visual Specifically, reports of IOP reductions range from 2.7–­
decline (2%) were comparable to those reported in other 11.5 mmHg, or 14.9%-46.9%, in cohorts of POAG patients
studies.37,42,44,45,47,49,54 depending on whether ECP is done alone or in combination
All of the studies included in this review used the with cataract surgery.63,65-68
Generation 1 MP3 probe (IRIDEX Corp., Mountainview, Studies comparing phacoemulsification -ECP (phaco- ECP)
CA) (Figure 2a). IRIDEX is currently in the process of phasing to phacoemulsification alone have illuminated the IOP-
out the Generation 1 probe and shifting to the Generation 2 lowering effect of ECP independent of the known effect of
MP3 probe. According to the manufacturers, the Generation 2 phacoemulsification. For example, Francis et al. observed
MP3 probe has a new foot plate design but all other compo­ a 2.7 mmHg reduction (17%) in IOP in open-angle glaucoma
nents of the laser are the same (Figure 2b). However, there are (OAG) patients 36 months after phaco-ECP, and only
currently no studies that have studied the new probe’s efficacy a 0.9 mmHg reduction (6%) in patients that underwent pha­
or optimal laser settings in a clinical setting. coemulsification alone. Similarly, Bartolome et al. observed
a 23% IOP reduction 12 months after the combined procedure,
and an 11% reduction after cataract surgery alone.67
Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation (ECP)
ECP treatment can be extended beyond its role in conjunc­
ECP was originally developed by Martin Uram in 1992.60–62 tion with cataract surgery, as it has also proven effective in
The ECP probe (Endo Optiks, Little Silver, NJ) combines treating cases of refractory glaucoma and NVG as a stand-
a diode endolaser, aiming beam, light source, and endoscope alone procedure. Specifically, Francis et al. observed a 36%
into a single intraocular probe (Figure 3). This allows for (8.7 mmHg) IOP reduction 18 months following ECP treat­
targeted, controlled ablation of the ciliary processes with direct ment in a group of patients with uncontrolled IOP and a prior
visualization and titration of power. Histologically, ECP- tube shunt surgery.64 In a similar manner, Murakami et al.
related tissue injury has been demonstrated to be effectively compared pseudophakic patients with refractory glaucoma and
limited to the ciliary processes and associated capillary bed, a prior tube shunt who underwent ECP or a second tube shunt
Table 3. Selection of Endoscopic Cyclophotocoagulation (ECP) studies from 2007–2018.
Author, Villavicencioet al. Bartolome Ferguson et al. Murakami et al. Roberts et al. Marra et al. Francis et al. Clement et al. Francis et al. Kahook et al.
year 2018 et al. 2017 2017 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2011 2007
Publication J. Clin Exp. Ophth Eur JCRS J. Clin Exp. Ophth Int’l Jrnl Ophth Retina JCRS J. Clin Exp. Ophth J. Glaucoma J. Glaucoma
Population POAG POAG OAG Refractory POAG NVG OAG POAG Refractory POAG
F/U (mths) 24 12 12 24 12 12 36 12 18 6
a c e g i k
# of eyes 41 Phaco/ECP: 69 ICE: 51 ECP: 25 91 ECP: 27 Phaco/ECP: 80 63 25 240°: 15
b d f h j l
Phaco: 30 iStent/Phaco: GDD-2: 48 Control: Phaco: 80 360°: 25
50 27
a c e g i k
Mean baseline IOP 22 22 21 24 17 40 18 21 24 24
b d f h j l
(mmHg) 19 21 24 35 18 25
a c e g i k
Mean 9 5 7 7 3 28 3 5 9 8
b d f h j l
reduction (mmHg) 2 5 9 12 1 11
a c e g i k
% IOP 41% 23 33% 29% 18% 70% 17% 24% 38% 32%
b d f h j l
reduction 11 24% 38% 34% 6% 47%
a c e g i k
Mean preop. 2.08 2.6 1.8 3 1.9 3.1 1.5 2.7 3.2 2.5
b d f h j l
meds. 1.2 1.7 4 1.3 2.4 2.6
a c e g i k
Mean meds. reduction 0.48 0.7 0.7 1.5 0.4 2.6 1.1 1.4 1.7 0.6
b d f h j l
0.2 1.1 0.9 -0.6 0.1 2.1
a,b c,d e,f i,j
Laser settings (W) 0.2 0.25 0.2 mW 0.25–0.35 0.25 — 0.2–0.5 0.4 0.25–0.35 —
a,b c,d e,f g,h i,j k
° processes treated 360 270–360 270 330-360 200–270 360 270-360 270-360 360 240
a g i k
% 0 0/0 — — — 7/7 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
b h j l
Hyp./Phth. 0/0 7/7 0/0 0/0
g i k
% 0 6 — — — 0 0 3 4 0
h j l
CME 3 0 4 0
Data ranging from 2007–2019 on the efficacy and safety of ECP in a wide range of populations. RP, retrospective; PP, prospective; F/U, follow-up; preop., preoperative; meds., glaucoma medications; Hyp., hypotony; Phth., phthisis;
POAG, primary open-angle glaucoma; OAG, open-angle glaucoma; NVG, neovascular glaucoma; a,iPhacoemulsification and ECP, b,10phacoemulsification; ciStent, cataract extraction, and ECP, diStent and phacoemulsification; f2nd
glaucoma drainage device; hcurrent standard of care for NVG; k240° of ciliary processes treated, l360° of ciliary processes treated.

surgery to control IOP.69 Throughout the 12-month follow-up greater than the success rate of the phacoemulsification alone
period, no significant differences in postoperative IOP or glau­ group, which was 40% at 12 months postoperatively.67
coma medication use were observed between those that under­ Similarly, in a group of patients who had ECP with a failed
went ECP and those that underwent an additional tube shunt prior tube shunt, Francis et al. found that IOP was reduced by
surgery.69 43% at month 1.64 This gradually decreased over the 24-month
Similar efficacy was observed in a cohort of NVG patients. follow-up period to 25%, however, mean IOP remained statis­
Specifically, NVG patients underwent a combination pars tically significantly reduced from baseline throughout the 24-
plana vitrectomy/panretinal photocoagulation/ECP or the cur­ month follow-up period.
rent standard of care for patients with NVG, which included As previously mentioned, direct visualization of the ciliary
panretinal photocoagulation, filtration surgery, pars plana processes provides a more targeted approach, limiting the
vitrectomy, or AGV placement. After 12 months, IOP was tissue injury following ECP to the aqueous humor-producing
reduced by 28.4 mmHg in the combined ECP group, and cells and associated capillary bed. It is postulated that minimal
11.7 mmHg in the Ahmed valve group.70 collateral damage to the surrounding tissues during ECP con­
The effectiveness of ECP in cases of pediatric glaucoma has tributes to its favorable safety profile. Specifically, complica­
also been briefly studied. In a study of 35 eyes of patients under tions associated with ECP in over 5000 eyes reported by the
16 years of age with glaucoma following cataract surgery, the ECP Collaborative Study Group included: IOP spike (14.5%),
success rate of ECP was 54% after a mean follow-up period of hyphema (3.8%), choroidal detachment (0.36%), visual acuity
7.2 years (treatment failure defined as consecutive IOP decline (1.03%), CME (0.7%), and hypotony and phthisis
>24 mmHg, an additional glaucoma procedure, or visually (0.12%).74
significant complications). The average final IOP was Similarly, low rates of hypotony, phthisis, and CME were
18.9 mmHg, compared to 33.9 mmHg preoperatively. The observed in the studies reviewed in this article. For exam­
authors also reported that visual acuity was preserved in these ple, rates of CME ranged from 0 to 5.8%. Only one study
patients from baseline to last follow-up.71 Additionally, Glaser reported incidences of prolonged hypotony that progressed
et al. reported success rates of 64%, 36%, and 16% at 1, 3, and to phthisis bulbi, occurring in 2 (7.4%) cases of both ECP-
5 years, respectfully, following a single ECP treatment in 80 treated and control group NVG patients.70 In this study,
eyes with pediatric glaucoma. Similarly, treatment failure was patients were diagnosed with phthisis if their IOP remained
defined as IOP >24 mmHg at 2 consecutive visits, any addi­ under 5 mmHg for 3 consecutive visits any time after
tional glaucoma surgery, sight-threatening complications, or 6 months after their initial treatment.57 Additionally, no
progression to no light-perception vision.72 differences in postoperative complication rates were
In addition to effectively lowering IOP, ECP can provide observed in studies that compared phaco-ECP to phacoe­
significant reductions in patients’ topical and systemic glau­ mulsification alone.64,67
coma medication burden. In POAG patients, reductions in Compared to TS-CPC, which is associated with less-
glaucoma medication use range from 0.4 to 1.4.63,65-68,73 selective tissue ablation, ECP confers lower rates of hypotony
Moreover, in cases of refractory glaucoma, ECP has been or phthisis.55,75 When comparing the complication rates of the
demonstrated to reduce glaucoma medication use by studies outlined in Tables 1–3, there are substantially fewer
1.5–1.7.64,69 Additionally, NVG patients that underwent treat­ reports of hypotony or phthisis following ECP compared to
ment that included ECP experienced a 2.6 reduction in med­ both variants of TS-CPC. Excluding studies that primarily
ications 12 months postoperatively, while the Ahmed focused on patients with underlying NVG, as this subset of
glaucoma valve group experienced an increase in glaucoma tends to experience greater rates of postoperative
medications.70 complications following CPC, reported rates of hypotony are
A number of studies have looked at the long-term effective­ up to 9% with CW TS-CPC, 6% with MP-TLT, and 0% with
ness of ECP. Francis et al. demonstrated that phaco-ECP ECP. Moreover, a decline in visual acuity is often observed
resulted in significant reductions in IOP up to 36 months following TS-CPC.15,30,76 This effect is rarely seen with ECP, as
postoperatively.65 However, the authors reported that the it is most often performed in conjunction with cataract surgery,
initial downward trend in IOP seemed to level off at 12 months thereby maintaining or improving patients’ visual acuity.23,73
postoperatively in both phaco-ECP and phacoemulsification There is some evidence that the efficacy of ECP, with regard
alone groups. Throughout the next 2 to 3 years, the eyes that to IOP and medication reduction, may be dependent on the
underwent phaco-ECP remained stable at this level, while degrees of ciliary processes treated. For example, of the studies
those that had cataract extraction alone showed regression reviewed, anywhere from 200 to 360 degrees of ciliary pro­
towards the baseline IOP. cesses were treated, signifying a lack of clinical consensus on
Furthermore, Bartolomé et al. noted that IOP initially the optimal treatment area.66,73 However, in a study investigat­
decreased after phaco-ECP, then began to gradually rise ing the efficacy of 240° versus 360° of treatment, Kahook et al.
1 week following surgery. However, at 12 months postopera­ observed significantly greater reductions in IOP and glaucoma
tively, IOP was still significantly reduced at 16.8 mmHg com­ medication use in the 360° group.63 Specifically, 360° of treat­
pared to 21.45 mmHg at baseline.67 Additionally, Kaplan- ment conferred an additional reduction of 3.9 mmHg and 1.5
Meier survival data revealed that although the success rate medications compared to 240° of treatment. Notably, 360°
(defined as IOP <21 mmHg and at least a 20% reduction in treatment did not add to the postoperative complication rate.
IOP from baseline) declined over time, it remained relatively Treating 360° of ciliary processes requires a second corneal
high at 69.6% 12 months postoperatively. This was significantly incision and may add surgical time to the case, but the positive
Table 4. Selection of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Cyclodestruction (HIFU) Studies from 2011–2017.
year Giannaccare et al. 2017 Aptel et al. 2016 Aptel et al. 2015 Melamed et al. 2015 Denis et al. 2015 Aptel et al. 2014 Aptel et al. 2011
Publication Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol EVER conference 2016 Acta Ophthalmol Eur J Ophthalmol Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci Curr Med Res Opin Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci
Study type PP PP PP PP PP PP PP
Population Refractory POAG OAG Refractory Refractory Refractory (all POAG) Refractory
F/U (mths) 6 6 12 12 12 12 6
# of eyes 30 520 30 20 4 s group: 24 28 12
6 s group: 28
Mean baseline IOP (mmHg) 30 24 28 36 30 29 38
Mean 10 8 9 14 10 7 13
reduction (mmHg) 11
% IOP 33 33 32 39 33 24 34
reduction 38
Mean preop. 2.7 — 3.6 4.6 No medication changes 3.8 —
Mean meds. reduction 0.7 — 0.5 0.6 0 —
Laser duration (s) 4, 6, or 8 8 6 6 4 6 3–4
% CME 0 1.9 3.3 0 0 — 0
% SPK 13 — 40 — 25 — 25
% AC 20% 0% 33 65 25 — 0
infl. 25
Data ranging from 2011–2017 on the efficacy and safety of ECP in a wide range of populations. PP, prospective; F/U, follow-up; preop., preoperative; meds., glaucoma medications; Hyp., hypotony; Phth., phthisis; CME, cystoid
macular edema; SPK, superficial punctate keratitis; AC infl., transient anterior chamber inflammation; POAG, primary open-angle glaucoma; OAG, open-angle glaucoma; agroup treated for 4 seconds, bgroup treated for 6 seconds.

IOP lowering effect and few complications reported with 360° In the 1980s, HIFU technology was proposed as
treatment warrant further investigation. a potentially safer alternative to ciliary body destruction with
In addition to phacoemulsification, ECP can be combined an early commercially available device (Therapeutic
with other MIGS that increase aqueous humor outflow. Ultrasound System; Sonocare, Inc., Ridgewood, NJ).
Simultaneously increasing aqueous outflow and decreasing However, due to its large apparatus, operating times up to
aqueous production may potentially confer additional reduc­ 2 hours, and poor safety profile, the device was not widely
tions in IOP and glaucoma medication usage. For example, the adopted and interest in the technique progressively
ICE procedure—combined iStent, phacoemulsification, and waned.81,82 More recently, interest in ultrasound technology
ECP— has been compared to phacoemulsification and iStent for glaucoma treatment has been revived with the development
alone.61 Specifically, Ferguson et al. reported a statistically sig­ of a miniaturized HIFU device, the EyeOP1 (EyeTechCare,
nificant greater reduction (7.49 mmHg) in the ICE group Rillieux-la-Pape, France).
compared to the iStent and phacoemulsification group The EyeOP1 device allows for a safer, faster, and more
(4.66 mmHg) after 12 months. Both groups achieved statisti­ precise procedure. It is a ring comprised of six active piezo­
cally significant reductions in glaucoma medications after electric transducers operating at a frequency of 21 MHz to
12 months. However, despite similar numbers of medications achieve a rapid, selective coagulation of the ciliary body.79 It
at baseline in both groups, the reduction in medications at has a particularly favorable safety profile, as ultrasound induces
12 months was significantly greater in the iStent and phacoe­ injury with much more controlled energy absorption than the
mulsification group compared to the ICE group: 1.78 to 1.10 laser modalities.3,83,84 HIFU also involves a much slower tem­
and 1.68 to 0.63, respectively.77 perature rise compared to TS-CPC, thus eliminating the risks
ECP and phacoemulsification can also be combined with involved with tissue explosion.3
Kahook dual blade (KDB) goniotomy in what has been named The initial pilot study using HIFU and the EyeOP1 device
the PEcK procedure. In a similar manner to ICE, this dual- examined patients with refractory glaucoma and limited visual
mechanism procedure simultaneously reduces aqueous pro­ potential.84 In this study, mean IOP was reduced by 13 mmHg
duction and increases aqueous outflow. Preliminary, unpub­ 6 months postoperatively, and surgical success (IOP reduction
lished data by Klug et al. suggests that this combination ≥ 20% and IOP > 5 mmHg) was obtained in 83% of patients.
procedure reduced IOP by 5.6 mmHg, and glaucoma medica­ A follow-up study demonstrated that HIFU was also an effec­
tion use by 1.9, 6 months postoperatively. Average treatment tive treatment option for POAG patients with much less
parameters included 195º (120–250º) of ciliary process treated advanced disease, displaying an average 7 mmHg (24%) reduc­
with 0.36 (0.2–0.55) W of power, and 4–5 clock hours of tion in IOP 12 months postoperatively.79 More recently, these
goniotomy. Mild hyphema, corneal edema, and anterior cham­ same authors have reported reductions in IOP ranging from
ber inflammation were present, but all resolved spontaneously 7.5 to 8.6 mmHg (32–33%) in similar cohorts of patients with
within 3 months postoperatively. No serious complications mild-to-moderate disease.79,83 Average reductions in glaucoma
were observed. medication burden across these studies range from 0 to 0.7.84
Similar to its laser counterparts, HIFU may be more suc­
cessful in particular subsets of glaucoma patients and with
optimal treatment settings. Specifically, Giannaccare et al.
High-intensity Focused Ultrasound Cyclodestruction
observed an average 9.9 mmHg reduction after 6 months in
patients with various types of refractory glaucoma.85 However,
Transscleral ultrasound cyclodestruction utilizes focused ultra­ the authors reported that the average percent reduction in IOP
sound beams rather than laser energy to induce cyclodestruc­ was highest in eyes with angle-closure glaucoma (38%), fol­
tion of the ciliary body epithelium. HIFU primarily reduces lowed by those with NVG (26.2%), and lastly open-angle
IOP by decreasing aqueous humor production following ther­ glaucoma (20%).85
mic necrosis of the ciliary body epithelium. Unlike its laser Additionally, Giannaccare et al. performed a sub-analysis
counterparts, ultrasound absorption does not depend on the regarding the ultrasound exposure time. Patients were treated
pigmentation of the ciliary body epithelium. The deposition of with either 4, 6, or 8 seconds of ultrasound.85 Those that under­
energy is therefore better controlled, avoiding much of the went 8 seconds of treatment showed a significantly greater reduc­
concern about collateral damage to surrounding tissues.78 tion in IOP than the other two groups. A similar dose-escalation
In addition to its effects on the ciliary body, HIFU has been study was performed examining 4 versus 6 seconds of exposure
demonstrated to induce significant modifications to the scleral time. After 12 months, Denis et al. did not find a significant
and conjunctival anatomy, thereby increasing uveoscleral out­ difference in the success rates (greater than 20% IOP decrease
flow through the supraciliary and suprachoroidal spaces.79,80 and IOP > 5 mmHg) of patients that underwent 4 versus 6 sec­
Specifically, Rouland and Aptel observed an increase in aqu­ onds of treatment. Perhaps a more substantial increase in expo­
eous humor outflow due to a wider uveoscleral pathway, visible sure time, such as 8 seconds, is needed to reveal dose effects.
in ultrasound biomicroscopy pictures.79 Moreover, using ante­ All studies outlined in Table 4 report similar rates of post­
rior segment optical coherence tomography and in vivo con­ operative complications following HIFU. In a discussion of the
focal microscopy, Mastropasqua et al. observed increases in pilot, first and second multi-center, and current studies, Aptel
intrascleral hyporeflective spaces and conjunctival microcysts et al. described the most common postoperative
at the site of treatment, suggesting aqueous humor passage complications.85–88 No major intra or postoperative complica­
through the sclera and the conjunctiva.80 tions such as prolonged hypotony or phthisis occurred in any

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